The Ohio ALHN is always in need of volunteers who will assist with genealogical and historical questions and problems. Your willingness to use your resources to help others is vital. If you are willing to assist, please, review How Can I Help the Ohio ALHN? and contact me at . I will add your name and resource to the list of volunteers. I always encode the email address so the it can't be "harvested" by SPAM "robots."
Requesting a lookup: Please read carefully any special notes or instructions expressed by the volunteer before sending a request. Send a brief message to the volunteer at the email address listed. Put OHALHN Lookup in the subject line unless instructed otherwise by the volunteer.
James McBride, Pioneer Biography; Sketches of the Lives of Some of the Early Settlers of Butler County, Ohio (Cincinnati, 1869) |
Gloria Fisher
glofish43@aol.com |
Stephen D. Cone, Biographical & Historical Sketches; A Narrataive of Hamilton & Its Residents: 1792 to 1896, illustrated (Hamilton, Ohio, n.d.) |
Gloria Fisher
glofish43@aol.com |
Henry Howe, Howe's Historical Collection (The Ohio Centennial Edition), (Cincinnati 1907; © 1888) |
Gloria Fisher
glofish43@aol.com |
Ohio Civil War Roster, 12 volumes. Gives soldier's/sailor's age, age at time of enlistment, how many years they enlisted for, and remarks (if wounded or in prison or transferred to another unit, muster out date, etc.)
You MUST supply the regiment the man served in when making a lookup request. Go to Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System to search for regiment before writing to the lookup volunteer. |
Gloria Fisher
glofish43@aol.com |
Scioto County Cemetery Inscriptions, Madison & Harrison Townships; this source includes inscriptions prior to 1977. |
Maggie Coughlan (in Idaho)
MtmamaMaggie@aol.com |
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