The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, April 12, 1902, page 7 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Quarrel Over a Grocery Settled--
Olentangy Park Program--
Rossa Bound Over.
Justice L. E. Andrews decided a forcible detention suit over the possession of a grocery on West Broad street Saturday morning, that of George W. Harach vs. Fulton M. Florence et al., finding defendant guilty, and ordering restitution.
Justice Andrews gave judgment for plaintiff in the suit of Charles Shaffner & Co. vs. P. J. Gahagen, for $122.50.
In the suit of the Olentangy Park company vs John Field, for $250 for program privilege at the park, Justice Lowry gave judgment of $174.25 for plaintiff. It was found that Mr. Field had paid $100 to the company for which no credit had been given.
In Justice Lowery's court F. C. Rector has sued Lummie Brown for $45 legal services
C. Rossa was bound over to the grand jury in $300 by Justice Clark, and in default went to jail. Rossa's charge is that of obtaining goods by false pretenses from Onorato, Smith & Co., while at Lancaster. When the day arrived for his hearing he could not be found, and Constable Thomas had to go to Toledo and bring him back.
Complains of the Howls.
Mrs. Christina Schwenk was at the city hall Saturday and complained about being annoyed by neighbors' dogs at her home on Mohler street.
Her story was to the effect that two families live almost next door to her in two rooms each and that they have five dogs penned in a chicken coop on the rear of the lot.
She state that the dogs do not get enough to eat and keep up a continual howl. The matter was referred to the police department, and an officer was instructed to make an investigation.
Sisson Appointed.
Director Immel Saturday appointed Henry W. Sisson, Republican, of 1104 Michigan avenue, to the position of clerk in the water works department, which has been vacant ever since Mason Gill was appointed to the position of secretary in the department.
Mr. Sisson is to go to work on Monday. The place is in the classified list.
Change in Weather Men.
N. M. Leonard, who for nine months has been an assistant observer at the Columbus weather station , leaves on Saturday night for Des Moines, Ia. Gideon S. Jones of the latter station, will exchange places with him.
Mr. Leonard's home is ten miles from Des Moines, and Mr. Jones was stationed in Columbus four years ago, hence the desirability of the transfer.
Had to Lick the Stamp.
Steve Conder, of 434 East Long street, reported to the police that after laying a package of candy and chewing gum on a table at the post-office to write a letter the package was stole.

Silas Roberts of this city, has been enlisted for the United States cavalry.

Columbus Evening Dispatch, Wednesday, July 1, 1903
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
46,326.--Caroline Gottschalk vs. Peter Schart, et. al. Partition. J. Schlesinger, attorney.
46,327.--Sarah J. Yarnell vs. John A. F. Yarnell. Divorce. T. E. Powell, attorney.
46,328.--Cora D. Henderson vs. The C. L. & S. Ry. Co. Damages ($1,000). T. H. Clark and J. J. Chester, attorneys.
Lonie Backenstoe, 24, stock dealer, and Beatrice Ralph, 22.

Columbus Evening Dispatch, Wednesday, September 2, 1908
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Messenger Found Lying Unconscious
and Can't Give Clear Account
of What Happened.
Joe Martin, a telegraph messenger boy, was found lying on Smoky road, south of Parsons avenue, in an unconscious condition, Tuesday afternoon, and was carried to the office of the South Side Lumber company. Later the patrol wagon was called and he was brought to the city prison. When he regained consciousness he said that he while riding along the road on his wheel he was attacked by two men who jumped out from behind bushes. He could not give a very lucid account of what happened except that he was roughly handled and robbed of 35 cents. The police are investigating.
Harry E. Kile Wins Bride for
Whom He Patiently Waited
for Two Years.
In the matter of patience, Harry E. Kile, an electrician of Columbus, could probably give Job of Biblical history a few pointers that the latter had never discovered. Kile gets his record from marital troubles.
Two years ago Kile secured a marriage license to marry Miss Cynthia Bell Riley, but several days later that license was returned to the probate court as Kile had learned that his intended bride already had a husband, Clarence Seeds, a school teacher of Shadesville, whom she had married in 1903.
The intended bride, however, declared that the Seeds marriage was a joke and that she had only lived with that husband eight days when he deserted her. Last May she secured a divorce decree from Seeds upon the ground of gross neglect.
Wednesday afternoon, Kile paid a second visit to the court house and again took out a license to marry Miss Riley, and after two years of waiting will become her happy husband.
Name Was Waiting for Him.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Denton (Stella Setter), Wednesday. He is named Lester Setter Denton, and weighs nine pounds. The family residence is at 410 Sandusky street.
Electrician Testing a Switch is enveloped in Flames in the Basement of Building.
Emmett McCann of 2338 1-2 West Broad street, who is employed by the Public Service company, was terribly burned by an explosion of gas from a manhole igniting from the spark of an electric switch, about midnight Tuesday night. He was testing a switch in the basement of the L. B. Livingston building at Long and Pearl streets when the accident occurred.
He ran into the alley beside the building with his clothing in flames., and W. Lemon, a night watchman in the Columbus Savings & Trust company building, threw a coat about him, smothering the flames. He was taken to St. Francis hospital in the city ambulance, where he regained consciousness Wednesday morning. The hospital physicians are unable to determine the extent of the injuries yet. McCann is 23 years old, and married, but has no children.
Steal Plum Jelly.
Plum jelly was an attraction to the person that broke into the home of J. W. Stokes, 2 87 Wheatland avenue, sometime Tuesday afternoon or evening. The house was entered through a side window and nine half-pint glasses of the fruit were stolen.
Escapes From His Captor.
The police have been asked to locate Anton Chabowsky, a 17-year-old boy who excaped from an officer at the Scioto Valley Traction station Tuesday afternoon. With two other boys he was being taken from Cleveland to the Reform farm at Lancaster. While the officer was asking ablut the cars to the farm Chabowsky walked out of the station unnoticed and has not been seen since.
Pleads Not Guilty.
John Livingston entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of false pretenses in police court Wednesday morning and his case was continued until Friday. The affidavit against Livingston was filed by A. O. Glock and charges Livingston with representing himself as John Fisher, to whom a check for $6 was drawn by Julius A. Ziegfield on the Produce Exchange bank.
The Columbus Citizen, Saturday, November 20, 1909, Page 3 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Rev. Wesley E. Bovey, newly chosen pastor of the North Congregational church, will take charge Sunday, preaching his first sermon at the morning service.
Rev. Bovey arrived Thursday evening from Trayer, Ia., the home of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, where he was formerly pastor. He was compelled to leave Mrs. Bovey and their three children in the West, as the youngest son has been critically ill for several weeks with spinal meningitis and it is still a question whether he will recover. As soon as the boy's condition permits, they will come to Columbus, when Rev. Bovey hopes to have their new home waiting for them. Mrs. Bovey is the daughter of Mrs. B. S. Waters, of 453 Eighth avenue, and a sister of Mrs. Homer Young of 2361 North High street.
The congregation of the North church are now preparing to extend a formal welcome to their new pastor and his family and to this the members of the Congregational churches in the city will be invitied.
[Photo accompanies article]
Y. M. C. A. workers want their meeting, Sunday afternoon, in the association building on South Third street, which will wind up its week of prayer and money collection, to measure up to the standard of the "rouser," opeing the [sic.] week at Memorial hall last Sunday, when Fred B. Smith of New York state spoke.
Rev. Charles E. Burton, junior pastor of the First Congregational church, will deliver the address Sunday. The meeting begins at 3 o'clock. His subject will be "Christ's Claims on Men." The Elite trio will furnish a special program of instrumental music and the singing will be under the direction of Stanley Crooks, who will also render a solo.
Dr. C. C. Ross and Thomas M. Sherman will lead the men's classes which assemble after the meeting.
Miss Leonore Harpster, daughter of Rev. W. S. Harpster, 288 Miller avenue, pastor of the Miller Avenue United Evangelical church, has been commissioned as a missionary to China. She was appointed with five other young women by the board of missions, which met recently at Williamsport, Pa. When the party leaves for the far East, next August, Mrss Harpster will be the only young woman from Columbus to be engaged in the Chinese mission field.
Miss Harpster will be stationed at Chang Sha, Hunan, China, and will spend the first year acquainting herself with the Chinese language, thereafter entering the mission schools as teacher. She is a graduate of the Toledo High schools and studer at Oberlin college.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Sellinger, 46 Little avenue, Nov. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kuhn, 316 West Ninth avenue, Nov. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ulerick, 348 East Beck street, Nov. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rosky [Bosky?], West Hopkins avenue, Nov. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Viertel, 965 Heyl avenue, Nov. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powell, 409½ East Long street, Nov. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Culp, 234 East Schiller, Nov. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raylor, Mifflin township, Nov 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bauchmin, 1363 River street, Nov. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Cordy, 242 East Spring street, Nov. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Toy M. Freeman, 180 Cedar alley, Nov. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesser, Grogan, Nov. 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay D. Blackburn, 488 Grove street, Nov. 16. |
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lynch, 523 Kimball street, Nov. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen, Oneda street, Nov. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tipton, 106 West Mound street, Nov. 13
Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn, 815 Michigan avenue, Nov. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooper521 Starling street, Nov. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Lloyd, 559 Mithoff street, Nov 13.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy, 241 South Sandusky street, Nov. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Razell McNab, 210 Gates street, Nov. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Crain, 1776 East Main street, Nov. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Howell, Grandview, Nov. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown, 1380 Hawthorne avenue, Nov. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Petty, Franklin Township, Nov. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Nance, 327 Lexinton avenue, Nov. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Runnels, Black Lick, Nov. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Torry Orton, Worcester, Mass., Nov. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Reasoner, 1395 Summit street, Nov. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Hillis, 437 South Pearl street, Nov. 19. |

The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, March 24, 1913, Page 8 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Nathan DeLong, 29, McGpffey [Sic.], farmer; Purity E. Thomas, 18. Rev. Mr. Miller.
Mike Kiss, 34, Murray City, miner; Margaret E. Ego, 24. Justice Hennessey.
Frank Hudson, 27, Glenwood, W. Va., laborer; Bessie J. Jenkins, 20. Rev. Mr. Strickler.
George Ferguson, 32, Wayne county, W. Va., carpenter; Nettie Pedan, 26. Rev. Mr. Grimes.
Harry H. Travis, 22, machinist; Henrietta Hudson, 23. Rev. Mr. King.
Charles Livingston, 28, molder; Agnes Brinsler, 25. Rev. Mr. Reible.
Roy W. Adkins, 26, Madison Mills; Mayme R. White, 26. Rev. Mr. Reible
Esther A. Slusher vs. Enoch W. Slusher; intemperance.
Hattie Selby vs. Harry E. Selby; infidelity.
James G. Salster vs. Dynthia D. Salster; gross neglect.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, June 15, 1914, Page 5
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
"Carelessness" is the cause given by Hocking Valley railroad officials for the wreck of two passenger trains in a head-on collision seven miles south of Logan Saturday evening and the consequent death of five trainmen, one of Columbus.
The dead are: Henry Marsh, Columbus, baggageman on train No. 137; William Davis, Pomeroy, engineer train No. 134; Richard Williams, Pomeroy, fireman train No. 134; Earl Shaw, Logan, fireman train No. 137; Charles Unkle, Logan, brakeman, train No. 137.
Samuel Hobbs, Middleport, a passenger, is lying in Grant hospital in a critical condition from a crushed chest, torn scalp and cuts and bruises.
Columbus people injured, none of them seriously, were: Dr. C. D. Hoy, hip dislocated, cut and brusied; E. H. Vail, baggagemaster, bruised, possibly internally and scalp cut; Mrs. Emmett Tompkins, arm wrenched, badly cut and bruised; Mrs. W. M. Hartinger, bruised about breast, arms and legs; Earl Bennett, scalp wounds; Myrtle Karnes, strained back; Mrs. Theodore A. Watterson, nose broken, bruised about head; A. W. Joseph, neck and back strained; Walter Fleming, colored, train porter, legs and ankle cut.
According to Hocking Valley officials, the accident happened because H. L. Bings, the operator at Starr, where the north bound train should have been stopped and side-tracked, failed to transmit the order.
Though the trains telescoped, it is believed that the explosion of a boiler was the probable cause of the death of several of the trainmen. Besides the above list, 25 passengers of the trains were bruised and cut, though none seriously. Engineer Schaffer, of the north-bound train had a miraculous escape, though scalded.
The body of Marsh was brought home Sunday night. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. from his former residence, 1226 Michigan avenue. Burial at Green Lawn. Marsh is survived by his wife and one son, kent, aged 14. He was 48 years old and had been with the hocking Valley for 30 years.
The Columbus Dispatch, Friday, August 7, 1914
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
1 month leave of absence - Maj. Frank K. Ferguson, Coast Artillery Corps
4 months leave of absence - Capt. Howard H. Johnson, Medical Corps
Maj. Thomas F. Dwyer, Coast Artillery Corps, is detailed for service and to fill a vacancy in the Quartermaster Corps. Vice Maj. Lawrence S. Miller, Quartermaster Corps, who is relieved from detail in that corps. Maj. Dwyer will proceed to San Francisco, Calif. and sail for Manila to report to the commanding general, Phillippine department, for assignment to duty.
Capt. Frederick B. Shaw, Twenty-sixth infantry, will proceed to Fort Brady, Mich., and assume the duties of commanding officer and quartermaster of that post, relieving First Lieut. William C. Christy, Third cavalry. Capt. Shaw
will report to the commanding officer, central department.
The promotion of Capt. Harry L. Steele, Coast Artillery Corps, to the grade of major is announced. Upon the expiration of the leave absence granted him he will proceed to headquarters, coast defenses of the Delware, and report to
the commanding officer for duty as fort commander, Fort Mott, N.J.
First Lieut. John A. Crane, Fifth field artillery, is detailed to enter the class for the second year course at the Mounted Service School, Fort Riley, Kan. He will proceed to Fort Riley and report to the commanding officer for duty.
First Lieut. Charles B. Armory, jr., Ninth Cavalry, is detailed as professor of military science and tactics at the Connecticut Agricultural College, Storrs, Conn.
First Lieut. Charles A. Walker, jr., ordnance department (field artillery), will proceed to Tobyhanna, Pa., and report to the commanding officer, Second battalion, Third field artillery, for duty until September 1, 1914.
The resignation of First Lieut. Manley Lawton, Phillipine scouts,
has been accepted.
Second Lieuts. Herman Erlenkotter, Fourth field artillery, and Herman Kobbe, First cavalry, are detailed to enter the class for the first year course at the Mounted Service School, Fort Riley, Kans. They will proceed to Fort Riley and report to the commanding officer for duty.
The Columbus Dispatch, Thursday, December 31, 1914
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
As a result of a most unusual situation, the will of the late Joseph B. Zimmer, probated Wednesday and in which numerous bequests were made to the CATHOLIC church and Catholic clergy, may become involved in the courts. The will bears the same date as that on which an application was made for the appointment of guardian for Zimmer and a guardian was subsequently appointed to look after his affairs.
By the terms of the will $500 each was given to Bishop J. J. Hartley and Father C. C. Rhode to be held in trust for the benefit of the poor priests of the diocese. The Rev. Father Rhode was given $200 for annual masses, and Zimmer'S sister, Christina, now Sister Josepheat, was given $2,000. Seven nieces were given $1500 each, Mrs. Josephine Dundon, $500 and her children similar sum, Mrs. Estella Rawle $500 and her children similar sum. The remainder of the estate, which amounts in all to $16,000, was bequeathed to the Holy Cross church.
George Potter, aged 41, saloonist at 299 E. Main St., colored man and William H. Shanks, aged 34, a druggist at 235 W. Goodale St., were arraigned in police court Wednesday charged with having dispensed cocaine. The men pleaded not guilty and their cases were set for hearing Jan. 5. They were arrested by state inspectors at different times and places and in different parts of town. The cases have no connection.
William A. Tobin Accused by Miss Helen WILLIAMS, Pleads Not Guilty
William A. Tobin, aged 50, 2079 1/2 N. High St., pleaded not guilty in police court Thursday to a charge of petit larceny and his case was set for hearing Jan. 2. Tobin is accused of grabbing the purse of Miss Helen Williams, 80 W. Maynard Ave, Wednesday night and attempting to escape with it from a High St. car. Tobin was captured by passengers who pursued him when he ran from the car, after Miss Williams cried that she was robbed. Tobin is held in bond of $600.
Mrs J. W. Knoderer, 177 Fourteenth Ave, was attacked by two robbers at a point just west of Summit St. on Fourteenth Ave, Wednesday night. She
fought fiercely when one of the men tried to steal her handbag and
managed to keep it away from him. The other robber, in striking her in
the face, broke her glasses. Her cries frightened the men and they ran
away. Mrs. Knoderer believes the men followed her from State and High
When faced by the real wife of Frank S. Ayers in the office of Chief Carter, Thursday morning, the girl who Wednesday gave the name of Mrs. Lillian Ayers admitted that her story of having been married to Ayers four years ago was false. Mrs. Anna Ayers, aged 22, who came to this country from Germany seven years ago, came to the police station Thursday and told Chief Carter that she had been living with Ayers mother, Mrs. J. D. Greist, 95 East Second avenue, since her marriage to Ayers four years ago.
The other "wife" then admitted that she was not married to Ayers and had only been with him a few days. She and Ayers were arrested Tuesday in connection with the passing of several worthless checks, one of which was passed against the Rev. Joseph H. Harris, pastor of Grace U. B. church on Fifth avenue. Ayers probably will be prosecuted on this charge and the women probably will be charged with living with him illegally. In the meantime Ayers will be forced to provide for his wife
and children, if possible.

The Columbus Dispatch, Friday, January 1, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Leaves of absence:
Capt. Edwin A. Hickman, signal corps, five days.
First Lieut. E. Llowellyn Bull, Twenty-third infantry, one month
First Lieut. Everett A. Anderson, medical reserve corps, one month.
Brig. Gen. George Bell, Jr., U.S.A., ordered from Omaha, Nebr., to
Galveston, Tex., for temporary duty with Fifth brigade.
A board of officers of medical corps to consist of:
Col. Charles Richards
Lieut. Col. James D. Glennan
Lieut. Col. Champe C. McCulloch, Jr
Maj. Theodore C. Lyster
Maj. William R. Whitmore
Maj. Reuben B. Miller
Capt. Edward M. Talbot
Capt. Percy L. Jones
Capt. Edward B. Vedder
Capt. Mathew A. Reasoner
Capt. Arthur C. Christie
Capt. Thomas D. Woodson
is appointed to meet at Army Medical School, Washington, to determine
result of preliminary examinations of applicants and final examinations
of candidates for admission to medical corps.
Maj. Albert E. Truby, medical corps, relieved from further temporary
duty with Evacuation Hospital No. 1, Galveston, Tex., and ordered to
Fort Jay, N.Y.
Maj. Amos A. Fries, corps of engineers, ordered to Portland, Ore.,
relieving Lieut. Col. Charles H. McKinstry, corps of engineers,
temporarily, of the duties in his charge pertaining to Second Portland
engineer district.
Following board officers appointed to meet at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt.,
for examination of persons to determine their fitness for appointment as
chaplain in army:
Maj. Wallace Dewitt, medical corps
Maj. William F. Clark, Second cavalry
Chaplain David L. Fleming, Second cavalry
Capt. James M. Burroughs, Second cavalry
Capt. William K. Bartlett, medical corps
Capt. Clarence H. Conner, medical corps, relieved from further temporary
duty with Evacuation Hospital No. 1, Galveston, Tex., and ordered to
Fort Wood, N.Y.
The following named officers will report to commanding officer, central
department, for assignment to duty pertaining to annual inspection of
organized militia:
Capt. John Robertson, Twenty-seventh infantry
First Lieut. Deas Archer, Twenty-sixth infantry
First Lieut. Charles C. Bankhead, Twenty-eight infantry
Capt. Julian M. Cabell, U.S.A., retired, is relieved from active duty.
Capt. Elmer W. Clark, Twenty-fourth infantry, detailed in quartermaster
Capt. George C. Martin, U.S.A., retired, relieved from duty at
Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass.
Capt. Walter M. Wilhelm, ordinance department, South Bethlehem, Pa., in
connection with inspection of material for ordinance department.
First Lieut. Henry W. Fleet, Nineteenth infantry, detailed as professor
of military science and tactics at Massachusetts Agricultural College,
Amherst, Mass.
The resignation by First Lieut. Howard LilenthalL (sp?), medical reserve
corps, has been accepted.
First Lieut. Loren C. Grieves, Thirtieth infantry, ordered to Plattsburg
Barracks, N.J., for duty.
First Lieut. Shelby C. Leasure, Seventh infantry, detailed as professor
of military science and tactics at Rutgers Scientific school, New
Brunswick, N.J., and ordered to Fort Leavanworth, Kan., for temporary
First Lieut. Charles H. Bonesteel, Thirtieth infantry, ordered to
Plattsburg Barracks, N.Y., for duty.
The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, January 2, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Oscar M. Crumley, 32, Amanda, farmer, and Maude M. Bishop, 34. Rev. Mr. Rhiel
Edward E. Welsh, 21, cement worker, and Lottie Smith, 18. Mr. Rev. Els
Ernest Weigold, 32, Detroit, Mich., mechanical engineer, and Martha O. Bowman. 31.
Otto E. Willing, 22, Grove City, merchant, and Esther E. Phillip, 19. Rev. Mr. Klamforth
Frank K. James, 43, Dayton, woodworker, and Eva V. North, 45. Rev. Mr. Cl__berger
Elmer J. Reeb, 29, dairyman, and Florie Hanna, 24. Rev. Mr. Walters
Robert C. Adamson, 22, wire chief, and Peggy V. Mineard, 20. Rev. Mr. Sager
Albert Wilson, __, glassworker, and Dessie Walker, 23. Rev. Mr. Reibel
Bartok Vinc___, 22, laborer, and Mary Kerekes, 18. Justice Hennessey
Daniel H. Trout, 34, policeman, and Sophia Smith, 33. Rev. Mr. Huber
Orrville L. Smith, 27, Indianapolis, machinist, and Evelyn Eckle, 27. Rev. Mr. Lehman
Patrick Cardenella, 21, laborer, and Mary Francisco, 18. Rev. Mr. Patrarca
BIRTHS - (Boys)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Springer, N. High St., Dec. 23, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Moody, 114 Kenworth Rd, Dec. 16, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. FrasurE, 12_ Wesley Ave, Dec. 21, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Wasser Hoons, 351 E. Livingston Ave, Dec. 1, 1914
Mr. & Mrs.Sam Copier, Briggs St., Dec. 3, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Nussbaum, 530 Elmwood, Nov. 30, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Moore, Dec. 24, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Rector, Miller Ave, Dec. 31, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Loren E. Riggin, 96 N. Washington Ave, Dec. 23, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller, 433 Boliver St., Dec. 23, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyons, 600 Grove St., Dec. 2_, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. John Binlord, rear 1307 Granville St., Dec. 22, 1914
Births - (Girls)
Mr & Mrs Ben Rosenthat, 397 N Donaldson, Dec 2_, 1914
Mr & Mrs [ ? ] Sherman, _77 N Mound St, Dec 14, 1914
Mr & Mrs John Morgan, 133 S Wheatland, Dec 29, 1914
Mr & Mrs John F. Reason, 71 N Northwood, Dec 19, 1914
Mr & Mrs Thomas Seckel, 415 St. Clair Ave, Dec 31, 1914
Mr & Mrs Abram G. Shoemaker, 1199 Cleveland Ave, Dec 31, 1914
Mr & Mrs Walter F. Cook, 269 1/2 S High St, Dec 12, 1914
Mr & Mrs Lenards Brown, 956 N Sixth St, Dec 9, 1914
Mr & Mrs Walter H. Boyer, 29 N Garfield Ave, Dec 10, 1914
Mr & Mrs John J Doyle, 1017 N Sixth St, Dec 29, 1914
Mr & Mrs James T. Mearar, E. Long St, Dec 12, 1914
Mr & Mrs William B. Melsop, Mt. Vernon Ave, Dec 21, 1914
Mr & Mrs Harry M. Johnson, 119 E Goodale, Dec 26, 1914
Mr & Mrs Carl H. Lewis, 540 Elliott St, Dec 28, 1914
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, January 20, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Covered over with the postage stamp of Germany, a message of untold
suffering was carried from the war-stricken territory to American
relatives, according to J. F. Given, of Columbus, general manager for
the Interstate Coal Co.
The message was, "We are literally starving to death," and was found
after the instructions carefully concealed in a more carefully censored
letter which came to Chicago friends of Mr. Given. The silent message
caused considerable worry to Mr. Given, whose wife and daughter have
been in Germany for some time. He has not heard from them for more than
a month, and with the absence of either direct or indirect news from,
Mr. Given is fearful of their fate.
The message which carried the news of starvation was written on the
envelope and covered carefully by the postage stamps. In the letter the
statement was made, "Knowing what an ardent collector of foreign postage
stamps you are, I suggest that you might soak the one from this envelope
and add it to your collection."
The Chicago relative is not a collector of postage stamps, and for this
reason was puzzled to know what the writer referred to. He finally
soaked off the stamp and found the message of suffering.
Mrs. Given and her daughter were last at Loschwitz, a suburb of Dresden,
where the daughter is studying the violin under Leopold Auer. They have been in Europe for the past three years, each year Mr. Given having made
the trip to that country to spend several weeks with them. Because of
the war last year the regular visit was postponed, and it is now almost
18 months since Mr. Given has been with his family. Mrs. Given is a
sister of Judge Thomas A. Jones, a member of the state supreme court and Edwin Jones, state central committeeman.

The Columbus Dispatch, Thursday January 21, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Women Throng Home Store To Take Advantage of Sale of Summer Dresses
When the Home Store announced in The Dispatch a sale of last summer
dresses beginning Thursday morning, the advertisement drew an army of
women to the store. Before the doors were opened more than one hundred
women were in line, and there was a grand rush for he suit department.
Max Morehouse was trying to steer the women in the right direction as he explained the extraordinary sale. "These are last summer dresses which
we bought from a firm in New York which is going out of that line of
business," he said. "The dresses are of silk, voile, cotton crepes, and
with embroidery and lace trimmings, worth anywhere from $25 to $45. All
of them are good, and perfectly clean. We have offered them for sale at
$3.95 and $4.95 and I consider them them the biggest bargain we have
ever offered in this store."
One look in the dress department proved the truth of Mr. Morehouse'S
statement. Women were searching over the heads of each other when an
especially fine dress was discovered. And they will be ready for summer
no matter how soon it comes when they buy up all those dresses.
A.P. York, manager of the Columbus store of the United Woolen Mills Co., was elected a member of the board of directors and it's vice president
at the annual meeting of the company held at Parkersburg. Members of the
new board of directors are: W. A. Hersch, W.W. Dermott, Charles L. Strehle, Miss Hattie Lemmon, of Parkersburg, H. H. Smith of Cincinnati, H.B. Souders of Fairmont and A. P. York of Columbus. The board organized by electing the following officers: W. A. Hersch, president and general manager; A. P. York, vice president; W. W. Dermott, secretary; H. H. Smith, treasurer, and Henry Hersch, assistant treasurer.

The Columbus Dispatch, Sunday January 22, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Brought to the very ragged edge of existence by poverty, Mrs. Lina Boggs, 622 Hamlet St., in a highly hysterical condition, Friday morning, struggled into the juvenile court room and offered her two beautiful children, Jaunita and William Boggs, aged 8 and 6, respectively, to the court for protection. Between sobs, she told the court that she could no longer care for them and asked of the court that good homes be secured for both.
"Do you realize madam, that you may never see them again?" Inquired Judge Black. In a burst of tears the woman declared that she expected that, but knew of no way out of her situation. "The doctor has told me that I have not very long to live," she said, as she exhibited a physician's certificate to the court.
The report of Miss Gilbert, probation officer, shows that the unfortunate woman married a soldier at Deadwood, S.D., in 1903, and left him because of his failure to support her. Lately she has been living with relatives who are having a hard time struggling to keep themselves alive. She has been working a little at a time, as her health would permit, and has been earning an average of $2.25 a week.
When Judge Black finally directed that the children be placed in the Methodist Children's home in Worthington, Oh., Mrs. Boggs fainted dead away and was carried from the courtroom in an unconscious condition by several court officers. She recovered a few minutes later, however, and the parting from her children forever was a pathetic one.

The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday January 23, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Frank X. Wolf Waited Two Months In Kansas City To Prosecute Man Who
Stole Ring
After waiting in Kansas City, MO for two months to prosecute J. C.
Lamar, a hotel detective, for the theft of a diamond ring, Frank X.
Wolf, of 29 South Sixth street, a traveling salesman, has given up and
gone on a sales trip through the West. Lamar's trial was set for Nov.
17. A continuance was granted to Dec. 7 and then another to Dec. 15.
Four more continuances were granted the defendant by the justice courts
and Mr. Wolf finally gave up in disgust. He is now convinced that the
talk of court delays is not without foundation.
Lamar was arrested early in the fall on a charge of having stolen Mr.
Wolf's $300 diamond ring. The ring was stolen last May, while Mr. Wolf
was stopping at a hotel in Kansas City, where Lamar was house detective.

The Columbus Dispatch, Friday, January 29, 1915 Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
H. C. Bard, of the Morehouse Martens Co., was entertained by his business associates at the Neil House, Thursday night, as a sort of farwell courtesy to him before he leaves for Arkansas. Mr. Bard will leave in a day or two for the benefit of his health.
Grabbing the pole at No. 11 Engine House, Thursday night, while only half awake, Arthur Mays, fireman, of 963 East Mound street, fell to the first floor of the engine house and was badly bruised. Other fireman fell upon him. He was given attention by the police surgeon and taken home.
The alarm was caused by a fire at the dairy of S. T. Budd, 1390 Wesley avenue, which hot ashes started a $30 blaze.
R. O. Carter, 190 South Grant avenue, at 3 o'clock Friday morning was awakened by a noise to find a colored man ransacking his house. The negro, who had entered through the front door, which had been left unlocked, made a hasty exit in the same way. He had taken nothing.
Burglars entered the home of C. F. Hansberger, 780 Bryden road, Thursday night, and stole a suit of clothes, a revolver and a gold chain. The burglar stole two derby hats and left behind his old one.
Charles F. Thurber, for several years secretary of the new organization which will carry forward the war relief work in Franklin county. The executive committee of this organization is made up of S. M. Levy, King G. Thompson, L. M. Boda, Foster Copeland, Joseph H. Frantz, Mrs. Herman H. Hubbard and Mrs. Linus B. Kauffman. It will take over the work and absorb the Red Cross Citizens' Relief association, and the Columbus branch of the commission for relief of the distressed Belgians.
The new organization will extend it's work into every part of Franklin
county. A meeting of persons interested in the work will be held at the
Chamber of Commerce building Saturday afternoon.

Columbus Citizen, Wednesday, May 5, 1915 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Brevity First
Sun rises 4:27; sets 6:30
Moon in third quarter; rises 12:17 a. m.
Clark O. Wood, special agent for the Home Insurance company, was elected president; R. D. Wylie, of the A. D. Baker company, vice president, and Mrs. S. C. Neff secretary and treasurer of the Ohio State Fire Prevention association, at its meeting Tuesday.
The plan for a new grade crossing across Long street by a spur track in Lazelle alley from Naghten to Gay, to haul coal to the Columbus Railway, Power and Light company plant, was condemned by the Retail Merchants' association, at its meeting Tuesday.
H. H. Walters, agent for the Big Four railroad at Avenue Crossing, west of Camp Chase, was freed in Criminal court Tuesday of the charge of poisoning chickens belonging to Ransom DeWitt. The jury disagreed and the court then nolled the indictment.
Acquitted here a week ago of the charge of burglarizing the Krag company's store, Clarence Straum, alias Clarence Brown, pleaded guilty at Ft. Wayne, Ind., to robbing the Rurode Dry Goods company store and was sentenced to the Jeffersonville reformatory.
Professor Kelley of Ohio State university art department will lecture on wood engravings and other works of art in the university chapel Friday at 3 p. m.
The use of gasoline in a room caused a fire and a loss of $50 at the Fred W. Atcherson garage, Lynn and Water streets, at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning.
The automobile of E. R. Tuttles, manager of the Broadway pool parlors, was wrecked at Fourth and Broad streets Tuesday night when it skidded, striking the curb and breaking two wheels. Mr. Tuttles and four friends escaped injury.
Herbert D. Briggs, Cleveland architect, member of the legislature, addressed the Columbus Builders' Exchange Wednesday noon on the status of building legislation and his bill which provides for a codification of the building laws of the state.
To take his third matrimonial journey and she her second, Robert Walcutt, 75, a retired farmer, and Mrs. Alberta Reynolds, 54, secured a marriage license Wednesday. They said Justice Hennessey would tie the knot.
Juvenile court employes Wednesday presented Clerk George E. Souder with a handsome gold pocket knife and chain, the day being the 11th anniversary of his marriage.
Louis Eyrick, a former resident of Columbus, now living in Kentucky, pleaded guilty in criminal court Wednesday to stealing his child, Matilda, 6, form the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Voit, 843 Ann street, Feb. 18. Judge Kinkead gave him a suspended sentence to the penitentiary.
The Columbus Typesetting company with a capital stock of $30,000 has been incorporated by Curtis, Guy, May and Minnie Bullock and J. D. Lott.
More 5 per cent bonds for county road improvement, amounting to $72,000, were sold Wednesday by the county commissioners to Hoehler, Cummings & Prudden of Toledo, whose bill included $725.50 premium. The fun[d]s will be used to improve the Avery No. 2, Ridgeview, Troesch and Reed roads.
Charged with bigamy, Albert Slateser was found to be insane by a jury in Criminal court Wednesday when his case came up for hearing. He was taken to Probate court and committed to the Columbus State hospital by Judge Black.
The Hake bill, placing farmers' institute instructors under the control of the agricultural college of Ohio State university and providing for agricultural agents in counties, was received by Governor Willis Wednesday, having passed the senate late Tuesday.
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, July 24, 1918 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Probate Court.
Marriage Licenses. |
William J. Buschmann, 25, brakeman; Frances Keppler, 22.
Howard Yager, 49, houseman; Orbie Watson, 34.
Charles E. Carrie, 25, clerk; Cora V. Hawkins, 38.
Albert Scott, 20, laborer; Myrtle Smith, 18, Rev. Mr. Davis.
Earl G. Brown, 19, mechanic; Jessie Haltsberry, 18.
Henry C. Mesuer, jr., 21, civil engineer; Helen G. Hoodlet, 20.
Max M. Lipski, 27, manufacturer; Anna Schettenstein, 23, Rabbi Taxon.
Lyle P. Feeley, 22, machinst; Gettie E. Byers, 24.
James Page, 30, teamster; Alice Grady, 35; Rev. Mr. Cochran.
Greeley Hall, 21, farmer; Cora Eckers, 18.
James French, 40, Obetz Junction; Ida M. Beard, 43.
Lawson Walmol, 27, merchant; Pauline Rabinowitz, 23.
Will Jackson, 26, laborer; Lillie Nelson, 27.
Oscar Sowards, 20; laborer; Viola Karnes, 18.
Girls. |
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Howard, 1416 Gault street, July 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Amor Fay Elliot, Plain City, Ohio, July 3.
Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis Coultray, 555 S. Third street, July 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harry Anderson, 233 Lexington avenue, July 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. O'Neil, 710 Jaeger street, July 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram B. Clark, W, Lane avenue, July 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Melfi, 1010 McKinley avenue, July 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Reed, Sta. A, Columbus, Ohio, July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cosentino, 385 E Naghten St., July 24.
Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph Joyce, 1108 Atcheson St., July 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arbergast, 716 Grove St., July 13.
Boys. |
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Long, Washington, D. C., July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Collmer, Clinton Twp., July 22.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reed, 196 N. 22nd St., July 14.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reed, 196 N. 2nd St., July 14. [twins?]
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Grace, 1410 Oxford St., July 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Harrison Owens, 259 S. Harris Ave., July 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Breunig, 47 S. Ogden Ave., July 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Offenberg, 407 Oakwood Ave., July 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Wetmore, jr., Stop 16, N. High St., July 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Kridel, 303 E. Gay St., July 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cecil Armentrout, 1904 Chittenden Ave., July 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Childers, 458 W. 8th Ave., July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin King, 242 E. Laneview avenue, July 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ballenger, 2001 William street, July 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest S. Goochman, 2296 Indianola avenue, July 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bassel Rising, Lancaster, Ohio, July 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Abbott, R. F. D. No. 5, Columbus, Ohio, July 20. [Died July 23, age 3 days]
Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Say, 128½ Price avenue, July 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber P. Day, 1118 Schiller street, June 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leo Corbett, 919 S. High street, July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vance Huiss, 289 E. Beck street, July 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Russo, Portsmouth, Ohio, July 10.
The Columbus Citizen, Tuesday, February 3, 1920 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
(Click on image to view larger version)
Charles S. Thurston, 49, Prospect Addition, Pennsylvania R. R. detective, was found dead in the pennsylvania yards near Jefferson-av in the rear of Columbus Barracks Monday night with eight bullet holes thru his body. All were apparently fired into his back.
Police are not entirely satisfied as to the motive for the crime. The theory given greatest credence is that he was attacked by box car robbers.
Thurston had drawn his revolver, evidently when attacked, but did not use it. His loaded gun was found 12 feet from his body.
Thurston was last seen alive about 6 p. m. by L. P. Denny, night yardmaster, he was examining the seals on cars on the back where his body was found later.
Charles L. Lindsay, Mock-rd and Cleveland-av, B. & O. switch tender, said he heard nine or 10 shots about 8 p. m. and thought at the time they were railroad torpedoes.
The body was found shortly after 10 p. m. by Harry Keady, 1583 S. Third-st, a Pennsylvania R. R. switchman.
Thurston had served about five years in the police service of the Pennsylvania R. R. according to Captain L. A. Amerine.
He was a brother of Howard Thurston, the magician. He leaves a widow and three children. The body was removed to the morgue of the Mt. Vernon Undertaking Co.
The Columbus Dispatch, Tuesday, February 3, 1920, page 3 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Charles E. Thurston Found In Yards with Eight Bullet Wounds in Body;
R. R. Detective Believed to Have Surprised Robbers at Work in Yards.
Ploice and railroad officers Tuesday morning had no clues as to the identity of the persons who Monday evening shot to death Charles S. Thurston, aged 49, a Pennsylvania railroad detective, and brother of Howard Thurston, the magician, whose body was found near Jefferson avenue and the Pan Handle tracks, riddled with bullets. Box car robbers are believed to have slain the officer, as his loaded revolver was found within a few feet of his body. It was the first murder of the year.
Harry Keady, 1583 South Third street, a Pennsylvania switchman, discovered the body lying at the side of a string of cars, shortly after 10 o'clock Monday evening. Thurston each evening would examine the seals on box cars in the yeards. Numerous robberies of cars on the tracks in the yards necessitated constant vigilance and it is thought that he came upon persons about to break into one of them and before he had an opportunity to use his revolver, the robbers opened fire on him.
Coroner Heintz, who examined the body after it had been removed to the Mt. Vernon Undertaking Co., said there were eight holes in the man's back, evidently made with steel jacket balls from an automatic pistol. All the shots passed entirely through the body. Thurston, who made his home with his wife and three children in Prospect Addition, on the Hilltop, was a valued employe of the railroad, according to Captain L. A. Amrine, captain of the Pennsylvania police force. He had been in the employ of the railroad three different times, resigning each time to go bak to his trade as a blacksmith.
Besides members of his immediate family and his distinguished brother, the thug victim is survived by two other brothers, Harry Thurston of Chicago, a motion picture promoter, and William H. Thurston, 739 Broderick street, proprietor of the Independent Taxi Co., on South Fifth street. Arrangements for the funeral, which will be held from the Broderick street address, have not ben completed.
The Columbus Dispatch, Tuesday, July 24, 1923 Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Woman Files Suit For $625 Alimony Due Her
Laurabella Wilburger filed suit in th Franklin county courts Tuesday morning against her former husband, Pof. Ellis M. Black of Boston, Lauara M. Black and Samuel L. Black for $625, which she claims as back
alimony due from her former husband at $35 a week.
She alleges that after the decree was granted her, Prof. Black appealed
the case and Lauara M. Black and Samuel L. Black signed the appeal bond
of $1,000 guaranteeing compliance with the order of the lower court if
the order was sustained. The order was sustained, the former Mrs. Black
alleges, and she asks judgement for the amount due under the order.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, November 16, 1925
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Formal Opening of New Funeral Home Will Be Held in Three Weeks.
Glenn L. Myers, Monday, transferred his funeral home from 23 West Goodale street to his new building at 23 West Second avenue. The new home, which is complete in every respect, will be ready for dedication and opening in about three weeks.
Mr. Myers, whose home has been at 2305 North High street, will have his living apartments in the new building. The office of the State Board of Embalmers of Ohio, of which Mr. Myers is secretary-treasurer, will also be located in this building.
The establishment has a laundry equipment in connection with the home, for the use not only of the business, but for occupants of the building as well. The office is finished in Kraftex and in the center of the room is a fish pond and fountain.
Parent-teacher Activities. FAIR AVENUE.
Classes at Fair Avenue school will be open to parents Thursday, Nov. 18, in connection with National Education Week, and the school's Parent-Teacher association will meet at 3 p. m. Miss Juliette Sessions will be the speaker.
Auto Stolen
Mrs. Elmer E. Pegg, 3649 North High street, reported to police, Monday, that her sedan, valued at $3000, was stolen from North High street near Fifteenth avenue. Sunday.
Columbus Citizen, Wednesday, June 8, 1927, pages 1 & 2
Transcribed by Virginia Porter
Where Wild Ride Had Anticlimax (photos 114kb)
A wild ride in the night had an anticlimax for Angelo Furne, 545 Bonham Ave, at 2 A.M. Wednesday when he crashed into a confectionery, and a climax when he was shot and killed by policemen as he fled from the scene of the accident. The above pictures (see store, policemen and Angelo sketch) tell the story. Above, left, is seen the store of E. M. Davis, 133 W. Fifth Av, Badly wrecked by Furne's machine. Below are shown two automobiles struck by Furne before his machine catapulted into the store. Right, above are shown Policemen Nesser and Knight who did the shooting. Below, at the left, is a sketch of Furne.
Nesser and Companion Officer Quizzed By Acting Chief and County Prosecutor
--Victim Slain as He Runs From Accident.
County and city authorities joined forces in an investigation into the killing by police officers of an autoist as he fled from the scene of an accident early Wednesday.
Angelo Furne, also known as Furnaletto, 26, 545 Bonham Av, was shot and killed at 2 A.M. at Dennison and Greenwood Avenues while being pursued was by Police Corporal [Ray] Nesser and Policeman [Joseph] Knight.
Both Nesser and Knight fired at Furne, but which one hit him has not been determined,, altho Knight claims he shot into the air. Each fired two shots.
A postmortem examination of Furne by Coroner Murphy is expected to reveal which of the officers hit Furne. One of them carried a .38 caliber revolver while the other's was .45 caliber.
Police Inspector Dyer, acting chief and County Prosecutor Chester grilled the officers Wednesday to ascertain why they did the shooting. Chester said he would have no statement to make at this time.
Nesser, in a statement to the Citizen declared he shot because he thought Furne had a revolver.
"There has been promiscuous shooting in that neighborhood," he said "and we have had a great deal of trouble with persons using guns.
"I fired my two shots, one as Furne stood by a fence after we had chased him east on Fifth Ave and then south on Dennison and east on Greenwood to opposite the rear of the Everett Junior High School. I had fired the other previously when we ran down Fifth Ave.
"He stood with his hands in front of him, and I thought he had a gun."
Policeman Knight declared that he fired both of his shots into the air and did not aim at the fugitive.
"As we ran, I fired once on Fifth Ave and once on Dennison." he said. "We both yelled for Furne to halt several times, threatening to shoot."
Furne, who sometimes went by the name of Furnaletto, was struck in the right shoulder by the bullet, which then passed thru his jugular vein. He was taken to White Cross Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The body was taken to the Egan undertaking establishment.
According to police, the shot, which killed Furne, brought an end to a day of reckless, wild automobile driving, during which at least one accident occurred.
Mrs. Charleen Furne, 19, widow of the man shot, and Paul Cogat, Cleveland, were arrested in connection with the shooting and held for investigation. Mrs. Furne, who is nursing an injured leg suffered in an automobile accident in which she and her husband figured, was not told that her husband was dead.
Corporal Nesser, Policeman Knight, and Danner were investigating a complaint in W. Sixth Ave at 2 A. M. Wednesday, when a Studebaker coupe going north on Highland St turned east on Sixth Ave. And the driver, apparently seeing the officers and attempting to avoid them, turned the car back, going south on Highland. The officers started after the car.
At 133 W. Fifth Ave a confectionery store operated by E. M. Davis, the Studebaker car passed out of the picture. Here the officers found a wrecked Chrysler roadster, half buried in the front of the store building. This car it developed was that of Furne and his party.
Learning that at least one person had been injured in the accident, the officers went to the home of Mrs. Anna Rule, 136 W. Fifth Ave where they were informed the injured persons had been taken.
When the officers approached the door of the house, Furne and Cagot went out the back door and there started the chase, which ended in the death of Furne and the capture of Cagot.
Cagot went south on Hunter and was overtaken by Officer Danner, Furne ran east on Fifth Ave and then south on Dennison and east on Greenwood to opposite the rear of the Everett Junior High School on the north side of the street.
It was here that Furne was shot. When Nesser and Knight rounded the corner to the schoolyard, they say Furne was standing over the fence with both hands in front of him. Each of the officers fired two shots.
According to the police, several other shots were fired during the chase in addition to the four they fired. And they also claim that they heard "someone say something about shooting somebody."
Two men and two girls were in the Chrysler roadster, which crashed into the Davis Confectionary and they were given first aid at the home of Mrs. Anna Rule.
Mrs. Rule's story of the affair follows: "I was in the front room taking care of the baby, who had been restless, when I heard a crash. I went out front and there saw a Chrysler car half buried in the front of the store across the street.
"Two girls and two men were standing near the car and I went over. One of the girls appeared to be badly hurt about the leg, so I invited them to come over to my house and get washed up.
"I put the girl with the injured leg to bed and wrapped up the wrist of one of the boys.
"The fellows asked me not to report the matter to the police and the girls insisted that I shouldn't turn them in."
"In the meantime somebody had called the police and they arrived. Several police came to the front door and the boys ran out the back.
"Chased by patrolmen the boys split, one going south on Hunter Ave and the other east on Fifth Ave. We came out on the porch, the girls and myself and watched the chase in Fifth Ave.
"The fellow being chased seemed to stagger. I heard the officers call: 'Halt of I'll shoot!' several times. Then I saw flashes and heard shots. Then two more. Just before the first shot I heard a voice say, 'Go ahead and shoot.'
"I didn't see the man fall. They were almost out of sight on the lawns quite a ways down the street."
Police later returned to the Rule home and took Mrs. Furne into custody.
The Studebaker auto which the police were trailing when the wrecked Furne roadster was found, is believed to have had no connection with the accident, altho residents said this same car came to the Rule home later and picked up the second woman.
Police claim that Furne was driving carelessly and recklessly all day Tuesday. He was arrested at 12:15 P. M. by Officers Hulls after a chase in Fifth Ave. Furne was speeding when Hulls saw him and "stepped on it" when the officer went after him. He was taken to police station at 3 P. M. and at that time had a woman with him, evidently Mrs. Furne.
Furne formerly worked as a molder at the Columbus Malleable Iron Works.
Columbus Citizen, Thursday, June 9, 1927, page 13
Transcribed by Virginia Porter
Drastic action by an officer to the extent of full use of his pistol is permissible when the actions of a fugitive are "such as to arouse suspicions."
That is the way County Prosecutor Chester defined use of a pistol by a policeman Thursday, after he, with Police Inspector Dyer, had announced that no charges will be brought against Corporal Ray Nesser for shouting and killing Angelo Furne as he fled the scene of an auto accident early Wednesday.
Prosecutor Chester said: "Any ordinary citizen in the lawful pursuit of his business should and must stop on the command of a police officer in full uniform. When his actions are such as to arouse suspicions, police will be justified in taking drastic action in the enforcement of the law."
The conduct of Furne Wednesday as he fled from Corporal Nesser and Policeman Joseph Knight was "suspicious" the investigators held.
Other reasons for absolving Nesser, whose .45 caliber bullet was found lodged in the body of Furne by Coroner Murphy are: "Actions of Furne preceding his killing and desperate attempts to escape: the fact that Furne jerked off his license plates, indicating that the automobile might have been stolen; that other shots were fired in the immediate vicinity by other persons; that Officer Knight stumbled and fell over a curb, leading Nesser to believe that Knight had been shot; that persons at the house where Mrs. Furne was taken had been cautioned not to tell the police they were there." Furne's wife, Charlene, 19, and Paul Cagot, 19 , Cleveland were released Wednesday night after they had been thoroughly questioned.

Columbus Dispatch, Thursday, June 9, 1927, pages 29 Transcribed by Virginia Porter
Husband Frightened and Ran When Policemen Came, Mrs. Furne
Declares -- Denies Knowing Two Suspects Arrested
Later -- Nesser exonerated in Killing
(Charleen Leach Forne Photo)
"There was no mystery about my husband's actions. He was just frightened and ran when the officers entered the house," said Mrs. Charles [Sic.] Furne, age 19, of 1516 Glenn Avenue, who told late Wednesday her version of the wild auto ride and fatal shooting of her husband, Angelo, age 21, killed early Wednesday morning when he attempted to escape from Police Corporal Ray Nesser after the auto he was riding in had figured in several Collisions in Fifth avenue.
"Angelo did nothing wrong. He was only frightened. Paul (Cagot) came to our home from Cleveland, Tuesday, and the three of us started for a ride Tuesday night. We went downtown and picked up a woman whom none of us knew. Later we had some liquor and were going to the Little Pig barbecue, East Fifth Avenue when the accident occurred.
"When our car struck the first object I was thrown against the windshield and lost consciousness. I don't remember what happened immediately afterward. I guess they carried me into a house (Mrs. Anna Rule's home, 134 West Fifth avenue) for I only remember when the officers came. A few minutes after Angelo ran I heard shots."
Both Mrs. Furne and Cagot, who were arrested and taken to city prison where they were questioned and held on an investigation charge, were released late Wednesday afternoon.
The young woman said she met Furne a year ago. When they were married they went to live with her sister at the Glenn avenue address, she said.
Conflicting reports of shooting in the Fifth avenue district prior to police finding Furne's wrecked auto have not been cleared, but in their efforts to learn the cause of the supposed shooting, police uncovered a clue which resulted in the arrest of two men who are being held at city prison on investigation charges.
From a telephone number found in Cagot's pocket, police traced a clue to 164 Pennsylvania avenue, where they arrested Thomas Hurst, age 19, and Charles Evans, age 19, of 1241 Michigan avenue. They confiscated 50 gallons of liquor, at the Michigan avenue address.
Mrs. Furne, however, says she know neither of the two men. She also denied that her husband had previously been in a fight and stabbed. "Angelo never had a fight as long as I have known him," she said.
The two men probably will be questioned Thursday.
Corporal Nesser was completely exonerated by acting Chief of Police Dyer following questioning of Mrs. Furne, Cagot and a number of neighbors in the vicinity where the accident occurred.
"No charges can be filed against Nesser because of Furne's actions immediately preceding the shooting," Dyer said. "Furne's efforts to escape indicated that he had been riding in a stolen car." Dyer said. "Nesser also commanded the man to stop several times. Other shooting in the vicinity probably tended toward making Nesser think the man one of a gang of desperate men.
"Any ordinary citizen in pursuit of his lawful business need never fear to stop on command of a police officer in full uniform," John J. Chester, county prosecutor, said in explanation that Nesser could not be held responsible for Furne's death. Funeral arrangements for Furne, which are under the directions of the Eban company, have not been completed: Mrs. Furne said, however, the body probably will be taken to Mt. Sterling, Ohio, for burial.
The widow is the daughter of Daniel Leach, Mt. Sterling, and graduated from the Monroe township high school last year.

Columbus Dispatch, Monday, April 9, 1928
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Sam Chambers, age 56, negro, Cincinnati, is held at city prison on
investigation charges in connection with a double murder in Cincinnati
Feb. 2 or 4. Arrested by Detectives Murphy and Carson at Seventh and
Main Streets, Monday, the negro has confessed to killing a man known as
"Wild Bill." Chambers is also charged with fatally shooting his brother-in-law, Robert Jackson, but denies the charge.
Five men were sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse and fined costs when
arraigned in municipal court, Monday on vagrancy charges. They were
Virgil West, aged 23, of S. High St., George Arms, aged 32, of Thomas
Ave, William Hall, aged 22, of S. High St., Charles Moore, aged 26, of
Innis Ave, Leroy Cloverdale, aged 22 of S. High St.
William Tanley, colored, giving an address of 679 N. Pearl St., was
sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse and fined $50 in costs when he was
arraigned in municipal court, Monday on a charge of assault and battery.
The man, police alleged, struck Edith Woodbury, colored, 677 N. Pearl
St., on the head with a flatiron.
Twenty-five thousand dollars damages are demanded of the Beulah Park
Jockey club in a pettion filed in the Franklin county court, Monday, by
Mabel A. Gallena, 138 E. Main St., who alleges that she was injured in a
collapse of a grandstand at Grove City Aug. 15.
William B. Thompson, Mansfield, Ohio, was sentenced to six months in the
workhouse and fined $200 and costs when he was arraigned in municipal
court, Friday, on charges of failing to support two children. The man
was prosecuted by his wife, Mrs. Mary R. Thompson.
Columbus Dispatch, Tuesday, April 10, 1928
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Right To Drive Lost By Four
Nine speeders were sentenced to city prison and four of this number were
deprived of their rights to drive by Judge Edward F. Berry, in traffic
court, Tuesday.
Declaring she can produce new evidence to prove her innocence, Mrs.
Thurman Dillahunt, 105 Cleveland avenue, former taxi driver, who was
sentenced to five days in prison and was deprived of her right to drive
for six months, April 3, was granted a new trial by Judge Berry. The new
hearing was set for April 17.
Rufus French, aged 22, colored, of 315 Taylor avenue, was sentenced to
10 days in city prison for driving his auto in a school zone in excess
of the speed limit.
Others sentenced were: Earl A. Dutolt [DUTOIT?], aged 27 of 216 Welsh
avenue, one day and deprived of his right to drive for 30; Edward L.
Foster, aged 24, of 1731 1/2 N. Fourth street, one day; John Peoples,
aged 28 [38?], colored, Mock road, one day; Charles R. Thomas, aged
24, of 1247 Franklin avenue, one day; Henry E. McAdams, aged 37,
Westerville, one day; Earnest Hanning, aged 21, of 918 1/2 Cleveland
avenue, two days, deprived of right to drive 60. Gerald Foley, age 21,
811 Franklin avenue, one day, deprived of right to drive 30, and Owen
Rashon, Station G. route 3, one day and deprived of right to drive for
six months.
Third Woman Killed by Auto in Three Days
Struck by an auto while crossing Summit street at Alden avenue, Mondaynight, Mrs. J. C. Lanius, aged 73, of 1083 Say avenue, was fatally
injured and died at University Hospital four hours later. She is the
third women killed by auto accidents in Columbus within three days.
C. F. Wellbacher, Route No. 1, Worthington driver of the machine,
appeared at police headquarters and was released after hearing
circumstances of the accident.
Mrs. Lanius' death was caused by a fractured skull. She also suffered a
broken arm and hip. The accident occurred at 8 p.m.
She is survived by a daughter, Josephine, and a son, Phillip A., both of
Columbus; two sisters, Bell McNeil, Crete, Neb., and Mrs. C. E. Osborne,
Topeka, Kan., and a brother, Charles Lanius of Colesburg, IL. Funeral
arrangements of the Glenn L. Myers have not been completed.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Probably Charles LANIUS should have been listed as her brother-in-law
instead of brother.
Some names are (seemingly) obviously misspelled--I have done my best to transcibe and index each name as it appears.
Most bracketed ( [ ] ) items indicate a problem or personal addition/alteration to the text. Many explanations will appear in red.
All personal names, both given names (or initials) and surnames, are in bold type face the first time they appear; they do not appear that way in the original text.
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