There is a disease prevailing in the Blind Asylum which the attending physician designates as malignant Typhoid. Nearly three months ago a man attached to the institution was attacked with this disease, and, after a severe and protracted illness, recovered. Recently the fever developed itself with more fatal effect. Three of the inmates have already died, and four others are now so ill that little hopes are entertained of their recovery. Several more exhibit symptoms of the same complaint. Many [of] the pupils have gone home to avoid the epidemic. There has been some talk of suspending the usual routine of instruction until the pest subsides.
Our readers will remember that the grand Annual Social Masquerade of the ever popular Wiatt Brothers will take place to-night at Naughton Hall. These annual Socials have become permanent institutions in our city; and under the admirable direction of the Messers. Wiatt (who allow no improper persons to enter the Hall, but so arrange and order every detail of the occasion that the most fastidious can offer no objection,) are reckoned among that class of eminent amusements which command themselves to all lovers of sport. Don't fail to attend the grand Social to-night and be convinced, with us, that Billy and Lud know how to get up a successful Masquerade Ball.
Look out for the big Bus on the streets this afternoon.
For the last two days a case, with important bearings, has been on trial in the Superior Court of Franklin county, Judge Baldwin presiding, which terminated yesterday evening, Mary Ann Dent vs. Halm, Stage & Ford, Messrs. Rankin & Wyley appearing for the plaintiff, and Attorney Olds for the defence. The facts in the case ar briefly these:
Drivers of vehicles will learn afterwile, to their cost, that pedestrians have some right to travel on the highway without having their lives endangered by impetuous Jahu's.
Terrible Accident on the P. & I. R. R.
The passenger train which left this city yesterday morning at 8:45 met with a serious accident, five miles west of Urbana, the hind car, containing some fifty passengers, owing to a defective rail, being thrown from the track and precipitated down an embankment of about 30 feet in height.--Two passengers were instantly killed, and nearly every other passenger very severely injured, several of whom were expected to die. We did not lear the names of those killed, but hope to be able to give particulars to-morrow.

Ohio Sate Journal, Friday, January 20, 1865, page 2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Go to
(Murder of Daniel Hevey/Heavey/Heavy/Hevy), 20 Jan 1865, page 2
We were favored with a call yesterday from Capt. S. H. Dunan, A. Q. M., formerly an attache of the OHIO STATE JOURNAL. Capt. Dunan is stationed as Post Quartermaster at Boston, Mass.
A Queer Flag.
In Irishman hung out a striped petticoat, in front of his business, for a flag, and when asked what he meant, replied, "It's the imblem [sic.] of the country I log."
We acknowledge the receipt of a fine can of oysters, sent to our counting room yesterdey [sic.], by a valued friend, whose modesty, we regret to say, forbids the mention of his name.
The number of convicts now in the Ohio Penitentiary is six hundred and sixteen—twenty-seven of whom are females. The sanitary condition of the prison it good, there being but few cases under treatment in the hospital.
Military Ball.
There will be a grand military ball given at Ambos Hall, on Thursday evening, Jan. 26th, by the Post Band and officers of Tod Barracks. Alf. Jelleff's name a floor manager is a sufficient warrant that it will be a success.
General Court Martial.
A General Court Martial has been ordered to meet in this city, by Special Order No. 12, Headquarters Northern Department.--The following named officers compose the court:
Lieut. Col. G. R. West, 37th Iowa Vols.
Capt. Joel Stover, 37th Iowa Vols.
Capt. L. Nichols, 88th Ohio Vols.
1st Lieut. J. V. Cluxton, 88th Ohio Vols.
2d Lieut. James Wilson, 88th Ohio Vols.
2d Lieut. F. Zine, 88th Ohio Vols.
Major James M. Nash, 19th O. V. I., Judge Advocate, and Reuben Dailey, Recorder.
The Court meets to-morrow in the Buckeye Block, No. 8.
GREEN--GRAY--On the 19th inst., by Rev. E. P. Goodwin, C. D. GREEN, Esq., of St. Louis, Mo., and GERTRUDE, eldest daughter of M. D. Gray, of this city.

Ohio Sate Journal, Monday, January 23, 1865, page 2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Book Keeper Wanted.
A first-class penman, who has some knowledge of book keeping and correspondence, may obtain a desirable situation, at a fair salary, by addressing, in his own hand writing, "A . W." Lock Box 45, post-office, Columbus, stating where an interview may be had to-day.
Gen. Schofield.
Gen. Schofield--of the 23d Army Corps--and staff passed through here yesterday afternoon, en route for Washington.
Attention is called to the advertisement of the Glendale Female College. Glendale is a beautiful village near Cincinnati, and the Institution is one of the best in the West.
Closing Sale.
We refer our readers to the advertisement of an auction sale of linen goods, shawls, blankets, &c., &c., by W. R. Kent, at 101 East Town street. This is the last day and the last opportunity to procure bargains.
Mr. A. H. Faxon, at the Banking office of Messrs. Bartlit & Smith will attend to the business of the Tar Spring Petroleum Company. The sale of stock is this city during the past week was quite large, and is increasing daily. This excellent Company has the confidence of all, and those who put their money in its stock will make not only a safe, but a paying investment.
Juvenile burglars.
Adolph McCann, one of the two boys arrested for breaking into Mr. Protsman's house--the particulars of which we republished in the JOURNAL some time since has been sent to the Reform School Farm near Lancaster. The other boy, John Price, is in the county jail awaiting the disposition of his case, which will be made at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas.
Police Court.
Four individuals were up before the Mayor on Saturday morning for transgressing municipal law.
Lib Davis and Mag Eppswere each fined three dollars and costs for common prostitution. Lib paid the penalty and was dismissed, whilst Mag was recommitted for default
A moderate fine of one dollar and costs was assessed upon John Robinson (not our bill poster) and John Rover for drunkenness. Bot parties were "strapped," in consequence of which they were recommitted.
Accidentally Shot.
Mr. Parry, a government detective, was accidentally shot with a pistol in the hands of a Mr. Freeman, also a government detective, at Lindemann & Co's Saloon on High street, about seven o'clock on Saturday evening. These gentlemen, we learn, were scuffling, when the pistol went off, taking effect in the fleshy part of the thigh of Mr. Parry, producing a painful, though not serious wound. Mr. P. was immediately conveyed to his residence in a carriage, when the wound was properly dressed.
Sunday School Exhibition.
The young ladies and gentlemen of the Rich Street Baptist Sunday School, will give and exhibition under the management of Prof. C. Dunbar. The Professor has had considerable experience in getting up and superintending exhibitions of this character, and the announcement of his name in connection with this affair will alone insure the public a commensurate, return for their attendance. We have no doubt that this will be an unique entertainment, and as it is for the benefit of the school, we trust that not only those who are members of the church will attend, but as many of our citizens as have money to spare for the promotion of so worth and object. The exhibition will take place about the middle of this week, in the Baptist Church on Rich street.
Superior Court.
The court was engaged on Friday and Saturday in the trial of the case of Philip Siebold and others, against Adolphus Duncan--Rankin and Wylie for the plaintiffs, and McCloud and Smith for defendant. The plaintiffs grounded their suit upon an account for clearing land, feeding cattle, etc., and upon a claim for the recovery of the price of the horse sold by the defendant to the plaintiffs, and which, as the latter alleged, was taken from their possession in consequence of its proving to be a government horse. The jury on Saturday afternoon returned a verdict in favor the the plaintiff for $180. Motion by the defendant's counsel for a new trial.

Ohio Sate Journal, Tuesday, January 24, 1865, page 2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
MCINTIRE-DAUGHERTY--On the 22d, by th Rev. Morris, R. A. McINTIRE to Miss LIBBIE DAUGHERTY, all of this city.
BROWN--In this city, on the 23d inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. BRADFORD B. BROWN, long a well known citzen of Columbus, aged 66 years.
The funeral will take place to-day, (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his son-in-law, Chas. T. Flowers, on Seventh, between Braod and Oak streets.
MASONIC NOTICE.--Brothers are requested to meet at Masonic Hall, at 1 o'clock P. M., to attend the funeral of or late Brother B. B. Brown
All Masons in good standing are respectfully invited to attend.
By order of .... D. G. SMITH, Master.
BALL AT AMBOS HALL.--We learn that ample arrangements are being made by the managers of the Ball, to be given by the Post Band and Officers of Tod Barracks, at Ambos Hall, on Thursday evening to accommodate all who desire to participate in the festivities of the occasion.
POLICE COURT.--There were only two cases tried before the Police Court yesterday morning. Kate Tell was fined three dollars and costs for prostitution and drunkenness, and John Doran was charged a like sum for disorderly conduct. Both plead, guilty, paid fine and costs, and were dismissed.
STAGE ACCIDENT--The passenger coach that left this city on Saturday for Circleville, was upset when just over the canal bridge beyond Shadeville, at which point the road is rounding and covered with ice. The passengers escaped with slight injuries, excepting on man--name not known to us--who was so badly hurt that he had to be taken back and left at Shadeville.
MERCHANT TAILORING.--We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of Rose & Beam, Merchant Tailors of this city, who have a large stock on hand of the best goods in the market. We know from personal experience that Mr. Beam is a first class workman, and any gentleman desiring a suit of clothes of the best material and at the same time an unerring fit, will do well to call at this establishment.

The Daily Dispatch, Wednesday, July 5, 1871
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Mayor Bull's court, this morning, presented a lively appearance, being the scene of the trail of no less than thirty-nine cases, which were disposed of as follows:
Charles Gallagher, drunk and disorderly, Fined $10, including costs. Committed.
Bartholomew O'Connel, drunk and loitering, Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
Oscar Green and John Steman, drunk and disorderly, Fined $10 each, including costs. Committed.
Jane Noble, drunk and loitering. Sent to county jail for thirty days.
John Henry, Jacob Hersh, Jacob Stills, J. C. Farwar, and P. R. Smith, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $10 each, including costs. Paid.
Dottie Bigsby, residing in house of ill-fame. Fined $10, including costs. Paid.
William Banker, William Johnson, and John Lux, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $10, including costs. Paid.
E. Fisher, drunk and disorderly. Fined$8, including costs. Paid.
Isaac Longly, drunk and loitering. Fined $8, including costs. Paid.
Jeremiah Collins, drunk and disorderly. Fined $6, including costs. Committed.
Henry Laser, drunk and loitering. Fined $6, including costs. Committed.
Henry Conine, drunk and loitering. Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
Joseph Angle, drunk and loitering. Fined $5, including costs. Committed.
John Jamison, drunk and loitering. Fined $10, including costs. Committed.
John McMannus, drunk and loitering. Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
J. M. Waters, residing in a house of ill-fame. Fined $10, including costs. Paid.
Isaac Harris, drunk and disorderly. Fined $8, including costs. Paid.
Thomas Brashears, drunk and loitering. Fined $10, including costs. Committed.
Hugh McKinney, Thomas Jones and Charles Allfort, drunk and loitering. Fined $6 each, including costs. Committed.
P. O'Conner, drunk and loitering. Fined $10, including costs. Paid.
I. Taylor, H. Berlin, and P. H. Lorman, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $10 each, including costs. Committed.
C. D. Taylor, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $10, including costs. Paid.
John Lucas, drunk and loitering. Fined $5, including costs. Committed.
C. U. Hoke and H. U. Gutches, drunk and disoderly. Fined $10 each, including costs. Committed.
Jesse Williams and R.C. Williams, drunk and disorderly. Fined $10 each, including costs. Paid.
Sam Underwood, drunk and disorderly. Fined $10, including costs. Committed.

The Daily Dispatch, Friday, July 7, 1871
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
The following cases were disposed of in Mayor Bull's Court this morning:
Thos. Bell, disorderly conduct. Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
Robert O'Hagan, disorderly conduct. Fined $8, including costs. Paid
Robert Ellis, disorderly conduct. Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
Samuel Hildebrant and John Albert, drunk and loitering. Fined $6, including costs. Committed.
Belle Highland and Maggie Rees, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $11 each, including costs. Paid
Elizabeth Rees, resding in house of ill-fame. Fined $11, including costs. Paid.
Charles Derricks, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $30, including costs. Paid.
Michael Ring, drunk and loitering. Fined $8, including costs. Committed.
Lizzie Grundy, common prostitute. Fined $15, including costs. Committed.
William Pelt, drunk and loitering. Fined $6, including costs. Committed.
George Vanhorn, visiting house of ill-fame. Fined $11, including costs. Paid.

The Daily Dispatch, Monday, June 17, 1872
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
When Moll Hoover got up this morning, it was under the impression that the Fourth of July had come. Being patriotically inclined, she took several drinks and then started up town with a work-basket on her arm. As she came
to Friend street from Sixth, in company with another female, a party of three men crossed her path on their way to work. Suddenly Moll let fly her right bower and struck one of the men in the breast. He looked somewhat astonished at this unprovoked attack, but as it was not repeated, moved on, Moll and her companion making their way toward High street. On turning up Fourth toward the market-house she passed around toward the calaboose alone, and finding a number of loungers in that vicinity who were awaiting the appearance of the Mayor, began to shoot off her mouth in billing-gate style, saying she was drunk, and had made up her mind to get into the 'boose some time to-day, asserting that she would be there before night. At this moment the door was opened and Officer Tom Mara confronted her. "Here I am," said the incorrigible Moll; "I want to be locked up. Take me in," and walked up the steps with an unsteady gait. Mara kindly took her by the arm, and assisted her inside, where she occupies a cell on the lower floor.

The Daily Dispatch, Monday, July 17, 1876
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
A Big Red Barrel of Human Remains
Found--Investigation by the Police and Coroner.
John Bolander lives in the vicinity of the east graveyard. His occupation is of such a nature that he is necessarily out late at night. On the night of April 21st he came home about twelve o'clock, on the account of rain. After taking care of his horses, and before retiring for the night, he heard some noise in the graveyard. He noticed that the parties were there in a two horse wagon. Next morning there appeared to be a newly made grave. It was short, like the grave of a child. Mr. Bolander supposed that the grave was that of a child which had died at the infirmary, or pest house, of small-pox, and that the interment was unceremoniously made on that account. The matter passed without further attention on his part, until recently. His dog visited the spot frequently, and pawed up the earth. The sexton of the graveyard, Frederick Dell, is reported to have placed new dirt on the little mound, at intervals, since the nocturnal interment was made.
The unpleasant odor arising from the premises led Mr. Bolander to visit the little mound. He removed a small quantity of earth and discovered a barrel. He became possessed of a blood-curdling idea that something was there which demanded investigation. He reported the case to Captain Engelke, of the police, who detailed patrolman Wisker to make an examination. Accompanied by Mr. Bolander, patrolman Wisker went to the spot and unearthed a large red coal oil barrel filled with human remains. The barrel had been deposited in a hole about sixteen or eighteen inches in depth, making the upper surface of the barrel on a level with the surface of the ground. The dirt removed from the excavation was placed over the barrel in the shape of a grave.
Both men, this morning, were driven from the spot for a while by the odor that arose from the barrel. They, finally, succeeded in making a closer examination of the contents of the barrel. Among the mass was found the bowels of a man, wrapped in tissue paper. Another piece was what appeared to be the chin of a man, which was covered with grey whiskers. The bowels of three or four other bodies were exhumed, including part of the right side of a woman. A human liver was turned out. The barrel was headed up at both ends. The police notified Coroner Eagan, who went out to the graveyard at 1 P. M. to make further inquiry about the matter. The general supposition is that the barrel contains refuse portions of subjects that have answered the purposes of science on the dissecting table.
Upon re-interring the remains this afternoon, it was estimated that the flesh of a least twelve persons composed the mass. The bones had been used for skeletons probably.
Scuffle With a Lunatic.
David M. Kellenberger, 23 East Mound street, jailer under Sheriff Horn, had a scuffle with a lunatic last night that was lively. During the night the jailer was aroused by a terrible noise in the jail. He found that the crazy man was the cause of it. This man was in a cell where there were no other persons. He was pounding with a stool, and broke the stool into several pieces. By the aid of two prisoners, Kellenberger removed several articles from the cell, to stop the noise. A tin cup remained, and with that the noise was continued. The tine cup being taken away from him, he removed the bed tick and got on the bed stead with his boots and kept a sleep robbing racket. The jailor concluded to put him in a cell that was entirely empty, but thought it est to walk the man around for a while until his crazy passion cooled off. The other prisoners were all locked up. After walking the crazy man for some time, Kellenberger invited him to get into the empty cell. He declined to budge one inch in that direction. Kellenberger tried coaxing. The more he co[a]xed the more obstinate his man became. Force was tried, but Mr. Kellenberger soon found his throat in the angry clutch of a powerful hand, which held on with death like grip, until Kellenberger was almost ready to sink for want of breath. It was either break loose or die, with Mr. Kellenberger, so he made another attempt and got away from his dangerous antagonist. The crazy man picked up a stool and struck the jailor three or four times on the left arm and over the shoulders. Kellenberger finally ran under his opponent's arm, when it was raised to strike, caught him by the throat, threw him on his back, and held him down until he promised to go into the cell. Fearing to trust the man, Kellenberger pulled him to a cell and let two other men out to help, but their services were not needed as the crazy man walked into his cell without giving further trouble. Kellenberger is bruised some, but not seriously. Things looked at one time during the struggle as though he had received a call to pass in his checks.
Ohio Man Killed West.
The proprietors of the Sunday Herald, this morning, received the following information, too late, of course, for their edition, and have turned it over the THE DISPATCH for the benefit of all concerned. The letter is from Henry Wilson, a grand-son of the late ex-Governor Medary, and is dated Fort Scott, Kansas, Friday, July 14th, 2 A. M. It says:
A shocking accident occurred here tonight on the Missouri, Ft. Scott & Gulf railroad. James Hope, of Kansas City, a railroad hand, came down to Fort Scott on Monday last, and was to have gone [torn] but, having imbibed too freely, he missed the train. The last seen of him alive he started on a walk up the track, in an intoxicated condition, about 10:30 tonight. At 10:45 the train from Southern Kansas is due here, and it was by this train he was killed. He was not seen until he caught in a "frog," having been dragged a distance of three hundred yards! He was terribly mutilated. . . . He had on his person when found a receipt, from E. B. Armstrong & Co., Columbus, Ohio, for seven dollars, and an official railroad envelope of the P. C. & L. R. R., marked "form 57." The receipt from Armstrong & Co. was dated December 18, 1873.
The railway envelope had on it "F. R. Vancleaf, Xenia, O." On his pocket-book was "Edward Walker, South Charleston, Clarke county, O."

The Daily Dispatch, Tuesday, July 18, 1876
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
A citizen desires the statement made that loafers who hang around the "four corners," near Tressenrider's store, constitute a nuisance. this is one of the things that should be reformed, gradually, by the police. Wherever loafers "hang out," whether respectably or shabbily dressed, property depreciates in value; the place becomes a public eyesore, and the gang of loafers inevitably become demoralized in many respects. The reader can readily call to mind several corners, and places that are not on corners, where loafers hod forth. Not one of these places commands that public respect which is given to other places where men attend to business and go about their business. The evil has the firmness of several years duration on some of these corners. Hence the remedy will have to be gradual. If owners of property, or tenants, want these loafers around, a place ought to be provided for them inside. Streets and side-walks were dedicated for business. Let it be expressly understood that these remarks are not intended for any particular place, but for all places where loafers are tolerated.
Two burglars, last night, entered the house of H. C. Gager, Long and Ridge streets, and succeeded in getting away with about $48. The family have not missed any other valuables. In the night Mr. Gager heard a noise down stairs. He got out of bed and went down. Whe the burglars heard him coming they put out the lamp. Mr. Gager spoke to his wife, who was up stairs, to bring a light, and then made some demonstration toward capturing one of the men. In the disturbance, the burglar ran against a center table, knocking bibles and books and periodicals over the floor. Mr. Gager came very near capturing this man. The men, or one of them at least, had been up stairs and taken Mr. Gager's clothing down stairs, where the search for money was made. This had been completed and the men were rumaging [sic.] through the house when they were heard and frightened away.
Escape of Nine Prisoners--They Over-power
the Jailor--Recapture of Two of Them.
This morning there were thirty-one prisoners in the county jail. At noon, after dinner had been served by the keeper, David Kellenberger, and as he was removing the basket from the main hall, in which the prisoners had been eating, the door was suddenly wrenched from his hand, and a rush made for freedom. Nine men succeeded in climbing over the form of the jailor, who was thrown down, and escaped through the office onto Mound street, turning eastward. Kellenberger managed to get the door locked before others could get out, though quite a number made no effort to escape. The jailor gave the alarm and started in pursuit. He succeeded in overhauling one of the fleeing fugitives, James Reynolds, and returned him to his former quarters, when he again left in pursuit of the others. Meanwhile, the fact of the escapade becoming known, citizens joined in the chase, and soon another capture was made, that of one Green, by John Swope, John Kleinlein and James Stephens, who brought their quarry back in a wagon, when he was locked up. Jones [Sic.] was captured in Constable Jonas Pletsch's yard; No. 80 Sycamore street.
The names of the other prisoners who were still on the wing at half-past two o'clock are as follows:
John Nicholas, colored, the blackamoor who was bound over fro rape; [he is the party who was at the American.]; H. Williams, colored, charged with larceny from Mr. Eli Knepper, on Oak street; John Mitchell, petty larceny; Joseph Douglass, on peace warrant from 'Squire Sarber; Joseph Weisenberg, one of the parties who is supposed to have been concerned in the burglary at Dr. Frank Bealtey's store at Hunt's Corners; Wm. Jones, the man who stole the money from Lesquereux's jewelry store; and Geo. W. Weaver, charged with theft at Mr. Butcher's.
Green, one of the captured, is the partner of Weisenberg in crime. Sheriff Horn was absent on business at Harrisburg, and did not return until about two o'clock. Deputy Sheriff Otto Horn was attending to outside business, and Deputy Sheriff Quinn, who was at the jail until about noon, went home, not feeling well. Kellenberger was the only official on duty. Mrs. Horn was considerably frightened and unnerved at the sudden development of affairs, not having forgotten Kellenberger's recent tussle with the lunatic, whom he succeeded in overpowering, an it was not until after her husband's return and the arrival of Police Marshal Engelke, that she became calm enough to converse.
The escape was evidently a preconcerted affair, for, when the jailor attempted to shut the door, a small boy, under sentence to the reform school, Quinn by name, thrust a stick between the door and jamb, which prevented its closing, and afforded the prisoners the desired opportunity of seizing it from the inside. On his return Sheriff Horn, immediately put Green and Reynolds in a cell and locked them up. Marshal Engelke took the names of those still absent, and will render all assistance in his power towards capturing them. The Sheriff says he has warned Kellenberger against taking such risks as the one which has resulted in the liberation of these men. As they all went in nearly the same direction it is thought they will be caught.

The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, March 20, 1880
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Meeting of City Republican Committee This Evening.
Messrs. George Stelzer and James Westwater, nominees of the Republican party for Ploice Commissioners, have declined to be candidates.
Mr. Westwater, in a card to the committee, says he does not desire to enter politics. It is generally known that he devotes his time to business. Mr. Westwater will do all he can for the person who may be named in his stead.
Mr. Stelzer says in a card that he declines on account of ill health. He does not feel able to give the attention to this office that it should have. He thanks the Convention for the honor it desired to confer, and says he will work heartily for the success of the ticket.
The Republican City Committee will meet this evening to fill these vacancies, or consider the matter. Among the names mentioned in connection therewith are Messrs. Herman Ambos, Jonathan Dent, William Steinbarger and Dr. Stelzer.
The committee, it is said, will not name anybody until it has been settled whether they will accept. The young men who have been ambitious to run Republican Conventions may learn, by this and similar mistakes in the past, the importance of knowing whether gentlemen are in position to accept before they are publicly announced as candidates. Such a course is not attended with any evil effect.
District Court.
Cases have been entered as follows since our last report:
319. Asa Davis vs. R. G. Graham et al. Error. Collins and Guerin for plaintiff; Richards and Case for defendants.
320. Francis C. Sessions et al. vs. Byron W. Rees et al. Error. Collins, Atkinson and Guerin for plaintiffs.
321. John A. Moore et al. vs Henry T. Chittenden et al. Appeal. Follett and Wood & Fleck for plaintiffs; Harrison, Olds & Marsh and Burr for defendants.
322. City of Columbus vs. John M. Kerr and James M. Westwater. Appeal. Moble for plaintiff; English & Baldwin for defendants.
323. Moses Moyst vs. George D. Chapman et al. Error. Page and English and Hoffman & Hoffman for plaintiff.
324. Abigail Evans vs. William H. Evans et al. Appeal. Converse, Booth & Keating for plaintiff; Taylor & Taylor for defense.
325. Home Insurance Company v. Robert Pinkerton. Error. Daugherty and Watson A. Burr for plaintiff; Holmes for defense.
The District Court opened in Room No. 1 at 11 A. M., with Judges Bingham, Evans and Lincoln on the bench. The court proceeded to make out an assignment of cases, which took up the time until 1:15 P. M., when a recess was taken until 2 P. M.
The following jury has been summoned to sit in this court: Emmit Mix, Prairie township; J. W. Barbee, Franklin; William Williams, Eighth ward; Joseph Schoch, Fifth ward; Charles Patterson, Fourth ward; Wm. H. Young, Second ward; Joseph Ebans, Seventh ward; A. J. Thompson, Eighth ward; Jeremiah Kramer, Madison township; John Cromwell, Franklin township; W. Closson, Blendon township; Wm> P. Lash, Prairie township.
At 2 P. M. to [sic.] jury came into court and were discharged until Monday at 10 A. M.
Common Pleas Court.
Petitions have been filed as follows since our last report:
12,547. Harris W, Newall vs. N. T. Bradford, guradian. Suit to collect &816.83 and interest claimed to be due for boarding infant wards of defendant. T. E. Taylor, attorney.
12,548. Tobias Leser vs. Leonard Nieberlein and wife. Suit to collect $219.84 and interest on a promissory note. Alex W. Krumm, attorney.
12,549. Patrick Callihan vs. Margaret Higgins et al. Suit to foreclose a mortgage to cover a claim for $661.66 and interest. Peters, attorneys.
12,550. Jeremiah Millbank vs. Daniel Matheny. Suit for possession of thirty acres of land in Mifflin township, and for $1,300 as rents and profits on the same. Millbank lives in New York. Matheny renst the land of O. P. Hines. English and Dunnick, attorneys.
19 Sep 1884 | 6 Oct 1884

The State Journal, Friday, September 19, 1884
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
cases disposed of yesterday as follows:
A. D. Brown - Loitering, dismissed
Thomas Drake - Larceny, continued
Frank Glascow - Larceny, $10 and costs and 10 days
W. M. Spencer - Insulting an officer, $8
George J. Drackert - Shooting with intent to kill, continued
Jerry Reedy, Kate Botley, Clara Miller, Maria Thompson, Lizzie Heidman, Annie Science, and Mary Dearth - Being at a disreputable place, continued.
Walter F. Walten to W. H. Stage, $85 on piano, Sept 18; 4 mths at 8%
Jennie Faulkner to W. H. Fondersmith, $150.85 on household goods, Sept. 17; monthly payments of $20, 8%
Jacob Weber to Benjamin F. Minnear, $150 on saloon fixtures, Sept. 15; 1 to 6 mths, 6%
Henry S. Weigand to the Anderson Carriage Company, $345 on 4 horses and
buggy, Sept 17; 4 to 12 mths, 8%
John Q. Boston to Andrew J. FIX, $200 on lot 17 in Knoff, DeWitt, and
Hoffman's addition, Sept. 17; 2 years, 8%
Clara Heinrich to the German Building and Loan Company, $1092 on south half
of lot 20 in M.L. Sullivant's addition, Sept. 17; monthly payments of $4.
Henry Frillman to Konstantine Klott, $500 on north half of Born &: Jenner's
addition, Sept. 15; 1 and 2 years, 8%
Charles Seefried to William A. Poste, $2000 on lot 1 of Peter Shart's
subdivision, Sept. 17; 2 to 5 years, 6%
J. Milan McDowell to Augustin Converse, $2000 on part of lots 566 to 567
inclusive, of Collins, Atkinson & Guitner's Third addition, Sept. 16; 3
years, 8%
Henry Neumeister to Conrad Born, Sr. and Jr., $200 on part of lots 2 and 3 of English & Martin's subdivision, Sept. 15; 1 year, 6%
Elizabeth C. Brown to James J. Beard, $1300 on lot 59 of Rankin, Walker, and others' subdivision, Sept. 12; 3 years, 8%
Henry A. Mullen to Adelbert W. Graham, $650 on lot 4 of Rice's subdivision, Sept. 18; 1 to 5 years, 6%
Nannie and J. J. Sparrow to the German Building and Loan Company, $289 on lot
6 of Lexington Avenue addition, Sept. 3; monthly payments of $1.
The Ohio State Journal, Monday, October 6, 1884
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Local and General [Railroad News]
William Edward Rowland, trace agent of the Baltimore and Ohio, leaves for Hot Springs soon, for the benefit of his health.
A train of empty dump cars on the Boston and Providence railroad, between East Foxborough and Mansfield, divided, and part was wrecked. Two men were so injured that they will die.
A special train on the Panhandle, carrying Governor Hendricks to Wheeling, W. Va., Saturday, collided with a hand car near that city, killing John Fontz, a boy of 12 years, and Thomas Waldron, a trackman.
Dr. W. G. Alban, father-in-law of Mr. J. J. Archer, general passenger and ticket agent of the Scioto Valley road, who has not been in Columbus since 1837, is now in the city. He has been spending the most of his time on the Pacific slope, his headquarters now being Walla-Walla, Washington territory.

The Columbus Dispatch, Friday, April 26, 1895
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
After Having Taken the Lives of a
Brother and His Wife.
He Ends His Career at the End of
a Rope--Very Quiet Execution.
The population at the penitentiary annex was decreased one last night when George Geschwilm went into eternity at the end of the Hangman's rope, Governor McKinley having refused to interfere with the execution. The convicted wife-murderer was hanged, as the law reads, between the hour of midnight and the rising of the sun. The execution was devoid of features out of the ordinary. No hitch of any kind marred the proceedings and another clear cut execution was added to the record that Warden James has made in the capacity of hangman.
The persons who were permitted to witness the death of Geschweilm filed through the yard to the execution room at midnight in charge of Captain Landenberger. The condemned man was taken on to the scaffold five minutes later. Father O'Leary, of St. Patrick's church, accompanied him. On the scaffold were warden James, Deputy Warden Dawson, Assistant Deputy Warden Stackhouse and guards O'Brien and Gump. Geschwilm stepped onto the trap door and bore up remarkably well. His eyes were cast down on the people below but he apparently recognized no one. Then in a low voice and with words almost indistinct, he said: "I am sorry for the sins I have done and ask pardon for my wrongs and I forgive those who have done me harm."
Guards Gump and O'Brien arranged the straps and when the condemned man was manacled Warden James asked him if he desired to say anything additional. Geschwilm replied by saying that he had said all that he cared to. The black cap was placed over his head, the noose of the rope was adjusted about his neck, Warden James pressed the lever and the biblical decree of a life for a live was exemplified.
Geschwilm was given a drop of seven feet. When the rope caught up with a jerk Drs. Rowles, Tharp, and Jones steadied the body and counted the heart pulsations, pronouncing the murderer dead at 12:21. The rope was loosened, the dead man's body placed on a slab and carried to the dead house by a squad of prisoners in charge of Guard M. W. Moore.
The dead man's last hours on earth were uneventful. He partook very lightly of the supper arranged for him and but enjoyed two cigars at the conclusion of the meal. Shortly after six o'clock his brothers visited him and told the prisoner of Governor McKinley's decision not to interfere. Geschwilm showed no emotion over the announcement.
The parting of the brothers was quite affecting, the two visitors showing much emotion as they left the brother who was so soon to die. It was 7:30 o'clock when Captain Landenberger took Geschwilm from the annex cage to the death cell, the spiritual advisors accompanying. The prisoner complained of being sleepy and leaning back in a chair dosed for a few moments. At 8 o'clock the last sacrament of the Catholic church was administered by Father O'Leary. Shortly afterwards a beautiful bouquet of roses was sent in to the condemned man. The flowers were the gift of a lady friend.
Warden James went to the death cell at 11 o'clock and read the death warrant to the prisoner saying in addition that he regretted the work before him, but that there was no alternative. Geschwilm was then left with his spiritual friends until the time of execution. His courage was kept up until the last moment and there wa much satisfaction over the manner in which he met death, as it was generally conceded that except for the ministrations of the priests he would have broken down completely.
It was a noticeable fact that Geschwilm did less talking, perhaps, than any man ever hanged in the annex, who was so completely broken down that he could talk only with the greatest effort. During the visits of the brothers both in the day and evening, George had little to say, and when at 11 o'clock Warden James read the death warrant, the doomed man sat on a chair in the death cell without voluntarily uttering a word. His only remark was in response to an inquiry from Father O'Leary, the prisoner saying he was feeling all right. Taken all in all, it was one of the quietest executions on record, and very differnt from those in the days following the going into operation of the law providing that all condemned men be hung in the penitentiary.

The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, April 14, 1897
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Court of Common Pleas (New Cases)
35,997. Betty J. Paddock vs. Lodwick D. Davis and Ann D. Davis. Cognovit ($544). J. H. Vercoe, attorney.
35,998. Samuel Butler & Co. vs. Peter M. Teegardin et al. Cognovit ($503.45). Arnold & Morton, attorneys.
35,999. Herbert Brooks vs. George Galloway. Cognovit ($1,014.93) Taylor, Taylor & Taylor, attorneys.
36,001. George S. Pugh vs. Robert Wood and George Crawford. Transcript.
36,002. J. W. Ogler vs. C. E Bonebrake, administrator of Frank Bonebrake, deceased. Transcript
36,003. E. B. Fullerton, executor, etc., vs. Lodwick D. Davis and Bettie
J. Paddock. Foreclosure. ?. L. Dewitt, attorney.
36,004. Hughes vs. Commissioners. Appeal.
36,005. Saviers vs. Same. Hughes & Saviers, attorneys.
COURT RECORD (continued)
Court of Common Pleas (Pleadings Filed)
24,436. Elizabeth Smeltzer vs. Jeremiah P. Bliss et al., executors.
Motion of plaintiff.
32,611. The Middleport National bank vs. the Middleport Granite Brick
Co. Motion.
25,624. C. A. Beilharg (Bellharg), administrator, etc. vs. the C. S. & H. Railway Co. Motion for security for costs and memorandum.
30,326. Mary H. St. Clair vs. Augustus Whiting et al.. Motion for security for the costs ad memorandum.
35,731. The Columbus Savings Bank association vs. John B. Romans et al. Answer and cross petition of the National Bank of Columbus.
35,857. Capital report B. & L. assn. vs. Amos J. Solomon et al. Cross petition of Elias C. Kissinger.
24,250. Mary A. Spencer vs. Isaac F. King. Motion to reinstate case.
23,436. Elizabeth Smelzer vs. J. P. Bliss. Statement of plaintif's attorney on motion to reinstate.
35,847. Wm. E. White et al. vs. Dexter G. White et al. Waiver.
35,354. Levina M. Kuhns vs. Patrick O'Dea et al. Amended petition.
33.249. Eliza A. Friend vs. James Osborn et al. Motion and affidavit.
In the matter of the estate of Lucy W. Maynard, deceased. Disposition.
Court of Common Pleas (Judgements; Decrees, etc.) by Judge Bigger
35,960. Charles E. Radebaugh vs. Adam Shaeffer. (injunction.) Order of appraisement and James Borquin, James Savage and George A. Haines appointed appraisers. The receiver is authorized to continue the business for a period of 60 days as per entry.
35,067. Coe & Spencer vs. William W.. Herring et al. Judgement by default for $1,088.00. Decree of foreclosure, and order of sale.
German publication dispensed with.
32,721. R. R. Employees' B. & L. Co. vs. Richard B. Fulton et al. Sale
confirmed. Deed and distribution as per entry.
33,832. R. R. Employees' B. & L. Co. vs. Martha E. James et al. Default
decree of foreclosure. Amount due $722.78. Order of sale. German publication dispensed with.
35,719. C. S. Cloud & Co. vs Jacob C. Reeb et al. Dismissed without
record at costs of plaintiff.
30,094. James Henry vs. A. G. RichardS et al. Order allowed. Sheriff
to receive money on last payment releasing interest and to pay the same
to plaintiff.
32,787. Walter B. Page vs. Amor W. Sharp. Heard upon pleading and
evidence. Finding and decree as per entry.
34,361. Ed Beardsley VS. Fred Gunsaulus. Settled. Dismissed. Costs
34,754. Charles C. Trahne vs. Fred Gunsaulus et al. Settled. Dismissed.
Costs paid.
34,769. In the matter of the will of John Swim. Heard. Resistants to will, decreed right to introduce evidence. Exceptions. Judgement ordering will to be admitted to probate.
35,033. James Anderson vs. Josephine Koonta. Hearing upon pleadings and
evidence. Finding for plaintiff. Decree foreclosing lien as per entry.
35,044. John B. Els (Eis) vs, John Reinhard (Reinhardt) et al. Demurrer to petition (amended) overruled. Exceptions. Answer to be filed in ten days.
35,528. Francis B. Dean vs. Alfred B. Hall et al. Sale confirmed; deed
and distribution ordered.
______?, Mary A. Moriarity vs. Thomas J. Moriarity. Heard upon pleadings and evidence. Finding in favor of plaintiff for $1,200 to be paid in instalments of $16.00 per month.
35,822. Sallie Williams vs. W. H. Lauer et al. Leave to plaintiff to
plead by April 27.
35,825. Rachael A. Watson vs Fred Gunsaulus et al. Leave to plaintiff
to plead by April 21.
28,386. Anna Owens vs. Patrick Owens. Motion to strike out portion of supplemental answer and cross-petition sustained. Demurrer to same overruled.
33,409. C. L. Well vs. O. E. D. Barron et al. Heard upon pleadings and
evidence. Finding in favor of defendants, that the plaintiff has no cause for action, and plaintiff's petition dismissed at her costs.
33,963. Adam Fornoff vs. Charles Merlon, Jr. Demurrer to answer overruled. Exceptions. Answer by May 1.
34,510. Frank J. Macklin vs. Dundon & Bergin et al. The Commercial National bank made a party defendant and summoned to issue.
34,947. The American Oak Leather Co. vs. George M. Peters et al. Rule day extended to May 1.
35,174. Martha S. Kennedy vs. David Westenhaver et al. Judgement by default for $1,176.20; forclosure and order of sale. No German publication.
35,205. John B. Campbell vs. the Columbus Central Railway company. Demurrers to petition and cross petition by Mithoff overruled. Exceptions of Degnon. Answer of thos defendants to be filed by May 1.
38,822. Sallie Williams vs. W. H. Laur et al. Leave to plaintiff to
plead by April 21.
35,823. Wilhelmina Ruestig vs. R. C. Hoffman et al. Default judgment for $1,582.60; foreclosure and order of sale. No German publiccation. By Judge BADGER
35,736. Elizabeth Bayer vs. H. J. Hollister et al. Emory McDermith on their own motion made party defendant with leave to file aswer and cross petition and same filed.
35,589. T. Ewing Miller vs. John B. Romans et al. Default judgement 8,684.40, as per entry. Decree of foreclosure and order of sale as per
35,456. John M. Locks vs. Oria L. Rankin, to file amended answer and cross pettion and same filed.
34,670. John G. Reinhardt, cashier, vs. D. W. Baker et al Leave to correct description of real property in record and on sheriff's deed as per entry.
35,981. J. L. Graham vs. Unknown Heirs of John Logan, deceased. Order authorizing service by publication.
35,049. Lucinda W. O'Brien vs. Michael Schwartz et al. Motion to set aside. Sale sustained as per entry.
COURT RECORD (continued)
Probate Court (Calendar Entries)
Willis C. McAllister, administrator vs Mary M. Denig et al. Entry. Same. Answer and cross-petition of Mary M. W. Denig and Elizabeth S. Denig. Same. Answer of Charles E. Denig. Same. Answer and cross petition of the Home Insurance company.
In the matter of the estate of George L. Converse. Election of the widow to make her election under the will of her husband.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Carty, deceased. Entry ordering partial distribution.
The Columbus Dispatch, Thursday, April 15, 1897
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Damage Case Settled
Ida Kerlin, as administratrix of the estate of William S. Kerlin, deceased, has been granted leave to settle with the C. H. V. & T. railroad for $200. The damage case has been pending in the common pleas court for two years. The deceased was killed a mile south of Bradner in a collision that occurred on November 9, 1893, between trains 36 and 57. An action for damages was brought against the company on November 6, 1895. Kerlin was the engineer of one of two trains which collided at the above point.
Claims He Was Robbed
Minne Grove is a white woman but has consorted with colored men and lived in the different alleys in the bad lands and is well known to the police. She was arrested last night at her residence, 32 Elm alley, by Officer Heimlich and slated with suspicion. Complaint was made to the officer by Louis Lockneger that while in that neighborhood the woman relieved him of $6. An affidavit will be filed against her to-day.
Druggist Rauschkolb, 251 S. Fourth.
Brad Mahaney was taken in the city ambulance from 182 South Fourth street to the St. Francis hospital this morning. He is 22 years of age and is single.
Mrs. C. P. Stokes, married, 38 years of age, was taken to the Union depot in the city ambulance, this morning. She resides at Marion, Ohio and came here for an operation.
Fannie Linkner was taken in the city ambulance 168 North Fourth street to the Union depot where she took a train for Coshocton, Ohio.
Governor Bushnell and the state board of charities inspected the penitentiary yesterday afternoon.
Dan and Maggie May Daheny have mortgaged to H. H. Bradford 38 lots in Kearney's first addition, for $8,300.
The residence of James Cathey, at 145 East State street, was reported to the police as having been burglarized and a bicycle taken.
George P. Bassett and C. F. Clarke, administrators of the estate of the late John ANDREWS, have sued Messgrs. Hess & Walcutt for $125 claimed due under a leasehold.
Sarah Morrison et al. have transferred to James Morrison, all of Morrison park addition except lot 4, for $20,000.
Florence Lacy, a 13-year-old colored girl, was reported to the police as missing from the home of her parents at 979 Michigan avenue, but she was afterwards found and returned home.
Two men giving their names as Geo. Eedwards and Cyrus Milton, could not
give a satisfactory account of themselves last night and were locked up
by Officers Anderson and Nichols on suspicion.
In the case of William E. White et al. vs. Dexter White et al., Judge Badger has granted an order of partition as prayed for and has appointed E. Ed Miller, Frederick Frances and R. E. Haines commissioners.
H. M. Billings, whose will was admitted to probate here, was formerly general foreman of the paint shops at the Pan Handle shops. He was transferred to the Indianapolis shops some time ago and died in that city.
Ed Sands, an employee of the Ross soap works, met with a painful accident on Wednesday afternoon. A heavy piece of iron pipe fell upon his right hand, breaking several bones. The injured member was dressed by Dr. Parks.
Coroner Birmingham received a letter from Charles and Henry Wells, sons of G. H. Wells, the colored man who died suddenly in the Hocking block last week, asking what disposition had been made of the body and personal effects. They were notified of the death of their father by the Chicago police. Coroner Birmingham in reply informed them that
their father had been buried in the old soldier's lot at Green Lawn cemetery and that he left no personal effects.
The bird that was captured by some residents south of the city near Lockbourne, and sent to Mr Abe Kleeman, in this city, and which has been attracting considerable attention on account of the rarity, has been discovered to be what is known as "Havell's Tern," and is a common fowl along the Atlantic coast. It flies north along in the spring, and it is the belief that this bird became lost from the flock which it was accompanying, and thus came into this territory. It is a rare specimen for this section of the country.
T. C. Miller for wall paper, 895 North High street.
Augustus, cheapest fine tailor in city, 21 East Spring street; open evenings.
The contract for building the big cistern at the Franklin County Children's home was let yesterday afternoon to C. D. Schwartz & Co. at their bid of $729. There were nine bidders. Work is to be begun at once.
Easter novelties and China Eggs, Candy Eggs, Silk Eggs, Natural Eggs,
from 1c up to $1.00, at The Busy Bee and Branch Stores.
The Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, April 17, 1897
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox
Governor Bushnell granted six pardons today, all that were recommended by the state board of pardons at the meeting on Friday last. While the
number may seem large, yet the result is that it lessens the prison population but four for two of the number were out on parole. Ross Miller was the first man to leave the prison. He was received from Monroe county to serve three years for shooting to kill.
Miller is reaping the benefit of having been a good citizen prior to the commission of a crime that was only technical. The attorney in the case was serving without hopes of pay, and it was on the grounds that he was deserving of that attention.
The attorney claimed that Miller had been hounded by several people in that county and threatened until he feared his life would be taken by them. They all met on the road and a difficulty was started when Miller pulled a revolver and fired, the bullet making a slight furrow along the cheek of one of his assailants, but he was not injured, in fact was out of his house the day following. Miller has a totally blind wife and two small children depending on him, and this had its influence in securing his release. He was received January 30, 1897, and since his incarceration he has been employed in the cigar works.
The case of William Leibold, received from Sandusky county in September, 1893, to serve eight years for making a criminal assault on a woman. It was shown that William was a wayward individual, and in the habit of going on sprees. On one of these occasions he visited a disreputable house, and after spending all his money for drink, made a criminal assault on one of the inmates of the house. After his sentence the court realized that the term was too long and he joined with others in asking for clemency to right the error he had committed. A clause is inserted in the pardon that hereafter William is to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors.
John Hunley was received from Athens county in 1890 to serve during life for the killing of his father. The crime was the result of a family quarrel when all of the male portion were under the influence of liquor. Hunley was required to sign a statement that he will hereafter abstain from the use of intoxicating liquor.
John Cowan is a young forger and was serving a one-year term from Auglaize county for that crime. He signed the name of his uncle to a small check and succeeded in securing the money. Under his promise he will not drink hereafter, for if he does he is liable to be returned to the prison to serve out the remainder of his term.
The two paroled men who received the benefit of executive clemency were P. J. McCarty, serving a three-year term from Hamilton county for pocket picking, and Mat Singer, serving a ten-year term from Cuyahoga county for burglary and larceny. Singer was one of the celebrated Blinky Morgan gang. Morgan was hanged in the annex for the murder of one of the Cleveland detectives to assist a pal to escape after having robbed a fur store in Cleveland of several thousand dollars worth of goods.
Singer has been out on parole for several months and during that time he has obeyed the rules governing prisoners receiving the benefits of that law. He was extremely anxious to secure his freedom as he was promised a good position with some firm in Pittsburgh. McCarthy asked for his pardon on the grounds that his time would soon be up, and that he had a good promise of a job in Washington city, but that he would not be able to accept it unless clemency could be secured. The papers in these two cases were sent to the prison to be placed on file with others to show why they did not report, as the law requires.

The Columbus Citizen, Thursday, March 2, 1899, Page 2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
W. W. Peabody has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late S. P. Peabody.
In the case of E. T. Mithoff against Dr. H. W. Miller, a judgment of $143.70 was rendered for the plaintiff. He sued for $911.
The will of David Koetz, admitted to probate, gives one-half of his estate in equal shares to his grandchildren, Willie, John, Mary, Julia, Elda, and Anna Heintz. The other half goes to Mrs. Louisa Fisher.
The damage suit of Mary L. Heimbeger, administratrix, against the Columbus Street Railway company, has been settled for $175. The suit was brought on behalf of the heirs of Henry Frillman, who was killed.
The alimony case of Grace D. Andrews against Frank H. Andrews has been settled and dismissed.
The suit of Mary McCarrick against Thomas Moore has been settled and dismissed. The plaintiff charged Moore with being the father of her child.
The will of the late Eliza Davis of Elmwood gives on-eighth of her estate to Butler I Davis, Eliza Swain and Bertha Davis. The remainder goes in equal shares to her seven children.
Probate Judge Galloway, in the assignment case of Peter Molones, today decided that a homestead exemption cannont be made for Molones, there being two mortgages on his property.
The real estate of the late John Otstot will be sold to pay debts. The property is valued at $12,000.

The Columbus Citizen, Friday, March 3, 1899, Page B-2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson
Article of incorporation of the Springfield Turn Verein were filed with the secretary of state Friday.
The receipts of the internal revenue officehere show an increase of $17,000 over the corresponding year last year. The increase is due to the war tax.
Stanley Washington, colored, aged 21, and residing on Sullivant, near Stanley avenue, has the smallpox and was removed today to the smallpox hospital.
The case of the Columbus Bicycle Livery Co. vs. John Gerlach will be heard before Justice Andrews March 7. The company sues Gerlach for $16.80 and interest.
A. Bruckelmeyer, who resides at 260 Bismarck street, reported to the police Friday morning that someone had stolen $24 from him. The police are now looking for the thief.
The entertainment which was to have taken place at the Denison last night has been postponed until next Tuesday evening. The O. S. U. Glee and Mandolin clubs will render some of their delightful numbers.
The case of the State ex rel. Edith L. Beers vs. Louis Burris, charged with criminal assault, was continued in Justice Roach's court until March 14 on account of the illness of the prosecuting witness.
There was a large meeting of the Hannah Neil mission at 727 East Main street this morning at 10 o'clock. Important business relative to the Home for the Friendless was transacted and several very interesting addresses were made by the ladies present.
Captain J. B. Allen, clerk of the Supreme court, is seriously ill at his home in Athens. He came to Columbus to take the oath of office about a month ago while still convalescent from a former illness and suffered a relapse which has confined him to his bed ever since.
A white woman, apparently about 60 years of age, was taken in patrol No. 1 Friday morning from the corner of Main and Gift streets, where she had fallen unconscious. She was removed first to the city prison, where Dr. Kahn examined her. She is thought to be suffering from son internal injury. From the city prison she was removed to St. Francis hospital. Her name and residence is unknown.
Attorney General Monnett went to Ann Arbor, Mich., Friday on business.
The fire department responded to a call from box 19 at 5:10 this morning to find it was a false alarm. It is thought the alarm was turned in by the same individual who pulled the hooks of several boxes a few days ago.

Page B-3, column 2
John T. O'Brien sues F. Nichols and Hugh H. Carr for $10,000 damages. The defendants are contractors and O'Brien, when working for them on the remodeling of the American House, was injured.
Dr. Clarence Maris files and amended petition asking that the statutory liabilities be enforced against the stockholders of the Ohio Keeley Institute company, against which he has an unsatisfied judgment for $4999.13.
Dr. Alvin Beem, who sued Dr. W. J. Weaver for $1300, was given a judgment for $313.75.
Dr. H. W. Miller asks for a new trial of the case in which E. T. Mithoff was given a judgment against him.
The executrixes of the estate of the late Mrs. M. A. Daugherty ask the Probate court for instructions as to the taxes that must be paid from her estate under the collateral inheritance tax law.
C. E. Burr today filed his final account as trustee of that part of the estate of the late Dr. Lincoln Goodale, which is in trust for the benefit of Mrs. Eveline Gwynne. The securities hold for her amount in face value to $21132.10.
Mrs. Jane H. Carter was today granted a divorce from Charles G. Carter on the ground of gross neglect of duty. Carter is a carpenter and lives in Worthington.
Albert Parsons sues Cynthia Parsons for divorce on the grounds of cruelty and desertion. Then have been married 27 years and have seven children.
Some names are (seemingly) obviously misspelled--I have done my best to transcibe and index each name as it appears.
Most bracketed ( [ ] ) items indicate a problem or personal addition/alteration to the text. Many explanations will appear in red.
All personal names, both given names (or initials) and surnames, are in bold type face the first time they appear; they do not appear that way in the original text.
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