Green Lawn Cemetery
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
N ~ O
Gravestone Photos (Alphabetical):
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Rules and Regulations (1908)
A red star ( ) in front of a name indicates that the person or family is historically significant in the Columbus area if not nationally or internationally. For instance, twenty-eight former Columbus mayors are buried at Green Lawn, as are five former Ohio governors.
Much of the information found in the "bullet" comments given with some individuals comes from Joe Fleshman and Richard Browning. Many thanks to both of you! I must also give special thanks to Sandi Latimer, Green Lawn Volunteer Coordinator, for providing me a wealth of tips, information, and fun facts; but best of all she pointed me in the right direction to find things for myself.
Need photos, OR, want to contribute your photos?
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Some photographs on this page were taken & contributed by:
Tami Beeler () (tb)
Sandy Holladay () (sh)
Mary Ann Klein () (mak)
Jody Myers () (jm)
David Ryder () (dr)
All other photos were taken by David K. & Leona Gustafson, or Jeremy Meadows
(Click on the underlined name to view the photograph)
- Nagle, Mother, Elizabeth, 1838-1921 [Section 39 Lot 11E]
- Nash
- George K., August 14, 1842-October 28, 1904 and Addie M., March 2, 1849-Oct 17, 1886; and on same stone, Mary, 1883-1897 (Whole Stone) [Section M Lot 310]
- Jos. A., CO L, 7 OHIO CAV [Section 51, Block B-129]
- Son of John Nash, born 1 Feb 1821, died 28 Mar 1909
- Dr. W. H. H., [dates buried] [Section 35, Lot 66, Home for the Aged Lot]
- William H., died 25 Dec 1955 (Obituary; no photo)
Nashee, George, Printer to the State of Ohio, born Sept 26, 1786, died May 16, 1827 (Whole Stone) [Section O]
- His remains were probably removed from North Graveyard to this spot, and the stone was probably on the ground as a grave cover.
- In addition to being the first printer "to the State of Ohio," George Nashee was co-owner of the Ohio State Journal and Columbus Gazette (See Martin's History of Franklin County, page 58.)
- Naus, Jack (Obituary; no photo)
- Nease, Rolland, CO B, 52 PA INF [died 16 Jan 1909] [Section 51, Block B-124]
- Neate, J. F. [James F.], 1856-1935; Louie B. [Louisa "Louie" B.] Bard, 1866-1932; and Ada McCommon, 1860-1944 [Section 55 Lot 118] (Contact: Mary Ann Klein, ) (mak)
- The relationship between James F. Neate and the two women sharing the stone is unknown at this time.
- Louie B. (Brand) Bard, daughter of Asher & Martha Brand, born 16 Mar1866, died 4 Apr 1932 (Obituary)
- Ada (Brand) McCommon, daughter of Asher & Martha Brand, born 19 Nov 1861 died 1944.
- Nebbioso, Mother, Elizabeth, 1902-1932 (Portrait) [Section 92]
- Neberlein, Conrad, 1846-1917 [Section 57 Lot 165]
- The surname should probably be Neiberlein or Nieberlein
- Nedele, Husband, J. Albert, 1865-1905, Memphis No. 135, U.C.T. [Section 64]
- Needels
- Wm. D., Jan 20, 1799-Jan 6, 1848, aged 68 years 11 mos & 17 ds (Whole Stone) [Section A Lot 3] (dr)
- Also on the same stone:
• Mary, wife of Wm. D., Nov 22, 1802-June 25, 1881
• Wm. P[erry] Needels, Dec 3, 1826-Aug 10, 1900
• Mary, wife of W.P. Needels [she was his second wife of 3], July 26, 1848-Mar 7, 1876, aged 27 yrs 7 mo 11 ds
• Willimet Needels, Aug. 9, 1855, 2 yrs 9 ds<
• Daughters of Wm. D. & Mary Needels, Serena, died Dec 12, 1822, aged 11m 14ds; Emly [Emily], died Sep 12, 1826 Aged 2 yrs. (?) Mo. 9 days; Mary L[evisa], born [sic.] July 15, 1836, aged 9 y 7 mo (?) days; Elmirah [Elmira Maria], born [sic.] Aug 8, 1841, aged 5 y 9 days
- James, died Dec 25, 1860, aged 55 yrs 9 mo 22 ds and Sarah Ann (Stevenson), wife of James, Feb 20, 1810-Dec 4, 1874 (Whole Stone) [Section L Lot 31] (dr)
- Sarah Ann was the granddaughter of Revolutionary War Capt. John Stevenson, buried in the Stevenson Cemetery in Madison Twp.
- Neff
- Section 32 Lot 30; listed in order photographed
- Lettie Moore, 1872-1955 [dau of George W. & Hannah (Pennell) Neff]
- Father, George W., died May 23, 1887, aged 62 ys 4 ms 3s [CORP, CO C, 8TH OVI; Civil War]
- Mother, Hannah Pennell, wife of George W., died Jun 13, 1922, aged 85 yrs 9 mos
- Ellis J., 1857-1929
- 1867-1953
- Mother Elizabeth Pennell, died April 29, 1893, aged 78 ys 3 ms 25 ds
- Daughter, Lucy, 1909-1971
- Wife, Elizabeth, 1879-1950
- Husband, Melvin, 1869-1955
- Bertha Richardson, June 18, 1879-Feb 2, 1967 [Section 57 Lot 7; see Richardson family]
- Stephen, Dec 11, 1952 [Babyland]
- Tommy Lee, April 10, 1948-Sept 16, 1948 [Babyland]
- Wilbur Grant, Aug 5, 1868-Dec 28, 1939 [Section 57 Lot 7; see Richardson family]
- Neiberlein [Section 56 Lot 58]
- Charles G., 1865-1938, Mason
- Charles George, son of Leonard Neiberlein, born 23 Jun 1865, died 6 May 1938 (Death Certificate)
- Mary I., 1852-1930, Order of Eastern Star
- Mary Ida Crow Neiberlein, daughter of Robert Crow & Lucinda Parker, born 2 Feb 1852, died 22 Aug 1930 (Death Certificate)
- Neil
- Amanda C., 1867-1962 [Section 75 Lot 294; see also Michaelis]
- Charles H., 1844-1931 [Section 56 Lot 20]
- Charles Henry, son of Robert Neil, born 28 Oct 1844, died 25 Jan 1931
- Jane Marshall, Dec 30, 1824-July 30, 1908 [Section 0 Lot 17-18]
- Jane Marshall (Sullivant) Neil, daughter of William & Jane (Marshall) Sullivant, wife of Robert Elkin Neil
- Mary Webb, 1857-1922 [Section 56 Lot 20]
- Daughter of Henry Webb, born 28 Apr 1857, died 18 Jul 1922
- Robert Elkin, May 12, 1819-May 25, 1899 [Section O Lot 17-18]
- Son of William & Hannah (Schwing) Neil
- Tommy, Æ 8 mos, son of R.E. & J.M. Neil, (Enlarged version) [Section O Lot 17-18]
- Thomas Allen, son of Robert Elkin & Jane Marshall (Sullivant) Neil, born 25 Dec 1851, died 17 Aug 1852
- Webb, son of C.H. & M.W., Oct 5, 1891 [Section 56 Lot 20]
- Son of Charles Henry and Mary (Webb) Neil, born 5 Sep 1891, died 5 Oct 1891
- William, Dec 4, 1788-May 18, 1870 and Hannah (Schwing), June 3, 1794-Mar 13, 1868 Whole Stone [Section O Lot 17-18]
- Neisus
- Neiswender
- Daughter, Elta M., 1882-1961 [Section 69 Lot 22-SW]
- Daughter of Ezra & Jennie J. (Malott) Neiswender, died 22 Dec 1961
- Father, Ezra, 1851-1918 [Section 69 Lot 22-SW]
- Son of William & Polly (Hoover) Neiswender, born 7 Jun 1851, died 26 Apr 1918
- Mother, Jennie, 1852-1922 [Section 69 Lot 22-SW]
- Daughter of John Malott, born 30 Aug 1852, died 17 Dec 1922
- Daughter, Lefa A., 1887-1971 [Section 69 Lot 22-SW]
- Lefa Ann, daughter of Ezra & Jennie J. (Malott) Neiswender, born 2 Oct 18787 died 11 Jan 1971
- Son, Warner, 1876-1910 [Section 69 Lot 22-SW]
- Warner [Valentine], son of Ezra & Jennie (Malott) Neiswender, born 25 Jun 1876, died 25 Mar 1910
- Rueben F., died 8 Mar 1863 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Nelson
- On large Monument [Section O Lot 117]
David , Sr., 1752-1829, A soldier of the American Revolution, his wife, Margaret Logan, 1754-1831, widow of James Jamison - Interred on Martha Nelson Sanderson, Lot 37, Section O
- Those listed on the stone located on Lot 37 were removed from their original resting place at North Graveyard in 1876
- David, died Apr 26, 1847, aged 51 yrs 3 mos and Mary, wife of D., died Jan 21, 1850 aged 46 yrs 6 mos
- David P., died Aug 19, 1831, aged 1 year 10 mos and Isaac T., died Oct 9, 1841, aged 9 yrs 7 mos, children of D. & M.
- Robert J., died Mar 5, 1863, aged 28 yrs 3 mos and Elizabeth Mary, Aug 13, 1833-June 27, 1885
- Anne Eliza, 1844-1926 [Section O Lot 117]
- Henry, GEN SERV PCT, USA [Section 51, Block A-55]
- Born 1868, died 14 May 1891
- Martha L., 1837-1926 [Section O Lot 117]
- Margaret Nelson Warner, 1837-1915 [Section O Lot 117]
- J. B., D.D.S., intered Utica, Mich, 1837-1893 [Section O Lot 117]
- Hannah Nelson Taylor, 1839-1923 Interment Card [Section O Lot 117]
- Obed Taylor, 1836-1899 [Section O Lot 117]
- Robert L., 1928-1975 and Dolly W., 1928-1989 [Section O Lot 117]
- William, Apr 26, 1955-May 2, 1955 [Babyland]
Neubig, Eva K., see Beach-Neubig
Neupert, Paul, GEN SERV RGT, USA [Section 51, Block A-77]
- Born 1852 in Germany, killed self 18 Feb 1891
Nevill, James, LIEUT, CAPT Stephen Horse's CO, War of 1812, 1774-1859 [Section H Lot 10]
Newcomb, Mary, March 22, 1889-March 11, 1903 (Whole Stone) [Section 52 Space 412]
Newcume, Walter, 1885-1946 [Section 98 lot 966]
- Arthur W., 13 Feb 1880-10 Oct 1968 (See Huling)
- Helen Huling, 9 Apr 1887-12 Dec 1976 (See Huling)
- John, born in Wales, Feb 7, 1828, died at Columbus O, May 30, 1907; and on same stone, Martha A., wife of Thomas, born at Zanesville O., Aug 10, 1843, died at Columbus O, Oct 9, 1880; and Thomas, born at Elkton, MD, Oct 20, 1837, died at Columbus O, Jan 21, 1909 (Whole Stone) [Section Y]
- Walter C., 1853-1923 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
Newlon, George F., died 27 Jan 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Plot [Section 44]
Listed in order photographed
- Jacob, 1864-1915
- Marie Benjamin, 1866-1926
- Marie was the daughter of Henry Newman, born 25 Oct 1866, died 1 Aug 1926
- Joseph Benjamin, 1873-1938
- Section 57 Lot 190
Listed in order photographed
- Father, Jacob, Mar 20, 1833-Nov 13, 1891
- Mother, Margaret, Dec 24, 1844-Dec 2, 1925
- Mother, Ida A. Ruhsam, Jan 14, 1872-Sept 23, 1929
- Daughter of Jacob & Margaret
- John H., PVT 3 OHIO INF [Spanish-American War, born 16 Apr 1877], September 19, 1940
Neymeyer, Anna, nee Lichter, died Jan 28, 1920, aged 71 yrs and Frank Anton, died Jan 12, 1884, aged 38h 3m 28d (Whole Stone) [Section 30]
- Plot Marker [Section 56 Lot 43]
- Charlotte O'Brien, 1878-1920
- Daughter of Lyster O'Brien, born 1 Oct 1878, died 4 Mar 1920
- Edward Mithoff, 1879-1949
- Son of Walter D. Nicholas, born 19 Aug 1879, died 9 Apr 1949
- Ma, Kate R. (Renfrew), Oct 13 1835-Aug 29, 1896 [Section 39 Lot 110]
- Pa, William, July 1, 1833-June 16, 1911 [Section 39 Lot 110]
- Civil War Veteran, PVT, CO A 16TH REG OVI, son of Benjamin Nicholas, born in Pennsylvania, died in Columbus
- Also buried in same lot (no stone): Benjamin F. Nicholas, CO B, 2ND COLORADO VOL CAV, born ?? Feb 1829 in (probably) Sangerfield, Oneida County, New York; died 29 Aug 1897, Columbus, son of Benjamin Nicholas
- Mom, Gerturde, Oct 12, 1910-May 16, 1988 [Section 28]
- Sarah, 1836-1914 [Section Z, Lot 9]
- William, 1831-1900 [Section Z, Lot 9]
- "Our Billy," Wm. T., II, Oct14, 1954-June 7, 1955 [Babyland]
Nicklaus, Ora W., 1872-1948 [Section 93 Lot 745-S]
- Chas. K., BTRY H, 1 BN, OHIO LT ARTY, SP AM WAR, May 13, 1875-Nov 16, 1939 (sh)
- Wife, Cora M., 1889-1961 (sh)
Nicol (See Rogers - Nicol)
Niswander, Lucy Clouser, 1854-1927 [See Clouser, Section M]
Noble, Brian Scott, October 3, 1964-December 26, 2002 (See also McKinley) (mak)
- Brian was the grandson of Jerry and Edith (Booker) McKinley
Noe, Mariah J. (See Buchanan)
Noice, Jos., CO B 127 Ohio INF [Section 51, Block B-283]
Nolze, Charles W., Dec 18, 1887-Jan 23, 1939 [Section 56 Lot 32]
- Chas. H., 1880-1940 [Section Z Lot 17] (sh)
- George E., died 4 Feb 1949 (Obituary; no photo)
- Lucy E., 1883-1947 [Section Z Lot 17] (sh)
North, E. T., CO B, 7 Ohio INF, SP. AM. War [Section 51, Block B-261]
Norton, M. J. [Mearl J.], RECRUIT, USA [Section 51, Block A-145; buried 10 Apr 1904]
Notson, MAJ, Wm. M., Surgeon, US Army, died June 23, 1882, aged 46 yrs 5 mo [Section 51, Block A 125-126]
Nusbaum, Juda, died Apr 28, 1891, aged 77y 4m 16d and on same stone, Henchen, beloved wife of J, Mar 14, 1827-May 14, 1906, aged 79y 2m (Whole Stone) [Section 44]
Nutt, Jno. E., CO I, 32 OHIO INF [Section 51, Block B-303]
- John E. Nutt, son of John Nutt, born 15 Jul 1836 in Ohio, died 30 Jun 1901
Nutter, Wanda Haine, 9 Apr 1892-30 Apr 1951 (Obituary; no photo)
Nutting (See also: Reel and Baxter) (Contact Laura McMartin-Ruhle, )
- Mother, Jane, 1848-1923 [Section 30 Lot 22-W]
- Father, Thomas, 1840-1891 [Section 30 Lot 22-W]
- O'Brien
- Pat. B. [Patrick B.], RECRUIT CO, USGS INF [Section 51, Block A-179]
- Patrick B. O'Brien, born 28 Aug 1884 at Dayton, Montgomery County, OH, died 1 Jul 1912 of gastro enteritis
- [Section 68 Lot 455] (Contact Michael, )
- Obetz Plot Marker
- Dr. Nelson, 1853-1914
- Edith A., 1862-1916
- Nellie, Nov 19, 1857-Oct 12, 1941
- James, Sept 8, 1858-April 23, 1932
- Jacob W., Oct 24, 1846-[blank]
- Mary J., Dec 20, 1846-Apr 22, 1916
- Amelia K., 1853-1938
- Charles H., 1847-1911
- Father, Henry, 1825-1900
- Mother, Sarah, 1820-1901
- Dr. Francis, 1854-1895
- Wilson, 1851-1910
- Florence Obetz Doty, 1867-1947
- Jennie Cullman, 1857-1926
- Charles H. Cullman, 1855-1917
- O'Connor
- Hannah, 1842-1917 [Section 35 Lot 142]
- Hannah (Dennis) O'Connor, daughter of Rusfus & Annie (Hartman) Dennis, born 24 Jul 1844, died 3 Feb, 1917
- Family Plot, Woodmen of the World [left to right in plot]
- O'Day
- Husband, Arthur, 1898-1954 (mak)
- Wife, Bertha May, 1902-1992 (mak)
- Byron M., 30 Apr 1881-21 Jan 1926 (mak)
- David Parker, 1 Jun 1884-27 Jan, 1950 and his wife, Bessie Justice, 11 Feb 1886-8 Jul 1965 (mak)
- Edward S., 19 May 1887-12 Mar 1930 (mak)
- Ella G., 1873-1946, OES [Section 93 Lot 219] (mak)
- Ella G. Sanders, born 7 Oct 1863, died 23 Jun 1946, married William O'Day.
- Emily A. (Layton), May 27, 1837-July 27, 1894 [Section 45 Lot 370] (jm)
- Gladys Milligan, 1911-1944 (See also, Milligan) [Section 106 Lot 111] (Contact Mary Ann Klein, )
- Harley E., 1890-[blank], Mason [Section 93 Lot 219] (mak)
- Son of William & Ella, born 2 Feb 1890, died 18 Aug 1972
- Infant Son of Chas. & Helen, May 9, 1921 [Section 80, Lot 1] (jm)
- Infant, Dec 23, 1952 [Section 80 Lot 1] (jm)
- James D., 3 Feb 1878-19 Dec 1942 (mak)
- James M., 1861-1932 [Section 62 Lot 25] (jm)
- James M. O'Day, born June 27, 1861, died March 30, 1932
- Father, John Wesley, 4 Apr 1848-20 May 1924 and, Mother, Mary Murch (Graham), 24 Jan1848-20 Feb 1924 (mak)
- Mother, Martha C., 1875-1947 [Section 80, Lot 1] (jm)
- Mary Jane, 1876-1941 [Section 62 Lot 25] (jm)
- Mary Jane (Gladman) O'Day, born Apr 13, 1869, died Mar 29, 1941
- Philip H. [Henry], Aug 16, 1826-Nov 7, 1897 [Section 45 #370] (jm)
- Father, Stephen R., 1870-1927 [Section 80 Lot 1] (jm)
- William A., 1861-1947, Mason [Sec 93 Lot 219] (mak)
- William Allen O'Day, born 17 Jun 1861, died 20 Apr 1947
- Son, William H., 1883-1917, and Frances, July 28, 1861-November 9, 1954 (Plot) [Section 72]
- Father, William S., 1856-1927 and, Mother, Susan, 1865-1921 [Section 78 Spaces 827 & 828]
- Odell, Elmer S., 1867-[1931]; Flora M., 1878-1907; Margaret N., 1875-[1959]; Russell E., 1904-1925; and Infant Dau, 1916 [Section 66]
- Odenbaugh, Rose Wolff, 1871-1934, [Section 44, see William Wolff Family]
- Oelgoetz, Mother, S. Marie, 1901-1994 and Father, Oliver F., 1898-1966 (mak)
- Offord, Father, John, 1868-1948, Mason; and Mother, Zula J. (Bivens), 1869-1929, OES [Section 46 Lot 43; See also Bivens] (Contact Marcia Hovenden, )
- Ogle
- Owen, 1853-1914 and Carrie [Lacy], 1860-1907 (Plot)
(Contact Jamie Simcox, )
- Interment record no. 45940, Owen Ogle, son of Alexander & Jane (Davis) Ogle, b. 28 Dec 1855 [sic.] at Dresden, Ohio, d. 21 Jan 1914 at Columbus, buried Section 59, Lot 2634
- Interment record no. 37957, Carrie Ogle, daughter of William & Eliza (Jones) Lacy, b. 16 Apr 1859 [sic.] at Dresden, Ohio, d. 6 Mar 1908 [sic.] Columbus, buried Section 59, Lot 2635
- Wesley H., 1867-1918, Mason [Section 30 Lot 95 S½]
- Anna E., 1867-1945, Order of Eastern Star [Section 30 Lot 95 S½]
- Husband, Harry F., died Apr 25, 1893, aged 34y 2m 3d [Section 30 Lot 95 S½]
- Albert O., 1892-1912 [Section 30 Lot 95 S½]
- Illegible child's stone [Section 30 Lot 95 S½]
- Donald W., 1931-1946, son of Winnie & Pearl [Section 106 Lot 104]
- Winnie B., 1908-1961 and Pearl R., 1905-1979 [Section 106 Lot 104]
- O'Hara
- O'Harra
- Grover C., died 2 Mar 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Section 56 Lot 24
- N. Alfred, 1905-1965
- Norman Alfred, son of Ernest O'Harra, born 31 Jul 1905, died 26 Aug 1965
- Gertrude A., 1879-21 Aug 1962
- Ernest V., 1869-1924
Ernest Vernon, son of William M. O'Harra, born 14 Feb 1869, died 14 Jan 1924
- Eliza J., 1839-1902
- Daughter of Henry Beach, born 16 Sep 1839, died 2 Sep 1902
- William M., 1837-1917
- Son of Joseph O'Harra, born 4 Apr 1837, died 6 Jun 1917
- Section N, listed in order photographed
- Side 1 -- Arthur, died Mar 6, 1875, aged 74 yrs & 1 mo; Maximilla, wife of A, 8·20·1800-3·15·1864; Sarah, dau of A & M, 8·6·1827-5·1·1854 and Martha, dau of A & M, died Nov 16, 1886
- Side 2 -- George F., 1830-1899; Augusta C., 1834-1918; Jeanette, 1857-1928; Starling M. Scott, D.D.S., 1881-1943; J. Clark Scott, D.D.S., 1852-1922; Ida O H Scott, [1854]-1927; and George Clark Scott, son of J C & Ida, Feb 9, 1875-Sept 12, 1882
- Side 3 -- Westley, June 30, 1836-April 5, 1902; Mary Ida McCormick, his wife, Dec 19, 1840-June 30, 1924; Arthur, son of Westley & Mary I, Nov 27, 1865-May 1, 1888
- Side 4 -- Michael, died April 4, 1913; [Nancy] Isabelle, 1847-1925; and Harra, son of M & B, Oct 7, 1866
- Westley, Jr., 1881-1953
- Etta S., 1878-1949, O.E.S.
- Mary, 1830-1913
- Eliza O'Harra Mansur, [13 Aug 1852-7 Feb 1906]
- Olds
- Frederick H., 1860-1839 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Mary Libby, 1856-1947 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Olin
- Oliver
- W. M., CO B, 174 OHIO INF [Section 51, Block B-151]
- William Maddison Oliver, born 1844, died 18 Jul 1908
- Oliver [Twin daughters of Hope R. Oliver], Mar 28, 1907-Mar 28, 1907 [Section Z, Lot 9, see Alkire]
- Olmsted (Plot) [Section P Lot 17] (Contact: Jo Arcudia, )
Shown left to right in plot
- Grace (McDermith), 1872-1943 (Obituary)
- Grace was the daughter of Emery & Margaret (Griffin) McDermith (see above), born 3 Jul 1870, died 22 Jan 1943)
- Harry, 1867-1924
- Harry B. was the son of Charles H. & Elizabeth D. (Broderick) Olmstead, born in 1867; he died 24 Oct 1924
- Father, C. H., 1825-1902
- Charles H. Olmsted/Olmstead, son of Philip & C. Olmstead, born 15 Jul 1825, died 28 Dec 1901 [Interment Record No. 29758]
- Mother, Elizabeth D. (Broderick), wife of C. H., 1832-1890
- Elizabeth was the daughter of John & E. Broderick, born 17 Mar 1831, died 6 Jan 1890 [Interment Record No. 16381]
- O'Neill, Charles William, 1920-1999 [Section 56 Lot 50]
- Opperman, Geo. W., 1847-1913, Woodmen of the World [Section 72 Space 3075]
- Orahood
- [James D.], Aug 4, 1901-Mar 12, 1918, Troop L, 13th REG, US CAV (tb)
- Laura E., Dec 23, 1868-Feb 13, 1938 (tb)
- [Pauline], Mar 12, 1896-Dec 5, 1911 (tb)
- Orlopp, Pauline, geb. Jacobs, 2 July 1812- 5 Jany 184_ (Whole Stone) [Section R]
- This woman died before Green Lawn was established and was moved here from North Graveyard.
- Orton Plot Monument [Section 83 Lot 26] (Listed in the order taken)
- Sarah Patterson, M. D., November 12, 1909-July 28, 1982
- Anna Davenport Torrey, wife of Edward, November 1, 1840-June 25, 1900
- Daughter of Samuel & Susan ( ? ) Torrey, born in Millbury, MA
Edward, March 9, 1829-October 16, 1899 (Portrait)
- Son of Samuel & Clara ( ? ) Orton, born 9 Mar 1829, died 16 Oct 1899.
- Best known as the first president of Ohio State University (1874-1881); he was also a Presbyterian minister and geoligist. He became the first professor of geology at OSU in 1873 and the geology building at the university is named for him.
- Mary Matilda Jennings, wife of Edward, October 5, 1833-April 8, 1873
- Daughter of Beach & Matilda ( ? ) Jennings, born at Franklin, NY
- Mary Pelton Follett, wife of Samuel Torrey, November 12, 1881-September 6, 1926
- Daughter of George & Mary (Converse) Follet, born Columbus.
- Samuel Torrey, October 15, 1879-November 17, 1948
- Son of Edward and Anna D. (Torrey) Orton, born Columbus.
- June Frances Lyday, wife of Samuel Torrey, August 3, 1897-March 11, 1977
- Mina Althea, wife of Edward, Jr., February 9, 1891-December 13, 1970
- Daughter of Fred C. & Adelaide (Peacor) Orton, born Oswego County, NY; 2nd wife of Edward Orton, Jr.
- Edward, Jr., October 8, 1863-Febrary 10, 1932
- Son of Edward & Mary (Jennings) Orton, born Chester, NY
- Mary Princess Anderson, wife of Edward, Jr, August 26, 1867-July 9, 1927
- Daughter of James H. & Princess A. (Miller) Anderson, born Marion, OH, 1st wife of Edward, Jr.
- Francis Cary Caldwell, June 6, 1877-February 1, 1966
- "Frank C.," son of George Caldwell.
- Louise Taft Orton, wife of Francis Cary Caldwell, June 6, 1877-February 1, 1966
- Daughter of Edward & Anna D. (Torrey) Orton
- Clara Gregory, December 31, 1859-March 4, 1910
Daughter of Edward & Mary (Jennings) Orton, born Columbus.
- Mary Jennings Orton, wife of Oliver Patterson Watts, June 12, 1868-July 1, 1941
- Oliver Patterson Watts, July 16, 1865-February 6, 1953 (Obituary)
- Charles Jennings, October 22, 1856-August 8, 1923
- Florence Elizabeth Bell, wife of Charles Jennings, February 13, 1856-May 7, 1934
- Ort, Minnie B., 1876-1947 (See Renner)
- Orwig, Baby Girl, Oct 30, 1945 [Babyland]
- Osborn
- Mom, Helen H., 1886-1979 [Section 111 Lot 191]
- Dad, Ross Bert, 1878-1961 [Section 111 Lot 191]
- Sarah, 1839-1914 [Section 62 Lot 7-11; Columbus Home for the Aged lots]
- Osborn, Hiram, 1820-1910 [Section 35 Lot 66 Columbus Home for the Aged lot]
- Osgood
- Anna C., Oct 21, 1855-Dec 27, 1945
- Elijah Russell, born in Conway, N. H., November 11, 1830, died in Columbus, Ohio, January 28, 1898
- Hazen, 1796-1859
- Mother, Mary E., 1826-1882
- Ostermann, Alice, Infant, 6 Mar 1894-24 Dec 1894 (Photograph) [Section 51 Block A Grave 61] (Contact Donna McClean Young, )
- Daughter of Siegmund Osterman, born 6 Mar 1894, died 24 Dec 1894
- Otstott-McDonald [Section E Lot 57]
- Daniel Otstott, Apr 12, 1814-Dec 10, 1889, aged 75y 8m 2d; Elizabeth A., wife of D Otstott, Mar 26, 1826-Dec 10, 1903, aged 75y 8m 15d; Charles R. B. Otstott, died June 16, 1863, aged 6y 6m 22d; and George W. Otstott, died May 12, 1897, aged 39y 9m 1d
- Mary C., wife of D. Otstott, died Dec 2, 1846, aged 20 yrs, 5 mos; Jacob Huffman, died Dec 29, 1854, aged 44 yrs 8 mo 3 ds; and Frederick Otstott, died Apr 22, 1847, aged 75 yrs 6 mos 10 ds
- Jacob Huffman (original gravestone); there is no interment card for Jacob; he may have been moved from one of the city graveyards
- Frederick Otstot, orignal stone, moved from North Graveyard
- Ebenezer McDonald, died Sept 25, 1892, aged 82y 4m 14d; Sarah O., wife of E McDonald, died Mar 3, 1847, aged 36 ys 11 mo 21 d; Henry M., son of E & S O McDonald, died April 1840, aged 3 ys 7 mo 20 d; and Sarah, dau of E & S O McDonald, died Aug 16, 1847, aged 7 mo 12 ds
- Sarah Otstott McDonald, with her children, Henry M. and Sarah were moved from North Graveyard to Green Lawn in 1859 -- original stone (detail)
- Juliana P., wife of E McDonald [no dates], Mordecai C., son of E & J P McDonald, died Aug 20, 1859, aged 2 ys 11 mo 23 ds; and Florence S., dau of E & J P McDonald, died Apr 4, 1864, aged 5 ys 2 mo 19 ds
- Ott
- Outcalt
- Our baby, Ethel May, June 12, 1901-Aug 12, 1901 [Section 42 Lot 90]
- Father, Henry, Dec 2, 1824-June 13, 1894 [Section 42 Lot 90]
- Mother, Susan L. (Robinson), June 1, 1834-Jan 1, 1905 [Section 42 Lot 90]
- Overly, Charles D., OHIO, PVT 1 CL, 125 TRANS CORPS, died Oct 15, 1934 (sh)
- Charles DeHaven Overly, son of Irvin D. Overly, born 17 Dec 1888
- Overmyer, Noah, Aug 2, 1829-Jan 19, 1897, CO A 110 OVI
- Overpack, Mother, Jennie M., 1877-1943 [Section 95 Lot 691]
- Overturf, Mother, Nancy A., 1895-1956 and Father, James W., 1884-1958 [Section 111 Lot 473]
- Owen, Mother, Anna C., wife of John R., 1854-1909 [Section 55 Lot 1--see Knauss - Gamble]
- Daughter of Benjamin & Matilda (Shont) Gamble, born 26 May 1854, died 12 Mar 1908(?)
- Owens [Section M Lot 154 W½] (Contact: Tom Ziebold, )
Listed in order taken:
- Henry, Edward H., son of E & M A, Oct 5, 1863-Aug 24, 1889
- Lizzie, Elizabeth A., dau of E & M A, Oct 28, 1865-Mar 28, 1882
- Mother, Mary Ann, wife of Edward, April 15, 1839-Sept 9, 1893
- Daughter of E. & Elizabeth Williams, born in Wales
- Father, Edward, July 25, 1836-July 14, 1872
- Son of John & Elizabeth Owens, born in Wales
- Owston
- Father, Charles M., March 7, 1876-Aug 29, 1939 [Section A Lot 1]
- George T., March 7, 1899-May 2, 1928 [Section A Lot 1]
- Mother, Mary E., Oct 19, 1874-Dec 27, 1930 [Section A Lot 1]
- Ma, S. C. [Sarah Catharine], 1839-1921 [Section 30]
- Pa, T. H. [Thomas Hunter], 1833-1917 [Section 30]
- Oxrider, Percy, Jan 3, 1885-July 20, 1903, Woodmen of the World (Whole Stone) [Section 57]
