© 2002-2017 Leona L. Gustafson
NOTE: The format for this page is somewhat more time consuming than I had anticipated. For that reason I have decided not to make additional entries here. All newspaper items that appear in the future will be found at Old News from Columbus Newspapers |
News Clips of Genealogical Value
Columbus & Central Ohio
from the
Columbus Citizen
Transcribed by
The Citizen
An Independent Newspaper.
Published Daily, Except Sunday
George W. Dun, Business Manager
George Smart, News Manager
Thursday, March 2, 1899
Return to This & That From Columbus Newspapers
Franklin County Cemetery Photos
Page 1, Column 5 SWARTZ Endorsed For
By Officers of the Anti-Saloon League. Mayor Black Roundly Denounced by Baker. And Swartz's Picture Shown as "Our Candidate." Enthusiastic Meeting of Anti-Saloon People on East Side Last Night. The Anti-Saloon league has endorsed Judge Samuel Swartz for mayor. This action was made plain at a meeting held in the Republican club rooms at Miller avenue and Main Street last night under the auspices of the league and addressed by Rev. Raynor and Rev. A. P. Baker, the state superintendent of the league. The meeting was well attended and the collections are said to have been generous. The program of the evening consisted of a stereopticon exhibition, managed by Rev. Raynor, and remarks by Rev. Baker. The views shown were, many of them, taken in Cleveland, but some were taken in this city and were shown to illustrate the difference in the mode of living between the saloon keeper and the big brewer and the poorest of the city's inhabitants, who reside in the bad lands. Pictures of the residences of Mr. George Hoster and other men engaged in the liquor business were flashed side by sided with views of the miserable hovels of the bad lands. Rev. Baker said that Mayor Black had violated his promise made to the league before he was elected to close the saloons on Sunday and at midnight to drive the gamblers out. At the conclusion of the discussion, during which many very bitter thins were said about Mayor Black and his administration and he was charged with all sorts of sins, Rev. Raynor of the Anti-Saloon league flashed a picture of Judge Samuel Swartz on the canvass with the words underneath, "Our Candidate for Mayor." Rev. Bake and Rev. Raynor both said that wile they were now after Mayor Black for his failure to keep his promise and to enforce the laws against gambling and saloons, yet if Mr. Swartz was elected and followed in the footsteps of Mayor Black they would not be slow in denouncing him as they were now denouncing Mayor Black. There was a large number of members of the Republican club present and it is said that it was really at the suggestion of some member of the club that the meeting was held there. Whenever either of the speakers made a point against Mayor Black he was applauded to the echo. The meeting had been advertised by a house to house canvass and there were a great many of the leading ministers of the gospel present. It is said that the fact that Rev. J. C. Jackson, sr., of the Anti-Saloon league is a near relative of Mr. Swartz has been a strong point in the favor of the Republican candidate and prevented the league from getting out an independent ticket, as its officers at one time contemplated doing. Page 2, Column 2 BABY BOY BURNED RUSHSYLVANIA, O. [Logan County], March 2.—The four-year-old son of Harry Bartlett, residing two miles from here, played with a bottle of coaloil near the stove. He was burned to a crisp when found by his mother later. Page 2, Column 3 VAN TRESS Tells a Good Story. The Atkinson Case Coming to a Close. Only Two Witnesses Used by Defense. Something of the Legacy Left by Last Year's Flood. Record of One Day's Doings in the Franklin County Courts. The trial of John Atkinson, one of the convict murderers of Guard Lauderbaugh, will come to a close sooner than was expected. After taking the testimony of Guard Gump, who had the revolver duel with Frank O'Neill, the accomplice of Atkinson, and having emptied his gun, brought the desperate convict to earth with a blow from his cane, the state rested. This morning the defense put in its testimony. Only two witnesses were on the stand, Dar. Starling Wilcox and Dr. H. W. Whittaker. These professional gentlemen had examined Atkinson's wounded arm. They testified that it had been broken in two places by bullets from the revolver of the murdered guard, and that it would have been impossible for Atkinson to raise that arm and shoot. It had been testified that Atkinson knelt and fired again and again. The object of the physicians' testimony was to show that Atkinson had knelt in order to support his wounded arm on his knee. Atkinson himself admitted that he fired one shot, holding his right wrist with his left hand. After presenting these two witnesses the defense rested. The state offered no evidence in rebuttal. The attorneys agred [sic.] that there should be no time limit of the arguments, although it was stated that the arguments would not be long. It was agred [sic.] that Second Assistant Prosecutor Ford should open for the state, that Attorney E. L. Taylor, jr., should follow for the defense, that he should be followed by First Assistant Prosecutor D. B. Sharp, that Captain G. H. Barger should close for the defense and that Prosecutor Lee Thurman should make the closing argument for the state. After a recess Mr. Ford began his argument. Mr. Ford spoke for one hour. He said that there was no doubt as to the killing of Lauderbaugh and that John Atkinson and Frank O'Neill were associated in that crime. What the intentions of the men were must be judged by their acts, as no one could enter another man's mind and read his thoughts. The fact that the men had provided themselves with revolvers as long ago as July 4, 1898, and had attained a supply of ammunition, was evidence that they intended to use them and, as convicts in the penitentiary are not permitted to have weapons in their possession, that the use was not an innocent one. In attempting to make their escape they were doing an unlawful act, and the fact that they used their own guns was sufficient evidence that they intended to kill whoever came into their way. He showed by Supreme court decisions that a man who, in the commission of a burglary or other unlawful act, having a weapon in his possession, uses that weapon to kill another is guilty of murder, and that, in a conspiracy, all members of that conspiracy are bound by the acts of the others. |
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Page 2, Column 3 KITTIE HIGBIE'S ESTATE. John J. Chester was appointed late yesterday afternoon and qualified as administrator of the estate of the late Kittie Higbie, who left a fortune valued at about $25,000. The filing of the papers made public the fact already known to many that the woman's real name was McMahon and that she came from an excellent family in Kentucky. Kittie Higbie was proprietress of a house of evil fame, but the story was told that she herself was virtuous. It is know at least that under another name she was a regular attendant at church. A young man in this city, well known and respected, will, it is said, be the heir to her estate. He is a relative of the dead woman. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arnett Harbage and Helen B. Postle. David Kreher and Flora Manley. Patrick Henry Dolan and Fidelia M. Borror. RACE HORSE KILLED. In Judge Evans' court the damage suit of John Kiefer, a North Side druggist, against the Columbus Central Street Railway company, was begun this morning. Mr. Kiefer sues for $300 on account of the killing of a valuable race horse by a motor car on that line. The horse was frightened by the car and Mr. Kiefer claimed that he motioned to the motor man to slow up. The motorman did not do so, and the horse became unmanageable and was run over. Page 2, Column 4 NOTES. W. W. Peabody has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late S. P. Peabody. In the case of E. T. Mithoff against Dr. H. W. Miller, a judgment of $143.70 was rendered for the plaintiff. He sued for $911. The will of David Koetz, admitted to probate, gives one-half of his estate in equal shares to his grandchildren, Willie, John, Mary, Julia, Elda and Alma Heintz. The other half goes to Mrs. Louisa Fisher. The damage suit of Mary L. Heimberger, administratrix, against the Columbus Street Railway company, has been settled for $175. The suit was brought on behalf of the heirs of Henry Frillman, who was killed. The alimony case of Grace D. Andrews against Frank H. Andrews has been settled and dismissed. The suit of Mary McCarrick against Thomas Moore has been settled and dismissed. The plaintiff charged Moore with being the father of her child. The will of the late Eliza Davis of Elmwood gives one-eighth of her estate to Butler I. Davis, Eliza Swain and Beertha Davis. The remainder goes in equal shares to her seven children. Probate Judge Galloway, in the assignment case of ePter [Peter] Molones, today decided that a homestead exemption cannot be made for Molones, there being two mortgages on his property. The real estate of the late John Otstot will be sold to pay debts. The property is valued at $12,000. UNIVERSITY NEWS. Six Weeks' Course For Health Officers Begins in April. The meeting of the Political Science association was well attended last night. The major paper was by Mr. Barnet, university accountant, and treated largely of the financial legislation affecting the university. The minor paper was by Mr. Sayre, his subject being the treason of Aaron Burr. Mr. King discussed current events. More or less interest is centered in the election of base ball manager tomorrow. The university boys have been more successful in this line of athletics than in any others. Either of the two candidates, Mr. Gayman, or Mr. Roy, would make an energetic effort to keep up the good record of the university on the diamond. On April 4, the university will commence a six-weeks' course of instruction for health officers in Ohio and for those of mature years who may be looking forward to work of this kind in the public service. Quite a number of students and professors accompanied the board of trade to the Raring steel plant today to inspect the gun carriage they are building, as well as to see the plant itself. The Debating league held a meeting at noon today to elect delegates to the state convention at Oberlin Saturday. Prof. J. V. Denney, Lloyd T. Williams and Arthur G. Abbott were elected. By this action Professor Denney is made president of the State league. President Canfield received this morning a letter from President Raymond, West Virginia university, Morgantown (the youngest university president in this country). President Canfield has been much interested in President Raymond's advancement, and the latter has frequently turned to the former for advice in connection with the duties of his new position. President Raymond reports that his first legislative campaign has just closed. The largest appropriation which that university ever received from any one legislature before this year was $74,000. This year the legislature gives an aggregate of $196,300. This includes a salary fund of $40,800, as against $19,500 granted for the same fund by the last legislature. MONNETT'S FIGHT. NEWARK, O. [Licking County], March 2.–At the Standard Oil hearing this morning former agent Clark reiterated the statements of Wednesday about the Standard's methods in getting rid of rivals, after which Monnett asked him if he knew of the company's effort to maintain a monopoly in oil in Ohio. The question was objected to and withdrawn. Clark said Manager Mathews of Columbus swore here in court recently that the company's books were burned in Columbus last fall. Numerous questions put by Monnett were objected to and the objections sustained. The court would not allow Clark to tell of the crowding out of Forsythe, a rival dealer, at Urbana, nor talk about rebates to receivers or rebates to dealers. On cross-examination by Neal Clark, told of his arrest for embezzlement and larceny, saying that tow of the charges against him were dismissed and the third was pending. He said he had handled $40,000 for the Standard company and that when the company learned he was going to a rival concern, charges were preferred. |
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Page 2, Column 5 SCARLET FEVER. Another case of scarlet fever was reported to the health department today from 644 West ____ street. A case of diphtheria was reported form 1023 Atchison street and chickenpox reported from 216 North Twentieth street. William Newton was sent to the city prison Thursday for train jumping. Page 2, Column 6 DOWNFALL Of a Former Wellknown Legislator. Alexander E. Steward Committed to the Penitentiary Thursday. Criminal Baliff Bowman of Cincin-nati arrived at the penitentiary on Thursday morning with two prisoners, one of whom was the late Hon. Alexander E. Steward, formerly one of Hamilton county's representatives in the legislature, but now plain "Steward, 31,578." He was elected treasurer of the village of Bond Hill a short time ago, but when the time for settlement came Steward was short about $3000. Steward is about 50 years old and has a host of firends who regret his downfall. He took his misfortune very philosophically and began his two years' sentence with as much calmness as a hardened criminal. An effort will be made to secure his release as soon as he is eligible to parole. The othe Cincinnati prisoner was George Duffy, who will serve five years for burglary. Duffy served a four-years' sentence for the same offense before. He was implicated in the burglary of a store in the eastern part of Cincinnati. A delegation of 20 Red Men were in the city Wednesday from Cambridge, O. They came here to take one of the high degrees in the order and while in the city visited the penitentiary, where they were the guests of Guard D. McKimley. The discharged list Thursday included the names of Charles Hare, Herbert Lindsey, William Nance and David Donavin. Manager W. B. Cherrington, of Wellston [Jackson County] was at the prison Thursday on a short business trip. Bankrupts. Germain Joseph and E. I. Leveen of Circleville [Pickaway County], formerly partners in the dry goods business, filed petitions in bankruptcy in the United States court today. The liabilities of each amount to $17,561.13. Germain Joseph says he has assets amounting to $65 and Leveen owns property valued at $60. Page 2, Column 7 EX-CONVICT IN TROUBLE. Mr. Jesse Clark of Worthington called at police headquarters Thursday morning to look into the case against Frank Johnson, the alleged cow thief, who was rounded up Wednesday by Officer Mast and "Star Kid," one of the Sells-Forepaugh detectives. The animal found in possession of Johnson proved to be the property of Mr. Clark and the indications now are that Johnson will go to the pen, where he has already served time. Several cows have been stolen at Briggsdale and other localities recently and the police are of the opinion that Johnson has had a hand in these thefts also. His case will come up in court Friday. NEW INCORPORATIONS. The following incorporations were issued today: The Bakhaus and Kenenzel company, New Bremen, capital stock $75,000. The Eureka Oil and Gas company, Dennison, capital stock $5000, The Elkes Social club, Conneaut, The National Food company, Dayton, capital stock, $25,000. PLEASANT PARTY. The students of the short-hand department of Parsons' Business college, were pleasantly entertained by their teacher, Miss Anna Lanning, at the home of Mrs. Coffman, of 44 North Fourth street. The evening was spent at cards and dancing, after which refreshments were enjoyed.
Some names are (seemingly) obviously misspelled--I have done my best to transcibe and index each name as it appears.
Bracked ( [ ] ) items indicate a problem or personal addition/alteration to the text. Many explanations will appear in red.
All personal names, both given names (or initials) and surnames, are in bold type face the first time they appear in a story; they do not appear that way in the original text.
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