The Ohio State Journal, Tuesday May 31, 1910
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Ezekiel Compton, Forty-Niner, Dead at Black Lick.
Ezekiel Compton, aged 93, is dead at his home in Black Lick, five months after the death of his wife, when preparations were being made for the celebration of their sixty-fourth wedding anniversary. He was one of the Forty-niners. He and his wife spent several years in the West, but returned to Columbus; where Mrs. Compton died at the age of 89. Funeral services will be held this afternoon. Compton was a prominent Odd Fellow. He was engaged in the grain business in this county for many years.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, March 24, 1913, Page 8
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Funeral services for John H. Mongold, of 1249½ Highland street, will be held in the chapel of the Pletcher-Brown company Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body will be buried in Union cemetery. Mr. Mongold was 56 years old and an auctioneer by occupation. He had been ill for some time. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. L. L. Glatter, the latter living at 1047 East Rich street.
After a two weeks' serious illness from diabetes, Anthony Berndroth, aged 63, died early Monday morning in his home at 167 Lane avenue. Living with him at his home were his widow and two daughters, Mrs. M. Doty and Mrs. D. Dandry. A son, Gary Berndroth, lives in Geneva, Ohio.
The family formerly lived in Geneva, where for 21 years Mr. Berndroth was bookkeeper for the Geneva Dye and Tool company. Fourteen years ago they removed to Columbus and for several years Mr. Berndroth was manager of teh Union Brick Supply company.
The funeral services Wednesday afternoon at the residence, at 2 o'clock, will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Lose of St. Luke's Lutheran church. The bruial will be in Green Lawn, with the Brown-Myers company in charge.
A stroke of paralysis suffered three weeks ago resulted fatally for William Bidleman, aged 68, of 771 St. Clair avenue. He died Sunday evening at 4:30 o'clock. his widow and one daughter, Miss Maude Biddleman, survive him. He also leaves a brother, J. B. Bidleman of Columbus, and two sisters, Mrs. Daniel Monroe and Miss Sarah Bidleman, who live in Detroit.
Mr. Bidleman's death occurred in the house in which he has always lived and which once stood in the center of a farm. As the city grew up around the farm the land was disposed of in city lots.
Funeral services will be conducted at the home Tuesday at 2 p. m. by Rev. R. M. Gordon and burial will take place in Green Lawn. The Brown-Myers company will be in charge.
The body of Henry B Kramer, who was found dead in bed Sunday morning, his death having been due to heart failure, was shipped to Circleville, Monday, by the Pletcher-Brown Co., burial. The man, who was 65 years old, had been selling papers on the streets and living with his brother, George Kramer, at 155 East Goodale street.
Mrs. Henry D. Turney, wife of the president of the Columbus Gas & Fuel Co., passed away at her home, 538 East Town street at 5 o'clock Sunday evening, Mrs. Turney had been ill for several weeks, but her condition did not become serious until Sunday, and her death was unexpected.
Mrs. Turney's two daughters, the Misses Evelyn and Anne Turney, are expected to return Monday afternoon from New York, where they went only a few days ago. Another daughter Mrs. Sumner T. McKnight, lives in Minneapolis.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. Interment at Circleville.
Mrs Turney was a daughter of the late John Bartlett, who for years was a member of the firm of Bartlett and Brown, bankers.
The funeral of Kossuth K. Lannes, who died at his home 311 Beach street, Saturday afternoon, from cancer, will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the residence, Rev. Mr. Burns officiating. Interment will be in Green Lawn. Mr. Lannes was 61 years old.
Rev. T. Lehman, of St. John's Evangelistic protestant church, will officiate at the funeral services for Miss Corenne Dorothy Mitchell, at the family residence, 943 City Park avenue, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The burial will be made in Green Lawn.
Miss Mitchell was 19 years of age and a daughter of Joseph Mitchell.
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kindle of 1319 Summit street, were held Monday afternoon and the burial was made at Calvary cemetery. The H. H. Shaw company was in charge.
The body of Miss Harriet Hildreth, aged 79, who died in the Columbus State hospital Saturday from bronchial pneumonia, has been shipped to her former home in Springfield by the H. H. Shaw company. Miss Hildreth was at one time a high school teacher in Springfield.
Private funeral services were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock for Mrs. Gertrude Kauffman, of 147 McDowell street, who died from diphtheria, and the interment took place in Green Lawn, under the direction of the Shaw company. Miss Mabel Kauffman, a daughter, who also was ill with the same disease, is improving. Mrs. Kauffman is the mother of patrolman Maurice Kauffman.
Mrs. Minerva Jane Bonham, who was stricken a few days ago with paralysis, died Sunday morning at 8 o'clock at her home, 444 North Monroe avenue. She was 69 years of age, a widow and is survived by a granddaughter, who lived with her.
After funeral services at the residence at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, conducted by Rev. R. M. Gordon, pastor of St. Clair Avenue Presbyterian church, Mrs. Bonham's body will be sent to Trinway, Ohio by Black & Black, for interment.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, June 15, 1914, Page 5
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
William N. Darby, 52, former warden of the Ohio penitentiary died at his home, 920 Oakwood avenue, Monday at 12:20 a. m. from diabetes, with which he has been confined to his bed for the last two months. Previous to that time he had been in Florida for two months in a effort to regain his health.
Warden Darby was born in Bellaire, Belmont county, 1863. He began his political career as marshal of Bellaire. He was twice elected sheriff of his home county as a Republican and also served as deputy clerk of the Supreme court of Ohio.
May 1, 1900, Governor Nash appointed him warden of the Ohio penitentiary. he resigned this position in June, 1903, giving as one of his reasons that he was opposed to capital punishment. Warden Darby was very popular with the prisoners in the institution. They refer to him today as the "prisoners' friend."
Since giving up his office at the prison, Mr. Darby has lived in Columbus and has been interested in real estate, stocks and bonds. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Catherine Palmer. mrs. Darby was at one time a principal in the Columbus schools.
Mr. Darby was a Knight Templar, a Shriner, an Elk and a K. of P.
Funeral services will be held from the residence Wednesday at 2 p. m., in charge of the R. E. Jones & Son Co. Burial at Green Lawn.
2 Jan 1915 20 Jan 1915 20 Jan 1915
23 Jan 1915 25 Jan 1915 29 Jan 1915
1 Apr 1915 4 May 1915 5 May 1915
The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, January 2, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Lewis Mills Newberry, S. 18th St., Dec. 29
David Waltz, State hospital, 32, paralysis, Dec. 3_
Goldie May Hatch, Grant hospital, 2_, pelvic abscess, Dec. 30
Robert Blackmore, W. 1st Ave., septicemia (sp) Dec. 2_
Joan W. Evans, Wilson Ave., 74, pneumonia, Dec. 30
Katherine McCurdy, State hospital, 63, tuberculosis, Dec. 29
Jessie M. Saura, St. Francis hospital, 22, appendicitis, Dec. 30
William E. Decker, Merritt St., disease, Dec. 31
Henry Hymrod, S. Washington, 77, heart disease, Dec. 30
John Harris, Clinton Twp., 39, tuberculosis, Dec.29
Thomas Morgan, Winner Ave., paralysis, Dec. 31
John A. Hall, S. Champion Ave., tuberculosis, Dec. 30
NOTE: The above deaths were very diffcult to transcribe, please allow for possible errors.
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, January 20, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Hoster, Herman, aged 33, Thursday evening, January 19th. Funeral
services at the residence of his father, George J. HOSTER, 55 Hamilton
avenue. Burial private.
Weaver, Marguerite June, at her late residence, 698 1/2 Mt. Vernon
avenue, January 20th, age 59 years, 4 months, 14 days. Interment Green
Lawn, private.
Services for John Henry Roberts, aged 27, who died Tuesday evening at the home of his parents, 1381 Ohlen Avenue, will be held at the home Thursday and burial will be made in Union cemetery by the Brown-Meyers Co. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Roberts, four brothers, Homer J. and William A. of Ashtabula, Harry A. of Cleveland and B. W. Roberts of Columbus, and two sisters, Mrs. Mina P. Mott of Franklin, PA, and Mrs. Jeannette O'Neil of Cleveland.
The body of Mrs. Samantha S. Shaw, aged 62, widow of the late Noah T. Shaw, and a former resident of Columbus, who died Tuesday at her home in Dresden, will be brought to Columbus Thursday. The funeral party will go directly to Green Lawn cemetery, where interment will be made by the H. H. Shaw Co.. She is survived by a son, Harry Shaw of Dresden.
Joseph A. McCormick, aged 35, died at his home at 876 Leonard avenue, Tuesday, from pneumonia. He was a son of the late Dominic McCormick. He is survived by three brothers, John, Charles and James McCormick, and by three sisters, Misses Regina and Blanche McCormick and Mrs. John A. Conner, all of Columbus. Funeral services will be held at St. Dominic's church Friday, and burial will be made in Calvary cemetery by Egan Co.
Clyde Suplee Davis, aged 35, died at the State hospital Wednesday, from dementia paralytica. He had been in the hospital for three years. He was a son of Vincent B. Davis of Columbus, and had a sister living in Mt. Vernon. The funeral will be held from Egan's chapel Friday, with burial in Green Lawn cemetery.
Luke Adell, aged 40, a repair man at the furniture store of Mike Quinn, 76 S. Fourth St., while engaged on a job of repair work at 145 East State St. was stricken with apolexy, Tuesday and died in St. Francis hospital Wednesday morning. He leaves a brother, B. Adell of Lakeview, who formerly had a bird store in Columbus; a cousin, Dr. E. E. Adell of E. Town St. and two sisters, married. Coroner Benkert was called to view
the body.
Mrs. Sarah Eater, aged 67, of Toledo, died Sunday at her home there and was buried Monday. Isaac, Max and Louis Topper of Columbus are sons and Mrs. Tillie Romanoff, also of Columbus, is a daughter. She is also survived by her husband, Jacob Eater of Toledo, a son, Morris Topper of Toledo and two daughters, Mrs. Fanny Feere of Toledo and Mrs. Ray Beningson of Detroit, Mich. She also leaves 30 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. She was born in Russia and came to the United States in 1879 and had lived in Ohio ever since.
Cards of Thanks
We wish to thank all of our friends, the pallbearers, and the Egan
Undertaking Co. for their kindness and sympathy during our bereavement,
due to the death of our dear mother, Mrs. Carrie Gerrard.--Daughters, Sons, Sons-in-law and Grandchildren.
To the organizations, neighbors and pastor of Third Avenue M.E. church,
I extend my deep appreciation for the tender ministrations, words of
sympathy and beautiful flowers bestowed during her last hours, and at the
obsequies of my beloved wife, Nancy Caroline Stoker.--MR. A. T. Stoker
The Columbus Dispatch, Thursday January 21, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Bender, George Henry, aged 59, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Adolph Dellenbach, 386 East Jackson St., Thursday, Jan. 21. Funeral from Holy Cross church. Interment Mt. Calvary
Hedges, Julia Ann, aged 67, Wednesday, Jan. 20, at at her residence 737
Oak St. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. George E.
Snyder, 1160 E. Long St.. Burial at Green Lawn Cemetery.
Note: Julia was born in Circleville, Ohio and is the daughter of John B.
PINNIX and Corinth WARE.
McCormick, Joseph A., aged 35, at his residence, 876 Leonard Ave,
Tuesday, Jan.19. Funeral services from St. Dominick's church. Burial
at Mt. Calvary.
Saler, Michael, aged 97, native of Germany, died at St. Anthony's
hospital, Wednesday, Jan.20, from aterial sclerosis. He was a farmer
living near Ironton, Ohio. He is survived by one son, Peter Saler,
living there. The body was sent to Ironton, Thursday by the Egan Co.
and the funeral will be held there Friday.
Shuler, Mrs. S. Allie, aged 65, wife of William A. Shuler, Wednesday, Jan.20. Funeral services from the residence, 815 Oakwood Ave. Interment Marysville, Ohio.
Treszer (sp?), Ludwig, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward
Gockenbach at Hebron, Ohio, age 70 years, 4 months. Funeral notice
Cards of Thanks
We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness
and liberal floral offerings during the illness and death of our husband
and father.--Mrs. Geo. Moffit and family
We wish to extend thanks to all who so kindly assisted us during our
bereavement in the loss of husband and father; especially the lodges, and
for the beautiful floral offerings.--Mrs. H.E. Washington and Daughter.
To the improved Order of Red Men, neighbors, friends, Rev. ?. S.
Colburn, singers and Pletcher Co., we extend our deep appreciation of
the tender ministrations, words of sympathy and beautiful flowers
bestowed during the last hours and obsequies of our beloved son and
brother, Walter Vaughn.--Mother and Sister.
The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday January 23, 1915
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Veteran Plumber Dead
Peter Gehr Succumbs Friday Evening to Long Illness With Chronic Nephritis
Peter Gehr, aged 64, well-known contracting plumber, died Friday evening at 6:55 at his home at 1157 Oak street following a four months' illness with chronic nephritis. He had been in the plumbing business in
Columbus for 18 years and had been in his present location at 1159 Oak
street for 10 years. He had been a Columbus resident for 32 years.
He was a member of the Elks and the Columbus Fishing and Hunting Club, and of the Master Plumber's association. He is survived by his wife;
two daughters, Mrs. A. D. Beasley and Miss Elsie Gehr; one son, Christian P. Gehr, all of Columbus, and one sister, Mrs. Theresa Klausmann, of Cincinnati.
Funeral services will be held at the residence. Burial will be made in Green Lawn Cemetery.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, January 25, 1915 Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
CULBERTSON, Mrs. Mary, aged 68, wife of Robert, died Saturday at her home, 71 N. Nelson Rd., from neuralgia of the heart. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. George Pickman, and two sons, Harry of Columbus and Frank Culbertson of Oklahoma City. She had lived at her home for 30 years. Funeral services at residence, burial will be made in Green Lawn cemetery.
EVANS, Edward Samuel, aged 63, died Saturday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. H. C. Biddle, 110 W. First avenue, from pleurisy. Funeral at residence, and the body was sent to Columbus Grove for burial by the
R.E. Jones & Son Co.
GLAZE, Mrs. Susannah, aged 69, died Saturday at her home, Cleveland
avenue. She had been ill for but a week with bronchial asthma. Widow
of John W., she is survived by two sons and two daughters, and by two
grandchildren and one sister. Funeral services at the residence, burial
will be made at Forest Cemetery, Circleville, Ohio
HART, Mrs. Josephine, aged 85, widow of William, who died June 1886, passed away Sunday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Goldsmith, 286 S. 17th street, from a complication of diseases. She had lived in Columbus a half a century, coming here from her birthplace in Germany almost immediately after her arrival in America. She is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Goldsmith and Miss Minnie Hart, one son, Jacob Hart, one brother, Simon Wolf, and one sister, Mrs. Caroline Heiman (or HELMAN--sp?), all of Columbus. The funeral services will be conducted by Rabbi Joseph KORNFELD at the residence and burial will be made in Green Lawn cemetery.
MCKERNAN, Katherine, aged 74, widow of the late William McKennan (sp?), died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Bull (or BUIL--sp), 1904 Summit street, from arterial sclerosis. Besides the daughter she leaves one son, William Brady, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Sacred Heart church. Burial will be made in Calvary cemetery by the Eagan Co.
WEBER, Mary, aged 50, wife of August Webber, suddenly Saturday at St.
Anthony's hospital, following an operation. She is survived by her
husband, three daughters, Mrs. John Bartley, Miss Joe Marie Weber of
Rome, Ga., and Mrs. J.P. McMahon of Chattanooga, Tenn; five
grandchildren, three step-sons and four step-daughters, living in
Columbus. She was a member of the Ladies Auxillary
of the Knights of St. John and of the Ladies Circle of the Woodmen of
the World. Funeral services at St. Mary's church and burial in Calvary
WHITTEN, Frederick William, aged 41, at Protestant hospital, Sunday.
Funeral services from the residence, 288 E. 17th street. Interment Rye,
Westchester Co., New York
YOUNG, John, aged 78, for many years a prominent building
superintendant, residing at 620 City Park avenue, died at Mercy Hospital
Sunday, after a week's illness due to a stroke of apolexy. He was a
native of Germany, but had lived in America since boyhood. He came to
Columbus from Zanesville thirty years ago. He was a veteran of the
Civil war, having served in Co.19 of the 76th O.V.I.. He is survived by
his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Edmund Parkhurst of Los Angeles, Cal.,
three sons, William, Dr. John B. and Frank R. Young, all of Columbus, and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the residence, Rev. T. Lehman officiating and burial wil be made in Green Lawn cemetery.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks for the kindness shown us in our recent bereavement in the death of our father, grandfather and great
grandfather, Louis Treszer (or TREZZER--sp?),. To the Ancient Order of
Druids and the Concordia Circle, the Badisher Beneficial Society,
Panhandle shops, Rev. Kanuth for his comforting words and the
Schoedinger Bros. for the efficient service rendered us in our hour of
attribulation. Also for beautiful floral offerings.--Louis Treszer, Akron, Mrs. Ed. Zockenbach, Hebron, Ohio, Mrs. A. R. Mayer, Mar[k] Kraner, and Lizzie Treszer, daughters, eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

The Columbus Dispatch, Friday, January 29, 1915 Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Word came to friends in Columbus of the death of Mrs. Robert Bryan Harrison, which occurred Jan. 22nd in St. Louis. Burial was made at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, with their son, R. E. Morrison, lived in Columbus in 1911 and 1912 and had a whole circle of friends here, who will regret to hear of her death.
The body of Frederick St. John, aged 44, a former resident of Columbus, who died Wednesday in Cleveland, will be brought to Columbus and funeral services will be held at Schoedinger's chapel Saturday morning with burial in Green Lawn cemetery. He was a brother of Richard St. John of Columbus.

Columbus Citizen, Tuesday, April 1, 1915, page 12 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Andrew Thompson, 22, dies of Hemmorrhages,
Leaving Young Bride.
On Monday, March 22, the day of his marriage to Miss Irene Powers, daughter of J. H. Powers of the Oklahoma edition, south of Columbus, Andrew Thompson, 22, who lived at the Hartman farm, was stricken with hemorrhage of the lungs and was taken to Protestant hospital, where he died Wednesday evening. Besides his wife, Mrs. Irene Thompson, his father, Andrew Thompson, sr., of Walnut Hill, south of the city, survives. The body was taken to the home of his father-in-law, J. H. Powers. Funeral services at Walnut Hill chapel at 2 p. m. Saturday. Burial in Walnut Hill cemetery by N. S. Cook.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Blowers, 71, wife of Samuel H. Blowers, 106 West Second avenue, mother of Ray V. Blowers, assistant city editor of the Dispatch, died of dropsy Thursday. Besides her husband and son Ray, two other children, Miss Edna Blowers and Mrs. C. A. Foreman; her mother Mrs. Valentine Ault, 97; two sisters and two grandchildren survive. Funeral services at 10 a. m. Saturday at the residence. The body will be sent to Barnesville, O., her former home for burial by the Shaw company.
Funeral services for John F. Marchal, 69, civil war veteran, who died of apoplexy Wednesday at his home on Cleveland avenue, Linden, were held at 1:30 p. m. Thursday at the residence. The bodies of both Mr. and Mrs. Marchal will be buried side by side in a double grave at Riverside cmetery by the Taylor-Clarke Co. Mrs. Marchal died Feb. 2. The body was placed in a vault at the time. One sone, Albert D. Marchal survives.
James Whaley, 73, died of complications Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Homer Bussard, 441 East Fulton street. Funeral Services at 2 p. m. Saturday at the residence. Burial in Green Lawn by the Brown-Myers Co.
Word was received in Columbus Thursday of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Braderick, 77, formerly of Columbus, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Winters, in Alliance, O. The body will be brought to Columbus. Funeral services at 2:30 p. m. Saturday in Green Lawn, Burial in Green Lawn.
George Conrad, 40, died of complications Wednesday at his home near Briggsdale. He was employed in the county audiotr's office as sealer of weights and measures, and for 15 years he was steward at the county infirmary. Besides his wife, one son, his mother, five brothers and three sisters survive. Funeral services at residence at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. Burial in Green Lawn by the Steickley Co.
Mrs. Jane Storrey, 68, died of heart trouble Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward H. Hanna, 100 King avenue. Besides her daughter, two grandchildren, Julia and Harry Hanna, and two sisters living in England survive. The body will be sent to New Straitsville for burial Friday by the Fisher Company.

Columbus Citizen, Tuesday, May 4, 1915
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Louise Simons, 7 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simons, leader of the Scotch band with the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus, which showed in Columbus, April 30, died of pneumonia at the Davidson hotel Monday, where with her mother, Mrs. Simons, they stopped because of the girl's illness. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at O'Shaughnessy's chapel. Burial in Union Cemetery
The Day's News of Local Deaths and Funeral Services.
For the fourth time in a little more than a year death has invaded the family of Frank Turner, 193 Clinton Heights avenue, North Sided district circulation manager of The Citizen. Monday afternoon his brother, O. Ray Turner, 39 West Duncan street, traveling salesman for the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes company, died of tuberculosis at the home of his uncle, Travis C. Latham, near Dublin, where he had gone about three weeks ago. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Fannie Walcutt Turner, and two brothers, Frank and William Turner. Just a month ago, April 3, Mrs. Mary Catherine Turner, mother of Frank and O. Ray Turner died of cancer at her home, 2564 North High street. Last August, Cyrus H. Turner, the father died of complications at his home in Fulton, Morrow county. Theodore Turner, the 6-year-old son of Frank Turner, died of meningitis March 22, 1914.
Funeral services for Mr. Turner will be held at his home, 39 West Duncan street, at 2 p. m. Wednesday in charge of the Hilliard Lodge of Masons. Burial in Union Cemetery by Blakely, Denton & Donaldson.
Patrick Ruddy, 72, retired baggagemaster for the Pennsylvania railroad, died suddenly of heart trouble at the rooming house of Mrs. Ella Walsh, 153 East Goodale street, where he lived. Tuesday noon. He has three daughters and two sons living in Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Joseph B. Auker, 59, employe of the Winslow Glass company, dropped dead of heart trouble and dropsy at his home, 1951 South Ninth street, Monday shortly after he had eaten supper. Besides his wife, Mrs. Harriet Auker, three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Adkins, Mrs. Olive Fleckner and Mrs. Rose Klienlein survive. Funeral services at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the residence. Burial in Obetz cemetery by the Cook & Son Co.
Mrs. Anna Bauer, 47, died of complications Tuesday at her home, 451 Deshler avenue. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Carrie Albright and Misses Louise and Minnie Bauer; and one son, Leonard Bauer. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at the residence. Burial in Green Lawn by the Egan company.
Mrs. Mary Kneydel, 89, widow of Henry kneydel, died of senility Monday at her home, 759 South High street. She is survived by two daughters, Misses Clare and Henrietta Kneydel; one son, Martin Kneydel, and four grandchildren. Funeral services at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the residence Burial at Green Lawn.
Mrs. Anna Plumsteel
Mrs. Anna Plumsteel, 52, wife of Hiram J. Plumsteel, who conducts a confectionery store at 197 East Livingston avenue, died following an operation for gall stones at Protestant hospital Tuesday. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Oscar Modin and Mrs. Robert Spurling.

Columbus Citizen, Wednesday, May 5, 1915, page 12
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Patrick Walsh, a Retired Railroader, Dies --
News of Deaths.
Nacredo Andrucci, 35, Italian laborer, was almost instantly killed Wednesday morning at the plant of the Marble Cliff stone quarries. While cleaning up around a stone crusher he slipped and fell against the machine and was caught in such a manner that he was disemboweled. He was taken to the morgue of the H. A. Pletcher company where funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Thursday. Burial in Mt. Calvary. He leaves a wife and two children in Italy.
Funeral services for Patrick Walsh, 72, formerly road foreman of engines for the pennsylvania railroad, died of complications at his home. 148 Buttles avenue, Tuesday. Besides his wife, Mrs. Margaret Walsh, three sons; George E., deputy clerk of the Probate court; Francis L. and J. J. Walsh, and three daughters, Mrs. Louis F. Kleeman, Annetta C. Walsh and Gertrude M. Walsh, teachers in the public schools, survive. Funeral services at 8:30 a. m. Friday at Sacred Heart church. Burial in Mt. Calvary by the O'Shaughnessy company.
Mrs. Louise Kailer, 70, widow of Charles W. Kailer, who lived with her son, Frank D. Kailer, in Linden Heights, died of apoplexy Tuesday at St. Francis hospital. She has suffered three strokes of apoplexy since April 24. Besides her son, Frank D. Kailer, a step-son, John M. Kailer, two sisters and two brothers survive. Funeral services at 2 p. m. Thursday at the private chapel of the Taylor-Clarke company. Burial in Worthington cemetery.
Philomena Heriesti, 4-year-old- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Heriesti, died of scarlet fever Tuesday at the home of her parents, Cypress and McKinley avenues. Funeral services were held at the residence at 3 p. m. Wednesday. Burial in Mt. Calvary cemetery by the Egan company.
Huston Bailey, 28, colored, son of Mrs. Laura Ormes, 237 North Fifth street, died of pulmonary tuberculosis at the Franklin County Tuberculosis sanitorium Wednesday. Funeral services at 1"30 p. m. Friday at the residence. Burial in Union cemetery by Mrs. D. A. Whittaker.
Albert Anderson Gray, 66, who lived with his son, Charles W. Gray, 332 South Fourth street, died following an obdominal [sic.] operation Wednesday at Grant hospital. His death was the second in the family within two weeks. On April 24, Homer Danforth, his son-in-law, formerly of Columbus died in a Chicago hospital as the result of an operation to amputate a leg crushed in a railroad accident. Mr. Gray is survived by his wife, two sons, Charles W. and P. V. Gray, and four daughters, Mrs. Anna Tindel, Miss Flonnie Gray, Mrs. Laura Danforth, and Mrs. Edna Banhart. Funeral services at 2 p. m. Friday at the residence. Burial at West Jefferson by Vaeder Brothers & Sebitzky.
The body of George Whightsil, 63, who died Tuesday as the result of a fractured skull sustained when he fell down stairs at his home, 267½ East Main Street, last Thursday, will be sent to New Albany, O., for burial Thursday morning be the Egan company.
OVERLY--Ernest Pleasant, at his home, 1343 Wesley Ave., aged 16 years 6 months and 26 days. Funeral services at the residence Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Will leave on the Scioto Valley traction at 12:30 for Chillicothe. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 at the Hopetown church, Rev. J. F. Halfaker will officiate. There will be room for all friends who wish to go to Chillicothe.
Mrs. William C. Brooks.
Mrs. William C. Brooks, 50, of 201 Clarendon avenue, died following an operation for gallstones at Grant hospital Wednesday morning. She is survived by her husband, two sons and one daughter. The body will be sent to New Marshfield, Athens county, for burial by the Hilltop company.
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, July 24, 1918 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Funeral services for Miss Floris E. Woodruff, who died Tuesday will be held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. Woodruff, 690 East Fourth avenue, Thursday at 2 p. m., with burial at Reynoldsburg.
Funeral services for Alex Gall, aged 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gall, 358 Woodrow avenue, who was electrocuted when he stepped on the third rail on the Scioto Valley Traction Co.'s tracks opposite the Buckeye Steel Castings Co., Tuesday, were held at the Hungarian Reformed church on Woodrow avenue at 2 p. m. Wednesday, with burial in Green Lawn Cemetery. Besides his parents an older brother survives.
Robert Day Abbott, three-days-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur R. Abbott, West Fifth avenue. Tuesday. Funeral services were held at the Edward E. Fisher mortuary Wednesday afternoon, and the body was taken to Newark for burial.
Mrs. Jennie Wiley, 38, wife of Samuel C. Wiley, 1484 Thomas avenue, residence of sister, Mrs. Russell Hudson, 1631 Oak street. Wednesday, dropsy. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Marvin and Russell Wiley; one daughter, Mona Wiley; her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Iler, who lived with her; two brothers and four sisters. Funeral Friday, 2 p. m. Miller Avenue Evangelical church; Green Lawn. Denton, Donaldson & Hughes.
Franklin Emory Wheeler, 66, 864 West Town street, Tuesday. Burial will be made in Green Lawn cemetery by the Schoedinger Co., the time to be announced later.
Charles E. Juengst, sr., 64, 504 West Town street. Tuesday. His wife and three sons survive. Funeral Friday 2. p. m. residence; Green Lawn. Schoedinger Co.
Funeral services for Eugene Earl Hall, 11-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall, who died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Grinstead, 94 Thurman avenue, Monday evening, from abcess of the brain, will be held there at 2 p. m. Thursday, with burial in Union cemetery.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, February 28, 1921 Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
His death occurred Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. P. Denny,
1389 Franklin Ave. from heart trouble, with which he had been ill for several
weeks. Mr. Snyder had been in the roofing business in Columbus 25
years. He was head of the George Snyder and Sons Co., 163-65 North Ninth
Street. His wife, four sons, his daughter and a sister survive. He was a Civil
War veteran and a member of McCoy post, G.A.R. Funeral arrangements
have not been completed.
Aged Resident Founder and President of Sheet Metal and Roofing Co.
George Snyder, aged 75, founder and president of George Snyder & Sons Co.,
sheet metal and roofing contractors, died Sunday at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Lanson Denny, 1389 Franklin avenue, following an illness of several
weeks due to heart trouble. He had been in business in Columbus for more than
25 years. His plant is at 163-165 North Ninth Street.
Mr. Snyder was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of McCoy post
of the G.A.R.
Besides his wife and daughter, he leaves four sons, George E., William H.
and Albert R. Snyder, in business with him, and Harry B. Snyder,
treasurer and manager of the Snyder Automobile Co., and a sister, Mrs.
James Shaffer of Rochester, PA.
George E. Snyder is on an automobile trip through the South and funeral
arrangements, in charge of Denton, Donaldson & Hughes, will not be
made until he is heard from. Burial will be in Green Lawn Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder lived at 953 East Long street until a week ago, when
they broke up housekeeping and went to live with Mrs. Denny because of
Mr. Snyder's failing health.
Mr. Snyder was one of three brothers who served in the Civil War, all of
whom have died within the past year. The other two were Charles Snyder
and John Snyder of Pittsburgh.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, October 15, 1923 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
After a seven weeks' illness, Paul Field Deuschle, son of Dr. and Mrs. William D. Deuschle, 40 North Monroe avenue, died Sunday night at Mt. Carmel hospital. He had been critically ill for many weeks, following three operations for mastoiditis, and died from an abscess of the brain, as a result of the operation.
The lad was born in Columbus and was 19 years of age at the time of his death. He attended East High school and later the Columbus academy, from where he was graduated in 1921. While a student at the academy, he was one of its most popular students, being captain of the football and baseball teams and honor man in his graduation class. Last year he attended Ohio State university, where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.
Mr. Deuschle is survived by his parents and one brother, William Deuschle. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock, at the residence, with Dr. Samuel S. Palmer officiating, and interment will be made in Green Lawn cemetery by the Schoedinger Co.
Mrs. Mary Donaker Brown, aged 80, widow of William J. Brown, passed away Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Donald C. Abbott, 98 Miami avenue. Death was due to complications. Mrs. Brown had been a resident of Columbus for 35 years and much of her time was spent in writing, principally verse. She was a member of the Methodist church of Dresden, Ohio, also a member of the Sons of Veterans Auxiliary No. 17. Besides her daughter, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Harper Lane of Dresden and Mrs. C. R. Brown of Columbus. Funeral services will be held at the Miami Avenue residence at 1 p. m. Tuesday and burial will be at Dresden on Wednesday.
Murray Frederick Shrider,
Freight Engineer, Is Victim of Accident.
Murray Frederick Shrider, 44, a freight engineer for the Hocking Valley railroad, died in University hospital Sunday evening from injuries received when he accidentally fell down stairs at the home of his son, Harold Shrider, 251 East Fifth avenue. His skull was fractured in the fall and he was taken to the hospital, where death occurred a few hours later.
Mr. Shrider lived at 557 West Fourth avenue. He is survived by one son, nine brothers and two sisters, Mrs. W. T. Wolfe of Lancaster, and Mrs. Stella Ruffner. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers.
The body was sent to Lancaster Monday evening by the Edward E. Fisher Co. for funeral and burial.
Widow of Former Orrville Publisher
Dies as Result of Operation Las December.
Mrs. Lucie S. Hamilton, widow of James A. Hamilton, former publisher of the Orrville, Ohio, Crescent, and vice president of the Buckeye Press association, passed away Sunday afternoon in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Elsworth Carr, 2587 Glen Echo drive, from complications resulting from an operation last December. She was brought to the daughter's home from Orrville last April to celebrate her seventy-fourth birthday anniversary and has resided here since.
For 30 years Mrs. Hamilton assister her husband in the editing and publishing of the Orrville Crescent. She also was prominent in the work of the Women's Relief corps, having been a past state president of the organization, 12 years president of the Orrville corps and edited and published the "W. R. C. Messenger." She was a charter member of the Order of Rebekah and a first noble grand of the order in Orrville; a member of the Protective Home Circle, the Order of Maccabees, of the Ohio Newspaper Women's association, and a member of the Presbyterian church.
Another daughter, Mrs. A. R. Williams, of Wooster, survives Mrs. Hamilton; also one son, Jimmie Hamilton a newspaper man of Wadsworth; two brothers, J. H. Silver, former head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency of Chicago, but now retired, at Chattanooga, Tenn., and George Silver of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Gebhart of Ellsworth, Kans., and Mrs. Barbara Merkel of Wooster, and seven grandchildren.
Rev. Mr. Thompson, pastor of the Glen Echo United Presbyterian church, will conduct funeral services at the residence of Mrs. Carr Tuesday evening at 7:30. The body will be sent to Wooster by the Schoedinger Co., undertakers, for funeral and burial there Wednesday.
Complications caused the death, Sunday, of Albert Maywood DePugh, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. O. L. Smokey, 1135 Cleveland avenue. He had been ill for six months. He was 68 years of age and a farmer. He leaves also three sons and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the daughter's home and the body will be sent to Mt. Layton, Pike county, by Denton, Donaldson & Hughes, undertakers, for burial.
Charles F. Lew, 59, a barber was found dead in bed Sunday at his residence, 1295 Highland street. The coroner was called and found death to have been caused by organic heart disease. Mr. Lew had been ill for some time. He is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth F. Lew; two brothers, F. R. Lew of Chicago, and Peter Lew of Richmondale, and a sister Mrs. Mary Schaeffer of Beaver. The Sherman D. Brown Co. has charge of the funeral but the time has not yet been decided upon. Burial will be at Dresden.
Calvin Mitchell died at the home of his son, J. C. Mitchell, in Linworth, Sunday, at the age of 83 years. Besides this son, two other sons survive, Osborn of Linworth, and Wilbur of Dublin; also one daughter, Mrs. Ellen Curry of Plain City; a brother, Luther of Linworth, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Goble of Dublin. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday, from the son's home and burial will be at Dublin, by S. E. Corbin, undertaker of Worthington.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Homer Burkey, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burkey, Marion Township, and burial was made in Green Lawn, the Schoedinger Co. in charge. There are three brothers and three sisters surviving.
The death of Amos Shoop, aged 65, retired, occurred Sunday. He lived at 97 Liberty street. Funeral services will be held from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Scanlon, 327 Sheldon avenue, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and burial will be in Green Lawn, the Schoedinger Co., in charge. Another daughter, Mrs. Homer Byers, also survives.
Adolph Adam Hauck, aged 64, died at his home, 568 North Twentieth street, Sunday, from complications. He was a charter member of Deerfoot lodge of Red Men and Mentor lodge Knights of Pythias, and a member of Dennison lodge, I. O. O. F., Rebekahs Pocahontas lodge, and White Oak lodge of Woodmen of the World. The services at the residence at 7:30, Monday evening, will be in charge of the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows lodge will have further services at 7:30 Tuesday evening. Pocahontas lodge will conduct the service which is to be held in the St. Clair Avenue United Brethren church at 2"30 p. m., Wednesday. The interment will be in Green Lawn, N. S. Cook undertaker, in charge.
Mr. Hauck is survived by his widow, five sons, Edward, Joseph, Willis, Harold and Herman, of Columbus, and four daughters, Mrs. Anna Bohlman, Mrs. Minnie Dice, Mrs. Ellen Wheeler, and Miss Florence Hauck.
Edward John Mayer, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mayer, 150 North Hayden avenue, died Sunday. Funeral services were held Monday morning and burial made in Hebron cemetery, the C. J. Kohn, undertaker, in charge.
George Lucas, aged 75, farmer, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Merle, 697 East Engler street, Sunday evening. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lucinda Lucas, six sons and two daughters. The funeral arrangements, which are in the charge of the Schoedinger Co., have not been completed.
Ernest Medert, jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Medert, died at 503½ Markison avenue, Monday morning. Burial will be in Union cemetery Tuesday, the Columbus Undertaking Co. in charge.
The funeral of Joseph Caldwell, aged 39, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs Lulu Mattox, 342 East Naghten [Sic.] street from pneumonia, will be held from the chapel of the J. W. Adams Co., 641 East Long street, at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday and burial will be in Union cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Parthenia Simmons, 540 East Long street, who was killed in an automobile accident, Friday, will be held from the chapel of the Whittaker Undertaking Co., 720 East Long street, at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday and burial will be in Green Lawn.
21 Oct 1925 | 16 Nov 1925 | 18 Nov 1925
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, October 21, 1925 Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Funeral services for Mr. Ross will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at his late residence, Rev. Dr. Palmer of Broad Street Presbyterian church officiating.
Although Mr. Ross had suffered from heart disease for the last year or two, he had apparantly been in his usual health and was at his office Tuesday. Shortly after dinner he was seized with a coughing spell and passed away within a few minutes.
Mr. Ross, who was 49 years of age, came to Columbus from Union City, Ind., a little more than 20 years ago. He was vice president of the Knapp Supply Co. and a director of the Ohio Narional bank. Surviving him are his wife and one son, James B. Ross, 2nd, a student at Dartmouth college, and also his father, James B. Ross.
He was a member of the Columbus Country club, the Columbus club, the Athletic club and the Elks. Interment will be in Green Lawn, the Schoedinger company in charge.
Funeral services for Mr. Francisco will be held at the residence of his son, Chrales M. Francisco, 55 South Columbia avenue, Bexley, at 2:30 p.m. Thursday.
Mr. Francisco, who was 75 years old, died following an attack of heart disease, with which he was stricken at Clark Place and High Street at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
He was a native of Newark, N.J., but had resided in Columbus for the past 30 years. Mr. Francisco was a member of Broad Street Methodist church. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Alice Francisco, and his son, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. John L. Loughery, of Marysville.
Interment will take place in Green Lawn, under the direction of the Schoedinger Company.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, November 16, 1925 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Page 6
Prominent Coal Operator Succumbs to Heart Ailment After Two Weeks' Illness
Augustus E. Moore, aged 65, prominent coal operator and a former business man of Columbus, died, Sunday, at his residence, 66 Winner avenue, after an illness of two weeks, with heart trouble
Although a resident of Columbus years ago, he returned here only the first of October from Charleston, W. Va., where he was connected with the Indian Coal Co. He formerly was the president of the Hocking Valley Mining Co. of Athens and the Orange Gas-Coal Co. of Charleston.
When a former resident here, Mr. Moore was a member of the Howald & More Co., now the F. G. & A. Howald Co., when it was located on South High street.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Arloa C. Moore; one daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Farson, wife of Dr. J. P. Farson of Columbus; a son, Walter R. Moore, of Wheeling, W. Va., and three sisters. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Schoedinger Co.
Death Notices.
MEAGHER--Martin W., Saturday, Nov. 14, in his 69th year. Funeral from the residence, 460 S. Ohio Ave., Tuesday, 9 a. m., thence to St. John the Evangelist Church, where a solemn high mass will be offered at 9:30. Friends invited. Burial Mt. Calvary.
BURNS--Rev. George W., 80 years. Friday morning, Nov. 13, at his residence, 150 Thirteenth avenue. Funeral services in Indianola M. E. church, Wednesday afternoon, 3 o'clock. Interment Green Lawn. Body will lie in state in church Wednesday, one hour preceding service.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all fiends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy at the death and funeral of our brother Frank Brembeck, and especially to Rev. P. C. Schneider, Rector of Holy Cross church, the Ven Sisters of St. Francis hospital, the Holy Name society and the members of the Third Order of holy Cross church, the employes of the Panhandle round house, the Bavarian Beneficial society, to his bes friend, Engelbert Stattmiller, and Maeder Bros. & Sebitaki, for their efficient services. John Brembeck and family.
Page 10
KINGERY--Alonzo, aged 71, workman at Green Lawn Cemetery for the past 27 years, died at the residence of his brother, Simon Kingery, 1280 Michigan avenue, with whom he made his home, Monday morning. He had been in ill health since last May. Besides his brother, a sister, Mrs. Laura Smith, of Groveport, also survives. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Denton & Donaldson, 318 East Town street, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Interment will be made at Green Lawn cemetery.
STUDER--Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon, aged 35, wife of Fred Studer, of 412 Sheldon avenue, died Sunday night, in Grant hospital, after an illness of two weeks. Besides her husband, there survive her two daughters, Clara, aged 15, and Wanda, aged 11; a brother, Mark S. Gordon, of Columbus, and five other brothers and two sisters living away from Columbus. Funeral services will be held at St. Leo's church Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and burial well be made in St. Joseph's cemetery, Maeder Bros & Sebitzky in charge.
SMITH--Mrs. Hattie, aged 43, wife of Robert Smith, 220 Elm street. Funeral services for Mrs. Smith, whose death occurred at her home, Saturday, due to a complication of ailments, will be held at the chapel of J. W. Adams, Tuesday, at 1:30 p. m. Interment will be at Green Lawn cemetery. Besides her husband, a son and brother survive.
GROVE--Miss Vaud, aged 30, formerly of Urbana, died in Columbus State hospital, Monday morning of tuberculosis. Miss Grove had been a teacher in the Urbana school. She was a daughter of C. R. Grove of Urbana.
FLANAGAN--Frank. Funeral services for Mr. Flanagan, West Broad street, furniture dealer, who died, Saturday, will be held at his residence, 188 South Princeton avenue, at 8 o'clock Monday evening by the B. P. O. E., of which the deceased was a member. Further services will be held at the home at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday, after which the body will be sent to Danvill, Ohio, by Hughes, Lindenbolt & Morrison, for burial.
BROWN--Mrs. Mary Ellen, aged 64 years, widow of Peter Brown, died at [her] home, 546 Crawford street, Sunday night. She is survived by a brother and one grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the residence and interment will be made in Green Lawn, the Schoedinger company in charge.
GILMORE--William. Funeral services for William, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gilmore, 209 East Duncan street, who died in St. Frances hospital Sunday, of cerebro-spinal meningitis, will be held in Holy Name church, Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, after which interment will be made in St. Joseph's cemetery, under direction of the Egan Co. The boy was a pupil at Holy Name school. He became ill Thursday with influenza, which developed into meningitis, the parents and two sisters, Mary Jane and Rita, survive.
ALLAWAY--Mrs. Martha Ann. Funeral services for Mrs. Allaway, whose death occurred Saturday evening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Edwards, in Obetz Junction will be held in the Obetz M. E. church, at 2 p. m., Tuesday. Mrs. Allaway was 83 years of age, the widow of the late Vincent Allaway, and resided with Mrs. Edwards. Her death was due to pneumonia. Another daughter, one son, five grandsons and a graddaughter also survive her. Interment will be in Obetz cemetery, A. K. Graumlich in charge.
DUPLER--Robert C., aged 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dupler of 1077 Seymour avenue, died in Grant hospital, Sunday night of peritonitis. He had been ill with appendicitis for several days and was to have been operated upon Monday. Besides his father, who is a member of the plumbing company of Dupler & Thomas, and his mother, there are two brothers, Martin and Thomas Dupler, surviving. Funeral services will be held at the Jones Memorial, Broad street and Monroe avenue, at 10 o'clock, Wednesday morning. Th body will then be taken to New Lexington, where services will be held in the church at 2 o'clock (Central Standard time).
Page 23
Son of Sccident Victim Will Conduct Mass at Ohio Avenue Church.
Funeral services for Martin W. Meagher of 460 South Ohio avenue, who died Saturday as the result of injuries sustained Sept. 26, when he was run down by an automobile, will be held in St. John the Evangelist church on Ohio avenue, at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday. Rev. Father Victor Meagher, of Winamac, Ind., a son, will be celebrant of the solemn requiem mass. The interment will be in Calvary cemetery, under direction of the O'Shaughnessy company.
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, November 18, 1925 Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Page 1
Former Prominent Society and Philanthropic Woman Meets Almost Instant Death.
W. C. Moore Had Observed Lights and Started Forward When She Was Struck.
While on her way home from a visit to a friend, Mrs. Anna B. Kilbourne, aged 73, first president of the Children's hospital and widow of Col. James Kilbourne, for many years president of the Kilbourne & Jacobs Manufacturing Co., was almost instantly killed at Cleveland avenue and Broad street, Tuesday at 6:20 p. m., when struck by a machine driven by W. C. Moore. 72 Auburn avenue.
Her death is the eighty-third fatality caused in traffic accidents in the county since Jan. 1.
Mrs. Kilbourne, who made her home at the Seneca hotel, was attempting to cross Broad street, enroute to the hotel from the home of Mrs. Ellen P. Gill, 28 North Jefferson avenue. Mr. Moore said that he had stopped for the traffic light and immediately after, proceeding east, shifted from second to high gear a fraction of a second before the car struck Mrs. Kilbourne.
Stopping the machine immediately, Mr. Moore, assisted by Tony Mino, 101 North Fifth street, and other witnesses, placed Mrs. Kilbourne in a taxicab in which she died on the way to Grant hospital, three blocks distant. Coroner Murphy pronounced death caused by internal injuries.
Following the accident, Moore went to police headquarters and made a report.
Evidence obtained by police, it is said, shows that Mr. Moore was driving at a slow rate of speed and that extreme darkness at the street intersection caused the accident.
J. Russell Kilbourne of New York, who is on his way to Columbus, is the only surviving child. The late Mrs. Alice Kilbourne Jeffrey was the only daughter of Mrs. Kilbourne and the late George and Lincoln Kilbourne were other sons.
Two sisters, Mrs. Frank C. Eaton, New York, and Miss Helen Wright of the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., and seven grandchildren also survive Mrs. Kilbourne.
Aside from the founding of the Children's hospital, Mrs. Kilbourne was prominent in many philanthropic enterprises. She had but recently presented a goodly portion of her extensive library to Denison university at Granville.
She was born in Newark and before her marriage was Miss Anna Bancroft Wright. She had spent practically all her life in Columbus.
Mrs. Kilbourne is said to have suggested the name of Bexley for the suburb. It is believed that she made the suggestion at a meeting of property-owners when the division was being formed, and that she had heard of the name at Gambier college.
The funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in St. Saul's Episcopal church. Interment will be made at Green Lawn cemetery with the Schoedinger Co. in charge.
Drowned in Ohio River.
GALLIPOLIS, OHIO, Nov. 18.—(AP)—Claude McDermitt, aged 32, of Mt. Pleasant, was drowned last night when he fell into the Ohio river from a new steamer making a trial trip. A widow and three children survive.
Page 12
William A. Croy, Laborer at General Reserve Depot, Stircken.
William Anderson Croy, aged 70, 999 Cassidy avenue, Bexley, laborer at the Columbus General Reserve depot, suffered a heart attack and died, suddenly, at his work, Monday afternoon.
Surviving him are two brothers, Charles O. Croy and Frank Croy, both of Columbus. His mother, Mrs. Sarah Alice Croy, dropped dead of heart disease, last summer.
Funeral services will be held at the residence, Thursday, at 10 a. m. In terment will be made at Gahanna, in charge of the Mt. Vernon Undertaking Co.
Page 27
RUNKLE—Mrs. Sallie Beery, wife of Austin Runkle of near Marcy, Fairfield county, Ohio, died at her home, Monday. Besides her husband, a daughter, Harriet Elizabeth; four brothers, Charles and John Beery of Canal Winchester, Samuel of Ashville, and David BeeryMargaret Robb of Columbus and Miss Anna Beery of Canal Winchester, survive. Funeral arrangements are in charge of E. F. Schlegel of Ashville.
PREHM—Mrs. Kunigunda Anna, aged 81, widow of John Prehm, died at the home of her son, John T. Prehm, 1757 Bruck street, Tuesday night, of a complication of ailments. Surviving are two sons, George and John Prehm; two daughters, Mrs. J. H. Richards of Delaware, Ohio, and Mrs. E. F. Weige of Evanston, Ill.; two sisters and eight grandchildren. Funeral services which probably will be held Friday are in charge of A. K. Graumlich.
O'BRIEN—John, aged 73, Marion, died at St. Anthony's hospital, tuesday night, of paralysis. A brother, N. E. O'Brien survives. The body was removed to the home of a friend, F. J. Rafferty, 430 Thurman avenue. Funeral services will be held at St. Leo's church, Thursday at 6:30 a. m. Interment will be made a Minerton, in charge of J. J. Simons.
CHILCOTT—Mrs. Maude. By a change of arrangements, the funeral of Mrs. Chilcott will be held at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hannum, 36 East Seventh avenue, at 10 a. m., Thursday, instead of at 2 p. m. The burial will be at Newark, the Schoedinger Co. in charge. Mrs. Chilicott's home was at 638 East Town street.
NEIGHBARGER—Miss Laura. The body of Miss Neighbarger, who died at Columbus State Hospital, Tuesday of Chronic myocarditis, has been sent to Newark, Ohio, for funeral services an burial. Miss Neighbarger was 67 years of age.
M'LAUGHLIN—Mrs. Catherine M. Funeral services for Mrs. McLaughlin, who died, Tuesday evening, at her home, 379 Cleveland avenue, of a complication of ailments, will be held at the residence at 2 p. m., Thursday, Rev. R. L. Offield, pastor of St. Clair Avenue presbyterian church, officiating. Mrs. McLaughlin, who was 64 years of age and the wife of Andrew McLaughlin, was a member of Columbus chapter, order of Eastern Star. There survive her in addition to her husband, two sons, A. G. Martz of Atlanta, Ga., and H. A. McLaughlin of Columbus; a sister, Mrs. Luella Smith, and a brother, Simon Miles, both of Columbus, and two grandchildren, Lottie and Robert Martz of Atlanta. In terment will be made in Memorial Burial Park [now Sunset Cemetery], Alton, under direction of the Denton & Donaldson Co.
RUSSELL—Mary Catherine, aged five days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Russell of 2737 Steele avenue, die[d] Wednesday morning at the home. Funeral services will be held at the family residence at 10 a. m. Thursday. Burial will be in Green Lawn, the Steickley & Slyh Co. in charge.
SHALOSKEY—Henry Bernard. Funeral services for Henry, twenty-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaloskey of 2404 South High street, whose death occurred, Tuesday, as the result of a fall a week ago, will be held in St. Leo's church at 8:30 a. m. Friday, after which burial will be made in St. Joseph's cemetery, the Eagan Co. in charge. The parents, a sister and a brother survive.
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday, April 9, 1928 Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Deaths and Funerals
RHOADES, Mrs. Cora, wife of Jacob of Hanford St, who died Saturday. Services at residence. Burial in Green Lawn cemetery in charge of A. J. Reid Co.
WILKINS, Charles, of Wisconsin Ave. Services will be held in the
Chicago Ave Church of Christ and his body will be interned at Green Lawn
cemetery under direction of H. A. Pletcher Co.
PETERSON, Lewis, aged 65, of S. Washington Ave, died at his home, Sunday
of a complication of ailments. He leaves a daughter, two nieces and two
nephews. Following services at the funeral home of C. D. White & Son,
Mt. Vernon Ave, the remains will be interred in Green Lawn cemtery.
VAUGHN, Thomas Simpson, aged 67, of Summit St., clerk, in the state
welfare department, died Saturday. Services in the Fisher Broad Street
Mortuary, 215 E. Broad St. Burial will be made in the Union cemetery
under direction of E. E. Fisher Co.
GIESZLER [Sic.], Carl, three-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. George
Geiszler [Sic.], Medill St., died at the home of his parents, Sunday, following
a brief illness of pneumonia. A sister, Marjorie Virginia and two
brothers, George B. and Robert R., also survives. Services at the
residence and burial will be made in Green Lawn cemetery under the
direction of the E.C. Annon Co.
DWIGGINS, Mrs. Carrie, aged 55, mother of Mrs. Edith Skelton, 247 Lucas St, died in St. Francis hospital, Monday. Funeral arrangements at A. L.
Brooks Co., E. Long St, have not been completed.
COLLURA, Asunta, aged 8, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Collura, 474
E. Rich St., died Sunday, after an illness of five weeks. Services will
be held at St. John the Baptist church. She was a pupil at Holy Cross
school and leaves three brothers and two sisters. Burial in St. Joseph's
cemetery under the direction of John Quint Funeral Home.
BANNON, Frank W., aged 75, father of Ray Bannon, Hamilton Ave, succumbed
to senility, Sunday. He was formerly a harnessmaker. He is survived
also by a daughter, Mrs. B. K. Black, Dublin. His funeral will be held
at the Dublin Congregational church with Rev. Thomas Penn Ullon, pastor
of the Worthington Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be
in charge of S. E. Corbin.
LOOS, William, aged 41, blacksmith, who died suddenly on the street, in
Grove City, Satuday, of organic heart disease. Mr. Loos is survived by
two sisters and four brothers, Mrs. Flora F. Valek, Mrs. Mary E. Decker
and Jacob Loos of Shadesville, Samuel of Linden, John of Columbus and Charlie of Springfield. Services will be held in the Shadesville church
and burial will follow in the Fernwod cemetery in charge of Pearl Wilkins.
SCKURMAN [Sic.], Mrs. Martha, aged 87, mother of
Mrs. Walter B. Pringle, W. Lane Ave, died of senility, Sunday, at the
latter's residence. For 40 years she had been a resident of Columbus
and was a member of North Congregational church and Indianola Lodge of
Rebekahs. Before coming to Columbus, Mrs. Sceurman [Sic.] lived in Johnstown,
Ohio. Surviving her besides Mrs. Pringle are a son Claude M. of Ashey,
Ohio, and another daughter, Mrs. Q. C. Greene, W. Lane Ave. Interment
will be in Union cemetery, under direction of H. A. Pletcher Co.
NICKLAUS, Mrs. Emma, aged 55, wife of Lieut. William F. Nicklaus, of the Columbus police department, died at her home, S. Hurson Ave, Sunday.
Besides her husband, she leaves two sons, Harold R. of Toledo and Edward
W. of Columbus, her father, Peter Rauch; two grandchildren; two brothers
and eight sisters. Interment Green Lawn cemetery
HAHN, Mrs. Bertha, aged 51, Tulane Rd. was fatally injured, Saturday,
when she was run down by an auto at High St. and Crestview Rd. She was
the wife of Harry J. Hahn and leaves in addition to her husband, her
father, John S____n [sp]; two sons, Robert W. and J. Ralph; three
daughters, Mrs. C. T. Davis, Miss Bernice and Miss Georgia; two
granddaghters; six brothers and three sisters. Mrs. Hahn was a member
of Fifth Ave. United Brethren church. Services will be held at
Abbottsville in charge of E. E. Fisher Co.
WEBER, Anna, aged 69, wife of Peter Weber. Word of her death, which
occurred, Sunday, at her home in Marysville, has been received by
relatives and friends. She formerly resided near Columbus, and a son,
Henry, resides in this city. [Note: Sorry, but the rest of this obit. was cut
WOOD, Mrs. Florence Taylor, wife of Kenneth D. Wood, secretary of the Central Ohio Paper Co., died at her home, Kendall Pl, Monday, following several months illness. Mrs. Wood was born in Columbus and spent practically all her life in this city. Some of her ancestors were pioneer residents here. Mrs. WOOD was a member of the board of Children's hospital, a member of First Congregational church and of the
Founders's society. Surviving her in addition to her husband, are two sons, Kenneth Taylor Wood of Columbus and Frederick William Wood of Florence, Colo.; three daughters, Eleanor Kenner Wood, Janet Plater Wood, and Lillian Wood of Columbus; a granddaughter, Marjorie Grove Wood; two brothers, William J. Taylor and Harry A. Taylor, both of Columbus, and two sisters, Miss Bessie T. Taylor and Mrs. Nellie Brown, also of this city. Services at the family residence and Rev. M. H. Lichliter, pastor, will officiate at the funeral. Burial will take place in Green Lawn cemetery in charge of Schoedinger Co.
DIXON, Charles Huston - Scottish Rite ring service for Mr. Dixon,
Belmont Ave, who died en route to University hospital, Saturday night,
from a gunshot wound inflicted by a negro, will be held at the funeral
home of Denton, Donaldson, East Town St. The funeral will be under the
auspices of Goodale Lodge and the Scottish Rite of which the deceased
was a member. The remains will be taken to Piqua, Ohio, for burial.
Mr. Dixon had just stepped back from his back porch as the negro was
fleeing after having held up a young woman across the street. He was
shot in the head.
ALTENBACH, Sarah Beatrice, aged 10 months, died at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Altenbach, Parsons Ave., after a short
illness from acidosis, Monday. Besides her parents, she leaves a
sister, Margery; her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.
Altenbach, Southwood Ave; and her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Grace
Duckworth, S. 5th St. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Maeder
Bros. & Sebitaky [sp?].
LAUSE, Mrs. Elizabeth, of S. Terrace Ave, died in St Anthony's hospital,
Sunday, following an operation. Formerly resided in Delphos, Ohio and
wife of Otto H. Lause. The remains were taken to Delphos in charge of
the Shaw-Davis Co.
ARNDORF, Mrs. Florence, aged 54, died in St. Anthony's hospital, Sunday,
following an operation. She was a resident of New Straitsville, Ohio,
and the wife of Frank Arndorf. Funeral arrangements are in charge of
Schoedinger Co.
WHITE, Chester, aged 24, in St. Francis hospital, Sunday, following an
illness of pneumonia. His house was in Virginia. Arrangements for his
funeral are in charge of J. W. Adams.
DICKERSON, Martin, aged 78, died, Monday, in the Franklin County Home.
Death was due to infirmities of age. Mr. Dickerson was a native of
Virginia. The remains were removed to the funeral home of J. W. Adams,
E. Long St.
Columbus Citizen, Wednesday, May 29,1929
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Joseph Davy, 79, farmer, died Tuesday at his home in Groveport. A son, William; a daughter, Mrs. Marietta Baker; eight grandchildren. three great-grandchildren; a brother, Samuel Davy, and a sister, Mrs. Anna Reynolds, all of Groveport, survive. Funeral arrangements are being made by Denton & Donaldson.
Allen William Farley, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Farley, 3290 Beulah Rd., died Tuesday in White Cross Hospital from double pneumonia. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the Chirch of Christ in Christian Union. Burial will be in Union Cemetery by the Mt. Vernon Co. A sister, Marie, and a brother, James Farley, also survive.
Funeral services for Grant E. Herriott, 62, owner of the Columbus and Marysville bus line, who shot himself through the head at his home in Plain
City Monday, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the residence. Burial will
be in Forest Grove Cemetery by Jay D. Ferguson, Plain City. A sister, Mrs.
Sarah Harris, Hyattsville, and two grandchildren, Dorothy and Doris Rawlings, survive.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in Lockbourne M. E. Church for Charles John Morehart, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morehart, Lockbourne, who died Monday in White Cross Hospital after an operation for
appendicitis. Burial will be in Walnut Hill Cemetery.
Miss Dorothy Nieman, 24, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Neiman, Nelsonville, died Tuesday at her parents' home after a six months' illness. Two brothers, Robert and Barney, and an aunt, Mrs. Lena Wolfe, E. Livingston Ave., survive. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the O'Shaughnessy Co. chapel, 375 E. Town St. Burial will be in the Jewish Cemetery.
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