This page is dedicated to the men and women of Ohio's law enforcement community. It is presented with gratitude to all who protect and serve the citizens of their communities and state.
Ohio's police officers are the members of society who have chosen to protect the citizens of their state and communities from more than just crime and ciminals. All too often they give the ultimate while doing that job. The citizens of Ohio have chosen to honor those who gave their lives in the line of duty with the Ohio Fallen Officers' Memorial, which is located on the grounds of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) near London in Madison County.
If you have appropriate links that you would like to see included here, please, send them to Leona at .
The Fallen:
Fallen Officers' Memorial
Ohio's Fallen Officers
Ohio C. O. P. S. (Concerns of Police Survivors)
Organizations & Histories:
Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association
History of Ohio Sheriffs
History of the Police Department of Dayton, Ohio, Montgomery County
Geneva City Police Department, Ashtabula County
Lacaster City Police Department, Fairfield County
History of the Macedonia Police Department, Summit County
Westlake, Ohio History Collection
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