Green Lawn Cemetery
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
~ M ~
Gravestone Photos (Alphabetical):
A | B | C | D ~ E | F ~ G | H | I ~ J | K | L | M | N ~ O | P ~ Q | R | S | T ~ U ~ V | W ~ Y ~ Z | Unknown | Huntington Chapel | New Garden Mausoleum~Section C | Soldiers' Circle Sec. M | Soldiers & Sailors Monument | Woodmen of the World | Section 51-Military | Green Lawn Main Page | HOME
Rules and Regulations (1908)
A red star ( ) in front of a name indicates that the person or family is historically significant in the Columbus area if not nationally or internationally. For instance, twenty-eight former Columbus mayors are buried at Green Lawn, as are five former Ohio governors.
Much of the information found in the "bullet" comments given with some individuals comes from Joe Fleshman and Richard Browning. Many thanks to both of you! I must also give special thanks to Sandi Latimer, Green Lawn Volunteer Coordinator, for providing me a wealth of tips, information, and fun facts; but best of all she pointed me in the right direction to find things for myself.
Need photos, OR, want to contribute your photos?
Contact me at
Some photographs on this page were taken & contributed by:
Roseann Anderson () (ra)
Dana () (dana)
Scott Hawley (hawley)
Sandy Holladay () (sh)
Judith Hoover ) (jh)
Mary Ann Klein () (mak)
Claire Kluskens () (ck)
Karen Michaelis, () (km)
Jody Myers () (jm)
Joyce Robinson (jr)
All other photos were taken by David K. & Leona Gustafson, or Jeremy Meadows
(Click on the underlined name to view the photograph)
- Mabe, William Brewster, Ohio, PFC CO I, 57 INFANTRY, World War I, July 6, 1898-September 14, 1968 [Section 104]
- Maccabee, Mary Lou, Jan 20, 1953 [Babyland]
- MacDonald
- Machelite, A., 10 BATTY, OHIO INF [Section 51, Block B-11]
- Augustus Machelite, born in Saxony, died 26 Feb 1913, Civil War Veteran
- Machlin
- Mackey, Ira M., 1858-1909, Woodmen of the World (Whole Stone) [Section B]
- MacLaughlin, Lois Parsons, [18 Jan 1898-10 Nov 1961] [Section O, Lot 134-S; Parsons plot]
- Madden, John, USA [Section 51, Block A-7]
- Maftel, Elizabeth, died Jan 25, 1889, aged 76 ys 11 ms 5 ds [Section I]
- Magley Plot [Section 43 Lot 103]
- Mahoney, James Monroe, SGT, US Army, Korea, May 20, 1931-Jul 22, 1958 (mak)
- Mahony, John, born in Ireland, died May 10, 1858; Eliza (Butler) his wife, May 10, 1803-Apr 15, 1898; and Grace Evelyn, dau of W A & E J, July 16, 1874-Sept 14, 1974 [Section H]
- Grace Evelyn was the daughter of Walter Augustus & Ella J. (Morgan) Mahony and granddaughter of John and Eliza.
- Maidens [Section E Lot 57W; see also Otstott-McDonald] (Contact Ken Maidens, )
- George F., 1864-1934
- George Franklin Maidens, son of Joseph Maidens, born 6 Aug 1865, at Shelby, Richland County, Ohio, died 19 Oct 1934 (Death Notice & Obituary)
- George Franklin, Jr., born 1 Dec 1891, died 4 Dec 1891 [No stone; interment no. 18402]
- Mary E., 1869-1972
- Mary Elizabeth Otstott Maidens, daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth (Breckenridge) Otstott, born 26 Jan 1869, died 27 Jan 1972 (Obituary)
- Main (see also Baird - Main)
- Father, George, Mar 4, 1835-Dec 31, 1895 [Section A Lot 1]
- Mother, Harriett, Sept 24, 1836-Aug 19, 1906 [Section A Lot 1]
- Ora Baird, 1887-1971 (Obituary) [Section 100 Lot 13]
- Ora Edyth Baird Main, daughter of Arthur Augstus & Adeline (Lefver) Baird; wife of Frank Robert Main
- Frank Robert, 1864-1944 (Obituary) [Section 100 Lot 13]
- Malheim, SERG'T Nils, CO H, 20 US INF [Section 51, Block A-132
- AKA Miles Malheim, died 6 Jul 1902
- Malone
- Hugh, CO L, 12 OHIO CAV [died 10 Feb 1909] [Section 51, Block B-127]
- Thelma F. Golden (see photo with Marshall family)
- Malone~Bargy, Plot [Section 115 Lot 149]
Listed in order photographed
- Morris Lee Bargy, Ohio, CPL CO K 9 MAR 3 MAR DIV, Vietnam PH [Purple Heart], May 5, 1944-Nov 29, 1965
- Rose Malone Bargy, June 2, 1919-August 7, 1991
- Louis Bargy Sr., PVT US Army, 1892-1977
- William Malone, Ohio, PVT 306 TNG GP AAF, World War II, April 14, 1904-June 18, 1969 (Obituary)
- Louis Bargy, Jr., 1937-[blank]
- Myrtle Ann Bargy, 1936-1999
- Maloney Plot monument [Section 75 Lot 102; see also Ward]
- Mandabaugh, Our Susie, wife of J. C., died June 19, 1904 aged 25 yrs (See also Schatzman) [Section 57 Lot 114] (Contact )
- Mang
- Manley, Joseph, 1881-1910, Woodmen of the World (dana)
- Manly, Angeline, Sept 1, 1804-Jan 14, 1882 (jh)
- Mann (See also, Mettles~Mann)
- Alva B., 1881-1935 [Section 54 Lot 147]
- Bessie C., 1882-1936 [Section 54 Lot 147]
- Donald Keith, Ohio, S SGT, US Marine Corps, Korea, July 10, 1930-May 26, 1955 [Section 104 Block A Grave 188]
- Manning, J. W., RECRUIT, USA [Section 51, Block A-11]
- John W. Manning, born Colorado, died 2 Jun 1904, gun shot wound
- Manring, Jane A., died 7 May 1959 (Obituary; no photo)
- Mansur, Eliza O'Harra, [13 Aug 1852-7 Feb 1906] [Section N; see also O'Harra]
- Maokhamphiou, Yek, Sept 12, 1933-Aug 9, 2010, married Apr 19, 1953; (Whole Stone)
- Marble (Whole Stone) [Section Z Lot 1]
- Front: Francis Barnard, Dec 25, 1817-Dec 19, 1854; Winifred Evans, Nov 6, 1819-Dec 24, 1871; Francis Augustus, Mar 4, 1840-June 19, 1898; and Lewis Otis, Oct 3, 1852-April 31, 1881
- East side: Herman Ruhlen, Aug 10, 1882-Jan 7, 1887
- Back: Reuben Roland, Mar 31, 1857-June 21, 1906 and Mary Elizabeth, Jan 20, 1861-Dec 29, 1906
- West end: Jennette Marble Taylor, Sep 29, 1844-Jun 14, 1877 and James Barnard Taylor, Aug 10, 1874-May 29, 1875
- Margolinsky, Franklin A. (Margo), 1 Apr 1884-3 Dec 1965 (Obituary; no photo)
- Marion
- Maris, Alfred A., died 1 Sep 1914 (Obituary; no photo)
- Marker
- Daughter, Virginia Hall, March 18, 1923-Oct 12, 1956 [Sec 94-Grave 3428]
- See Cupp
- Husband, John W., 1856-1943
- Wife, Santa C., 1862-1929
- Mary M., 1889-1967
- Markert, Bertha F., 25 May 1874-23 Jul 1978 (Obituary; no photo)
- Markeson
Listed in order photographed [Section 43 Lot 5]
- Janet, 1880-1968
- Elnathan, 1884-1964
- Isabel, 1901-1966
- John Milton, 1882-1965
- Chas. E. III, 1909-1911
- Wm. Pettit, born Mt. Pleasant, O, Nov 12, 1874, died at Guyama, Porto Rico, Sept 15, 1898, CO F 4th OVI (Spanish-America War)
- Father, Charles E., 1849-1937
- Mother, Minnie Pettit (Mary A.), 1846-1937
- Charles E. Jr, 1880-1950
- Marling, Margaret McBride, 4 Apr 1871-4 Apr 1908 (Interment record; no stone) (Contact Lori Hellmund,
- Daughter of William & Martha A. McBride (father's name incorrectly listed as John on cemetery record); wife of Ralph Elliott Marling (See photos).
- Marlow, SERGT J. L., 26 RECRUIT CO, GS INF [Section 51, Block A-195]
- Also known as Johnithan L. Marlow, born in North Carolina, died 3 Sep 1915
- Marquart (Plot monument) [Section 77]
- Marquis
- Marshall
- Edward B., 1838-1909, CO H 89TH OVI [Born in Ohio, died 16 Dec 1909] [Section 51, Block B-107]
- George, Dec 29, 1836-Aug 16, 1885 and Theresa [Maxwell], his wife, Dec 1, 1838-Feb 11, 1911 [Section 68 Lot 41]
- George S. Marshall Family Plot Marker (Section 68, Lot 42; individual gravestones were photographed left to right and are shown in that order)
- Donald Marshall Gordon, Feb 17, 1944 (directly to left of large plot marker)
George B., 1906-1981, Judge - Court of Common Pleas, Franklin County (Obituary)
- Pauline, 1919-1989
George Sidney, [29 Jan] 1869-[20 May] 1956 [son of George & Theresa (Maxwell) Marshall] (see Political Graveyard, Franklin County--Green Lawn Cemetery)
- Alice Badgley, 1875-1946 (Interment Card)
- Daniel M., son of Geo. S. & Alice B., Apr 6, 1916-Nov 5, 1918 (Interment Card)
- Thelma F. Golden Malone, 1895-1959
- Ida, 1877-1970
- Harriett D, 1864-1929; and Samuel W, 1860-1925
- Our baby, Hattie May, dau of S.W. & H.D., Nov 30, 1901-July 9, 1903
- William A., born in Germany, July 21, 1851, died Aug 24, 1892 (Whole stone) [Section 51, Block A-58]
- Plot Marker, Section 67 Lot 93 (Contact Heidi Culbertson, )
- Delia G., 1873-1964
- Ross C., 1872-1924
- Wm. B., 1839-1922, Mason, G.A.R.
- M. M. M., wife of Wm. B., 1845-1926
- Charles F. Taillie, 1895-1962 and Jean Louise, 1887-1974
- Clara A. Sheehan, 1902-1988
- Martin
- C. W., CO E 17TH US INF [Section 51, Block A-2]
- Frances Jennings, August 24, 1909-March 31, 1990 [Section 95 Lot 111]
- Kate, 1847-1919 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Nina Firestone, 1869-1918 [Section 47 Lot 47, Clinton D. Firestone plot]
- Mollie Hinish, 1862-1917 [Section 67 Lot 173]
- Watson Hinish, 1898-1910 [Section 67 Lot 173]
Plot Marker, Section D Lot 34, owner William T. Martin
• William T., born April 15, 1788 in Bedford County, Penna, came to Columbus in 1815, departed from life February 19, 1866
• Amelia, wife of W T, died Jany 16, 1885, aged 94 years
• Benjamin F., June 22, 1819-April 18, 1904
- Franklin County Prosecutor, 1850-1854
• Smithson E. Wright, born in Belmont County, O. 1807, died 1891; Matilda M., born in Columbus, O., 1815, died 1897; and their sons, W. Martin, 1839-1870 and Joseph, 1842-1883
• William, son of W.T. & Amelia, died of cholera, Sep 12, 1833, aged 7 y 1 m 3 ds
• Amanda A., wife of B. F. [no dates]
• Mary B. Scott, wife of F. Ewing, 1876-1936
• Franklin Ewing, Ohio, REGT L, SGT MAJOR, HQ DET 95 DIV, April 12, 1941
- Robert D., Ohio, CPL CO H, 166 Infantry, World War II, February 27, 1914-March 12, 1971 [Section 104 Block E Space 29]
- Martindale
- Martha M., June 23, 1913-Feb 15, 1991 (sh)
- Willis A., Kentucky, S SGT US Army, World War II, Dec 14, 1906-Dec 27, 1970 (sh)
- Martinez, Guillermo, 1908-1996 and Rosa, 1911-1995, married 63 years
- Marx, Louise, Sept 15, 1816-Dec 26, 1876, aged 60 yr 7 mo & 11 ds [Section V]
- Marzluf (Contact Mary Ann Klein, )
- Eva, 1876-1940 [Section 96] (jm)
- Eva (O'Day) Marzluf, born Aug 21, 1876, died Nov 28, 1940
- Joseph, 1876-1940 [Section 96] (jm)
- Joseph P. Marzluf, born June 06, 1873, died June 05, 1943
- Helen L., 1916-2002 and Charles R., 1912-1990 (Both) [New Garden Mausoleum II, Crypts 506 & 519, Level 3]
- Mason, James E., Ohio, S1, US Navy, World War II, July 2, 1915-Feb 17, 1970 [Section 94 Grave 462]
- Massie, Mother, Thelma A., 1913-1960 and Father, Wm Earl, 1907-1969 (mak)
- Masterman, Carrie Weiser, 1910-2000 [Section 68]
- Mather, George C., 1853-1890 (see also Phillips) [Section C Lot 12]
- Mathers, S[amuel], died May 23, 1865, aged 44y 2m 8d (sh)
- Mathews
- Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. R.E., Jr., 1954 [Babyland]
- Jas. C., 11 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS [Section 51, Block A-184]
- Born in Georgia, doed 6 Mar 1913
- Lynn Logan, 1881-1947 (See Logan) (sh)
- Mathies, Metta Kelsey, 1866-1940 [Section A]
- Died 21 Dec 1940 in Clark County as per death certificate #72245
- Mathers, S. [Samuel], died May 23, 1865, aged 44 ys 2 m 8 ds, OVI (Whole Stone [Section O]
- Matthews
- J. O. [nothing further]
- Mayme B., died 4 Jan 1953 at Washington, D. C. (Obituary; no photo)
- Ronald Luther, Feb 27, 1952-Oct 9, 1952 [Babyland]
- Matz
- Mauhirter, Wm., CO G [178 OVI, Civil War; died 28 Sep 1908] [Section 51, Block B-155]
- Maupin, Florence, 1882-1931 (Portrait) [Section 92]
- Maurer
- Edward, Ohio, PVT, Coast Artiller, World War II, March 25, 1910-May 24, 1952 (sh)
- Father, Eugene, 1897-1940 (sh)
- Leonard, Oct 10, 1864-Aug 29, 1911, Woodmen of the World [Section O]
- Maven, Margaret, 1875-1877 [Section S-north]
- Mawhorr, Christina, died May 1954 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Maxfield, Elizabeth, died Aug 13, 1848, in the 44 yr of her age [Section L Lot 74, moved from North Graveyard]
- May
- Clifton S., PFC US Army, World War II, Dec 31, 1922-Oct 29, 1977 [Section 58 Lot 10-11]
- John, died Jun 1949 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Kevin S., June 26, 1978-Mar 25, 2007 [Section 58 Lot 10-11]
- Mayer
- Charles, died 3 Apr 1932 (Obituary; no photo)
- Charles John, died Feb 1967 (Obituary; no photo)
- Geo. A., COLOR SGT, US ARMY [Section 51, Block A-210]
- Died 5 Sep 1918 of apoplexy
- Mayle
- Mother, Ann, Aug 22, 1820-June 10, 1902 [Section A Lot 1]
- Father, Ebenezer, April 18, 1818-June 25, 1887 [Section A Lot 1]
- Father, Ebenezer, Jan 18, 1846-Aug 18, 1904 [Section A Lot 1]
- Mother, Harriet A., Aug 27, 1849-June 30, 1919 [Section A Lot 1]
- Brother, William P., Nov 10, 1844-March 6, 1914 [Section A Lot 1]
- Maynard-Bulen Mausoleum [Section 65 Lot 11]
- Emelyn Bulen, July 4, 1910-Jan 26, 1930
- Florence Maynard Bulen, Sep 3, 1882-Dec 13, 1968
- Horace Maynard Bulen, July 2, 1907-July 21, 1976
- J. Elwood, Bulen, Aug 19, 1879-Dec 26, 1967
- Emma D. Maynard, Apr 3, 1880-Feb 22, 1886
- Horace Jefferson Maynard, Sep 3, 1847-Jan 11, 1939
- Jane Maynard, b. & d.July 28, 1874
- Margaret Patterson Maynard, July 30, 1851-Sep 4, 1935
- Willie Gilbert Maynard, Apr 26, 1876-July 10, 1879
- Mayo, Mother, Mary Virginia, 1845-1924 (mak)
- Mays, Lena Baughman, 1874-1957, wife [Section 74 Lot 275]
- Mazurie
- McAllister, Jap S., Civilian [Section 51, Block A-190]
- McBeth, Grandmother, Mary Crain, 1819-1893 [Section W Lot 68; see Crain-Reader]
- McCabe [Section 56 Lot 18]
- McCallister Plot monument [Section 83 Lot 97W]
Jack, 1879-1946 (Death certificate)
- Professional baseball coach (Cleveland Indians, 1920-1926 and Boston Red Sox in 1930), manager (Cleveland Indians, 1927), and scout (Boston Braves at the time of his death)
- Jane Jones, 1892-1976
- McCarley
- McCarrachan, Thomas H., son of H & L, died July 10, 1867, aged 2 mo 8 ds
- McCarthy, Edward, died 7 May 1959 (Obituary; no photo)
- McCartney, Lottie Taylor, mother, 1877-1962 [Section O Lot 21; see also Taylor]
- McCarty
- Mother, Della L., 1882-1954 and father, Robert W., 1881-1951 [Section 96]
- Henry A., CO C, 145 OHIO INF [Civil War, died 11 Mar 1908] [Section 51, Block B-161]
- Joel Edward, 1856-1952 and Ella Richardson, 1863-1935 (Plot) [Section 68 Lot 381] (Contact Debra Richardson, )
- McClellan
- Eva [May], [26 May] 1875-[24 Dec] 1925 [Section 84 Lot 967] (Contact Ceil Orrison )
- Geo., [26 May] 1873-[19 Nov] 1935 [Section 84 Lot 968] (Contact Ceil Orrison )
- McClelland, William "Billy",Oct 15, 1945-June 26, 1948 [Babyland]
- McCloud, Mausoleum [Section 39 Lot 2]
- Mother, Angie H., 1843-1885 and Ethel G., [18]77-[18]79
- Blanche S., wife of James W, May 13, 1877-May 18, 1938
- Elizabeth Jane, June 11, 1916-Aug 3, 1990
- Mother, Isabelle, Aug 12, 1841-July 27, 1874
- Father, James, Feb 25, 1840-Dec 4, 1898
- James Robert, Dec 9, 1907-Jan 25, 1996
- James W., April 29, 1880-July 29, 1943
- Malcolm P., son of J W & B S, Jan 21, 1905-Apr 25, 1905
- Also entombed here are the cremains of Charles Edward Barton, 11 Apr 1872-20 Apr 1947
- McCommon, Ada (See Neate, James F.)
- McCoy
- Wife, Hattie, Sept 22, 1848-Mar 2, 1936 [Section 39 Lot 1; see also Powell]
- Richard D., 1922-1942 (Portrait) [Section 95 Lot 880]
- Robert R., Ohio, PVT 508 PRCHT INF 82 ABN DIV, World War II, Nov 20, 1923-June 5, 1994 (Portrait) [Section 95 Lot 880]
- Husband, William T. McCoy, June 10, 1846-Cot 4, 1931, CO D 95TH REGT OVI [Section 39 Lot 1; see also Powell]
- (Tombstone) [Section O Lot 15]
All on same stone:
- Robert W., Jan 4, 1797 - Jan 16, 1856; Martha McClellan, wife of Robert W., Aug 3, 1794-Aug 10, 1824; Mary S. Sharon, wife of Robert W., died Jan 13, 1833, aged 25 years; and Isabella C. Murdock, wife of Robert W., Oct 10, 1800-Oct 31, 1862.
- Robert W. McCoy was a founder of the Green Lawn Cemetery Association.
- Harriet Crosby, wife of James Watson McCoy, died Dec 19, 1897
- William, died Aug 10, 1822, aged 44 yrs; Rebecca Sterret, wife of William, died Apr 3, 1819, aged 39 yrs; John S., Dec 28, 1808-Jan 21, 1848; James Watson, Nov 29, 1810-Sept 11, 1879 & Wm. Alexander, Aug 29, 1812-Oct 30, 1879
- Col. James C., Aide-De Camp to General W. T. Sherman, born Jan 8, 1827, died May 29, 1875, A brave defender of his country's honor in every engagement from Shiloh to the sea. He was no less a victim that he did not fall amid the heat of battle, but gradually yielded his life to desease contracted in the war., and Ellen Espy, his wife, Jan 18, 1829-April 2, 1905
- James McCoy, died Dec 25, 1825, aged 50 yrs and Margaretta S. Sharon, died July 7, 1833, aged 23 yrs
- NOTE: This huge old tombstone has suffered from the freezing and thawing of the Ohio winters, as is clearly visible in these photos; it won't be too many years before the upper front facing crumbles and falls off.
- According to Green Lawn records, Robert W. McCoy, Martha McClellan McCoy, Mary S. Sharon McCoy, Rebecca Sterret McCoy, James McCoy, and Margaretta S. Sharon were all removed from North Graveyard to Green Lawn in 1856.
- McCracken
- McCray (Plot) [Section 96 Lot 628] (Contact Mary Ann Klein, )
- McCreight, Child [Section 51, Block A]
- McCulley, Adger, RECRUIT, USA [Section 51, Block A-108]
- Died 8 Jan 1902 of pneumonia
- McCune
- Section C Lots 23 & 24 (listed in order taken):
- Catharine L., wife of J M, died Nov 22, 1858, aged 28 years, and on same stone, Infant Son, born and died Feb 2, 1852 (Whole Stone) [Section C Lot 24]
- William M. Rex, 1900-1988
- Eva, 1854-1942 [Section C Lot 23]
- Edward, 1855-1926 (Higher Resolution 97KB) [Section C Lot 23]
- Sarah McCune Rex, 1877-1962
- William E. Rex, 1873-[blank]
- John J., son of Edward L & Eva E, 1878-[illegible] [Section C Lot 23]
- Lillian, daughter of Edward L & Eva E, 1886-1905 [Section C Lot 23]
- Robert, son of Edward L & Eva E, 1896-1912 [Section C Lot 23]
- Margaret, daughter of Edward L & Eva E, 1889-1916 [Section C Lot 23]
- (No stone) Child of John P. [Section C Lot 23]
- John M., 1805-1883
- William S., son of Jonas & Catharine, 1853-1883 [Section C Lot 24]
- Jonas M., 1822-1907 (High Resolution 209KB) [Section C Lot 24]
- Catharine L., 1830-1858 (see first entry above)
- Sarah, 1829-1866 (High Resolution 107KB) [Section C Lot 24]
- Evalena M., 1856-1935 [Section 66 Lot 37] (Contact Kaye Steward, )
- McCutchin, Robert E., 1895-1957 and Laura A., 1893-1976 [Section 111 Lot 235]
- Robert E., Ohio, SGT BTRY D 17 FIELD ARTY, World War I, Aug 31, 1895-Nov 11, 1957
- McDaniel
- Lucy A., 1841-1924 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Marie E., 1901-1986 [Section 95; see also Werner, photo soon]
- Ralph T., 1902-1994 [Section 95; see also Werner, photo soon]
- McDermith (Plot) [Section U Lot 125] (Contact: Jo Arcudia, )
Shown left to right in plot
- Melissa A. Helman, dau of E & M E, McDermith, and wife of, H. Helman, Aug 7, 1855-Jan 31, 1885
- William B., 1851-1904
- Son of Emery McDermith and his first wife, Mary Rawley, born 26 Dec 1851, died 3 Jan 1904
- Father, Emery, 1828-1904
- Born 27 Jan 1828, died 6 Feb 1904; served in Civil War, COM SGT, CO A, 5TH INDPT BATT'N OVC
- Mother, Margaret (Griffin), 1834-1906
- Margaret was the daughter of John & Sarah (Ball) Griffin, born 4 Feb 1834, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana; died 1 Jun 1906
- Alice, dau of Emery & Margaret (Griffin) McDermit, 16 Jul 1857-6 Jan 1859 {No stone)
- McDonald (See also Otstott-McDonald)
- Jas. E., CO E, 4 OHIO INF, SP AM WAR [buried 26 Sep 1904] [Section 51, Block B-60]
- Jennie D., 1840-1924 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Jno., Gen Serv, USA [Section 51, Block A-33]
- McDonald - Frank, Woodmen of the World, Mason [Section 35]
- Juanita Elizabeth Frank, June 30, 1922-July 22, 2003
- Laura McDonald Frank, May 23, 1894-Dec 13, 1966 [Section 35]
- Richard McDonald Frank, Oct 26, 1926-Feb 25, 1983 [Section 35]
- Mother, Johanna McDonald, 1863-1945 [Section 35]
- Father, Reedy McDonald, 1865-1919 [Section 35]
- Plot Marker [Section 56]
- Mary M., 1903-1972
- Virginia, 1909-1963
- H. I. Scribner, 1867-1925
- Alice A. Scribner, 1873-1958
- Father, John K., 1850-1922
- Mother, Alice E., 1853-1943
- John J., 1876-1937
- Myrtle E., 1884-1946
- McDowell
- Abram Irvin, April 24, 1791-Nov 16, 1844 and Eliza Seldin, wife of A I, Dec 13, 1795-Nov 20, 1890 (Whole Stones)
- Frances M.. 1883-1961 (mak)
- James Keen, 1880-1954 (mak)
John A., Born in Kentucky 1789, Eminent in the profession of the law after having honorably filled various public stations, he was at the time of his death, 1823, one of the president judges of Ohio, benevolent and courteous in his intercourse with mankind he exhibited a devoted tenderness and affection in all his domestic relations. Taken from his family and numerous connections in the midst of his usefulness and at a time when a brilliant career was opening to him, he has left to soothe their sorrows the memory of his virtues. This monument is drected by his widow and children in toke of their affection for the best of husbands and parents. (Full View) [Section P Lot 1]
- According to a note in the lot book only the monument was moved from Franklinton Cemetery; no remains were moved
- John Adair McDowell was the son of Samuel and Ann McDowell; he was borhn in Kentucky and served as Franklin County Prosecutor 1819-1820.
- Linda Reid, died April 15, 1828 in the 24th year of her age [Section P Lot 1]
- McElvain
- Harriett Emily, wife of Jos V, Jan 28, 1820-Nov 11, 1896 and Jos. V., died at Indianapolis Mar 11, 1860, in the 45th yr of his age (Whole Stone) [Section O Lot 80]
- Plot Monument [Section R Lot 102]
- Elizabeth Mary, dau of Wm & Rebecca, Feb 6, 1823-Mar 16, 1888
In memory of Wm McElvain, died Aug 31, 1843, aged 62 yr 11 mo & 5 ds
- Early pioneer; one of the first to bid for land in Columbus in 1812, by 1815 he was elected County Commissioner; originally buried at North Graveyard, moved to this location in 1876
- McEntee, SGT, Jos., CO C, 17TH US INF [Section 51, Block A-105]
- Died 17 Sep 1900 of gun shot wounds
- McEwen (NOTE: If you would like to share information about any members of this family, please contact Sandy Holladay, )
- Charles H., 1849-1911 [Section Z Lot 17] (sh)
- Ella, 1859-1891 [Section Z Lot 17] (sh)
- McFarland, Reca, 1871-1962 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- McGlennon, Mary Celestia Ross Shepard, July 29, 1911-July 5, 1992 [Section 100 Lot 128; see Ross]
- McGowin, Joseph, died Sep 11, 1873, aged 33 years; Emma, wife of J., died Aug 9, 1873, aged about 33 yrs; and Hatti, dau of J & E., died Apr 27, 1872, aged 3 ms 12 ds (Whole stoen) [Section Q Lot 8]
- Joseph McGowin born 3 Jul 1840
- Emma Gable McGowin, daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Gable, born 24 Sep 1845
- Amelia Hatti daughter of Joseph and Emma, born 15 Jan 1872.
- McGrail, Chas. P., GSR [Section 51, Block A-35]
- McGrew, Walter V., 1893-1946, Mason and Nellie G., 1896-1982, OES (Whole Stone) [Section 106]
- McIntosh, Peter, GEN SERV, USA [Section 51, Block A-90]
- Died 8 May 1899 of measles; buried the next day
- McKee
- James S., 1850-1937, Mt Vernon Commandery No. 1, Mason [Section J Lot 13; see also Latham]
- Kathleen, Dec 17, 1958-Dec 22, 1958 [Babyland]
- Melissa O., 1872-1958 [Section J Lot 13; see also Latham]
- Milton Arthur, Sept 9, 1859-Dec 4, 1940 [Section J Lot 13; see also Latham]
- Nannette, March 20, 1956 [Babyland]
- Robert H., PVT US Army, World War II, 1900-1979 [Section J Lot 13; see also Latham]
- McKeeman, Carole Ann, 1943-1945 [Babyland]
- McKenney, Theodore, 1849-1910 and Rachel, his wife, 1855-[blank] [Section 75]
- McKenzie, Byron, CO D, 9 OHIO CAV [died 7 Jul 1911] [Section 51, Block B-76]
- McKinley
- Plot monument
Listed in order sent
- Infant son of Wm. C. & Tarita McKinley, December 31, 1944 (mak)
- William C. McKinley, July 20, 1909-March 30, 1966 (mak)
- Son of Jerry and Edith (Booker) McKinley
- Laura Tarita (Shoemaker) McKinley, July 24, 1907-October 10, 1990 (mak)
- Mary G. (Wittekind) Rogers, July 1, 1934-May 15, 1992 (mak)
- Philip J. Rogers, December 9, 1932-May 21, 1998 (mak)
- Philip John Rogers, grandson of Jerry and Edith (Booker) McKinley
- Brian Scott Noble, October 3, 1964-December 26, 2002 (mak)
- Brian was the grandson of Jerry and Edith (Booker) McKinley
- Edith (Booker) McKinley, 19 Jan 1888-1 Nov 1973 (Obituary) (mak)
- Jerry McKinley, 25 Sep 1887-27 Jul 1945 (Obituary) (mak)
- McKinney, Tracy J., Oct 28, 1970-Sept 23, 1994 [Section 119 Lot 198 Space 3] (ra)
- McKown, Frank, CO A, 17TH US INF [Section 51, Block A-101]
- Born 1847 in New York, NY, committed suicide 21 May 1897
- McLain, K. G., GEN SERV RGT, USA [Section 51, Block A-67]
- King G. McLain, died 29 May 1893
- McLaughlin
- Lucy, [26 Apr 1844-27 Dec 1911 (Death certificate) [Section 35 Lot 66 Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Sue, 1840-1912 and John Neal, 1816-1901 (Plot) [Section 50 Lot 48E] Contact Heidi Culbertson, )
- Plot [Section 50 Lot 90] Contact Heidi Culbertson, )
Listed in order photographed
- Mary McLaughlin, February 13, 1893-August 10, 1945
- McLaughlin
- Mary Gunning McLaughlin, February 10, 1862-September 18, 1932
- James Bennett McLaughlin, July 15, 1867-April 12, 1927
- John Rushmore McLaughlin, April 3, 1865-January 11, 1932
- Alice Vorys McLaughlin, February 1, 1866-August 8, 1943
- Emily McLaughlin Kultchar, December 20, 1891-June 26, 1987
- Francis Waldo Kultchar, January 10, 1889-February 2, 1950
- McMann, Forrest [died 20 Nov 1965] and Lizzie [no dates] font size="-1">[Section 119 Lot 68 Lot 209]
- McMillen
- George, April 15, 1801-July 25, 1852 [Section C Lot 17; see Galloway]
William L. McMillen, Oct 18, 1829-Feb 8, 1902, COL 95TH OVI, BREVET MAJ GEN USV [Section C Lot 17; see Galloway]
- William Linn McMillen, M. D. served as a surgeon in the Russian army duing the Crimean war; Surgeon General of Ohio in 1861-2; served and wounded in the Civil War; Louisian planter and state legislator.
- Husband, Edwin Gaston, August 26, 1905-November 23, 1956 [Section 108 Lot 38]
- Wife, Marguerite K., October 23, 1914-January 21, 1973 [Section 108 Lot 38]
McWilliamson, Thos., CO F, 7 OHIO CAV [died 4 Jan 1900] [Section 51, Block B-311]
Meeker, Father, George W., 1834-1890 (Plot Marker) [Section 35 Lot 198]
Meneley, Amos, died June 3, 1861, aged 69 ys [6 mo 21 ds]; Susan, 1805-1885 [dau of Garrett Wynkoop], and on same stone,Ann Wynkoop, died July 22, 1834, aged 69 y (Whole Stone) [Section H Lot 11]
- Amos, 1794-1861 (modern stone)
- Susan, 1808-1885 (modern stone)
- Ann Wynkoop had lived in Columbus for nine years at the time of her death and was originally buried in another cemetery, possibly North Graveyard.
Menke, Hier Ruhet (Here Rests) Karl, geb. Oct 30, 1830, gest. Juli 22, 1880 [Section Y]
Merakian, Jack, died 15 Feb 1961 (Obituary; no photo)
- Section A Lot 6; listed in order photographed
- William, died May 13, 1837, aged 50 yrs 7 ds and Sally, wife of Wm, died Jan 21, 1856, aged 66 yrs 6 ms 24 ds (Whole Stone)
- Henry Ray Dering, Dec 17, 1848-Nov 29, 1903 and Sallie Merion Stewart, wife of Henry Ray Dering, Feb 10, 1853-Nov 14, 1905 (Front)
- Jessie Merion Patterson, 1862-1940
- George Wood Patterson, 1868-1927
- Section M Lot 183; listed in order photographed (See also Morrill Family)
Nathaniel, 1814-1877 and his wife, Madeline, 1823-1883 (Whole Stone)
- Nathaniel Merion served as Warden of the Ohio Penitentiary from 1862-64
- Helen, Aug 1, 1928
- Frank, June 21, 1903
- Virginia Bell, wife of Frank, died Feb 11, 1933
Merkle, Robert, 1868-1916, Woodmen of the World [Section V]
- Our Grandmother, Lucinda McDowell, 1789-1850 [Section P with Sullivant Family]
- Section 101 Lot 339
Listed in order photographed
- Charles E., 1878-1966
- Charles Elmer Merrill, son of John & Sarah, born 8 Jan 1878 at Yankeetown, Warrick County, IN; died 30 Jan 1966, Columbus
- Mary L., 1869-1959, OES
- Mary E., 1913-1974
- Paul, 1904-1987, 32nd Degree Mason
- Jessie "Pat" (McFarland) Pospichel, 1895-1953
- Lee S., Ohio, PVT HQ CO. 146 FLD ARTY, World War II, November 22, 1897-January 25, 1966 [Section 104 Block B Grave 221]
- Lee Sharp Merrill, son of John S. & Elizabeth (Sharp) Merrill
Merriman, Dr. Georgia, 1844-1922 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
Mertz, Otto Adam, Ohio, SGT US Army, May 18, 1935 [World War I] [Section A Lot 15-S½]
- Otto Adam Mertz, son of Edward and Anna (Robey) Mertz, born 7 Aug 1893 in Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio; died 18 May 1935 in Columbus; husband of Ada Gordon Mertz and son-in-law of Charles W. and Jennie (Mcoy) Gordon (See also Gordon).
Metcalf, G. Helen Maynard, born in Worthington, Ohio, Apr 13, 1836, died February 19, 1927 and William Park, born in Washington, D. C., December 2, 1881, died January 8, 1940. [Section B, Johnson-Sessions Lots]
Mettles Plot [Section R Lot 45-E] (Contact Lori Jackey, ; and Kimberly Sue Slagle, )
Listed in order photographed
- George, son of A & S, died July 25th 1840, aged 20 years & 1 month (Whole Stone)
- George was originally buried at Franklinton Cemetery along with four other members of his family. His stone is the only one that survived the move (if there ever were stones for the others). They were all reentered at Green Lawn on 24 May 1877. They were:
- Abraham, died of cholera on 22 Jul 1849, aged 64 years
- Rosannah, born and died in 1818
- Joseph, 22 Feb 1825-2 Jan 1826
- Thomas, 8 Feb 1827-1 Nov 1838
- Probably, [Rebecca, dau of Abraham & Sarah, 24 Sep 1822-21 Jan 1884], aged 64 years
- Sarah, died Jan 9, 1881, aged 80 yrs 2 ms
- Andrew M., died Dec 16, 1876, aged 41y 5m 9d
- Andrew was a Private, in CO H, 85TH REG OVI, enlisted 7 Jun 1862, discharged 23 Sep 1863
Mettles - Mann [Section E Lot 55]
- Ezekiel, Jan 9, 1833-Sept 2, 1914 and Clarrisa B. Mann, wife of Ezekiel, Jan 11, 1838-Mar 8, 1889
- Albert W., Sept 10, 1834-Nov 8, 1869; Aaron B., Nov 1, 1841-July 5, 1864; and Thomas B., Sept 22, 1835-Feb 1, 1878
Metzger, Grace Pettit, 1903-1975 [Section 93 Lot 413]
Meuser, Margaret, died 16 Feb 1961 (Obituary; no photo)
Meyer, Henry, Dec 28, 1857-Sept 11, 1908, Woodmen of the World [Section L]
- Ada E., 1889-1974 [Section 28] (jr)
- Anna M., 1858-1935 [Section 28] (jr)
- August B., 1860-1920 [Section 28] (jr)
- John, 1879-1914, Woodmen of the World [Section 70]
- John J., 1865-1915, Woodmen of the World [Section 63]
- Mother, Anna J., 1838-1907 [Section 63]
- Elizabeth J., 1871-1925 [Section 63]
Michaelis [Contact Karen at ]
- Leslie N., 1886-1918, Woodmen of the World (Interment Card); Mayme K, his wife 1890-1941; and John L, their son, 1915-1986 [Section 74 Lot 203]
- Emma, 1860-1937 (Intement Card) [Section 74 Lot 207]
- Ethel Viola (no gravestone), daughter of H.B. & Emma, Nov 16, 1894-Feb 24, 1895 (Intement Card) [Section 74 Lot 207]
- H. A. [Harry A.], 1900-1932 (Interment Card) [Section 74 Lot 207]
- H. B. [Harry B.], 1861-1956 [Section 74 Lot 207]
- Two Infants of Harry & Emma, 1890-1891 (Interment Card (1) [Section 74 Lot 207]
- H. L. [Herman L.], 1837-1917 (Interment Card) [Section 75 Lot 294]
- A. M. [Amelia M.], 1834-1924 (Interment Card) [Section 75 Lot 294]
- Amanda C. Neil, 1867-1962 [Section 75 Lot 294; see also Neil]
- Nellie Walker (Pickens), 1900-1927 and infant son, "Jack", 1924 [Section 82 Lot NE 84; see also Pickens]
- Lawrence H., 1884-1955 (Interment Card) [Section 89 Lot 206]
- Vinnie A., 1887-1954 (Obituary & Interment Card) [Section 89 Lot 206]
- Kenneth H., Sr, June 21, 1915-Nov 8, 1978 (Interment Card) [Section 89 Lot 68]
- Father, John W., 1869-1938 [Section 94 Space 1368] (Contact Ryan Hawk, )
- Mother, Nellie, 1866-1945
Might, Anna, died 12 Jun 1949 (Obituary; no photo)
Mick, MUS-N, James, CO E, 63 Ohio INF [Section 51, Block B-42]
- Plot monument [Section 39 Lot 60] (hawley)
Listed in order photographed
- Ada, Mar 22, 1862-Mar 17, 1952 (Death certificate) (hawley)
- James Marion, July 8, 1859-July 12, 1895 (hawley)
- Ora E., Oct 21, 1860-July 13, 1938 (Death certificate) (hawley)
- Mother, Sarah J. Kirk, wife of Leander, Sept 18, 1828-June 11, 1911 (Death certificate) (hawley)
- Sarah Jane Kirk Milburn, daughter of daughter of Robert Kirk and Esther (Early) Kirk, born Flushing, Belmont County, Ohio.
- Robert C., Nov 22, 1856-Nov 10, 1936 (Death certificate) (hawley)
- Doris, Sept 21, 1896-Dec 29, 1984 (Obituary) (hawley)
- Robert, June 5, 1894-Nov 12, 1963 (Obituary) (hawley)
- Father, Don A., 1854-1933 (Death Certificate) [Section 49, Lot 51/52; see also Anson and Elliott] (hawley)
- Mother, Una E. [Eunice], 1858-1950 (Death Certificate & Obituary) [Section 49, Lot 51/52] (hawley)
- Geo., RECRUIT, US INF [died of typhoid fever 29 Nov 1907] [Section 51, Block A-157]
- Mausoleum [Section 47 Lot 9]
- A. J., CO M, 3 Ohio CAV [Section 51, Block B-194]
- Albert R., 5 Sep 1882-7 Jun 1941 (Obituary; no photo)
- Beulah France (See France)
Charles W., 11 May 1862-27 Nov 1931 (Obituary; no photo yet) [Section 35 Lot 11]
- Franklin County Commissioner, elected 1915
- Brother, Edward, July 30, 1875-Feb 10, 1905 (sh)
- Mother, Eldora C., Dec 14, 1857-Jan 15, 1916 [Section 72]
- Emma, died June 6, 1882
- Mother, Emma G., 1850-1929 (mak)
- Esther, 1882-1959 and Louis, 1873-1950 (Whole Stone) [Section 101 Lot 283] (Contact Esther Roark, )
- Eva E., 1858-1922 [Section 50 Lot 70]
- Brother, Frank C., 1876-1925 [Section 45]
- Frank L., died 12 Jan 1952 (Obituary; no photo)
- Dad George, 1873-1933 and Mother, Clara, 1873-1938 [Section 92 Spaces 627 & 624]
- George L., 1878-1966 [Section 43 Lot 5]
- Helen M. (Markeson), 1890-1958 [Section 43 Lot 5]
- Henry, Jan 1, 1846-Apr 11, 1907 (sh)
- Hubert E. (See Eisele - Harper)
- Ida, died 11 Oct 1943 (Obituary; no photo)
- Infant Daughter, of Paul & Lena, died 1907 [Section 59]
- Jacob, died Feb 13, 1872, aged 33 yrs 7 mons 20 ds (sh)
- Jerem'h, CORP'L, CO K, 55 Ohio [Section 51, Block B-237]
- John B., died Feb 26, 1885, aged 40 years (GAR emblem)
- John G., 1861-1927 [Section 50 Lot 70]
- Jonathan L., CORP'L, CO C, 2 Ohio H.A. [Section 51, Block B-234]
- Son, Joseph Edward, May 8, 1887-June 21, 1915 [Section 72]
- Lilly E., May 19, 1888-Dec 1, 1888 [Section 50 Lot 71
- Lewis, 1869-1875 and William, 1873-1875 (sh)
- Louis, 1891-1928 [Section 50 Lot 70]
- Margaret, June 15, 1848-Dec 17, 1925 (sh)
- Daughter, Pauline Spaeth, 1928-1950 (mak)
- Daughter of Henry and Dorothy Spaeth
- Peter A., CO E, 5 OHIO INF [died 2 Apr 1910] [Section 51, Block B-115]
- Wm., 1858-1926, Woodmen of the World [Section 89]
- Section 46 Lot 19
- David V., 1839-1907
- David Vinton Miller, son of David & Sarah E. (Fouts) Miller, born 10 Nov 1839, died 30 Aug 1907
- George A. (no photo) [Section 46 Lot 19]
- Son of David Vinton & Mary (McGuire) Miller, born 2 Dec 1870, died 15 Nov 1910
- Columbus Fire Fighter, killed In the Line of Duty.
- Henry V., son of D.V. & M., 1866-1898 [Section 46 Lot 19]
- Henry Vinton Miller, son of David Vinton & Mary (McGuire) Miller
- Mary M., 1839-1920 [Section 46 Lot 19]
- Daughter of Henry & Jane (Hedges) McGuire, born 9 Aug 1841 in Beverly, Washington County, OH, died 9 Apr 1920
- Plot Marker [Section 56 Lot 65]
- Frank H., 1844-1905
- Frank Howard Miller, son of Orlando C. Miller, born 5 May 1844, died 5 Oct 1905
- Josephine, 1847-1927
- Daughter of Jame D. Clare, born 15 Jul 1847, died 12 Apr 1927
- James Clare, 1847-1962
- Born 15 Feb 1874, died 3 Jan 1962
- Lucy Harding, 1874-1947
- Miller-Morse [Section 56 Lot 42]
- Frederick A., 1879-1948
- Son of William A. Miller, born 14 Oct 1879, died 6 May 1948
- William A., 1857-1921
- Son of Gottlieb Miller, born 13 Nov 1857, died 2 Sep 1921
- Mary H., 1860-1930
- Mary Ann (Halbedel) Miller, daughter of Henry Halbedel, born 7 Apr 1860, died 6 Dec 1930
- Miller Plot [Section 75]
Milligan, Faye F., 1889-1982 (See also Gladys O'Day) [Section 106 Lot 111]
- J. M., 1852-1936 (Whole Stone) [Section O]
- Jonathan M., son of Robert Milne, born 8 Jan 1852, died 25 Oct 1936
- Margaret, dau of J M & L, 25 Jun, 1889-11 Nov 1912 [Section O]
- Lydia, 1849-1936 [Section O]
- Lydia Ingram Geiger, daughter of Joseph H. Geiger, born 6 Jun 1849, died 29 Nov 1936
- Belle L., 1846-1924 (Death certificate) [Section P Lot 3, lot owned by, Mary Miner Wharton]
- Gen C. W. [Charles Wright], U.S. Army, 1840-1928 (Death certificate) [Section P Lot 3, lot owned by his aunt, Mary Miner Wharton]
- Erwin L., Jan 1, 1829-April 14, 1876 (Whole Stone) [Section S grave 524]
- Son of O. H. & Elizabeth Miner
J. [Jeremiah], born in Mass. on the 15th of Nov 1780: i owed the world nothing: it owed me a small amount: but on the 4th of Mar 1854, we balanced all accounts (Whole Stone) [Section P Lot 3, lot owned by his niece, Mary Miner Wharton]
- Early settler in Franklin County; according to Martin's 1858 History of Franklin County, pages 31-32, Jeremiah and his brother, Isaac, originally owned the land where Green Lawn is located.
- Louis M., August 1888 [18 Aug 1860-23 Aug 1888] [Section L Lot 80]
- Sarah D., June 1887 [20 Jun 1825-15 Jun 1887 [Section L Lot 80]
- Wm. L., June 1869 [4 Feb 1817-25 Jun 1869] [Section L Lot 80]
Minnix, Margie, wife of W. R., 1837-1918 [Section 76 Space 1379]
Minturn, Stella W., 1890-1968 [Section 83 Lot 318]
- Second wife of George B. Weatherman (See also Weatherman)
Miracle, Mother, Mary L., 1849-1911 (sh)
- Alfred E., August 30, 1855-April 17, 1918 [Section 72]
- Floyd E., Oct 24, 1910-April 24, 1977 [Section 89]
- Frank C., Feb 25, 1880-Feb 25, 1945 [Section 94] (Contact Debbie at )
- Hannah, 1850-1933 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Jas., CO C, 20 OHIO INF [Section 51, Block B-176]
- Son of Joseph Mitchell, born 4 Jan 1841, died 7 Jul 1907
- Orlando, CO H, 5 USCI [Section 51, Block B-333]
- Son of William Mitchell, born 10 May 1843, Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, died 4 Jun 1914
- Ruth I., May 17, 1916-Nov 20, 1971 (Portrait) [Section 89]
Mitzenberg (See Fassig)
Moccabee, Woodmen of the World (No additional inscription; no additional stones) [Section 82; see also Krumm]
- Eli, CO F, 155 OHIO INF [Section 51, Block B-302]
- John L., 1837-1923 (sh)
- Kathryn, 1867-1953 (sh)
- Mama, Melissa Sperry, wife of J. L., Dec 1843-Mar 30, 1888
- John, CO F, 185 OHIO INF (sh)
- John Moehl, son of Louis, born 22 Sep 1838, died 30 Dec 1927
- Katherine, 1844-1927 (sh)
- Katherine's maiden name was Heil, born 2 May 1844, died 30 Dec 1927
- Jennie Moeller, [died] Feb 27, 1922 [Section 35 Lot 173]
- Daughter of John George & Rebecca (Knoderer) Schaefer, born 14 Dec 1872
- Lena, 1875-1961 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
Moffit, Margaret, 1810-1893 [Section 35, Lot 66, Home for the Aged Lot]
Moling (Contact Paul Gilbert, )
- Mary E., 1870-1957 [Section 102 Lot 341]
- Daughter of Alouis & Pauline (Mayer) Krenzer, born 23 Sep 1870 in Franklin County, died 20 Jul 1957
- Plot [Section 35 Lot 14]
Listed in order taken:
- George W., 1867-1932
- Son of James E. & Anna E. (Parrish) Moling, born 2 May 1867 in Hilliard, Franklin County, died 22 Mar 1932.
- Stella E., 1877-1903
- Eva Estella, daughter of James E. & Anna E. (Parrish) Moling, born 19 Apr 1877, Hilliard, Franklin County; died 4 Oct 1903.
- James E., 1843-1887
- Son of William A. & Hannah T. ( ? ) Moling, born 2 Sep 1843 in Brownsville, MD; died 20 Jun 1887.
- Anna E., 1845-1914
- Anna E. "Annie" Parrish, daughter of William & Hannah E. (Heritage) Parrish/Parish, born 22 Dec 1845; died 5 May 1914; wife of James E. Moling.
- Also buried in this plot (no stones) are--all children of James E. & Anna E. (Parrish) Moling unless otherwise noted:
- Charles B. Moling, born 26 Nov 1868, died 12 Dec 1939
- Gladys Lucille Moling, born 1 Sep 1895, died 25 Sep 1897
- Mary K. Moling, daughter of Francis M. & Eliza J. (Sweaney) Lechner, born 18 Apr 1863 in Carroll County, OH, died 21 May 1934
- William Edward Moling, born 1 Apr 1865, died 2 Mar 1943
Molt, Beverly Ann, 1948-1949 [Babyland]
- Fred H., 1898-1929 [Section 89]
- John, 1852-1933 [Section 89]
- Jacob H., 1886-1913, Woodmen of the World [Section 89]
- Rose, 1858-1934, Mother [Section 89]
- Amanda H., wife of L. R. Monroe, daughter of E. B. & Emma Armstrong [Section R; see Armstrong]
- Wayne, 1882-1919, Woodmen of the World
- Geo. W., CO G, 2 W VA CAV [Section 51, Block B-104]
- Son of George Montgomery, born 16 May 1849, died 8 Nov 1909
- Joseph L., died 12 Oct 1977 (Obituary; no photo)
Moon-Lang [Section 56 Lot 52]
- Moon
- Father, 1833-1907
- Francis "Frank" H., son of Sanford Moon, born 13 Mar 1833, died 26 Feb 1907
- Mother, 1837-1907
- Nancy Sophia (Baxter) Moon, daughter of Abraham Baxter, born 26 Aug 1837, died 10 Feb 1907
- Edwin L., 1860-1947
- Son of Francis "Frank" H. & Nancy Sophia (Baxter) Moon, born 1 Nov 1860, died 14 Jun 1947
- Mildred D., 1885-1976
- Mildred Day, daughter of Charles W. Stuber, born 18 Apr 1885, died 13 Jan 1976
- Grace, 1865-1905
- Daughter of David Straw, born 28 Jun 1865, died 19 Jan 1905
- Lang
- Beloved daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, 1893-1937
Daughter of Phillip & Sarah Viola (Moon) Lang, born 25 Aug 1893, died 11 Mar 1937
- Father, Phillip, 1859-1940
- Son of Jacob Lang, born 27 Oct 1859, died 15 Sep 1940
- Mother, Sarah Viola, wife of Phillip, 1867-1934
Daughter of Francis H. "Frank" & Nancy Sophia (Baxter) Moon, born 8
Mooney, Eleanor Garner, 1864-1909 [Section 54 Lot 89; see also Fisher] (Contact Ron Fisher, )
- Anna L., wife of J.H., 1856-1902 [Section 62]
- Augustus E., 16 Mar 1861-15 Nov 1925 (Funeral Notice; no photo)
- Betty Bernice, Feb 9, 1951-April 18, 1951 [Babyland]
- Dickson Leonard, 1863-1940 [Section 68 Lot 69; see also Watson]
- Donald Lewis, Jun 13, 1950 [Babyland]
- Dorothy Jean, May 12, 1952 [Babyland]
- E. J., CO A, 17TH US INF [Section 51, Block A-114]
- Edward J. Moore, born 1878 at San Francisco, CA, died 21 Feb 1899
- Edgar H., died 10 May 1974 (Obituary; no photo)
- Eva Y., wife of J.H., 1864-1919 [Section 62]
- Harry P., 10 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS [Section 51, Block A-196]
- Harry R., Jan 10, 1892-Oct 15, 1948 and Nora E., Nov 20, 1892-Aug 12, 1946
- Nora Elsie, daughter of Charles Nelson & Susan Dezima (Rose) Washburn; she married first, Harry Robert Kuehner, die 9 Oct 1932 and is buried in Union Cemetery; Nora married second, Harry R. Moore. (Photograph by Nora's great-granddaughter, Luwana Lee Faulkenburg, )
- Jesse H., 1854-1926 [Section 62]
- John Philip, 1920-1978 [Section 56 Lot 15]
- Lettie, 1872-1955 [dau of George W. & Hannah (Pennell) Neff] [Section 32 Lot 30]
- Marie Watson, 1875-1931 [Section 68 Lot 69; see also Watson]
- Father, Martin, 1838-1912, CO K 5th W VA V I, and Ida L., his wife, 1848-1932 (mak)
- Michael, May 27, 1951 [Babyland]
- Phillip Wells, US NAVY, Vietnam, July 10, 1946-Aug 24, 1989 [Section 56 Lot 15]
- Robert W., 1919-1999 and Janet R., 1935-[blank]
- Father, Robert, 1859-1939 and Mother, Rosa, 1858-1936 [Section 27 Lot 98NE]
- Clinton R., Jan 27, 1900-Dec 22, 1925 [Section 27 Lot 98NE]
Moree, Olive Hazel, 1863-1905 [Section 56 Lot 24]
- Daughter of William M. O'Harra, died 19 Jul 1905
Morehart, Betty, 20 Aug 1921-2 Apr 1982 (Obituary; no photo)
Morey [Section 74 Lot 276; see also Atchinson]
- Mother, Cecelia N., 1848- 1924
- Cecelia Nancy Brainard Morey, daughter of Buel W. & Lucy (Cooper) Brainard, born 28 April 1848, died 8 Jan 1924
- Father, Leman J., 1844-1918, Co M 6TH OVC Union Army, Mason
- Leman J. Morey, son of Alfred & Celeste (Gilder) Morey, born 23 Dec 1843 [Sic.], died 7 Apr 1918
- Mother, Ann, 1849-1939 [Section 75]
- Bessie B., 1885-1910 [Section 28] (jr)
- Clark Baker, Sept 4, 1908-May 2, 1988 and Charlotte Smith, Dec 12, 1909-Sept 4, 1995 [Section 28] (jr)
- Margaret, died 21 Jul 1918 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Mary Emma, 1887-1917 [Section 75]
- William S., CO H, 27 OHIO INF, 1846-1937 [Section 75]
- Father, William Morgan, born Homer NY, July 16, 1829, died Feb 12, 1863 [Section 39 Lot 1; see also Powell]
- Mother, Elizabeth Morgan Robinson, Nov 9, 1838-Apr 23, 1908 [Section 39 Lot 1; see also Powell]
- Joseph, son of J & S, 1834-1869 [Section S grave 32; photo soon]
- Interment no. 3852, buried 11 Feb 1869
- Grandmother, Susan Rice, wife of John, 1804-1899 [Section S grave 33]
- Susan, daughter of John & Mary Kadro, born 4 Dec 1804 at Jefferson County, Virginia; died 4 Apr 1899 interment record no. 26553.
- Plot Monument (sh)
- Charles E., 1869-1942 (sh)
- Corda D., 1876-1957 (sh)
- Father, Edwin, 1830-1909 (sh)
- Francis E., 1860-1949 (sh)
- Mother, Henrietta C., 1839-1914 (sh)
- Lois E., 1906-1907 (sh)
- Lulu, 1871 and Willis, 1873-1874 (sh)
- Mary A., 1866-1914 (sh)
- Mary H., 1844-1876 (sh)
- R. Anna, 1864-1938 (sh)
- Mary A. Hutton, Mother of Edwin Morrell, 1811-1884 (sh)
- Rebecca Hutton, 1841-1927 (sh)
- Family Plot, Section A Lot no. 7 (Contact Therese at )
(shown left to right--back row)
- Millie Morrill, born in Mass, Oct 21, 1777, died July 22, 1858 and Moses Morrill, born in N.H., Apr 19, 1780, died July 17, 1837. Full stone, inscribed across bottom: "They emigrated to Columbus O. A.D. 1812--Farewill Father & Mother"
- William S. Sherman, 1889-1928
- William Sylvester Sherman, died Sept 7, 1928
- Pauline Sherman, 1857-[7 Aug] 1935
- Our Loved Ones, Removed in 1872 from Old North Graveyard (full stone)
- Oliver P. Merion, 1845-[5 Mar] 1903
- Katherine Merion, died 23 Oct 1914, no stone
- Cynthia A. Merion, 1845-[6 May] 1927
- Leroy R. Sherman, 1891-[24 May] 1938
(shown left to right--front row)
- George Cookman, Oct 16, 1859, Also in memory of Levi M. Sherman, buried in California, Mar 13, 1860.
- Lydia G. Cookman, 1819-[19 Sep] 1910
- Levi Wm. Sherman, 1847-[25 Nov] 1910
- Charles E. Cookman, 1854-[10 Apr] 1913
- Rebecca Wareham, died 30 Sep 1865, no stone
- Family Plot Section 35 Lot 219 (Contact Tom Ziebold, )
Listed in order taken:
- Frank A., died July 1890, aged 31 ys 11 ms 9 ds and, on same stone, Mary E. (Davis), 1840-1925
- Frank was the son of Charles T. & Marey E. Morrell, born Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- Mary was born 10 Jan 1840 in Indiana, died 17 Mar 1925 at Sedro, Washington
- Husband, William H. Ziebold, 1865-1950
- Son of William A. & Mary A. (Dilk) Ziebold, born 6 Nov 1865 at Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio; died 25 Feb 1950 at Columbus.
- Wife, Sarah J. Owens, wife of William H. Ziebold, 1868-1943
- Sarah Jane was the daughter of Edward & Mary Ann (Williams) Owens
- Percy Grafton, son of Wm. & Ida Fowler, Nov 8, 1888-Jan 28, 1891
- Anna E., 1867-1939 [Section 46 Lot 33]
- Mother, Elizabeth H., 1865-1896 [Section 46 Lot 33]
- Helen Wolf, 1904-1970 (See also Wolf - Roedelsheimer [Section 44])
- Thomas H., 1850-1914, Woodmen of the World [Section 46 Lot 33]
- Son of John & Ann (Thomas) Morris, born 29 Nov 1850, died 27 Apr 1914.
- Plot Marker [Section 96 Lot 531]
- Robt. F., APP FOR ENLISTMENT [Section 51, Block A-206]
- Wm. B., died June 14, 1894, in the 63d year of his age; Mary B., wife of Edward, born Montgomery County, Wales, May 30, 1793-Nov 29, 1847; Hannah, daughter of Edward & Mary B., Aug 1833-June 1841 (Whole Stone) [Section O Lot 13]
- Rev. E. D. [Edward D.], DDLLD, Oct 31, 1825-Nov 21, 1915; Mary Bryan Treat, wife of Rev E D, Oct 6, 1831-Apr 28, 1893; Frances Elizabeth, wife of Rev E D, Oct 31, 1825-Feb 2, 1866 (Whole Stone) [Section O Lot 13
- Frank B.1869-1909, Woodmen of the World, [Section 59]
- Jimmy R., Aug 9, 1943-Nov 14, 1948 [Babyland]
- Mae Greenlee, 1875-1925 [Section Y; see also Greenlee]
- Patrick Douglas, April 6, 1948-May 2, 1948 [Babyland]
- Walter, 1834-1896 (sh)
- William A., 1872-1947 [Section Y; see also Greenlee]
- Albert E., PFC, 550 MP CO, World War II, October 10, 1917-May 17, 1972 [Section 104 Block E Grave 358]
- Benton, 1854-1919 [Section 75 Lot 95-N½]
- Roger Benton, 1891-1967 [Section 75 Lot 95-N½]
- Susan Betts, 1858-1919 [Section 75 Lot 95-N½]
Morse (Plot Marker) [Section 56 Lot 42]
- B. Clarke, 1895-1993
- Benjamin Clarke Morse, born 20 Jan 1895-died 20 Jan 1993
- Katherine M., 1898-1968
- Daughter of William A. Miller, born 23 Sep 1898, died 30 Jun 1968
- Elijah, 1865-1930 [Section 90 Lot 323]; see also Porter] (Contact Claire Kluskens, ) (ck)
- Virginia Hammond, 1914-1970 [Section 56 Lot 38]
- Daughter of Alan Hammond, born 27 Jun 1914, died 22 Jan 1970
Moser, Catherine, died July 30, 1887, aged 6yy 8m 5d [Section 34 Grave 1011] (Contact Gail Broadstock )
Moss, Frances Gwinn, 1897-1968 [Section 56 Lot 51]
- Daughter of Othneil E. Gwinn, born 26 Dec 1896, died 3 Oct 1968
Mosure, A. W. [Aaron William], 1837-1911 and M. J. [Margaret Jane (Bay)], 1846-1923 [Section 68 Lot 357]
- Aaron William was a 1ST Lieut., CO G, 90TH OVI; enlisted 23 July 1862; discharged 13 June 1865.
Mount, Dale C., Feb 19, 1918-Apr 2, 1988 and Zoe H., Apr 16, 1920-Dec 16, 1993 [Section 56 Lot 64]
- Catherine, July 14, 1829-Feb 10, 1909 [Section 62]
- This stone is alongside that of Caroline Boss; possibly her mother?
- Henry H., Jan 11, 1840-July 4, 1904 [Section 59, next to Mary V.]
- Mother, Mary V., December 17, 1842-March 25, 1913 [Section 59 Space 1386]
- Mary was a drowning victim in the flood of 25 Mar 1913
- Phillipine, only child of Theadore & Eva, died Feb 13, 1882, aged 11 y's 4 m's 1 day (Whole Stone) [Section 30]
Mull, John H., 23 Dec 1866-24 Mar 1937 (Obituary; no photo)
Müller, Mother, Anna Margaretha, Mar 11, 1795-June 3, 1888 [Section S- north]
Mulrooney, Thos., GEN SERV, USA [Section 51, Block A-82]
- Born 1852 in NY, committed suicide, 30 Jan 1890
Murdock, Jack L., May 23, 1946-Dec 28, 1946 (Portrait) [Babyland]
Murfin Mausoleum [Section 103, Lots 1 & 2]
Murphy, Madison Dye, died 19 Nov 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- SERGT, A. T., CO C, 14 PA CAV [Section 51, Block B-148]
- Records show name as Andrew F. Murray, born 31 Oct 1838, died 17 Jun 1908
- Mother, Anna F., 1877-1910 [Section 60]
- Cynthia M., 1952-1954 [Babyland]
- Drury, CO K, 45 KY INF [Section 51, Block B-131]
- Born in Abbingotn, Virginia; died 9 Apr 1909
- Matilda Greul, wife of John F, Nov 15, 1853-Mar 5, 1937 [Section A Lot 4; owner, Samuel G. Foster]
- Daughter of J. F. & Eva Barbara (Wetzel) Greul
Music, Bobby Joe, Jr., 1955 [Babyland]
- George M., 1853-1926 and Jennie D., 1855-1913 [Section 62]
- J. Wesley, 1880-1908 [Section 62]
- John E., 1927-1999 [Section 56 Lot 10]]
- Mother, Susie B.1864-1890 and father, Charlee H., 1852-1926 [Section 28] (jr)
- Plot monument [Section X Lot 15] (Contact Donald Terry )
- L. D., June 7, 1838-January 12, 1901
- Lorenzo D. Myers, son of Jacob & Eliza (Eby) Myers, born in Mifflin, Pennsylvania.
- Harriet A., wife of L. D., May 28, 1841-May 3, 1922
- Madelaine, wife of Jsoeph S., May 15, 1872-July 23, 1928
- Frederick, 18 Dec 1877-8 Sep 1899
- Interment no. 27018: Frederick Loving Myers, son of C. D. & H. S. Myers, born and died in Columbus.
- Brother, Edwin A., June 30, 1833-November 22, 1855
- Mother, Eliza Eby, January 18, 1805-April 24, 1882
- Father, Jacob, December 3, 1801-April 8, 1877
- Son of Jacob & Caroline Myers
- Brother
- Possibly: Interment no. 8047, George T. Myers, son of Jacob & Eliza (Eby) Myers, born 20 Mar 1847 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, died 13 Dec 1863; residence listed as Mansfield, Ohio
