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1846 | 1865 | 1880 | 1884 | 1897 | 1925 Return to Main Newspaper Page Ohio Sate Journal Tri-Weekly, Saturday Evening, March 28, 1846
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Married - At London, Madison County, on the 25th inst., Doct. George M. Boal of this city, to Miss Susan Mills, of Madison.
Ohio State Journal, Thursday, January 19, 1865, page 2
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson MARRIED.
FRAZIER--BIVELY--On the 18th last, by Rev. J. M. Spangler, Mr. ROBERT FRAZER, of Columbus, and Miss HARRIETT HIVELY, of Etna, Licking county, Ohio. The State Journal, Monday, November 1, 1880
Transcribed by Joyce Robinson Divorce. Anna Belle Spicer began a suit to obtain a divorce from George W. Spicer in the Common Pleas Court Saturday. They were married in this city March 31, 1879, and parted July 15 of the same year. Mrs. Spicer says her husband has been guilty of extreme cruelty, and on July 5, of last year, drew a revolver loaded with powder and ball upon her, and threatened to take her life. She says he has failed to provide food and clothing for her, and has been too intimate with Carrie Longworth. She asks for a divorce, reasonable alimony and a restoration to her maiden name. The Ohio State Journal, Monday, October 6, 1884
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson MAYER-FRANKEL.
A Brilliant Wedding at the Synagogue Yesterday With a
Well-Known Musician and the Daughter of an Ex-Councilman as the Contracting Persons. One of the most brilliant weddings that have ever come off in the Jewish society in this city was solemnized yesterday evening at the synagogue, on the corner of Third and Main streets, Mr. Isaac M. Mayer, the well-known musician, and son of Mr. M. Mayer of the Phoenix Bottling works, being married to Miss Henrietta Frankel, the daughter of the late Councilman Frankel. The temple was packed to its utmost capacity with representative Israelites, although among them were many well-known ladies and gentlemen of other faiths, and before the bridal party was ready to enter the church it was necessary to close the doors. Among those present from abroad were Mrs. Theresa Mayer of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Lachowitz and daughter of New York, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Neumann of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiss of Cincinnati, and Jacob Fromann of Cincinnati. The ushers and groomsmen were Messrs. Henry Gumble, Benjamin H. Harmon, Max. Mayer, Joseph Frankel, Fred. Mayer and Abe Mayer. A few minutes before the ceremony the minister, Rabbi Jesselson, whose first marriage in the temple this was, took his seat behind the altar. At 5:15 o'clock the bridal party appeared at the entrance to the auditorium and walked forward to the sound of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played on the large organ by the skillful fingers of Professor Schoppelrei, musical director of the Liederkranz. Messrs. Fred. and Abe Mayer, brothers of the groom, came first, followed by the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayer. Next came the bridal couple, while the bride's mother, Mrs. Frankel, and her brother brought up the rear. The bride was dressed in white satin brocade, with natural flowers and a veil that completely covered her person. The minister, after a short address full of wisdom, good advice and beautiful rhetorical flights, pronounced the marriage ceremony according to the Jewish custom. A silver goblet of wine is blessed, the prayer being in hebrew, and is then presented by the rabbi to the groom's father, who gives it to the groom. He takes a sip and hands it back to his father, who returns it to the rabbi. The minister then gives it to the groom's mother, who presents it to the bride. She drinks and returns the goblet through her new mother-in-law to the rabbi. The wedding ring is then placed on the bride's finger and another silver goblet of wine is tasted, being presented to the bride and groom through the young lady's father and mother, the uncle in this case taking the place of the father. After the usual congratulations, kissing and shaking of hands, the bridal party passed out to the music of F. Apt's "May Day," sung by the full Liederkranz, which was present through the kindness of Professor Schoppelrei, their leader. The full choir of the synagogue, of which the groom was director, occupied seats in the front of the synagogue with the relative and friends , four rows of seats having been reserved for that purpose. From the synagogue the happy pair, relatives and guests, were driven to Germania hall, where an elegant collation had been prepared by A. Gumble & Co. At the table over one hundred congratulatory telegrams were read from friends in New York, Newark (N. J.), Cleveland, Xenia, Cincinnati, Burlington, Io., and other places. A number of toasts were proposed and responded to, Mr. Henry Gumble being most happy as toast-master, and the rabbi taking occasion to make a few remarks. The supper lasted until 9 o'clock, when the hall was cleared and dancing was indulged in, Mayor Walcutt, on account of the religion of the merry-makers, granting permission. During the evening the choir of the temple sang several selections. Among them was a solo and chorus composed by the groom. The solo was carried by Herr William Bach, who was enthusiastically encored. The newly married couple will not go away, but will take up their residence immediately in the home fitted up by the groom at 602 East Mound street. The Columbus Dispatch, Thursday, April 15, 1897
Transcribed by Cathy Haddox COURT RECORD
35,175. Rachael M. Matlack vs. Thomas W. Matlack. Head upon pleadings
and evidence. Finding that the allegations in the petition are true and decree of divorce. Plaintff to pay the costs.
![]() Mrs. Nora Johnson filed a suit in the courts to change her name to Robbins. In September, 1895, she secured a divorce from Wesley D. Johnson, but not having asked to be restored to her maiden name the court left her bear her husband's name. She now wishes to return to her maiden name. ![]() Living Apart Anna Behmann has sued George Behmann for alimony. She says they were married in this city February 19, 1890, and have no children. She says that for three years she has been in ill health and unable to work, although she has done her household duty. She complains that during this time Behmann has been addicted to the use of liquor and while under the influence of drink would abuse her and threatened to leave her. At different times prior to 1895 he did leave her and would be absent two three days without cause. She claims he did this to torment and humiliate her. In June, 1895, he abandoned her and remained away for about three weeks. Although she had been ill treated prior to this she induced him to return to her. In October, 1896, he again left her and has been absent ever since. She says he left her in ill health, unable to maintain herself and in destitute circumstances. Mrs. Behmann says she is living with her brother and sister, who support her. She says Behmann is employed at a North High street hardware store and receives $65 per month. They have no property except household goods, which have been paid for since they were married. Mrs. Behmann claims she assisted in paying for the furniture, and to prevent her husband from carrying out his threat to take the goods from her she secured a temporary injunction from Judge Bigger. She asks for reasonable alimony. James A. Allen filed the suit. ![]() Married To-Day A marriage license was issued today to John Lewis Stevens and Anna Jane Patterson. Mr. Stevens is from Mansfield, and is a graduate of Starling Medical College. Miss Patterson is a resident of Third avenue. The wedding will take place at 5 o'clock this evening at the residence of the lady's aunt, Mrs. Sackett, Arlington Heights. The bride-to-be is a member of Plymouth Congregational church, and Rev. Alex Milne (s) will perform the ceremony. Miss Pattersom is a well known leader in the Christian Endeavor society. ![]() An Old Couple's Trouble Mary A. Brown sues Seldon W. Brown for divorce. They were married March 21, 1858, 39 years ago, according to the petition. Mrs. Brown says they have one child, Olive, aged 36, who is now the wife of W. S. Kuhns. She claims that her husband has been absent for more than three years, and during this time has not provided for her. She says she has been compelled to depend upon her daughter and son-in-law for support. Mrs. Brown's petition occupies just 14 lines in typewriting. Messrs. Brinker & Brinker filed the suit. ![]()
The Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday, November 18, 1925
Transcribed by Leona L. Gustafson Page 27