Section 51 - Military
Green Lawn Cemetery
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Most of section 51 is reserved for military personnel and their dependants. A few gravestones are illegible; those have been identified using a grave placement map and list of names that accompanies it. The map and list were supplied by Shelley May, project coordinator for Franklin County's Operation Flag. Additional information might also be available at Franklin County Veteran Grave Registration and/or
Rules and Regulations (1908)
Abbreviations: (If you know what the abbreviations followed by question marks stand for, please let me know by writing to Leona at )
AKA - Also Known As
APP - Applicant
ART - Artillery
BATTN/BATT'N - Battalion
CAC - Coast Artillery Corps
CO - Company
COM - Commissary
CPL/CORPL - Corporal
ENGRS - Engineers
GEN/GEN'L - General
GSR - General Service Regiment
HOSP - Hospital
IGS - ???
INF - Infantry
LA - Light Artillery
ORD - Ordinance
QM - Quarter Master
REG/REGT - Regiment
SGT/SERGT - Sergeant
SERV - Service/Services
SP AM WAR - Spanish-American War
USA - United States Army
USCHA - United States Colored Heavy Artillery
USCI - United States Colored Infantry
USCA - United States Colored Artillery??
USGS - United States General Service
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Click on the underlined name to view the tombstone photograph.
- Adams
- Charles, CO K, 78 Ohio INF [Block B-239]
- Henry, CO H, 55 MASS INF[Block B-128]
- Akers, Pink, 26 RECRUIT CO, US INF [Block A-75]
- Born in Russell County, KY; he died of pneumonia on 11 Nov 1916
- Albright, Thos., CO E, 182ND OHIO INF [Block B-309]
- Born in Tennessee, died 7 Sep 1899
- Algor, G. B., CO H, 17TH US INF [Block A-112; nearly illegible]
- George B. Algor, died 1 Jul 1899
- Alling, W. H., CO H, 82 OHIO INF [Block B-297]
- William H. Alling, son of Ebenezer Alling, born 30 Oct 1841, died 13 Dec 1901
- Ambrich, Thomas, CO E, 135 Ohio INF [Block B-285]
- Anderson
- Chas., CO G, 44 USCI [4 Jun 1814-10 Jun 1907] [Block B-171]
- M. D., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-130]
- Mack D. Anderson, born ?? Jan 1881, KY, died of typhoid fever, 2 Nov 1902
- Andrews, C. W., GEN SER, USA [Block A-40]
- Charles W. Andrews, died 16 Dec 1882
- Armentrout, Marion, CO A, 176 OHIO INF [Block B-71]
- Born in Clay County, Missouri, 10 Nov 1840, died 31 May 1911
- Arnold, M. F. [Marion F.], RECRUIT USA [Block A-121]
- Marion F., son of John W. Arnold, born 1881 in GA, died 3 Feb 1902 of pneumonia
- Astill, Zach., GEN SERV REG, USA [died 18 Aug 1894] [Block A-94]
- Avery, Lawrence E., RECRUIT CO G, US INF [Block A-189]
- Born, Ohio, 28 May 1888; died 30 Sep 1914; cause of death: Accidental
- Baker
- Edw. D., CO K, 17 OHIO INF [Block B-306]
- Edward D. Baker, son of Milton Baker, born 3 May 1847 at Rushville, Ohio, died 15 Apr 1901
- Geo., RECRUIT, US CAV [Block A-160]
- George Baker, son of George Baker, born 12 Oct 1884 in KY, died 16 Feb 1908 of spinal meningitis
- J. F. [James F.], GEN SERV RCT, USA [died 6 Jun 1893] [Block A-80]
- Jackson, CO F, 91 OHIO INF [Block B-77]
- Son of John G. A. Baker, born 23 Jan 1833 in Pennsylvania, died 31 Mar 1911
- Ballinger, Wm., CO D, 95 OHIO INF [Block B-158]
- Son of Richard Ballinger, born 26 Sep 1834, died 2 May 1908
- Barfell, Othis, CO A, 20 IND INF [Block B-281]
- Beasley, R. H. [Richard H.] [Block A-91]
- Born 1865 in Ireland, died 16 Sep 1899
- Beck, SGT J. E., CO E, 1ST US INF [Block A-65]
- John E. Beck, born in Germany, died 17 Dec 1892
- Bee, SGT, J. R., CO B, 17TH US INF [Block A-111]
- John R. Bee, born 1857, died 11 Feb 1890
- Beer, Arthur, RECRUIT, USA [died 12 Mar 1905] [Block A-63]
- Beningsley, CORPL H., 25 USCI [Block B-92]
- Hamilton Benningsley was buried 13 Sep 1910
- Bennett
- Ransome, U.S. CAV [Block B-241]
- Wm. C., CO H, 1 OHIO LA, SP. AM. War [Block B-5]
- William C., son of William Bennett, born 8 Jun 1877, died 2 Jun 1913
- Berman, Harry N., HOSPITAL CORPS, USA [Block A-186]
- Son of David Berman, born 1891 in South Dakota, died 25 Oct 1913
- Bethke, J. G., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-146]
- Joseph G., son of Ashton Bethke, died 6 Jun 1905
- Beyerson, J. W., CO A, 1 WIS H.A. [Block B-211]
- Bibee, L. B. [Luther B.], US ARMY [Block A-85]
- Luther B. Bibee, died 24 Feb 1893 of pneumonia
- Bice, Clarence, RECRUIT, USA [Block A-148]
- Born in Allen County, Indiana; died of meningitis, 6 Aug 1905
- Blakeley, Worley S., Mar 15, 1878-Aug 21, 1903, CO F 4 OVI [Block B-53]
- Worley Sheldon, was the son of Edwin Blakeley
- Blum, Geo. L., HOSP CORPS, US ARMY [Block B-329]
- George Louis Blum, son of Mathias Blum, born 5 Oct 1879, died 8 Oct 1913
- Bocker, Christ., COLOR SGT, USA [Block A-165]
- Born in Germany, 22 Feb 1855, died 25 Jul 1908 from tuberculosis
- Bornhauser, G. A., 1870-1912, ACTG HOSP STWD, USA [Block B-45]
- Gustave A. Bornhauser, born Germany, 29 May 1867, died 29 Apr 1912
- Borzynski, Peter, RECRUIT, USA [Block A-147]
- AKA Peter Burzynski, AKA Peter Barzynski; died 6 Aug 1905, pneumonia
- Bowen, David, CO C, 121 OHIO INF [14 Feb 1843-18 Aug 1910] [Block B-94]
- Bowser, Moses, CO C, 27 USCI [Block B-299]
- Son of William Bowser, born 1818 in North Carolina, died 24 Oct 1921
- Bradley, Leander, RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-158]
- Son of J. A. Bradley, born 15 Nov 1889, died 27 Dec 1907 of spinal meningitus
- Bragg, H. W., CO F, 20 US INF [Block A-134]
- Henry W. Bragg, son of Henry W. Bragg, born ?? Mar 1874, died 16 Jun 1902; suicide
- Brown
- Alfred, CO C, 15 U.S.C.I. [Block B-272]
- C. W., GEN'L SERV, USA [Block A-25]
- Charles W. Brown, born 1838, died 23 Geb 1877; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 14 Dec 1896
- G. M., RECRUIT USA [Block A-142]
- George M. Brown, AKA George W. Brown, born Aug 1881, died of tuberculosis, 27 Jul 1904
- Geo F., 11 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS, [Block A-204]
Born 7 Nov 1894 in Germany, died 24 Feb 1917
- Rob't C., 28 RECRUIT CO. US CAV [Block A-182]
- Born 1 Jan 1894, in Georgia; died of measles on 7 Feb 1913
- Tracy F., CO C, 10 US CAV [Block B-133]
- Born Delaware, Ohio; died 8 Sep 1909
Buckney, SERG'T, Thos., CO I, 42 USCI [Block B-125]
- Son of Joseph Buckney, born 3 Jan 1831, died 15 Jan 1909
Burget, Andrew, CO G, 113 Ohio INF [Block B-219]
Busick, Samuel, CO D, 113 Ohio INF [Block B-245]
Butler, Arza E., May 2, 1878-June 16, 1908 [Block B-51]
- Arza, son of Ecward Butler, was a member of CO C, 43 OVI, SP AM WAR; he drowned either 16 or 19 Jun 1908
- Caldwell, Chas., CO G, 3 USCHA [Block B-339]
- Son of Charles Caldwell, born 10 Aug 1838 in Charlotte, North Carolina, died 27 Dec 1913
- Calhoun, John J., CO K, 71 Ohio INF [Block B-269]
- Calvert, Rob't, CO A, CSR USA [Block A-20]
- Cameron, C. W. [Claude W.], RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-162]
- Claude W. Cameron, born Meyers Station, KY; died of meningitis, 2 May 1908
- Capell, H. M., CO E, 113 Ohio INF [Block B-287]
- Carey, Edw'd, GEN SERVICE, DET USA, [Block A-103]
- Born 1834 in Ireland, died 6 Dec 1900 of apoplexy [a stroke]
- Carpenter, Rich'd, 10 RECRUIT CO, US INF [Block A-199]
Born KY, died 7 Jan 1907, pneumonia
- Carr, Jno., GEN SERV, USA [Block A-87]
- Died of "Old Age" on 1 May 1899
- Carroll, Wm., 12 RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-185]
- Born in 1881 in KY, died 24 Oct 1913; cause of death "Accident"
- Carter, SERGT Thos., USA [Block A-180]
- Born, Ohio; died of arterial sclerosis, 5 Dec 1912
- Castle, T. C., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-124]
- Tracy C. (or Troy C.) Castle, born 1884 in KY, 1884, died 1 Mar 1902, pneumonia
- Chase, Ebenezer, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-24]
- Born in 1845, died 9 Jan 1878, remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 24 Dec 1896
- Cheesman, Wm., CO B,178 Ohio INF [Block B-172]
- Clark, Lewis, CO B, 76 OHIO INF [Block B-301]
- Son of William Clark, born 1834 in Ohio, died 14 Aug 1901
- Clemens, Alfred, died Mar 29, 1907, age 66 Years, CO D, 46 O.V.V. [Block B-191]
- Coffey, Patrick, PVT CO H 17TH US INF, Mar 11, 1862-Sept 24, 1896; Erected By His Company [Block A-1]
- Cole, John M., USCT [Block B-26]
- John Madison Cole, son of John Cole, born 11 Jan 1836 in North Carolina, died 6 Jul 1912
- Collins, Father, James, died Feb 23, 1900, aged 74 yrs, CO F 430 OVI [Born West Virginia] [Block B-312]
- Conner
- H. O., US NAVY [Block B-293]
- Alias, Harry Conners, buried 25 Feb, 1905
- Patrick, CO C [Block B-286]
- Connors, J. C., CO C, GSR USA [Block A-6]
- Coomly, George, CO H [Block B-280]
- Cotshell, Alb't, GEN SERV USA [died 19 Apr 1917] [Block A-117]
- Cox, J. D. [John D.], GEN SERV RCT, USA [died 11 Jul 1893; pneumonia] [Block A-83]
- Crawford, James T., 1836-1908, CO K 4 REGT OF VA [Block B-150]
- Son of William Crawford, born 1836 in Virginia, died 26 Jun 1908
- Crippen, QM SGT, L. E., 142 IND INF [Block B-321]
- Records show given name as Abel E., son of George Crippen, born 25 Aug 1825, died 5 Apr 1901
- Croninger, John H., CO C, 40 OHIO INF, SP AM WAR [Block B-15]
- John Henry, son of Joseph Croninger/Cornninger, was born 30 July 1875, died 2 May 1913
- Crosby, Frank, CO B GEN'L SERV, USA [Block A-66]
- Born Sep 1863, died 5 May 1889
- Crow, Ira W., CO F, 3 OHIO CAV [Block B-153]
- Son of Robert Crow, born 3 Aug 1842, died 17 Aug 1908
- Crowell, Wm. H., CO A, 15 Ohio INF [Block B-257]
- Cullen, Nicholas [Block A-19]
- Co. D, General Service, born 1854, died 14 Apr 1881; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 16 Dec 1896.
- Cunningham, R. A., CO B, 28 PA INF [Block B-305]
- Robert Cunningham, born 1861, in Pennsylvania, died 25 Apr 1901
- Curtis, John V., CAP'T, CO D, 11 Ohio INF [Block B-250]
- Dagenfield, Adolph, Child [Block A]
- Son of Martin Dagenfield, born 10 Dec 1890, died 27 May 1891
- Davenport, Chas., CO C 30 OHIO INF [Block B-112]
- Born in New York, the cause of death was senility, 2 Mar 1910
- Davis
- Benjamin [died 21 Mar 1881] [Block A-5]
- SGT, Davis, CO F, 17TH US INF [Block A-100]
- Born in Poland, died 28 Feb 1897 of osleo sarcomaous growth in spine, aged 42 years
- E. O. [Evan O.], CO I, 17TH US CAV [SP AM WAR], [Block A-104]
- Born N. Wales, died 14 Oct 1900 of acute dysentary
- Rich'd M., CO L, 9 IND CAV [Block B-222]
- Sam'l, CO E, 73 OHIO INF [Block B-142]
- Son of Henry Davis, born 3 Oct 1844, died 19 Jul 1908
- Sam'l U., CO G, 10 OHIO LA, SP AM WAR [Block B-330]
- Samuel Ulysses Davis, son of Samuel Davis, born 30 Oct 1872, died 21 Oct 1913
- Wm. R., HOSP CORPS, 40 OHIO INF SP-AM WAR [Block B-313]
- William R. Davis, son of Samuel B. Davis, born 19 Jun 1869, died 2 Dec 1900
- Debus, Adam, CO A, 182 Ohio INF [Block B-246]
- Deiter, C. C., HOSP CORPS, USA [Block A-143]
- Charles C. Deiter, son of George, born 1875, died 14 Aug 1904
- Delaney, CORP'L, Thos., CO G, 20 US INF [Block A-131
- Born 1868 in Birmingham, England; died 13 Oct 1902 of self-inflicted gun shot
- Denbo, Chas. S., CO A GSR, USA [Block A-37]
- Dent, Joseph W., CO C 4 OVI, Apr 15, 1879-Sept 2, 1908 [Block B-55]
- Dersam, Jos., CO C, 191 OHIO INF [Block B-84]
- Born in Germany, died 22 Nov 1910
- Dessum, Adam, CO G, 6 US CAV [1837-13 Jan 1902] [Block B-295]
- Dodge, Emerson J., CO H, 18 US INF [5 Feb 1839-29 Aug 1912] [Block B-24]
- Dolan, G. H., GEN SER, USA [Block A-41]
- George H. Dolan, died 30 Aug 1876
- Dorian, I. E., RECRUIT, COAST ART [Block A-149]
- Ira E. Dorian, born Davis (Daviess?), KY, died 9 Nov 1905; cause "Wood Alcohol"
- Dotson, Leeman, CO C, W VA INF [Block B-180] (Contact Sandy Vincent, )
- Son of John & Mahala (Myers) Dotson, born 10 Jul 1845 in Virginia (now West Virginia), died 20 Oct 1907; married Elvira J. Sheets, 10 Nov 1872, Wood County, West Virginia
- Dudley, Chas, US Army [Block A-38]
- Dugger, Columbus, 10 RECT CO, IGS [Block A-167]
- Son of William A. Dugger, born KY, Mar 1890, died 2 Jan 1909 of acute bronchio pneumonia
- Dunn, Wm. H., CO D 72 PA INF, [Block B-86]
- Son of William, born 1 Mar 1841 in New York, died 5 Nov 1910
- Dusty, Elizabeth, Mother, died June 2, 1905 [Block B-224]
- Earl, David, CO I, 9 W VA INF [Block B-95]
- Son of John Earl, born 1840, died 16 Aug 1910
- Eastman, Wm. N., CO C, 51 Ohio INF [Block B-278]
- Ellis, SERGT Wm. H., 13 RECRUIT CO, USGS INF [Block A-181]
- Born KY, died 9 Feb 1913, acute lobar pneumonia
- Elszted, Stanley D., 26 RECRUIT CO, USA [Block A-212]
- Born in Poland, died of pneumonia 19 Oct 1918
- Escudero, Edw'd, INFANT [Block A-30]
- Son of William Escudero, born in July 1895; died 2 Aug 1895
- Eskridge, Asher M., US QM, CORPS [Block A-194]
- Born in Virginia, committed sucide 8 Aug 1915
- Estes, C. S., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-138]
- Charles S. Estes, born PA, died from peritonitis, 5 Mar 1902
- Evans, John J., SERG, CO H, U.S.Cavalry, 1839-1905 [Block B-221]
- Farber, Carl A., CIVILAIN [Block A-27]
- Child, died 19 Apr 1890, remains reinterred 23 Dec 1896
- Fedderson, A. [Block A-144]
- August Fedderson, born Mar 1877, died 21 Aug 1904
- Fisher, Geo., Gen Serv, USA [Block A-3]
- Born in Germany; died 29 Mar 1891
- Flemm, Jos., CO M, 5 OHIO CAV [Block B-317]
- Joseph Flemm, son of Christian Flemm, born 10 Jan 1840 in Ohio, died 2 Mar 1901
- Foell, C. J., RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-164]
- Charles J., Foell, born 17 Apr 1874 in NY, died 27 Jun 1908 as the result of a fall (accident)
- Foley, Jeremiah, SERGT, US ARMY [Block A-54; buried 19 Dec 1896]
- Foote, J. S., CO D, 24 IA INF [Block B-174]
- John S. Foote, son of James, born 7 May 1844 in Ohio, died 3 Jul 1907
- Forbis, Father, CAPT H. K., CO F 19 KY VI (Whole stone) [Block B-89]
- Herbert (or Harbert) K. Forbis, son of John Forbis, born 10 Sep 1834, died 10 Oct 1910
- Ford, C. S., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-155]
- Charles S. Ford died 19 Jul 1907
- Fox, Jos., CO E, 5 PA CAV [2 Jun 1836-20 Jan 1902] [Block B-294]
- Not listed in Franklin County Veteran Grave Registry
- Franklin, Jerry, USA [Block A-18]
- Served in Co. G, Col'd Inf.; born Feb 1858, died 1 Dec 1880, remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 15 Dec 1896
- Freeman, Lewis L., CO C, 3 Ohio INF [Block B-289]
- Friddles, J. S., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-140]
- Jessie S. Friddles died 7 Mar 1902
- Frizzell, W. F., CO B, 18 US INF [Block A-52; buried 19 Dec 1896]
- Gant, George, CO E, 102 U.S.C.I. [Block B-39]
- Garrison, Jno. E., CO E, 47th Ohio INF [Block B-80]
- Son of Edward Garrison, born 11 May 1833, died 28 Dec 1910
- Gibbs, Rice, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-4]
- Gilbert
- Francis, 1844-1913, 45TH PA VI [Block B-74]
- Son of Henry Gilbert, born 8 Mar 1844, died 5 Aug 1913
- Oliver, CO B, 9 BATT'N, Ohio INF, SP. AM. War [Block B-260]
- Gilmore, F. M., CO B, 1 OHIO HA [Block B-291]
- Francis M. Gilmore, son of John Gilmore, born 30 Apr 1845, died 26 Feb, 1902
- Godsey, Rich'd L., 2 CO, USMP, GUARD [Block A-169]
- Son of James Godsey, born KY in 1887, died 11 Feb 1909 of typhoid fever
- Goff, Tillman, CO K, 137 Ohio H.G. INF [Block B-228]
- Gordon, Oliver S., CPL, CO A, 50 REGT Ohio INF, Feb 7, 1844-Aug 1, 1905 [Block B-203]
- Goss, P. J. [Block A-141]
- Philip J. Goss, AKA Philip J. Gass; born Oct 1871, died of gunshot wound 16 Jul 1904
- Gould, Marcellus, 185 Ohio INF [Block B-238]
- Gow
- Wm. A., CO A, 32 Ohio INF [Block B-206]
- William L., Corporal, 13 CO, US VOLS SIGNAL CORPS, Nov 30, 1873-Jan 4, 1907 [Son of William A. Gow] [Block B-62]
- Grady, James D., CO E, 17 U.S.C.I. [Block B-249]
- Gray
- David, CO G, 27 U.S.C.I. [Block B-43]
- Jacob, CO B, 19 US INF [Block B-105]
- Son of Spencer Gray, born 1847, died 10 Nov 1909
- Hall, John A., 1844-1911, CO G, 134 REG. ILL. V. I. [Block B-31]
- Halm, Wm., CO K, 64 OHIO INF [8 Jun 1832-29 Dec 1901] [Block B-296]
- Hamilton, Alex., GEN SERV, USA [Block A-22]
- Born Feb 1846, died 30 Jun 1880; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 15 Dec 1896
- Hammond, Eli, GEN SER, USA [Block A-8]
- Hampshire, Davis M., BATRY H, 1 OHIO LA [Block B-65]
- Son of Eli Hampshire, born 9 Oct 1867, died 11 Feb 1911
- Hanaway, CORPL, J. D., CO K, 85 OHIO INF [Block B-3]
- Jefferson D. Hanaway, died 29 Jun 1913
- Hanes, Wm. F., CO K, 9 IA CAV [Block B-132]
- Son of Thomas Hanes, born 4 Jul 1830, died 11 Sep 1909
- Hanlon, John, 164 CO, USCA CORPS [Block A-198]
- Born, 1892, died of malaria, 17 Oct 1916
- Hanna, Hiram, CO A, 35 Ohio INF [Block B-205]
- Harden, O. C. [Oscar C.], RECRUIT, USA [Block A-122]
- Oscar C. Harden, son of A. W. Harden, born 1878 in NC, died 16 Feb 1902 of pneumonia.
- Harmon
- Alex., CO C, 45 OHIO INF [Block B-298]
- Son of Robert Harmon, born 13 Jul 1875, died 10 Sep 1913
- C. P., CO K, 60 OHIO CAV [Block B-316]
- Cyrus P. Harmon, born 1848 in Clark County, Ohio, died 9 Feb 1901
- Harris
- J. W., CO H, 3 US INF [Block A-129]
- James W. Harris, born 1870 in Lexington, NC, died 12 Jul 1903; cause of death listed as dropsy
- Wm. H., RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-163]
- Harrison, Agustus, CO I, 15 U.S. CAV [Block B-240]
- Hartshorn, SERG'T, Marion, CO B, 31 Ohio INF [Block B-212]
- Hawk, Samuel S., 1t LIEUT, 2d W. VA. CAV [Block B-185]
- Hayes
- Frank, 9 RECT CO, IGS [Block A-168]
- Son of John Hayes, died 25 Jan 1909
- CORP John, CO H, 18 OVC [Block A-49]
- Died 22 Sep 1881; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 16 Dec 1896
- Healey, J. F. [John F.], RECRUIT, USA [Block A-119]
- John F. Healey, died 22 Jan 1902 of smallpox
- Helin, John, CO E, PROV ORD, BATTN, USA [Block A-216]
- Born 1880, died 24 Apr 1919; suicide
- Helpenstein, J. F., CO I, 13 Ohio INF [Block B-251]
- Henning, Chas., CO E, 58 ORD BAT [Block B-198]
- Herman, Robin [Joseph Robinson], Aug 13, 1902-Jan 24, 1911, aged 8y 5m 11d [Block A-215]
- Hewes, J. N. [James N.], CO A, 17TH US INF [Block A-109]
- Listed in the Green Lawn interment records as HUGHES, James N.; born 1864, died 10 Jun 1897
- Hickey, Maurice W., US CAV [Block A-197]
- Hickok, Clay, 1843-1902, CO K, 65 O.V.I. [Block B-187]
- Higgins, Cornelius, US Navy [Block B-288]
- Hill, Alb't. L., CO A, 41 USVI [Block B-114]
- Sone of Henry Hill, born 19 Mar 1871 in Ohio, died 8 Feb 1910
- Hillmann, Henry, CO C, US ENGRS [Block B-27]
- Born in Hanover in 1859, died 2 Jul 1912.
- Hinkley, L. E. [Louis E.], CO E, 17TH US INF [Block A-115]
- Louis E. Hinkley born 1878 in MO, died 3 Feb 1899
- Homick, Frank [Block A-36]
- Hoops, Clarence W., 10 US RECRUIT CO, CAC, [Block A-175]
- Son of Charles H. Hoops, born 18 Jun 1886, died 20 Mar 1911
- Hotchkiss, G. W. [George W.], US ARMY [Block A-84]
- George W. Hotchkiss, born Feb 1871 in IN, 23 Jul 1892 in an accidental drowning
- House, Wm. A., CO K, 33 ILL INF [Block B-268]
- Howard
- J. E., RECRUIT, BOA STA ART [Block A-150]
- James E., son of John Howard, died 11 Feb 1906
- LIEUT Lyman D., CO C, 4 NY CAV [1838-16 Sep 1909] [Block B-102]
- Howells, SERGT, Elwood M., CO H, 6 US CAV [Block B-14]
- Elwood Morrell Howells, son of William H. & Hannah (Evans) Howells, born 25 Dec 1861 died 25 Mar 1913, a drowning victim of the 1913 flood.
- Huber, Wm. H., CO G, 122 PA INF [1843-30 Dec 1907] [Block B-167]
- Hunt
- Charles [Block A-34]
- AKA Charles Hundt, Musician Gen Serv, USA; died 22 Jan 1880
- Fint J., 10 RECRUIT CO, USA [2 Feb 1897-19Feb 1917 [Block A-202]
- Hurd, James W., CO H, 62 OHIO INF [Block B-331]
- Son of Josuha & Sarah (Wright) Hurd, born 27 Dec 1843, died 18 Dec 1913; also known as Wm. J. Herde
- Hutson, SGT, Jno., CO A, 88 OHIO INF [Block B-320]
- Alias John Hudson, born 1 Jun 1821, died 17 Mar 1901
- Jacob[s], Arthur, RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-151]
- Arthur Jacobs, son of George Jacobs, born in Canada, died 26 (or 27) Jan 1907 of nephritis
- Jacques, Albert W., died July 10, 1903 [Block B-282]
- Johnson
- D. B., CO F, 20 US INF [Block A-133]
- Daniel B. Johnson, born 17 Nov 1836, Detroit, MI, died from peritonitis, 2 Jul 1902
- Francis H., CO F, 46 Ohio INF [Block B-273]
- Geo., CO E, 77 OHIO INF [1843-21 Sep 1913] [Block B-6]
- SERGT, Joshua, CO A, 80 OHIO INF [Block B-79]
- Son of Abram, born 29 Aug 1839, died 31 Dec 1910
- Wm. [rest illegible] [Block B-276]
- Jones
- A. S., CO F, 2 Ohio INF, MEX. War [Block B-145]
- Henry, CO E, 26 USCI [Block B-65]
- Son of William Jones, born 1846, died 5 Aug 1903
- Henry C., CO G, 195 Ohio INF [Block B-265]
- Luke, CO C, 107 U.S.C.I. [Block B-271]
- Jordan, 1ST SGT, Chas., USA [Block A-187]
- Joslin, Jno., CO I, 194 NY INF [Block B-146]
- Also known as John J. Joslin, born in New York, died 9 Jun 1909
- Kaiser, Father, Henry, 1867-1910, Corporal, Co B, 4 Regt Ohio Vols, War with Spain (High resolution 81KB) [Block B-110]
- Son of Jacob Kaiser, born 2 Dec 1868, died 6 Feb 1910
- Kaley, L. E., CO B, GEN SERV [Block A-23]
- Louis E. Kaley was born in Dec 1852, died 7 Jun 1878, remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 14 Dec 1896
- Kaschuk, Sam'l., MEDICAL DEPT, USA, [Block A-213]
- Born in Russia 7 Jan 1894, died 16 Nov 1918, cause of death listed as homicide
- Keaton, Edwin A., 12 RECRUIT CO., US INF [Block A-178]
- Kelley, Wm., US Navy [Block B-4] (Contact Leo J. Kelly, Jr., )
- Kennedy, W. H., GENL SERV, USA [Block A-53]
- Born Ireland, died 5 Jan 1893
- Kerr, Jno. M., CO H, 1 CAL INF [Block B-307]
- John M. Kerr, son of John Kerr, born 22 Jun 1813, died as the result of a concussion, 8 Jul 1899
- Kilpatrick, James M., 11 IND L.A. [Block B-263]
- King, Burk, 17 US INF [Block A-92]
- Son of Ed & Berhta King, born 25 Dec 1877 at Columbus, died 15 Dec 1899
- Kingman, O. F., CO B, GENL SERV, USA [Block A-51]
- Orman F. Kingman, born 1864, died 6 Dec 1888, remains removed from Columbus Barracks and reinterred, 18 Dec 1896
- Kinney, Wm., CO I, 37 USCI [Block B-139]
- Born 9 Mar 1824 in Kentucky, died 21 May 1909
- Kneeland, J. G., CO B, 17 US INF [Block B-154]
- Jesse Grant, son of Hamilton Kneeland, born 17 Aug 1873, died 21 Aug 1908
- Knowles, Harry, 11 RECRUIT CO, USA [Block A-209]
- Born 1873, died 1 Jan 1918
- Krafft, Wm., CO B, 6 U.S. CAV [Block B-229]
- Kratzer, Albert, RECRUIT, USA [Block A-14]
- Born Troy, IN, died 3 Apr 1904, pneumonia
- Labore, Frank, 10 RECRUIT CO, USA [Block A-211]
- Born in Italy 7 Jun 1899, died 16 Oct 1918
- Laird, J. C. R., CO F, 2 Ohio CAV [Block B-217]
- Lamaster, Rob't, CO A, 134 IND INF [Block B-123]
- Also known as, Robert Lemaster, born 1829, died 12 Jan 1910
- Lamb, C. J., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-137]
- Charles J. Lamb, born KS, 1882, died of tuberculosis, 6 Mar 1902
- Landers, Jno., CO B, 17TH US INF [Block A-110]
- John Landers, born ?? Sep 1858, died 17 Jun 1897
- Langden, Henry D., CORP'L, CO A, 8 Ohio INF [Block B-248]
- Laufner, Alf'd, US Army [Block A-70]
- CO D, GEN SERV; born Feb 1862, died 19 Aug 1883
- Lawrence, A. J., CO C, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-50]
- Andrew J. Lawrence, born Mar 1866, died 2 Apr 1888; remains removed from Columbus Barracks and reinterred 17 Dec 1896
- Lawson, Jacob, CO I, 133 OHIO INF [Block B-314]
- Jacob Lawson, son of Jacob Lawson, born 1844, died 9 Jan 1901
- Laylander, John W., Sept 26, 1835-May 8, 1909 [Block B-140]
- Also known as John W. Leylander, son of James Laylander, born in Ohio
- LeCour, Child [Block A-128]
- AKA LaCour, child of Joseph W., born & died 3 May 1902 in Columbus
- Legg
- James A., 1872-1900, 8th & 17th US INF [Block B-58]
- Some records give year of birth as 1874, died 10 Dec 1900, son of John Legg
- Jno., CO B, 26 OHIO INF [Block B-138]
- Son of George Legg, born 23 Dec 1843, died 24 May 1909
- Lemerke, Child [Block A-10]
- Letterman, Gregory, US ARMY [Block A-21]
- US Army Band, born 1828, died 25 Jul 1882; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 16 Dec 1896
- Levey, Husband, George A., [son of William] June 20, 1845-Aug 4, 1908, CO H, NY VOL INF [Block B-152]
- Lewis, Franklin B., son of T W & E J, Oct 30, 1872-Dec 5, 1905, CO C 4TH REGT OVI [Block B-52]
- Cause of death: Broken neck
- Livingston, H. L., HOSP CORPS, USA [Block A-172]
- Born TN, died 16 Jan 1910, anemia
- Lloyd, Charles Oakley, CO G, 1 O.V.I., Jan 29, 1870-Nov 7, 1901 [Block B-59]
- Lomax, Arthur G., APP For Enlistment, [Block A-207]
- Died 19 Mar 1917; cause of death: Toxemia
- Long, Wilson G., 1872-[9 Jun] 1913, CO L 4TH OVI [Block B-1]
- Losche, Child
- Lucas, SERGT, Isaac, CO H, 5 USCI [Block B-328]
Born in Ohio, died 11 Nov 1913
- Lummus, N. C. [Noah C.], RECRUIT USA, [Block A-120]
- Noah C. Lummus, born 1871 in GA, died 28 Jan 1902 of pneumonia
- Machelite, A., 10 BATTY, OHIO INF [Block B-11]
- Augustus Machelite, born in Saxony, died 26 Feb 1913, Civil War Veteran
- Madden, John, USA [Block A-7]
- Malheim, SERG'T Nils, CO H, 20 US INF [Block A-132
- AKA Miles Malheim, died 6 Jul 1902
- Malone, Hugh, CO L, 12 OHIO CAV [died 10 Feb 1909] [Block B-127]
- Manning, J. W., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-11]
- John W. Manning, born Colorado, died 2 Jun 1904, gun shot wound
- Marlow, SERGT J. L., 26 RECRUIT CO, GS INF [Block A-195]
- Also known as Johnithan L. Marlow, born in North Carolina, died 3 Sep 1915
- Marshall
- Edward B., 1838-1909, CO H 89TH OVI [Born in Ohio, died 16 Dec 1909] [Block B-107]
- William A., born in Germany, July 21, 1851, died Aug 24, 1892 (Whole stone) [Block A-58]
- Martin, C. W., CO E 17TH US INF [Block A-2]
- Mathews, Jas. C., 11 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS [Block A-184]
- Born in Georgia, doed 6 Mar 1913
- Mauhirter, Wm., CO G [178 OVI, Civil War; died 28 Sep 1908] [Block B-155]
- Mayer, Geo. A., COLOR SGT, US ARMY [Block A-210]
- Died 5 Sep 1918 of apoplexy
- McAllister, Jap S., Civilian [Block A-190]
- McCarty, Henry A., CO C, 145 OHIO INF [Civil War, died 11 Mar 1908] [Block B-161]
- McCreight, Child [Block A]
- McCulley, Adger, RECRUIT, USA [Block A-108]
- Died 8 Jan 1902 of pneumonia
- McDonald
- Jas. E., CO E, 4 OHIO INF, SP AM WAR [buried 26 Sep 1904] [Block B-60]
- Jno., Gen Serv, USA [Block A-33]
- McEntee, SGT, Jos., CO C, 17TH US INF [Block A-105]
- Died 17 Sep 1900 of gun shot wounds
- McGrail, Chas. P., GSR [Block A-35]
- McIntosh, Peter, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-90]
- Died 8 May 1899 of measles; buried the next day
- McKenzie, Byron, CO D, 9 OHIO CAV [died 7 Jul 1911] [Block B-76]
- McKown, Frank, CO A, 17TH US INF [Block A-101]
- Born 1847 in New York, NY, committed suicide 21 May 1897
- McLain, K. G., GEN SERV RGT, USA [Block A-67]
- King G. McLain, died 29 May 1893
- McWilliamson, Thos., CO F, 7 OHIO CAV [died 4 Jan 1900] [Block B-311]
- Mick, MUS-N, James, CO E, 63 Ohio INF [Block B-42]
- Miles, Geo., RECRUIT, US INF [died of typhoid fever 29 Nov 1907] [Block A-157]
- Miller
- A. J., CO M, 3 Ohio CAV [Block B-194]
- Jerem'h, CORP'L, CO K, 55 Ohio [Block B-237]
- Jonathan L., CORP'L, CO C, 2 Ohio H.A. [Block B-234]
- Peter A., CO E, 5 OHIO INF [died 2 Apr 1910] [Block B-115]
- Mitchell
- Jas., CO C, 20 OHIO INF [Block B-176]
- Son of Joseph Mitchell, born 4 Jan 1841, died 7 Jul 1907
- Orlando, CO H, 5 USCI [Block B-333]
- Son of William Mitchell, born 10 May 1843, Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, died 4 Jun 1914
- Mock, Eli, CO F, 155 OHIO INF [Block B-302]
- Montgomery, Geo. W., CO G, 2 W VA CAV [Block B-104]
- Son of George Montgomery, born 16 May 1849, died 8 Nov 1909
- Moore
- E. J., CO A, 17TH US INF [Block A-114]
- Edward J. Moore, born 1878 at San Francisco, CA, died 21 Feb 1899
- Harry P., 10 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS [Block A-196]
- Morris, Robt. F., APP FOR ENLISTMENT [Block A-206]
- Mulrooney, Thos., GEN SERV, USA [Block A-82]
Born 1852 in NY, committed suicide, 30 Jan 1890
- Murray
- SERGT, A. T., CO C, 14 PA CAV [Block B-148]
- Records show name as Andrew F. Murray, born 31 Oct 1838, died 17 Jun 1908
- Drury, CO K, 45 KY INF [Block B-131]
- Born in Abbingotn, Virginia; died 9 Apr 1909
- Nash, Jos. A., CO L, 7 OHIO CAV [Block B-129]
- Son of John Nash, born 1 Feb 1821, died 28 Mar 1909
- Nease, Rolland, CO B, 52 PA INF [died 16 Jan 1909] [Block B-124]
- Nelson, Henry, GEN SERV PCT, USA [Block A-55]
- Born 1868, died 14 May 1891
- Neupert, Paul, GEN SERV RGT, USA [Block A-77]
- Born 1852 in Germany, killed self 18 Feb 1891
- Noice, Jos., CO B 127 Ohio INF [Block B-283]
- North, E. T., CO B, 7 Ohio INF, SP. AM. War [Block B-261]
- Norton, M. J. [Mearl J.], RECRUIT, USA [Block A-145; buried 10 Apr 1904]
- Notson, MAJ, Wm. M., Surgeon, US Army, died June 23, 1882, aged 46 yrs 5 mo [Block A 125-126]
- Nutt, Jno. E., CO I, 32 OHIO INF [Block B-303]
- John E. Nutt, son of John Nutt, born 15 Jul 1836 in Ohio, died 30 Jun 1901
- O'Brien, Pat. B. [Patrick B.], RECRUIT CO, USGS INF [Block A-179]
- Patrick B. O'Brien, born 28 Aug 1884 at Dayton, Montgomery County, OH, died 1 Jul 1912 of gastro enteritis
- Oliver, W. M., CO B, 174 OHIO INF [Block B-151]
- William Maddison Oliver, born 1844, died 18 Jul 1908
- Osterman[n], Alice, Infant (Photograph) [Section 51 Block A Grave 61] (Contact Donna McClean Young, )
- Daughter of Siegmund Osterman, born 6 Mar 1894, died 24 Dec 1894
- Page, Jos., 12 US, RECRUIT, CO INF [Block A-174]
- Son of James Page, born 28 Sep 1877, died 6 Mar 1911 of bronchio pneumonia
- Patrick, Ezekial, RECRUIT CAC [Block A-161]
- Son of Merton Patrick, born KY, died 12 Mar 1908 aged 21 years 6 months, lobar pneumonia
- Patterson, Geo., HOSP CORP, USA [died 24 Dec 1904] [Block A-62]
- Paul, C. B., US ARMY [Block A-57]
- Musician, Band Gen. Serv., died 7 Dec 1896
- Pearce, Otis, CO F, 5 REG. LT. ART [Block B-143]
- Perry, I. W. [Isaac W.], US ARMY [Block A-81]
- Isaac W. Perry, born Apr 1870 at Shelby, TN, died 22 Mar 1892 of pneumonia
- Philips, John, CO I, U.S. ART [Block B-247]
- Pimlott, J. H., CO E, 1 NJ INF [Block B-318]
- James H. Pimlott, born 1829 in Pennsylvania, died 11 Mar 1901
- Pincott, G. E. [George E.], GEN SERV, USA [Block A-9]
- Pope, Jas. A., CO A, 36 Ohio INF [Block B-218]
- Prentice, Mrs.
- Purger, Theresa, Infant [Block A]
- Quarles, Rob't., GEN SERV, USA [died 22 Apr 1899] [Block A-88]
- Rabstock, Chas., CO B, 17 US INF [Block B-310]
- Born in Germany, died 17 Jul 1900
- Radcliff, LIEUT, Vincent, CO F, 91 OHIO INF [Block B-166]
- Born at Bloomfield, Ohio, died 12 Feb 1908
- Rain (Listed in order photographed)
- Frederick A., 1890-1891, son of Com Serg, Edward Rain, USA [Block A]
- Edward A., 1877-1891, son of Com Serg, Edward Rain, USA [Block A]
- Ortillo May, 1880-1891, son of Com Serg, Edward Rain, USA [Block A]
- Mabel F., 1883-1891, daughter of Com Serg, Edward Rain, USA [Block A]
- Randolph, Laura Churchill, July 13, 1904-March 8, 1911 [Block A-214]
- Rankin, Frank, CO D, 17TH US INF [Block A-97]
- Committed suicide 3 Jan 1895
- Redding, Geo. W., 13 RECT CO, CAC [Block A-171]
- Born in May 1874 in Georgia, died of "Chronic Paren Nephri," 26 May 1909
- Redman, Willis, CO B, 9 OHIO INF, SP AM WAR [died 31 Mar 1914] [Block B-337]
- Reid, Rich'd, GEN SERV RGT, USA [died 14 Aug 1893] [Block A-95]
- Renow, [Blank], Civilian [Block A]
- Rice, Aquilla, CO I, 58 OHIO INF [Buried 29 Sep 1909] [Block B-103]
- Richards, Benj., CO H, 3 Ohio INF [Block B-193]
- Ridgeway, John R., CO E, 5 U.S.C.I. [Block B-35]
- Robertson, J. W., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-13]
- John W. Robertson, died 4 Apr 1904, pneumonia
- Rodman, Alf'd, CO C, 48 IND INF [died 13 Feb 1913] [Block B-9]
- Rohrback, Emile and Geo., CHILDREN [Block A-32]
- Roy, Stanislas, MEDAL OF HONOR, COLOR SGT US ARMY, Indian Wars, Feb 10, 1913 [Block A-183]
- Sager, John W., CO C, 185 OHIO INF [1844-2 Nov 1911] [Block B-73]
- Sanford, E. H., CO C, 17TH REGT, KAN VOL INF, Jan 1822-Apr 1901 [Block B-322]
- Ephraim H. Sanford, son of Ezra Sanford, born 24 Jan 1822 in New York, died 11 Apr 1901
- Savery, Samuel F., July 4, 1834-June 26, 1909, Woodmen of the World [Block B-137]
- Lieut., Co H, 132 PA Inf, Civil War
- Scamehorn, Geo., 23 OHIO INF [Block B-292]
- Alias, George Schammehorn/Schaummehorn, 1838-24 Feb 1902
- Scherer, Paul R., 7 US RECRUIT, CO INF [Block A-176]
- Son of Paul & Louisa (Kull) Scherer, born in Columbus; died of self-inflicted gun shot wound on 21 Jun 1911
- Schwaner, Helfrich, CPL, COI, 7TH NYV [Block B-160]
- Son of Justice Schwaner, born 1843 in Germany, died 13 Mar 1908
- Schweikert, P., CO A, 13 CT INF [Block B-270]
- Sells, A. H., CO F, 95 Ohio INF [Block B-230]
- Shaffer, George, 1885-1910 [Block B-87]
- CO D, 145 OVI, born 13 Mar 1885 in Virginia, died 27 Oct 1910
- Sharp, W. M., CO A, 32 OHIO INF (See also S: Sharp) [Block B-181] (Contact Andrea Long, )
- Son of John, born 17 Aug 1835 in New York, died 24 Oct 1907
- Shaw, Milton, CO E, 135 OHIO INF [Block B-100]
- Son of Tilman Shaw, born 31 Jan 1844, died 19 Dec 1909
- Shields, Jno., CO G, 4 NY CAV [died 18 Mar 1901] [Block B-319]
- Shiflet, Ira, CO E, 97 OHIO INF [Block B-98]
- Born 15 Feb 1830 in Virginia, died 4 Jun 1910
- Shough, G. H., CO A, 208 PA INF [Block B-284]
- Simmons, CAPT Wilmer S., CO E, 4 IA INF [Block B-118]
- Wilmer Smith Simmons, son of Stephen Simmons, born 12 Mar 1827, died 30 Apr 1910
- Simms, Chas. H., 12 RECRUIT CO, US CAV [Block A-193]
- Born at Niagra Falls, New York, 22 Dec 1887, died 10 Jul 1915
- Small, Simon, died Mar 19, 1911, aged 71 yrs [Block B-69]
- Simon was the son of Levi Small, born 14 Mar 1840, member CO K, 67 OVI, Civil War
- Smith
- Alexander, PVT, 73 Ohio INF, March 4, 1839-April 1, 1905 [Block B-202]
- Marvin M., RECRUIT CO, US INF [Block A-201]
- Son of Enis Smith, born 20 Sep 1898, died 2 Feb 1917, bronchio pneumonia
- Peter, CO D, 5 MASS CAV [Block B-262]
- Walter, 1881-1912, 1st Sergent CO H 31 INFT US WV [Block B-8]
- Walter was the son of Scott Smith, born 25 Apr 1881, died 25 Nov 1912
- Snell, LIEUT, Geo. R., 46 OHIO INF [1832-29 Nov 1883] [Section 51, Block B-20]
- Solomon, W. W., 22 RECRUIT CO, USCA, CORPS [Block A-200]
- Waleter W. Solomon, born 4 Oct 1898, died 30 Jan 1917
- Somermier, Fern and Ivy, children [Block A-16]
- Fern, born 18 Jun 1879, died 21 Jun 1879 and Ivy, born 18 Jun 1879, died 27 Jun 1879, twin daughters of Solomon Somermier
- Sovill, Adam, CO F, 60 Ohio INF [Block B-34]
- Spaith (Contact Andrea Long, )
- E. Arthur, 1870-1911, CO C 4TH OVI 1898, Post Q M SERGT 2ND Brigade ONG [Block B-48]
- Edwin Arthur, son of Joseph & Nora V. (Sharp) Spaith, born 30 Sep 1870 in Licking County, Ohio, died 29 Jul 1911
- Joseph, 1843-1915, SERGT, CO B, 76TH REGT OVVI [Block B-341]
- Son of Noah Spaith, born 25 Apr 1843 in Lucas County, Ohio, died 15 Apr 1915; served in Civil War, enlisted 12 Oct 1861, discharged 15 Jul 1865
- Spalding, Thos, RECRUIT, GEN'L SER [Block A-106]
- Thomas Spalding son of John Spalding, born 1865 at Louisville, Jefferson County, KY, died 4 Jul 1901 of a gun shot wound (homicide).
- Spencer
- Geo. K., Child
- SGT, P. R., CO E, 17TH US INF [Block A-99]
- Park R. Spencer (AKA Park B. Spencer), born Aug 1860 at Chatauqua County, NY; died 11 Feb 1897 of "heart trouble"
- Sprankle, Nathaniel P., CO O, 105 PA INF [Block B-33]
- Sprouse, Seymour M., CO C, OHIO NG, INF [Block A-208]
- died 16 Jul 1917, spinal meningitis
- Stackhouse, Theo. CO A [Block B-197]
- Stackpole, James, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-17]
- Born 1849, died 18 Jun 1876; remains removed from Columbus Barracks; reinterred 14 Dec 1896
- Stahl, Lloyd [Block A-39]
- CO C, GEN SER, died 4 May 1881
- Stealey, SGT, E. E. [Elmer E.], CO M, 15 US INF [Block A-118]
- Elmer E. Stealey, died 25 Nov 1903
- Stewart
- CORPL, David A., CO I, 57 PA INF [Block B-118]
- Son of Samuel Stewart, born 9 Jan 1839, Blair County, Pennsylvania, died 21 Jun 1910
- Rob't A., 26 RECRUIT CO., US INF [Block A-191]
- Born 27 Mar 1873 in Mississippi, died 2 Mar 1915
- Still, Henry, CO K, 125 Ohio INF [Block B-244]
- Stitt, Samuel G., CO I, 6 PA H.A. [Block B-32]
- Stone
- Abram, CO C, 33 Ohio INF [Block B-267]
- S. B., GEN SERV, USA [Block A-86]
- Spanish American War veteran, died 21 Apr 1899 of pneumonia
- Svenson, J. O. [John O.], US ARMY [Block A-78]
- Born Oct 1865 in Sweden, died 13 Jul 1892 of pulmonary hemorrhage
- Swalley, Hiram, CO A, 38 OHIO INF [Block B-85]
- Sweeney, SERGT Chas. E., CO H, 3 US INF [Block A-166]
- Son of Moses Sweeney, born 17 Jun 1867, died 6 May 1908
- Swinney, Arley T., 11 RECRUIT CO, US INF [Block A-203]
- Son of James Swinney, born Johnson County, TN, born 6 Nov 1898, died of bronchio pneumonia, 23 Feb 1917
- Swisher, C. C. [Clarence C.], RECRUIT, US INF [Block A-154; buried 23 Jul 1917]
- Taylor
- C. K., CO G, 4 Ohio INF, SP. AM. War [Block B-195]
- J. D., RECRUIT, USA [Block A-139]
- Jerome D. Taylor, son of Albert Taylor, born GA, 1878; died of pneumonia, 6 Mar 1902
- Teetor, Wm W., 16 IND INF [Sep 1837-25 Apr 1914] [Block B-334]
- Thacker, F., 55 Ohio INF [Block B-242]
- Thomas
- Ellen L.
- SGT, Jno., USA [Block A-107]
- Civil War veteran, died 24 Feb 1906 of pneumonia
- Jno., CO I, 94 Ohio INF [Block B-215]
- Samuel, CO B, 53 Ohio INF [Block B-227]
- Thompson
- E. J., CO E, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-56; died 2 Jun 1889]
- Otto, CO C GEN SERV, USA [Block A-69]
- Born Aug 1866, died 15 Jan 1890
- Tier, John T., CO C, 75 OHIO INF [Block B-179]
- Middle initial shown in records is "J;" he was the son of John, born 18 Apr 1828, died 14 Sep 1907
- Toles, L. B. [Leonard B.], GEN SERV RGT, USA [Block A-93]
- Died of accidental drowning, 10 Jun 1893
- Tooley, J. N., CO H, 3 US INF [Block A-15]
- James N. Tooley, born KY, died 6 Feb 1904, bronchitis
- Tootle, O. E., CO E, 18 OHIO INF [Block B-141]
- Records give name as Owen B. Tootle, botn 24 Aug 1844, died 26 Nov 1908
- Tripp, E. D. [Earl D.], RECRUIT USA [Block A-152]
- Earl D. Tripp, born Pontiac, IL, son of ( ? ) Tripp and Laura E. ( ? ); died of gunshot wounds to chest (murdered), 7 May 1907, aged 18 years 7 months
- Twaddle, Richard A., Corporal, Company C, 4th Reg OVI, Feb 22, 1874-Oct 31, 1900 [Block B-57]
- Underwood, CORPL Jos. C., CO K, 74 OHIO INF [Block B-91]
- Son of William Underwood, died 17 Sep 1910
- VanAtta, H. L., CO C, 150 OHIO INF [Block B-163]
- Harrison L. VanAtta, son of Stephen VanAtta, born 13 July 1847, died 11 Feb 1908
- VanOver, Elizabeth [Block A-26]
- Born in Mar 1892, died 10 Nov 1892
- Vogle, Chas. W., PR MUS'N, 11 US INF [died 28 Jun 1907] [Block B-173]
- Wales, Jeff'y, CO I, 113 OHIO INF [Block B-300]
- Records give name as Thomas J. Wales, son of Nathan Wales, born 1836 in Gurnesey County, Ohio, died 21 Aug 1901
- Walker, Guy M., 26 RECRUIT CO, USCA CORPS [Block A-192]
- Son of Horace Walker, born May 2, 1893 in IA, died of 11 Apr 1915 of bronchio pneumonia
- Wallace, Jas., CO G, 88 OHIO INF [1842-19 May 1914] [Block B-324]
- Walsh, SERGT, John P., USA [Retired] [Block A-205]
- Ward, Henry, CO F, 37 U.S.C.I. [Block B-275]
- Warren, Ellis, CO I, 50 S.C. INF [Block B-277]
- Waugh, George A., 1st SGT, CO B, 8 Ohio INF {Block B-256]
- Webb, Nyanza, RECRUIT, USA [Block A-102]
- Born 1879, died 18 Apr 1900 of pleuritis & peucorditis
- Weber
- SERG'T, Fred'k, CO G, 8 REG GEN SER [Block A-156]
- Frederick Weber was born in Germany, his death on 4 Nov 1907 was listed as a homicide
- John, CO F, 185 Ohio INF [Block B-38]
- Webster, Walter, CORP'L, CO B, 9 BATT'N, 9 Ohio INF, SP. AM. War [Block B-254]
- Weifel, Augustus, CO C, 19 OHIO INF [Block B-2]
- Also known as Augustus Wiefel, 22 Aug 1829-2 Jul 1913
- Weimer, Wesley, PVT CO I, 155 OHIO INF, Apr 19, 1836-Jan 29, 1907 [Block B-189]
- Also known as Wesley Wymer
- Welker, Jay, GEN SERV, USA [Block A-89]
- Born 1878 in IL, died 7 May 1899 of pneumonia
- Wendell, SERG'T, C. P., CO E, 17 US INF [Block A-135]
- Charles P. Wendell, son of Charles Wendell, born NY, 15 Sep 1868, died from pneumonia, 30 May 1902
- Wenger, F. H. [Frank H.], GEN SERV RGT, USA [died 17 Aug 1894] [Block A-98]
- Wenrith, Anton, US Army [Block A-68]
- AKA Anton Winrith; CO A, GEN SERV; born 1854, died 27 Nov 1891
- Whaley, W. W. [William W.], CO K, 17TH US INF [Block A-117]
- William W. Whaley, born Lithopolis, Fairfield County, OH; died 8 Feb 1899, aged 25 years 5 months
- Wherritt, P. C. [Perry C.], died Oct 6, 1892, aged 38 yrs, 1st Sargent, CO D [Block A-79]
- Born Richmond, KY, died of paralysis/cerebral hemmorrhage (stroke)
- Whims, SERGT Wm., CO H, 65 OHIO INF [Block B-96]
- Son of Henry H. Whims, born 27 May 1838 at Bellaire, Ohio, died 15 Jul 1910
- White
- Chas., CO E, 3 US INF [Block A-12]
- Born St. Louis, MO, died 15 Apr 1904, suicide, gun shot
- Van B., SERG'T, CO A, 27 Ohio INF [Block B-208]
- Whited, Grant, RECRUIT, US ART [Block A-153)
- Son of Milerd Whited, died 21 May 1907
- Williams
- A. A. [Archie A.], RCRUIT, USA [died 26 Aug 1904] [Block A-113]
- Dave, died in Manila, June 18, 1900, age 20 yrs, Corporal, CO A 4TH OVI [born Straitsville, OH] [Block B-56]
- Jno., GEN SERV RGT, USA [Block A-96]
- Died of gunshot wound on 14 Jul 1894
- Wilson
- And'w, 10 RECRUIT CO, US INF [died 19 Mar 1919] [Block A-177]
- Arthur E., US INF [Block A-173]
- Born in California, ded 23 Mar 1910
- C. A., RECRUIT, US INF [or CAV] [Block A-159]
- Charley A. Wilson, born in North Carolina, died 29 Jaun 1909
- Jas., CO E, 126 S.C.H.A. [Block B-243]
- Sam'l, CO B,178 Ohio INF [Block B-186]
- Wm. S., 21 US INF [died 8 Feb 1911] [Block B-49]
- Winston, John R., CO E, 23 U.S.C.I. [Block B-264]
- Woll, Minnie [Block A-31]
- Woosley, Thos., 112 CO, COAST ART [Block A-123]
- Thomas W. Woosley, born 1875 in KY, died 19 Feb 1902, tuberculosis
- Worley,
- Ray B., CO L, 15 U.S. INF [Block B-259]
- W. A., PR MUS'N, 69 Ohio INF [Block A-169]
- William A. Worley, Musician, Field & Staff, 69th, born Ohio, died of pneumonia, 26 Nov 1907
- W. H., RECRUIT, USA [Block 1-136]
- Willison H., Peace Time Army, Recruit, died 26 Mar 1902
- Wyland, John H., CO G, 100 PA INF [Block B-274]

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