© 2002-2017 Leona L. Gustafson
NOTE: The format for this page is somewhat more time consuming than I had anticipated. For that reason I have decided not to make additional entries here. All newspaper items that appear in the future will be found at Old News from Columbus Newspapers |
News Clips of Genealogical Value
Columbus & Central Ohio
from the
Columbus Citizen
Transcribed by
The Citizen
An Independent Newspaper.
Published Daily, Except Sunday
George W. Dun, Business Manager
George Smart, News Manager
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Page 2 [First line torn off] [Torn] What He
[A]bout the Murder of
Effort to Make the Crime
Unhappy Marital Experience of
Latest News of the Franklin Courts
The trial of John Atkinson, the convict indicted with three others for the murder of Guard Lauderbaugh, in what was at the time believed to be a widespread conspiracy to effect an escape from the penitentiary, will in all probability continue throughout the week and possibly longer. The state has not exhausted its list of witnesses already called and it looks as if not more than half the witnesses that will be examined had as yet been summoned. The efforts of the defense, as made manifest in the cross-examination of witnesses, are plainly bent to show that the killing was no higher degree of murder than manslaughter. Mark Clark, who was in the penitentiary at the time of the shooting and witnessed the tragedy, was the first witness today. He described the shooting of Lauderbaugh by O'Neill, his story in the main agreeing with the published accounts. Walter Davis, Harvey Brooks and William Willinghoff, all Convicts, testified along the same line. Guard L. H. Davis, who had no gun when Atkinson and O'Neill entered his shop, testified to their pointing revolvers at him and searching for weapons, and to the fact that Atkinson, the defendant, supporting his right hand, crippled by a shot from Lauderbaugh's gun, with his left hand, shot at Guard Lime. Guard R. H. Lime, who was in the shop with Guard Davis, testified as to his experience with the two desperadoes. Lime was shot at by Atkinson and, finding himself at the mercy of two armed convicts, did the best he could for himself. Attempt was made on the cross-examination to make it appear absurd that Atkinson, after having his right arm wounded so badly that it is still paralyzed, should be able to shoot holding the revolver in his right hand. Walter Taylor, a full-blooded Seminole Indian from the Indian territory, who is serving a term for horse-stealing, was the most interesting witness of the morning. An interpreter had to be called in and Joe Cates, a half-breed Indian who is serving a term for forgery, acted in that capacity. Taylor said he saw Atkinson, Frank O'Neill and Jimmie O'Neill come out of the shops together just after the shooting. This is one of the most important bits of testimony brought out to connect Jimmie O'Neill closely with the principals of the shooting and will undoubtedly be used in the trial of that worthy. DR. GRAY'S PERSONAL ESTATE. Mrs. Roxanna Gay Bancroft, administratrix of the estate of the late Dr. Norman Gay [Sic.], asked the Probate court today for authority to sell real estate in order to pay debts. She says that debts amounting to $14,000 have been reported and that the costs of administration will be $200. The personal estate, she says, is not worth more than $50. Dr. Gay, who was one of the oldest and best known physicians of the state, left some real estate. A DIVORCE QUICKLY WON. John W. Shobe, a Fourth street commission merchant, got a decree for divorce in a very few moments this morning. After the morning testimonies in the penitentiary murder trial had been taken, Judge Badger called up the Shobe case. Mr. Shobe was the applicant for divorce and his wife did not appeal. The husband testified that his wife swore at him, abused him in public and made herself so disagreeable that, in order to preserve their good name and to try to get friendly neighbors, he had to move several times. She was in the habit of visiting his office and abusing his customers and patrons, and on one occasion she said she would be glad when Mr. Shobe's parents died because she could spit and dance on their graves. She also called his sisters naughty names. Other witnesses testified to like unseemly conduct and Judge Badger, saying that no other testimony was needed, granted the divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty. Mrs. Shobe was originally Miss Lola Koiner. She has been living for nearly three years with her parents in Augusta county, Virginia. [NOTE: The next report was only five lines long and is mostly torn off. The following is what can be read.] NOTES. Probate Judge Galloway today con-[torn] tion of Florence C. [torn] kely by Mr. and Mrs. [torn] The names of the [torn][ch]hanged to Spitler. |
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The matter of the settlement of the accounts of John F. Gale, guardian of William H., Edward A., Isabel and Edith Gorman, will be given a hearing in Probate court April 4. In the case of the assignment of Peter and Elizabeth Molones, the latter asks that the real estate be sold and her dower be allowed in money, and the former asks for the legal homestead exemptions. COUNTY COURTS. NEW CASES. Hugh KcKee to Annie Holiday, part lot 15, Evans & Cheatham's Amended sub.; $800. Abiah L. Jones to Bernard Peirano, lot 7, Henry E. Gill's Lexinton Avenue ad.; $3500. James Naughton to F. J. Picard, lot 53, East Park Place ad.; $1. William B. Cosgrove, to Catherine Walters, lot 3, P. R. Woodruff's sub.; $2000. MORTGAGES. Henry Fritz to Allemania Building and Loan company, ½ acre, Franklin tp.; $673. Adeline Walker to Ohio State Savings and Loan association, lot 113, George Williams, jr.'s, Miller Avenue ad.; $50. Ella W. Iams to E. D. Morgan, 25 acres, Norwich, and 12¾ acres, Norwich tp.; $200. Charles Seibert to Jacob G. Zellers, lot 120, Panhandle ad.; $200. Catherine Walters to the Lilley Building and Loan company, lot 3, R. P. Woodruff's sub.; $800. John Hikes to Barton Griffith, 1 53-100 acres, Marion tp.; $600. Sarah C. Temple to the Columbus Savings association, lots 15 and 16, Wilson Fields' ad.; $800. Edward L. Williams to Jonathan F. Linton, lot 51, Terrace View ad.; $61. Louisa C. Welch to Central Building, Savings and Loan company, lot 43, Robert E. Neil's ad.; $3000. CANCELLATIONS. William Humbaugh to William S. Park, $750; James A. Darnell to F. P. Shook, $750; Hattie M. Richards to William K. Williams, assignee, $66; Emilie Schmidt, to REASSURING. The Smallpox Situation
Only One New Case Reported in 24
The smallpox situation is much more reassuring today than for several days past. For the 24 hours from noon Tuesday until noon today there was but one case reported and the city health department feels confident that with the precautionary measures they have prescribed, well inforced [sic.], the spread of the disease will soon be checked. The new case reported this forenoon is Peter Crosly, white, aged 29 years, and residing at 294 North third street. This is next door to the North Third street lodging house which has been the hotbed of the disease, and he is supposed to have been exposed before the quarantine was established. Crosly will be removed to the smallpox hospital at once. All the cases now under the charge of the city health department are doing nicely. Five patients have been discharged. Superintendent Schueller of the health department is still confined to his house, but his illness is not thought to be serious. The department has quarantined the block known as the "Wolfel Chute." The block is located on Washington avenue between Main and Cherry streets and has been a fruitful source of smallpox. The Best $3 Hat on Earth. Sherman—the Hatter, opposite the Capitol. BREVITIES. The application of John Bayney, three years, burglary, Logan county, will be made for parole at the next meeting of the board of pen managers. Lieutenant Colonel C. B. Adams of Delaware will soon assume temporary command of the Fourteenth Infantry. Colonel Adams will resign from the regiment soon. Detective Cudmore of Chicago left Tuesday night with G. M. Hyams, the young Hebrew who was arrested here on demand of Sweet, Dempser & Co. of Chicago. The Columbus branch of the National League of Commission Merchants last evening elected officers for the ensuing year. They are: President, R. H. Evans; vice president, Henry Turkopp; secretary, Grant S. Fisher; treasurer, Jacob Schneider. Rev. Edward Pfeiffer of Fremont has accepted the fourth chair in theology at the Capital university. He has been pastor of the Grace Lutheran church in Fremont since 1891, and has declined two previous calls to the chair. Mr. Pfeiffer was born in this city 41 years ago. The remains of Maggie Hammill, who died at the Protestant hospital last Friday morning, from the effects of a criminal operation, were taken in charge of a Dayton undertaker on Tuesday afternoon and shipped to her home. Bath Cabinets $3.50 The Columbus Pharmacal Co., 63 to 67 E. long street, invite your inspection of their Bath Cabinets. See adv. |
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EXPLOSION Caused a Suit Now pending in the The case of the Central Ohio Natural Gas and Fuel company against the Capital City Dairy company was argued before the Supreme court Wednesday by T. P. Linn, jr., the plaintiff in error, and B. E. Steele for the defendant. Suit was originally brought by the Capital City Dairy company for $1880 claimed as damages on account of a natural gas explosion in the plaintiff's building at Spruce street and Dennison avenue. The jury returned a verdict for $829.33 against the Natural Gas company and it was subsequently reversed in error by the Circuit court. The case was remanded to the Common Pleas court, and at the second trial, judgment was given the Natural Gas company for $941.79, which was affirmed by the Circuit court, and upon which issue was joined in the Supreme court Tuesday. Page 3 FIFTH REUNION Otterbein Association Has a
The fifth annual reunion and banquet of the Columbus Otterbein association was held last evening at the Great Southern hotel. President Andrew J. Timberman welcomed the guests, who numbered over 100. The president closed his address by introducing Mr. George R. Hippard, a member of the class of '88, as the master of ceremonies. He first introduced Rev. M. DeWitt Long, who spoke on "Coeducation and Theology." Miss Helen Camille Shanck rendered several pleasing vocal selections, immediately after which Eugene C. Wagner of Grove City, a member of the class of '78, answered to the toast "The Public Rhetorical." Professor Josephine Johnson of Westerville was to have responded to the toast "Otterbein's Daughters," but was taken suddenly ill and left the hall. Miss Helen Camille Shauck rendered "A College Incident," a clever story, and the last toast of the evening was responded to by M. C. Howard, who spoke on "Otterbein in the Twentieth Century." Superintendent J. A. Shawan, of this city, J. T. Minehart of Chicago and other prominent educators were present by invitation and made pleasing addresses. OHIO COLLEGES. Meeting of Presidents and Deans at Delaware, March 9 and 10. The fourth annual meeting of the presidents and deans of the Ohio colleges will be held at the Ohio Wesleyan university Delaware, March 9 and 10. Dr. Canfield, of the Ohio State university will speak at this meeting on the subject, "Should Students' Choosing of Electives Be Limited?" Hon. L. D. Bonebrake, state commissioner of common schools, will speak on "State Graduation and Inspection of High Schools." President John H. Barrows, the new president of Oberlin college, will be among the speakers, his subject being, "What Modern Life Demands of the College." The presidents of the college Y. M. C. A.'s of Ohio will hold their annual convention at the same time and place. During the month of July the sale of stamps at the Columbus postoffice amounted to $36,000, which is the largest in the history of the office. BREVITIES The new Board of Trade Bulletin, the official organ of that organization, makes its first appearance Saturday. Rev. Joseph Clarke gave a lecture at the Miller Avenue M. E. church Tuesday evening on "In and About New York." The entertainment was in charge of the ladies of the church and the Pastors' union and the proceeds go to the church treasury. Page 4 CENTRAL OHIO FANCIERS. The Central Ohio Fanciers' club held their annual meeting Tuesday night at Volk's grocery. The attendance was good. Officers were elected as follows: President, W. F. Volk; first vice president, J. W. Quinnius; second vice president, Charles Kraner; secretary, J. F. Beum of Westerville; treasurer, J. C. Rowe; executive committee, J. Q. Quinius, J. P. Lind, E. A. Noble, J. C. Rowe, and Dr. S. Short The report of the late exhibit in the City hall was very encouraging. A very nice profit was realized and the club is in a prosperous condition. The Ohio State Fanciers' association contemplates giving an exhibition in this city next January. Mr. Rowe thought that two exhibits would not pay and suggested that the state association be asked to co-operate with the Central Ohio club, the two giving one grand show. This was agreed to. The club will participate in the Elk's street fair next July. The executive committee of the club will hold a meeting in Elks' hall next Tuesday evening. A regular meeting place will son be hired. |
Some pages in this edition (1 Mar 1899) were badly damaged before it was microfilmed; parts of the headlines/headers on the first article above are missing. I have transcribed it as completely and accurately as possible.
Some names are (seemingly) obviously misspelled--I have done my best to transcibe and index each name as it appears.
Bracked ( [ ] ) items indicate a problem or personal addition/alteration to the text. Many explanations will appear in red.
All personal names, both given names (or initials) and surnames, are in bold type face; they do not appear that way in the original text.
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