Union Cemetery
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
Union Cemetery was established in 1806 and is briefly mentioned on page 231 of the 1858 History of Franklin County by William T. Martin as an unnamed “burying place three or four miles north of Columbus, on the west side of the Olentangy.” The city has grown around this now large cemetery and most people would say that it is located in the heart of Columbus, not far from The Ohio State University campus. Until near the middle of the twentieth century the west boundary of the cemetery was Olentangy River Road. In 1946 land on the other side of the road was put into use as the “1946 Addition”. Union Cemetery is the final resting place of many notables of Columbus and Ohio--politicians, bussnessmen, and sports figures.
You can request records and read the official history of Union Cemetery by visiting their Website at http://www.union-cemetery.com
Aerial Photos of Cemetery
Old Section Both Old & New Sections
New Section
Spring 2004
Photographs taken by David K. Gustafson unless otherwise noted.
Additional photos contributed by:
Dick Browning, (db)
Kathie Brzoska () (kb)
Sherry Teague Carpenter, (stc)
Mandy Clark () (mc)
Luwana Lee Faulkenburg, (llf)
Regina Gray () (rg)
Scott A. Hawley, (sah)
Lori Hellmund, (lh)
Sandy Holladay, (sh)
Mary Ann Klein, (mak)
Cindy Michelhaugh, (cm)
Michael Nicholson (mn)
Erin Purcell, (ep)
Kim Sue Slagle, (kss)
Kim's Genealogy Page
Chéusa Darri Stoner Wend, , (csw)
Gravestones: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown | HOME
(Click on the underlined name to view the gravestone photograph)
NOTE: A gold star ( ) next to a person's name indicates that the individual was notable in the communtity, state, or nation.
- Abbott, Father, Wesley, 1891-1936 (sh)
- Acheson, Sergt, Jos., CO K, 97 OHIO INF (sh)
- Adams, Thomas, died 16 Jul 1955 (Obituary; no photo)
- Addison, Thomas, Cook MG, CO 371 INF, World War I, May 17, 1896-Dec 23, 1963 (sh)
- Adkins
- Bert, 1878-1949 and Rosalee, 1878-1957 (sh)
- Father, Clarence C., 1903-1975 and Mother, Arla M., 1908-1991 [New Cemetery 1946 Addition, Sec 11, Lot 9, Spaces 5 & 6]
- Clarence C., son of John H. Adkins and Adeline Davis, born 25 May 1901 in West Virginia, died 16 Aug 1975
- Arla Marie, daughter of Abraham Jividen and Rilla Thornton, wife of Clarence C., was born 20 Jun 108 at Liberty, WV, died 3 Apr 1991 in Columbus
- Garald E., 1937-[2001] and Clarence E. Jr, 1928-1992 [New Cemetery 1946 Addition, Sec 11, Lot 9, Spaces 1 & 2]
- Garald Emerson, son of Clarence C. Adkins and Arla Marie Jividen, born 3 Oct 1937, Linworth, OH, died 24 Nov 2001, Monterey, TN
- Clarence E., Jr., son of Clarence C. Adkins and Arla Marie Jividen, born 9 Jun 1928, Darke County, OH, died 20 Jun 1992, PVT US Army
- Ronald E., 1930-1975 and Delvin E., 1926-1977 [New Cemetery 1946 Addition, Sec 11, Lot 9, Spaces 3 & 4]
- Ronald E., son of Clarence C. Adkins and Arla Marie Jividen, born 1 Sep 1930 in Franklin County, OH, died 13 Dec 1975
- Delvin Edward, son of Clarence C. Adkins and Arla Marie Jividen, born 18 Mar 1926 in Ohio, died 14, Sep 1977
- Albanese (Plot)
Listed in order photographed (left - right)
- Father, Peter, 1862-1934, Foreman 46 years PRR (Obituary)
- Mother, Anna, 1866-1925, Supreme Forest Woodman Circle
- Son, Michael O., 1898-1923 and Son, Joseph H., 1903-1991
- Son & Father, Nicholas A., 1892-1952, Physician & Surgeon, Colonel M.C. US Army
- Mother, Tekla S., 1893-1969, Physician
- Albright
- Jack W., Aug 12, 1922-Aept 6, 1996 and Anita E., Feb 17, 1922-[blank] (sh)
- Father, John W., 1892-1960 and, Mother, Edna G., 1884-1945 (sh)
- Alcott, Father, Richard A., 1916-1965 (sh)
- Allinder, Delilah, 1859-1927 (sh)
- Anderson
- Albert R., 1878-1962 and Clara F., 1879-1957 (mak)
- Arthur, 1886-1940 and, his daughter, S[arah] Jane, 1916-1995 [Section: 1915 Addition, Lot 128] (mak)
- Son, Carl L., Oct 12, 1914-Dec 4, 1995 (mak)
- Cecil George, 1885-1967 and Clara Grace, 1883-1970 (sh)
- Charles T., 1879-1957 (mak)
- Clark Dale, June 19, 1916-Jan 8, 1940 (mak)
- Della (Ardella) Hiser, 1868-1936; Peter, 1881-1964; and Daisy Mae (Hiser), 1888-1974 (mak)
- Edna Leora, April 26, 1892-Mar 25, 1967 (mak)
- Emery Charles, 1936-1937 (sh)
- Frances M., 1922-1945 (sh)
- Father, Fred C., Mar 27, 1882-Nov 28, 1953; Mother, Annettie, Aug 3, 1888-July 19, 1962; and Son Paul G., Sept 24, 1911-May 21, 1923 (mak)
- Son, Gervis D., Oct 30, 1913-Aug 15, 1974 (mak)
- Howard S., 1896-1955 and Florence E., 1900-1980 (sh)
- Infant, died 24 Jul 1918 (Funeral Notice; no photo)
- John G., 1896-1942, Veterans of Foreign Wars symbol
- Mary R., 1879-1969 (mak)
- Maude M., [wife of Arthur] 1892-1960 [Section: 1915 Addition, Lot 128] (mak)
- Daughter, Nellie B., Oct 30, 1909-May 1, 2000 (mak)
- Palmer Cone, Oct 18, 1882-Oct 3, 1955 (mak)
- Robert B., 1876-1921, Woodmen of the World and Masonic symbols [Section: 1915 Addition, Lot 128] (mak)
- Roy E., May 21, 1906-Dec 19, 1977 and Gertrude M., Jan 7, 1907-May 26, 1993 (mak)
- Walter E., Ohio, MECH 362 INF 91 DIV, World War I, July 19, 1890-June 11, 1948 [Section 59 Lot 64] (mak)
- Wm. G., 1864-1916, Woodmen of the World; and Laura E., 1864-1940
Andres, Edward C., 1890-1930, Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen
Andrews, Clarence A., died 16 Apr 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
Atwood, wife, Mary C., 1884-1975 and, husband, James Frank, 1883-1965, Senator 1920-1924 (Whole stone and detail, League of Ohio Sportsmen)
Arthurs, Father, John, 1865-1953; Mother, Frances, 1866-1961; and Son, Denny, 1900-1958 [Old Section 71 Lot 111]
- Ethel Mae, 1907-1929 (sh)
- Kathryn C., August 25, 1899-October 8, 1988 (sh)
- Richard Gorrell, Ohio, 2D Lieutenant, 501 5 Area 57 C Unit, May 9, 1927-July 23, 1951 (Obituary) (sh)
Aurand, Mother, Bertha Mae, 1889-1934
- Babcock, Guy S., Oct 27, 1862-Oct 6, 1890 (sh)
- Bagnet, Jack C., Dec 7, 1928-Oct 2, 1997, Vet US Army and Helen L., May 20, 1930-Nov 1, 2005 (mak)
- Baird
- Ballinger
- Joseph A.1917-1967 (rg)
- Joseph Andrew, son of Joseph and Myrtle (Grooms) Ballinger, born 19 Dec 1917, died 8 Apr 1967
- Lester W., 1914-1971 (Obituary) (rg)
- Lester W., son of Joseph and Myrtle (Grooms) Ballinger, born 9 Aug 1914, died 20 Nov 1971
- Joseph E., 1888-1938 (rg)
- Joseph E., son of Lester and Ann (Lowe) Ballinger, born 15 Oct 1888, died 29 Oct 1938
- Myrtle M., 1890-1966 [Old Section 56, Lot 109] (rg)
- Myrtle Marie Ballinger, daughter of William Henry Grooms and Mary Ann Coffenberger, born May 24, 1893, died June 12, 1966
- Ott F., 1921-1969 and D. Juanita, 1925-[blank] (rg)
- Otto F., son of Joseph and Myrtle (Grooms) Ballinger, born 13 Oct 1921, died 10 Aug 1969
- Barber, Earl, Ohio, PVT BTRY 5 45 ARTY CAC, World War I, Nov 30, 1892-Feb 18, 1964 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Barch
- Mother, Olive, Oct 15, 1916-Dec 10, 1986 (mak)
- Robert B., Ohio, CPL CO D 746 Tank BN, World War II, Sept 12, 1921-Sep 11, 1966 (mak)
- Barr, Addie M., died 1 Mar 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Barrows
- Barry, Lieut. Harry, 1921-1944 (sh)
- Bastvan, Sarah E., Sept 1, 1849-Nov 12, 1910 (sh)
- Bartoszynski-Nowakowska, Robert Bartoszynski, 1933-1988, Professor of Statistics and Maria Nowakawska, [died] May 12, 1989, Professor of Psychology (Whole stone) (sh)
- Robert Bartoszynski, son of Kazymez Bartosznki and Zofia Rozniatowska, was born 7 July 1933 in Warsaw, Poland; died 17 January 1988.
- Maria Nowakowska, daughter of Jan Kowal and Anna Meleniewska was born 28 September 1935 in Poland and; she was the wife of Robert Bartoszynski.
- Beach, William, Ohio, CPL 16 Infantry, World War I, Nov 17, 1895-Feb 16, 1971 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Beers
- Conrad, died Aug 31, 1867, aged 77 yrs 10 m & 5 ds
- David, 1746-1850; Elizabeth Schlegel, 1771-1831; Solomon, 1803-1872; and Eliza Pennington, 1810-1848
- Jemima, wife of Conrad, died Dec 13, 1844, aged 41 years 4 mo 27 ds
- Moses, Sept 17, 1820-Mar 27, 1893 and Nancy Jane Long, wife of Moses, Nov 24, 1826-Jan 2, 1895 (Whole stone)
- Bennett, Dwight H, 9-18-1935 [with Linville H. & Alfred D. Clark] (sh)
- Benson, Charles Ellsworth, October 2, 1908-1991 (sh)
- Bevins, Raymond J., 1901-1951 and Opal M., 1901-1981 [Old Section 71]
- Bice, Charles Albert, Ohio, PVT 492 PORT BN TC, World War II, June 25, 1901-April 4, 1958 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- Bickham
- James R., 1870-1947 and Bonnie L., 1872-1966 [Section 59]
- W. C. A., Sr., Nov 4, 1896-June 14, 1977, Mason; and Hallie R., nee Hildreth, Mar 16, 1898-Feb 12, 1952, OES, entombed Amaranth Abbey; (and on back) Our Children Myldred Hildreth Hope, James E. (Jim), W. C. A. (Bill), Jr. [Section 59]
- Bielec, Ludwig, Ohio, PFC ARMY AIR FORCES, World War II, April 27, 1915-Aug 7, 1966 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Binkley
- Ernest1889-1919, CO 365-408 M.S.T., London England, American Legion symbol [1917 Addition]
- Florence, 1867-1939 and C. M., 1861-19__ [1917 Addition]
- Birkhimer
- Clarence N., Ohio, CPL CO C, 9FLD SG BN, World War I, December 22, 1899-March 20, 1971 (sh)
- Wife, Florence G., 1890-1966 (sh)
- Daughter, Julia Belle, 1922-1934 (sh)
- Birtcher, Clifford M., July 16, 1928-July 27, 1928 (sh)
- Bishop, Helen S., Sept 18, 1918-Nov 28, 2003, [TWA & DAR emblems] (sh)
- Black
- Blackburn, Angeline P., 1889-1978 and Charles J., 1883-1960 [Old Section 32 Lot 19]
- Blackwood
- Book, Pearl Jewell Wotring, wife of John A., Oct 18, 1912-Nov 18, 1932 and Joan, born & died Nov 4, 1932 (sh)
- Bothman, Mary L. (Anderson) Stephenson, 1895-1969 [Section 59 Lot 64] (mak)
- Wife of 1) William F. Stephenson and 2) _?_ Bothman (See also Stephenson)
- Boyce, Herman Virgil, 1905-1991 and Ethel Frances, 1901-1985 [Bldg. A, Crypt 46-D] (mak)
- Boyd, Gordon Y., 1914-2004 [Mausoleum Bldg. A]
- Boyer
- Brandon, Perl V., 1924-1936; Faye A., 1901-1965; and Cameron C., 1903-1968 [Section 54 Lot 30] (sh)
- Perl V. Brandon died 30 Jan 1936 at age 12 of pneumonia.
- Faye N. (Shields) Brandon, daughter of Joseph and Rose (Nelson) Shields, born 12 Feb 1901; died 25 Feb 1965; first wife of Camerson C. Brandon.
- Cameron Charles Brandon, son of __?__ and Myrtle (Hustleon) Brandon, born 28 Feb 1903, died 3 Oct 1978.
- Bratz, Father, James H., 1857-1940 and Mother, Louise C., 1868-1956 (sh)
- Brentlinger, Daughter, R. Faye, 1897-1958 [Old Section 52, lot 104, Space 1] (Contact Linda Gassen, )
- Daughter of Silas E. and Lida A. Brintlinger; see below.
- Brewer, Justin W., Mar 1, 1842-Nov 17, 1910 and Emeroy M. his wife, Feb 27, 1843-Jan 30, 1922 (sh)
- Bridgewater, Maggie, 1867-1922 (sh)
- Briggs, Elisha Clay, 1840-1898 [Civil War Veteran]
- Brintlinger, Mother, Lida A., 1861-1925 and Father, Silas E., 1859-1934 [Old Section 52 Lot 104 Spaces 2 & 3] (Contact Linda Gassen, )
- Bristol
- Asa P., died Oct 26, 1878, aged 6y 1m 7d (sh)
- Elizabeth, wife of A. P., 1824-1910 (sh)
- Broce, Ollie R., died 20 Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo)
- Brockington, James A., Aug 24, 1957-Jan 30, 1959 (sh)
- Brown
- Clarence L., 1889-1962 and Josephine, 1891-1962 [Old Cemetery Section 32 Lot 58 Spaces 1 & 2]
- Clarence L. Brown, son of Frank Brown and Molly Miller was born 10 Oct 1889 in Delaware County, Ohio, died 1 Jan 1962
- Josephine Bennett Brown, daughter of Ralph Bennett and Synthea Hall and wife of Clarence L. Brown was born 6 Sep 1891 in Delaware County, Ohio, died 12 Nov 1962
- Andy, April 14, 1940-Sept 9, 1961 [Old Cemetery Section 32]
- Annie, dau of R & E, died Aug 9, 1871, aged 21 yrs 2 mo
- David, Dec 16, 1842-July 19, 1898 and Olive Zinn, wife of David, Sept 8, 1849-Jan 29, 1894 (Whole stone)
- Hester M., 1908-19[86] and William B., 1905-1959 [Old Cemetery Section 32 Lot 6]
- Hester M. Matheny Brown, daughter of John E. Matheny and Mary Dollinger, wife of William Bernard Brown, born 27 Apr 1908, died 26 Dec 1986
- William Bernard Brown, son of Leonard Brown and Emma Pearl Snaire was born in Columbus in 1905, died 23 June 1959
- Leola M., 1921-Blank and Kenneth, 1907-1973 [Old Cemetery Section 32 Lot 6]
- Kenneth Brown, son of Leonard Brown and Emma Pearl Snaire was born in Columbus, 27 Feb 1907, died 2 Mar 1973
- Broyles, Minnie, 17 Dec 1872-Dec 4, 1945 (No stone; Death certificate & Obituary) [OC, 1912 Addition, Lot 26, Space 2]
- Daughter of Jeremiah Rogers and Julia A. Fancher (See Sines)
- Bruce, Cain, Ohio, PVT 1 CL ???, 62 DIV, October, 1896-September, 18, 1944 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Buckingham, Edward, died April 1942, Spanish American War veteran (Obituary; no photo)
- Bull, Thomas, Nov 17, 1762-Oct 16, 1823 and Sylvia, Jan 5, 1768-Dec 20, 1846 (kb)
- Thomas and Sylvia, along with several other Bull family members were moved to Union Cemetery from the old Clinton Chapel Cemetery when is was closed. None of the others have gravestones.
- Burns, Lawrence C., June 12, 1918-Nov 11, 1952 (Portrait) [Section "Old" 71 Lot 66 Space 3]
- Busby, Homer W., Ohio, PVT US MARINE CORPS, World War I, Oct 2, 1898-Spet 15, 1957 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Bush, Robert L., May 10, 1923-Feb 28, 2004, wed June 8, 1946, Marian F., Feb 28, 1924-Nov 8, 1999 [1946 Addition Section 16 Lot 179 Spaces 1 & 2]
- Robert L, S SGT US Army Air Forces, World War II
- Cain, Ralph H., 1902-1988 and Lillian B., 1901-1994 (mak)
- Caldwell
- Ella M., 1875-1965 (kss)
- Harley T., 1873-1934 (kss)
- Joseph, died October 1923 (Obituary; no photo)
- Perry, PFC, US Marine Corps, Mar 12, 1900-Aug 31, 1933 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Calhoun, John C. (Obituary; no photo)
- Callahan, Sunshine, 1904-1909 (sh)
- Campbell, Hazel E., died 10 May 1965 (Obituary; no photo) [Old Cemetery Section 33 Lot 61]
- Canada, Phal Hawthorne, May 31, 1920-Sept 21, 1994 and Margaret (Slaven), April 22, 1923-June 4, 1989 (sh)
- Carey
- SGT US Army, Chas. W., Jan 15, 1885-Nov 22, 1975
- PVT Chas. W., Jr., HOS CO 1ST BN, 318TH, INF 80TH DIV, born July 29, 1924, killed in action in France, Sept 17, 1944
- Maude Haines Connard, Apr 16, 1885-Aug 30, 1956
- Carmedy
- James L., 1937-1943 (sh)
- James R., Ohio, PVT 4105 Base Unit AAF, World War II, Dec 4, 1907-May 2, 1960 (sh)
- Carpenter
- Carter
- Case
- Albert A., died 20 Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo
- Alice, wife of Dan, died Nov 28, 1827, aged 63 yrs (sh)
- Andrew M., Co. H 174 REG OV, 1847-1934 and Estella M., LGAR DUV, 1859-1931 (sh)
- Charles Clifford, Jr., Sept 30, 1924-Oct 24, 1986 and Mary Elizabeth, Sept 26, 1925-Jan 31, 1999 [Old Section 71 Lot 31]
- Dan, died Oct 10, 1817, aged 56 yrs (sh)
- Rachel, dau of Dan & Alice, died Apr 25, 1820, aged 28 years (sh)
- William, son of Dan & Alice, died Sept 20, 1880, aged 81 yrs
- Cashatt
- Castle, Rex W., Arkasas, TEC 5 HQ DET 107 MED BN, World War II BSM, June 10, 1915-Feb 18, 2957 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- Chamberlain, Mother, Mary F., 1850-1931 (sh)
- Chambers, Rosa L., 1888-1986 [Mausoleum Bldg. A]
- Chappelear
- Cread C., US Navy, World War II, Nov 22, 2926-Sep 3, 2002 (sh)
- James D., Ohio, AN US Navy, Korea, May 26, 1934-Aug 13, 1973 (sh)
- Mary Ruhuma Williams, Oct 19, 1897-Sept 8, 1973 (sh)
- Thornton, Jr., CPL US Marine Corps, World War II Korea, Jan 28, 1923-Nov 8, 1989 (sh)
- Thornton W., Ohio, PVT CO C 14 AMMO TRAIN, World War I, Oct 4, 1896-Aug 14, 1968 (sh)
- Chapman, Amelia, 1865-1940 and L. F., 1861-1920 (Plot) (kb)
- Charcharonis, John, PVT COH 10TH INF, World War I, Feb 1, 1890-Aug 30, 1965 (sh)
- Chase - Cone, Husband, Olen E. Chase, 1902-1980; Son, Earl Lott Chase, 1941-[blank]; Mother, Ammorette Lott Cone-Chase, 1905-1987; and Son, Gordon Cone, 1935-1953 [Old Section 70 Lot 109] (Contact Connie Schumaker, )
- Cheeseman (Contact Steven Searight )
- Childs, Leon, died 13 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Chupka, Bernard T., April 29, 1926-March 23, 1990 and Virginia K., January 19, 1929-January 29, 1995 (sh)
- Clark
- James C., 1879-1954 and Josie C., 1883-1982 (sh)
- John, CO F, 80 OHIO INF [Civil War, died 1 Jan 1935] Section 28 Lot 47] (sh)
- Linville H., 1913-1916 and Alfred D., 1917-1918 [with Dwight H. Bennett] (sh)
- Ralph Watson, June 10, 1883-[blank] and Bertha Rose, July 18, 1886-June 20, 1953 (sh)
- Riley Everett, 1877-1948, Mason; Lela, 1892-1974; and Missouri Dell, 1866-1952 (Whole stone) [Old section 71 Lot 48]
- Vernagene, died 25 Jul 1918 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- William D., 1882-1949 and Jeannette A., 1879-1976 (sh)
- Clay, Ronald L., Ohio, SP5 30 0RDNANCE CO, Sep 8, 1945-Jan 12, 1969 (sh)
- Cleveland, Clyde, Jr., Ohio, A2C US Air Force, Korea, May 23, 1932-July 25, 1970 (sh)
- Cochenour, Effie, died 24 Jul 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
- Cochran, Laura Maugey, buried 12 Sep 1951 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Coleman, Edwin R., Oct 2, 1931-Aug 10, 1932 (sh)
- Collins
- Donald A., 1920-1930 (sh)
- John M., Jr., A 2C US Air Force, Korea, 1929-1978 (sh)
- Dad, Lewis R., 1896-1943 and Mom, Harriet M., 1909-1973 (sh)
- Paul R., 1899-1949 and Olive M., 1903-[1984] [Old Section 71 Lot 19]
- Condon, William C., PFC US Army, World War II, Dec 16, 1925-May 16, 1999 (sh)
- Cone (See Chase-Cone
- Conklin
- Annie, 1850-1930 and Milo, 1853-1934 (sh)
- Arthur L., 1886-1887 (sh)
- Henry C., June 5, 1848-Jan 13, 1932; Lydia Ann, Feb 7, 1849-Oct 3, 1924; and Arthur L., 1886-1887 (sh)
- Conner, Lulu Bell, 1915-1985 (sh)
- Converse
- Cooke
- Dorothy Beebe, 1892-1972 and Carl Clement, 1889-1971 (sh)
- Ellen Beebe, 1918-1922 (sh)
- Elmer A., 1885-1945 and Myrtle S., 1894-1987 (sh)
- Father, James V. and, Mother, Barbara E., 1856-1953 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- LuLu, 1863-1946 (sh)
- Rodney R., Feb 26, 1832-Oct 28, 1886, aged 54 yrs 8 mo 2 ds and Cloe W., 1835-1912 (Full stone) (sh)
- Cooley, Maude Frances, died 15 Mar 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Cooper, George, Montana, BGLR 1CL 20 INF, 40 DIV, January 25, 1937 (sh)
- Copenhaver, George E., 1897-1953; and Dorothy F., 1908-1980 (For additional information contact Jenny)
- Copeland, Father, William B., 1867-1945 and Mother, Minnie O., 1870-1974 (sh)
- Corbin
- Cothran
- Coultas, William R., died 3 May 1995 (Obituary; no photo)
- Crawford
- Cremeans, Rushia A., died 14 Apr 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Criner, Myrtle (Johnson), March 31, 1895-July 30, 1984
- Criswell, Mary Jane, died 17 Feb 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
- Cross, Donald A., Sr., US Army, Vietnam, 1942-1989 (sh)
- Curtis
- Cushing, Husband, Henry H., 1886-1924 (sh)
- Cutlip, Burley, 1901-1966 and Mabel J., 1889-1985 (sh)
- Daniels
- Darragh, Josephine, born Grand Forks, North Dakota, Oct 2, 1903, died Columbus, Ohio, Nov 7, 1986 (DAR Emblem)
- Davidson, Harold Eli, 4 Jun 1896-22 Apr 1964 (Obituary; no photo)
- Davis
- Dayton, Harriet St. John, 1857-1942 (sh)
- Dearring, Father, Lewis, 1859-1949 [Old Section 71]
- Decker, Richard Eldred, Ohio, Storekeeper 5 CL, USNR, December 3, 1942 (sh)
- Deffenbaugh, Maggie Taylor, 1878-1954 (sh)
- Deitt, Ada, died 10 Feb 1946 (Obituary; no photo)
- Delaney, Margaret F., Feb 8, 1922-May 16, 1981; CPL John P. III, Dec 29, 1947-July 3, 1968, U.S.M.C.P.H., Vietnam; and John P. Jr., Jan 29, 1921-Mar 5, 1993
- Dell, Daisy M., 1883-1968 and Nannie B., 1862-1928 [Section 52, on other side of Whittridge stone (see below)]
- Delp, Pauline L., 1923-2003 and Donald E., Sr., 1925-2006 [Union Chapel B] (sh)
- DeLong
- DeLotell, Harry E., 1893-1962 [Buried in Griffith family plot (see below); section 69]
- Desmond, Lucy M., May 26, 1925-Feb 16, 1989 (sh)
- Devore
- Dill, Fred N., 1890-1972 and Maude E. (Cheeseman), 1887-1946 (Contact Steven Searight )
- Dillon, Mother, Virginia M., Sept 4, 1930-Jan 19, 1971 (Portrait) (sh)
- Dougherty
- Alfred R., Mar 29, 1918-July 7, 2002; Ann A., Aug 28, 1923-Jan 22, 2003; and Infand Daughter, Aug 27, 1946 (mak)
- Martha A., 1900-1944 and Cleambrotus, 1867-1941 (mak)
- Doughty
- Dorothy Marie, 1919-1989 (see Parker) (ep)
- Marge, 1894-1950 and George, 1890-1965 (ep)
- Dowd, Sister, Nelle B. (Budd) [Old Cemetery Section 55 Lot 135 Space 4 - See also Sly]
- Downey, Dolores K. (Obituary; no photo)
- Downs
- James Edward, 1883-1948 and Nellie Amanda, 1889-1968 (Obituary) (kss)
- James R., Sr., 1917-1998 and [not shown] Della J, 1919-2006 (kss)
- James Robert Downs, Sr., b. 19 Nov 1917 d. 11 Oct 1998
- Della June Downs, b. 24 Jul 1919 d. 5 Jun 2006
- Drake, Anna, 1870-1928
- Drenning, Flora, 1883-1963 [Section 52]
- Durnford (See also Fields)
- Betty Fields, 1924-1946 (Obituary) [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 9, Space 3]
Betty Fields Durnford, daughter of Lawrence M. Fields and Minnie Belle Wood, wife of Dewey F. Durnford, Jr., died in Cherry Point, Craven County, NC
Dewey Foster Jr., COL US Marine Corps, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Oct 23, 1922-Apr 22, 1988 (Obituary) [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 9, Space 2]
- Dewey was the son of Dewey Foster Durnford, Sr. and Dorothy Drake, he was born in Milwaukee, WI
Dewey Foster Sr., US Navy, World War I, Dec 9, 1897-Jan 11, 1981 (Obituary) [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 9, Space 5]
Dorothy Drake, 1898-1959 [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 9, Space 4]
- Dorothy Drake Durnford, daughter of Eldon Drake and Anna B. Rieck, wife of Dewey Foster Durnford, Sr., was born in Milwaukee, WI.
Joanne Fields, 1928-2008 (Obituary), and Vicki Lynn 1946-Blank [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 8, Space 4 & ?]
Joanne was the daughter of Lawrence M. Fields and Minnie Belle Wood
Scott Dewey, 1953-1988 [Old Cemetery, Section 68, Lot 9, Space 6]
Duvall, Ella J., 1904-1961 (Contact Dorothy, )
Dyson, Charles P., Feb 6, 1922-Feb 6, 1963 (sh)
- Eddy, John Alfred, Sept 18, 1942
- Son of Eldridge Eddy and Loretta Landefeld
- Edgar, Maude L. Marks, 1884-1972 (sh)
- Eichenlaub, Emma Nigh, wife of L. P., 1886-1905 (sah)
- Daughter of William H. and Mary C. Nigh. (See also Nigh)
- Ellis, Father, Ralph E., 1893-1936, Mason [Section 55 Lot 109] (sh)
- Ellwanger, Charles, died 24 Jul 1918 (Obituary (117KB); no photo)
- Epley
- Ester, Robert Louis Joseph, March 12, 1955-Oct 6, 1963 (sh)
- Evans
- Edward E., died March 1955 (Obituary; no photo)
- William Earl, Ohio, Mess Attendant 3CL, USNRF, [died] Aug 2, 1936 [Old Section 15 Lot 208]
- Ewers, Susan, died 16 Apr 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Eyster (Listed in order photographed)
- William Samuel, Mar 4, 1857-June 28, 1922
- Margaret Jane, Nov 30, 1873-Oct 29, 1934
- Olive Jeanette, Nov 10, 1896-Mar 16, 1938
- Mary Anna, Aug 22, 1913-Apr 17, 1931
- Grace Eva Eyster Timson, Aug 24, 1906-June 22, 1942
- Mary Elizabeth Timson Hollingsworth, Feb 14, 1926-Oct 4, 1963
- William Samuel, Oct 8, 1909-Dec 10, 1953
- Fadley
- Edward Manley, Ohio, PVT, US Marine Corps, World War II, March 30, 1911-May 1961 (sh)
- Francis D., June 21, 1879-Aug 22, 1920
- Levi M., 1857-1916, Arbor Vitae Camp No. 10, Woodmen of the World; and Fannie, his wife, 1880-1929
- Myrtle A., 1885-1963 and Mora P., 1882-1935
- Farren, Oscar H., died 30 Dec 1989 (Obituary; no photo)
- Fauth, George E., US Army, World War II, Jul 5, 1922-Oct 14, 1994 (sh)
- Felkner, Unknown, wife of Orrin, 1852-1909 (sh)
- Fenner, Martha Glenn, 1873-1961 [Old Section 32 Lot 19]
- Ferrin, Clarence Edward, died 29 May 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- Fields, Lawrence M., 1898-1987 and Minnie B., 1897-1996 (Whole Stone; see also Durnford) [Old Cemetery Section 68 Lot 8 Spaces 5 & 6]
- Lawrence M., son of Milo L. Fields and Melcina Shaner was born 14 Jul 1898 in Ohio and died 1 Feb 1987
- Minnie Belle Wood Fields, daughter of Ira Wood and Anna Morris and wife of Lawrence M. Fields; she was born 30 Sep 1897 at Wilmington, Clinton County, OH, died 13 May 1996, Orlando, Orange County, FL
- Finke, Sallie M. Watson, January 28, 1924-January 31, 1958 [Watson Family Plot, Section 3-W, Lot 202]
- Finks, Mary Ellen, died 19 Nov 1952 (Obituary; no photo)
- Fisher, Thomas H., 1874-1937 and Carrie M., 1976-[1950] (sh)
- Fitzer, Frederick James, 1912-1963 (sh)
- Fitzgerald, Estelle, 1886-1977; and Charles V., 1883-1961
- Fitch, Teddy, Jr., 1948-1954 [Section 71]
- Flora
- Cahard, 1884-1943 (sh)
- Mabel S., Ohio, Nurse, Army Nurse Corp, World War I, Oct 14, 1888-May 4, 1970 (sh)
- Foe, Mother, Mishie M., 1904-1998 and Father, Byrd F., 1879-1954 (sh)
- Forgrave-Jackson, Fred Forgrave, 26 Nov 1876-19 Jan 1954; Jessie Jackson, 16 Aug 1883-11 Nov 1978; and Russell Sumner Forgrave, 19 July 1906-6 July 1979 (sh)
- Fortenbacher
- Casimer, Mar 8, 1840-July 29, 1911, CO B 46 REG OVVI [Old Section 14 Lot 301] (sh)
- Emiline, Oct 20, 1851-Feb 17, 1935 (sh)
- Fosnaugh
- Foster, Lewis B., May 7, 1893-Oct 19, 1956, 32nd Degree Mason, and Elizabeth, April 6, 1895-Oct 30, 1983
- Fourman, Elzie, 1871-1933 and Ethel E., 1876-19[58] (sh)
- Frampton, Frederick H., Ohio, PFC 1550 COMD UNIT, World War II, July 6, 1905-Nov 11, 1958 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Fox, Olive M., 1869-1954
- Franklin, Leola, died 2 Dec 1935 (Obituary; no photo)
- Frey
- Fritz, Joseph C., 1856-1912, Woodmen of the World, and Mary H., 1863-[blank]
- Frost
- Funk, Frank, 1869-1923
- Funkhouser, Jack, 1920-1971 and Marcy, 1923-1982
- According to his son, Jack Funkhouser served as a gunner in the Army Air Corps during World War II. His plane was shot down over Germany, he was captured and held as a prisoner of war for nine months. During that time he came dangerously close to starving to death.
- Gard, Plot monument, Harry K., Nov 30, 1914-Sept 18, 1987, husband of Eileen (sh)
- Garner, Peter, 1838-1921
- Garrison, Father, Glen T., 1901-1958 and Mother, Wilma M., 1900-1959 (sh)
- Gebhardt, George L., 1870-1945 and Lillie V., 1879-1962 (sh)
- Gehring
- George, , S of V, CO K (sh)
- Gerlach, Grace M., 1882-1959 [Old Section 59, Lot 75] (Contact Linda Gassen,
- Gilleo (For additional information contact Carol)
- Tobias, 1887-1956; and Thelma, 1901-1988
[New side; Sect. 1, lot 300]
- Robert
, 1922-1997 [New side; Sect. 8, lot 130]
- Ginwood, Mary E., dau of Wm. & E., died Oct 9, 1857, aged 18 yrs 1 mo 19 ds (sh)
- Glassburn (Woodmen of America), Harold W., March 7, 1907-May 17, 1943; and Anna G., Nov 23, 1911-[blank]
- Girrard, John Joseph, 1888-1962 (sh)
- Glick, Emma Z. (Hard), wife of E M, 1850-1916 (cm)
- Emma Z. Hard, daughter of Samuel Norton & Martha Ross (Thatcher) Hard, (which see); Emma was born 11 Aug 1850, died 5 Jan 1916
- Goddard, H. R. Randy, Feb 28, 1927-July 5, 2003 (sh)
- Goeller
- Gooding, Emma Slyh, 1871-1906
- Possible daughter of John W. & Sarah M. Slyh? (see below)
- Gordon, Clarence F., Dec 5, 1893-Jan 17, 1939, "Dad" (sh)
- Gould, Genevieve M., 1906-1996 (sh)
- Grau, Christopher, Sept 25, 1830-April 19, 1924 and Louise, his wife, Dec 20, 1838-Feb 18, 1907 (Whole stone)
- Griffith (Plot Marker) (sh)
- Anna M., 1892-1949 [Section 69] (sh)
- Belford, 1927-2000 [Section 69] (sh)
- Belford C., 1892-1949 [Section 69] (sh)
- Betty Jean, 1925-[blank] [Section 69] (sh)
- Bonnie Lee, 1949-1968 [Section 69] (sh)
- Emilie, 1901-1995 and Harry L., MD, 1891-1957 [Section 69] (sh)
- Ida P., 1931-1997 [Section 69] (sh)
- Joseph, MD, 1893-1960 and Grace M., 1898-1974 [Section 69] (sh)
- Groom, William T., July 5, 1851-April 18, 1938, Grandpa [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Grubb
- Herman E., August 9, 1880-May 31, 1958 [Section 3-E Lot 638 Space 2] (Contact Edward Caldwell, )
- Also buried in same lot (photo), space 3 is his wife, Clara Jenny (Baker) Grubb, 4 Aug 1892-20 Nov 1984; and in space 1, is their daughter Audra/Audrey L. (Grubb) Harper, which see.
- James G., CPL COL 10 Ohio INF, SP AM War, Nov 15, 1877-Dec 3, 1955
- Katherine Maude, Aug 4, 1879-[Aug 26, 1961]
- Gump, Walter Forest, died 25 Mar 1958 (Obituary; no photo) [Old Section 56 Lot 87W, Space 1]
- Son of Edward Osman & Lilian (Bland) Gump.
- Retired captain for Columbus Police Dept. and former Franklin County sheriff
- Haberman, Son & Brother, Carl R., March 21, 1924-Oct 2, 1966 (kss)
- Haigh, Rachel, died 3 Apr 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Hall
- Edwin J., 1905-1930 [Old Section 56 Lot 56]
- Son of Everett J. and Mary M. Hall
- Everett J., 1880-1933 [Old Section 56 Lot 55]
- Mary M., Aug 10, 1885-Dec 31, 1975 [Old Section 56 Lot 55]
- Hamilton
- Paul G, died 18 Mar 1954 Old Section 60 Lot 70 Space 6] (Obituary; no photo)
- Son of Clark & Lessie (Grott) Hamilton
- Prudence, died 14 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Hand, Lori Lee, Aug 18, 1958-Sept 9, 1979
- Daughter of Wilbur Lee & Lois {Anderson} Willis
- Hansgen
- Dad, Glenn F., Nov 19, 1911-Nov 13, 1986 and Mom, Virginia M., Mar 14, 1912-Jan 21, 1995 (sh)
- Mother, Goldie Mae, Feb 3, 1914-Feb 16, 1932 (sh)
- Lawrence M., 1909-2003 and Ruth A., 1911-1992 (sh)
- Mom, Mary, 1919-1992 (sh)
- Oscar J.1904-1975, married May 31, 1930, Eva Marie, 1911-1988 (sh)
- Raymond C., 1907-1984 (sh)
- Hansley, Laura (Obituary; no photo)
- Hard (Contact Cindy, )
- On same tombstone
- Elisha, died Oct 13, 1860 in the 77th year of his age; and Jemima, his wife, died Geb 3, 1875, in the 89th year of her age; and Lucinda, dau of E. & J., died Sept 18, 1848, aged 24 years
- Ann Rebeka, beloved wife of Elonzo, Aug 23, 1830-Apr 29, 1907; and Elonzo, Aug 25, 1826-July 18, 1909
- Melissa, dau of E. & J., died Mar 9, 1882, in the 53 year of her age; and Ansel, June 25, 1816-May 22, 1904
- George H., 1856-1930 (cm)
- George Hershal Hard, son of Samuel Norton & Martha Ross (Thatcher) Hard, born 4 Apr 1855, died 7 Nov 1930
- Hugh Henry, 1891-1892
- Ida A., wife of George H., 1858-1939 (cm)
Ida Augusta (__?__) Hard, born 22 Feb 1858, died 1 Feb 1939
- Ida M. (Smith), 1866-1965 and Marion, 1857-1892
- Samuel, 1821-1905 and Martha R., 1828-1911 [see note below] (cm)
- Samuel Norton Hard, born 5 Mar 1820, died 5 Aug 1905
- Martha Ross Thatcher Hard, born 11 Nov 1827, died 16 May 1911, Memorial card
- Harden, John W., Ohio, PVT Army Air Forces, World War II, July 3, 1923-Oct 1, 1971 (sh)
- Hardin, John L., 1837-1908 and Mary M., his wife, 1837-1899
Harley, Charles W. "Chic", September 15, 1895-April 24, 1974
- Harness
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartman, Jacob, died Sept 12, 1869, in his 84 year (sh)
- Harper, Mother, Audra L., December 1, 1917-March 3, 1995 [Section 3-E Lot 638 Space 1]
- Daughter of Herman E. & Clara J. (Baker) Grubb, which see.
- Harvey, Kathryn Margaret, June 17, 1884-August 2, 1908 (sh)
- Hass, Ralph L., 11-4-38 ~ 4-23-02, married Aug 21, 1997, Catherine S., 1-1-55 ~ Blank
- Hauer, Kenneth, Sr., March 10, 1881-March 2, 1949 [Old Section 71 Lot 13]
- Hawley
- Chester G., 1891-1952; Lydia A., 1888-1918; and Helen G., 1903-1995 [Old cemetery, 1917 Addition, Lot 89] (sah)
- Chester G. Hawley (Obituary), son of Delan John and Addie Smith Hawley, born 8 Nov 1891, died 27 Nov 1952; he married 1st Lydia H. Nigh (Obituary), born 26 Oct 1888, died 30 Apr 1918. He married 2nd Helen G. Morgan, born 3 Feb 1903, died 16 Jul 1995
- Delano J., 1851-1927 and Addie, his wife, 1853-1942 [Old cemetery, 1917 Addition, Lot 89] (sah)
- Delano John Hawley 22 Dec 1851 - 01 Apr 1927 -- Obituary
- Addie Darling Smith Hawley 13 Dec 1853 - 25 Nov 1942
- Hawtha, Mary, died 20 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Hay, Malcolm L., US Army, World War II, Aug 31, 1926-May 26, 1987 (sh)
- Hayborn, Aubrey P., Ohio, PVT 112 INF 28 DIV, World War I, February 5, 1923 [Section 28 Block 28 Lot 47] (sh)
Hayes, Wayne Woodrow, 1913-1987 and Anne, 1914-1998 [Section 12] (sh)
- Wayne Woodrow "Woody" Hayes will be remembered as one of the greatest football coaches ever to coach The Ohio State University football team.
- Henderson, Alexander, died Nov 9th, 1842, aged 74 years
- Henricks
- Henry, Sara E., died 16 Mar 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Herd, Sophia L., died 26 Jul 1918 (Obituary; no photo)
- Herren
- Lance Lee Jr, Jan 5, 1979-Nov 13, 1979, Lanny [Old Cemetery Section 70 Lot 170 Space 3]
- Mother, Norma H., March 3, 1925-May 31, 1953 [Old Cemetery Section 70 Lot 170 Space 4]
- Herzog, John Arthur, Feb 17, 1948-Jul 16, 2004 (Obituary; no photo)
- Heskett, Edward, 1853-1911; Pricilla, 1854-1922; William, 1875-1880; and Gertrude Webb, 1877-1898 (sh)
- Hess (see also Unknown) (Contact Chéusa Darri Stoner Wend, )
- The Pioneers, Bolser, died Dec. 27, 1806, aged 65 yrs (sh); Mary Eve, wife of Bolser, died Jan 26, 1855, aged 92 yrs 1 mo 4 ds (Whole stone)
- Balser/Bolser Hess was the first person buried in what became Union Cemetery.
- Charles W., Nov 14, 1841-Nov 9, 1889 and Ann M. Lane, his wife, Oct 10, 1842-July 10, 1909 (sh)
- Our Father, Daniel, died Aug 14, 1862, aged 79 y 6 mo 12 d and, Our mother at rest, Sarah Gordon, wife of Daniel Hess, died Jan 5, 1873, aged 74 yrs 10 mo 22 ds (Plot) (sh)
- Elizabeth, wife of Moses, and daughter of Thomas Moore, died Sep 25, 1825, aged 24 yrs (sh) (Enlarged view)
- Daughter, Elizabeth H., 1879-1968
- Daughter, Flora Louise, 1883-1962
- Mother, Hannah K., 1847-1922
- Father, J. Moses, 1844-1923
- William W., son of JM & HK, 1874-1875
- Henry R., Sept 3, 1850-June 14, 1930 and Katie Reeb, Nov 6, 1857-June 22, 1890 (Whole stone)
- James H., Aug 21, 1839-Feb 13, 1889 and Eliza Jane, his wife, March 29, 1849-April 24, 1918 (Whole stone) (sh)
- John M., died July 26, 1856, aged 56 yrs 10 mo 24 ds and Elizabeth, wife of J. M., died May 25, 1851, aged 31 ys 7 mo (sh) (Whole stone)
- Leland Cooke, Aug 9, 1900-May 30, 1963; Charles Richard, Nov 1, 1866-March 14, 1935; and Alice Cooke, Aug 11, 1867-June 28, 1944 (sh)
- Mary Eve, wife of Bolser, died Jan 26, 1855, aged 92 yrs 1 mo 4 ds (sh)
- Plot Monument (sh)
- Daniel, 1827-1895, buried in Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, GA (sh)
- Eliza E. Shattuck, wife of Elder Daniel Hess, Feb'y 1, 1834-March 15, 1895 (sh)
- Mary E., 1872-1954 (sh)
- Philemon, March 1, 1829-Jan 31, 1908 (sh)
- Hetter, John G. (or C.), Mar 27, 1855-Aug 5, 1935 and Margaret, wife of J G, May 25, 1857-April 3, 1903
- Hicks, Daughter, Bessie M., 1884-1933 (sh)
- Hildebrand, Lucien G., [died 22 Jun 1936], CO G, 15 PA INF, SP AM WAR [Spanish American War] [Section 28 Lot 59] (sh)
- Hill
- Hiser, Ardella "Della," 1868-1936 (See Anderson)
- Hixon, Guy, 1894-1914, Woodmen of the World
- Hoessly, Henry J., 1852-1910, Woodmen of the World
- Holladay, Ernest A., 1894-1966 and Dorothy J., 1907-1981 (sh)
- Hollingsworth (See Eyster)
- Hooley, Fred Thomas, died 20 Apr 1948 [Old Section 68, Lot 226 Space 4]
- Hopkins, Donald, 1913-1970 (sh)
- Hopper
- Clara M., August 8, 1892-May 30, 1982
- Harry L., 1864-1960 and Emma J., 1869-1967 (sh)
- Lee P., Ohio, SGT CO G 166 INF Ohio NG, World War I, Oct 24, 1891-Oct 25, 1970 (sh)
- Horvath, Julius J., 1876-1948 and Regina, 1880-1963 [Old section 68 Lot 232 Spaces 3 & 4]
- Hosfield Russell J., (rest illegible) [Section 28 Lot 46] (sh)
- Houseby, Frank Edward, Ohio, PVT 1 CL, Infantry, Nov 27, 1921-Nov 19, 1944
- Howett, Herman W., 1893-1950 and Laura E., 18__-19__ (sh)
- Howy, Solomon George, 1863-1936 (sh)
- Hoyt, William E. "Bill", died 7 Jan 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Huber
- Huff, Frank A., 1890-1947, 32 Degree Mason (mak)
- Hunt
- Hutchinson, Sadie & Infant, wife and son of Chas. L., July 9, 1898-Sept 16, 1920
- Hysell, Father, Walter E., 1849-1919 and Mother, Mary M., 1856-1932 [Section 1917 Addition] (sh)
- Immel, Fred, 1871-1933, CDF (Columbus Fire Department), Mason (Obituary); and Cora, 1874-1944 [Old Section 59 Lot 76]
- Inscho, Everson, died 12 Apr 1962 (Obituary; no photo)
- Inskeep, Mother, Nellie Moling, 1884-1904 and Father, William Alonzo, Jr., 1881-1937 (mak)
- Irwin (Contact: Contact: Kevin Large, )
- Benjamin, 1866-1938 [1912 Addition Lot 517]
- Mollie, 1864-1925 [1912 Addition Lot 517]
- Nellie, 1891-1947 [Section 71 Lot 3]
- Daughter of Benjamin and Mollie Irwin
- Jackson, Marshall E., died 2 Mar 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- James, Lucile R., May 11, 1929-March 9, 1969 (sh)
- Jaycox
- Corinne C., Nov 23, 1894-Sept 12, 1965 (sh)
- Nelson C., Ohio, SGT 112 AMMUNITION TN, World War I, Oct 14, 1898-Jan 14, 1956 (sh)
- Jessup, Louise C., died 19 Oct 1979 (Obituary; no photo)
- Johnson, Herbert E., died 14 Aug 1946 (Obituary; no photo)
- Jones
- Almira W., 1868-1949 (sh)
- Clayton K., November 16, 1923-October 25, 1991 (sh)
- Floyd Elmer, Ohio, SM2 USNR, World War II, July 31, 1918-March 3, 1967 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- James H., CO H 151 REG OVI, 1840-1927 and Nancy M. Spencer, his wife, 1850-1923 (sh)
- William Edward, died 14 Aug 1946 (Obituary; no photo)
- Kain, Mae M., Feb 26, 1915-Jan 27, 1953 [Old Section 71 Lot 6]
- Kamin, Howard W., Nov 27, 1918-Jun 20, 1991 (sh)
- Katz, Charles H., Ohio, PFC CO G 309 AMMO TRAIN, World War I, May 6, 1892-Sept 19, 1956 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Kellar, Amanda B., 1840-1892
- Keller
- Kelley, Patricia Griffin, May 12, 1912-November 23, 1994 and Robert Gibbons, March 24, 1912-May 25, 2000 (Plot monument) (sh)
- Kemmerling, John D., 1892-1968 and Edna P., 1888-1969 (mak)
- Kempf, Joseph, 1891-1954 and Edith, 1905-Blank, Woodmen of the World [Old Cemetery Section 70 Lot 186 Space 6]
- Kendall
- Kerr
- Blanche Allen, March 30, 1881-March 18, 1961 (sh)
- Durbin Ward, September 4, 1880-December 18, 1944 (sh)
- Durban W., Jr., March 12, 1917-February 28, 1935 (sh)
- Nancy, July 3, 1932-September 17, 1964 (sh)
- Kersey, Richard T. (Obituary; no photo)
- Kingery, Cora P., 1890-1965 and Paul E., 1891-[blank] (mak)
- Kinney, Jack H., died 1 Apr 1983 (Obituary; no photo)
- Kitsmiller, Husband, Joseph M., 1886-1973 and Wife, Emma C., 1886-1935 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Klusmeier, mother [of Ollie F.], Mary A. Carpenter, 1861-1941; wife, Ollie F. Carpenter, 1887-1942; and husband Emil Amos, 1885-1949 (stc)
- Knapp, Edwin A., died 26 Aug 1941 (Obituary; no photo)
- Knox-Glazer, Marion D. Knox, 1903-1945; Ruth (Pope) Knox Glazer, 1905-1997; and John E. Glazer, 1903-1972 (mak)
- Ruth Pope married 1st Marion D. Knox and she married 2nd John E. Glazer
- Kontras
- Gus N., Sept 24, 1922-Oct 5, 1988 and Stella B., June 28, 1928-[blank] (sh)
- James N., TEC 5 US Army, World War II, Aug 7, 1925-Feb 23, 1989 (sh)
- Koon, Robert Wm., US Coast Guard, World War II, Feb 4, 1923-Jun 20, 1984 (sh)
- Koontz, Arthur R., Iowa, CPL HQ CO 359 Infantry, World War I, Jan 29, 1894-Spe 27, 1953 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Kreiles, In memory of John Kreiles Family
- Krone, Frank, 1880-1937, Spanish-American War Veteran, and Mary Anna, 1881, 1955 (sh)
- Krull, Christian, 1851-1930 and Eliza, 1851-1923 (sh)
- Kuechler, Albert L. Otto, died 15 Sep 1943 (Obituary; no photo)
- See also Franklin County Death Certificate No. 55846
- Kuhn, Leslie C., died 26 Jul 1918 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Lambert, Sally, 1880-1970 and Edward, 1877-1936 (mak)
- Lamp, Raymond E., Nov 26, 1877-Mar 13, 1913, Woodmen of the World; and Mina Pearl, Aug 25, 1884-Apr 12, 1912
- Landes, Jessie Leota, died 2 Jan 1953 (Obituary; no photo)
- Lane, Mother, Jennie M., December 2, 1884-April 3, 1961
- Lang, Isaac Christopher, Oct 14, 1995-Jan 21, 1997 (sh)
- Lanier, Elder John B., 1917-1985 [Mausoleum Bldg A]
- Larabee, Lloyd L., died 25 Mar 1933 (Obituary; no photo)
- Larkin, Clarence, Ohio, PVT SUP CO 326 FIELD ARTY, World War I, Apr 13, 1887-Jan 6, 1959 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Latham, Wife, Frances Smith, 1913-1981; Husband, Keldon Hess, 1910-1981; Anna Hess, 1887-1979; and Ivan Lovette, 1883-1971 ( Whole plot) [Old Section 52 Lot 20] (csw)
- Laudenschlager, William F., 1873-1933 and Mabel E., 1876-19__ (sh)
- Lawrance, Sarah, daughter of Mahlon & Lydia, died Sept 30, 1845, aged 2 years
- Lawson, Earline M. (Obituary; no photo)
- Laylin, Clarence Dewey, 1970; Fanny Hagerman, 1968; Frances Adeline, 1914; and Mary Josephine, 1917 [OC 1912 Addition, Lot 75]
- Layton
- Lazzell, Arthur, Uncle Bud, 1909-1965 and Thelma B., Aunt Sally, 1906-1971 [New Section 1 Lot 394] (Contact D. Dewey Allen, )
- Leach, Walter E., Ohio SGT MED DEPT [World War I], July 1, 1939 [Section 28 Lot 65 Grave 3] (sh)
- Leatherberry, Paul J., 1919-[blank] and Erma L., 1923-2001 (sh)
- Lee, Samuel D., Ohio, MOMM3 USNR, World War II, Dec 26, 1926-Feb 4, 1962 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Lefler, Thomas R., died 6 Dec 1934 (Obituary; not photo)
- Lehman, Agnes Anna, died 13 Feb 1961 (Obituary; no photo)
- Leonard, George A., Ohio, CPL MTC, World War I, Dec 31, 1896-Feb 12, 1955 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- Leslie, Marion [L.], 1898-[18 Dec] 1930 and [Sarah Anne], [died 12 Jan 1984, age 87] (Contact Linda Harrison, )
- Lewis, Thomas, Ohio, PVT 520 ENGINS, March 18, 1894-October 30, 1941 [1918 Section, Lot 69] (sh)
- Light, Leonard E., 1912-1956
- Lindamood, Richard Allen, Feb 7, 1942 (sh)
- Son of Clyde Lindamood & Louise Thompson
- Lippert, Wilton H., died 10 May 1965 (Obituary; no photo) [1946 Addition Section 4 Lot 56]
- Lisle
- Eli M., died Sept 3, 1872, aged 52y 22 ds and Mary A., wife of Eli, Nov 8, 1822-Sept 8, 1910 (sh)
- Eli Mace, 1876-1918 (sh)
- Elizabeth W., wife of Samuel, 1816-1890 (sh)
- Children of J. O. & M. E., Emma, 1870-1892; Elizabeth, 1871-1895; Sallie, 1874-1895; and Alice, 1868-1901 (sh)
- In memory of Mr. John, who died Dec 27, 1808, aged 30 years
- Laura B., dau of J.O. & M.E., died Dec 11, 1890, aged 18 yrs 1 mo & 3 ds
- Martha C., wife of J. O., died Nov 7, 1879, aged 39 yrs 20 d (sh)
- Mary Mace, wife of Samuel S., died May 3, 1901, aged 50 ys 6 m 10 ds(sh)
- Rob't, died July 11, 18[53?; broken] (Enlarged view)
- Samuel, died Dec 30, 1844, aged 36 [or 30] yrs 11 m 19 ds (sh) (Enlarged view)
- Samuel Francis, died Jan 8, 1880, aged 1 ys 8 mo 24 ds (sh)
- Samuel Stimmell, died Oct 14, 1877, aged 29 yrs 7 m 20 d (sh)
- Litter
- Charles, 1854-1924 and Mary A., his wife, 1863-1933 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Edward L., 1882-1934 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Fred A., 1883-1944 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Loucks, Van A., 1881-1947 and Addie L., 1881-1953 [Old section 68 Lot 232 Spaces 5 & 6] (Contact Barbara A. Fowler, )
- Loudermilk
- Loveless, Robert D., 1923-1945; Bert C., 1878-1942; and Bessie Loveless King, 1893-1961 (sh)
- Lucas, June, [July 1, 1895]-Nov 20, 1950 (Death Certificate) (sh)
- Luellen, Mary Z., 1894-1986, DAR Emblem (sh)
- Lute, Son, Harry S., 1889-1917, CO I 166TH INF 42ND DIV, Died in the service of his country; and Mother, Abbie J., 1854-1930 [Section 1917 Addition] (sh)
- Lynn, Charles D., 7 Apr 1960 (Obituary; no photo)
- Lyons
- MacLeod, David A., June 28, 1937-July 21, 1937 (sh)
- Son of Frank E. MacLeod & Evelyn Mowell
- Maher, Edward J., Ohio, PVT 158 Depot Brigade, World War I, Sept 26, 1896-Sept 30, 1952 (sh)
- Mantor, Frank L., July 8, 1918-[blank] and Louise (Neff), Aug 31, 1919-June 17, 2004 (sh)
- Marbach, Father, Herman A., Sr., 1885-1948 (Obituary); Mother, Lula M., 1894-1974 and Son, Jerman A., Jr., 1919-1944, "Killed in action Leyte, Phillipine Islands" (Portrait)
- Marling (For additional information and photos of this family go to: John Austin Marling Family
- Charles F., 1887-1958; John A., 1878-1956 (Obituary); and Samuel M., 1874-1947 (Obituary) (lh)
- Delia Almira, 1872-1938 (Obituary) (lh)
- Father, John Austin, 1848-1938 (Obituary); and Mother, Margaret S., 1850-1921 (lh)
- James N., 1884-1954 (Obituary) and Anna E., 1883-1963 (Obituary) (lh)
- Martin
- George C., 1878-1961 and Myrtle I., 1880-1967 [1946 Addition Section 3 Lot 623 (cm)
- George Clinton Martin, born 28 Mar 1878, died 30 Jan 1961
- Myrtle Idona Davis, wife of George C. Martin, born 26 Jul 1880, died 2 Apr 1967
- Harry F., 1911-1949 and Edith N., 1912-1958 [Section "Old" 71 Lot 32]
- Nellie B., died 17 Sep 1931 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Mash, Edward, died March 14, 1953 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Mathias
- Connie R., Nov 2, 1937-Nov 2, 1937 (Death Certificate) (sh)
- Mom, Manetha E., Aug 27, 1896-Aug 4, 1969 (Portrait) and Dad, George, Jan 23, 1896-Nov 22, 1952 (Portrait) (sh)
- Matsanoff, Jordan, May 21, 1915-May 20, 1949 (Portrait) (sh)
- Mauck, Maude, 1895-1973
- Maught, Daniel, died Feb 22, 1868, aged 75 yrs 5 mo 18 ds (sh)
- Mayo, Daughter, Wylene Cummings, 1920-1957 (sh)
- Mayse, Mother, Iona M., Oct 4, 1919-July 4, 1963 (db)
- McAdow, Isaac, 1870-1947; Leah, 1871-1952; and Carrie L., 1900-1923 [Contact Dan at ]
- McBee
- McCarroll, Shirley Ann, Dec 28-30, 1936 (sh)
- Daughter of George Richard McCarroll and Florence Leona Kent
- McCarty, Blanche L., 1908-1972; Homer J., 1877-1953; and Violet C., 1872-1953 (sh)
- McClanahan, James Blaine, died 16 Sep 1943 (Obituary; no photo)
- McClintock
- McDaniel, B. F., 1851-1904, Woodmen of the World
- McDonald, Clarence A., May 5, 1896-Dec 13, 1940 and Marie H., May 14, 1896-Oct 4, 1995 (sh)
- McDowell, Paty, 1926-1930 (sh)
- McElhinny, Amanda M., 1885-1947; and James A., 1860-1932 (sh)
- McElroy, Lt. Harry J., Jr., 360th Fighter Sqdn AAF, Aug 1, 1921-May 13, 1943 (sh)
- McGarity, William H., 1853-1936 and Mary E. (Limes), his wife, 1857-1912 (mak)
- McGee, Robert, Ohio, PVT 27 RCT CO GEN SVC INF, World War I, Jan 7, 1898-March 13, 1954 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- McGill, [Mostly Illegible], [Section 28 East] (sh)
- McIntyre
- Walter, 1873-1918, Woodmen of the World [Section 1912 Add. Lot 173]
- Ralph Olan, October 7, 1906-January 17, 1966 [Section 1912 Add. Lot 173]
- Susan E., Sept 29, 1875-June 9, 1966 [Section 1912 Add. Lot 173]
- McKibben, Joe E., 1903-1944 and Dorothy, 1913-[blank] (sh)
- McMurtry, Gary E., 1966-2002 (sh)
- McNabb, Alva Bert, 1921-1971 [1946 Addition, Section 11, Lot 191, Space 1]
- McNeal, Karl H., TEC4 US Army, World War II, Nov 19, 1909-Apr 8, 1962 (sh)
- McPherson, Walter W., Nov 22, 1901-Sept 22, 1999 and Anna M., Nov 7, 1903-June 15, 1982 (sh)
- McVey, Germaine [no dates] (Death Certificate) (sh)
- Meade, Mabel Lisle, 1874-1960 (sh)
- Mechlin, Herbert C., Ohio, S1 USNR, World War II, Aug 10, 1919-June 6, 1958 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Meek, Dorothy M., 1908-1933 (sh)
- Meeks
- Harold J., 1898-1933 [Section 59]
- Buried alongside Juanita Meeks Miller (see below)
- Mary S., 1866-1946; Charles D., 1869-1938; and Mary M. Young, 1919-2000 [Section 59 Lot 129] (Contact: Matthew Meeks, )
- Mehomann, George F., died 14 Sept 1860, aged 57 years 4 months & 21 days
- The inscription is in German. If you want a complete literal translation, please, send a message to
- Mercer, Catherine, 1881-1959 (sh)
- Mettles, Mother, Daisy Della, March 16, 1873-April 2, 1955 (Obituary) (kss) (Contact: Lori Jackey, )
- Meurer, Rosalie E., died 7 Jan 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Mickelson, Helmer G., 1904-1979 and Anna Belle, 1901-1963 (mak)
- Miller
- Alice M., died 20 Apr 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Betty Ann, dau of William & Tena, Born Sept 30, 1933, aged 1 day (sh)
- Clarence F., 1903-1985 and Thelma E., 1903-1994 (mak)
- Earl F., 1906-1968 and Mabel R.1906-1999 (mak)
- Forrest R., October 24, 1935-October 1, 1980 and Marjorie F>, October 22, 1937-[blank] (mak)
- Frederick, 1870-1947 and Belle, 1875-1954
- Homer W., 1891-1987; Mary Pegg, 1900-1945; and Homer W., jr., 1924-1949 (mak)
- Jesse, 1866-1952 and Myrtle A.1880-1961 (mak)
- John W., 1905-1974 and Hazel N., 1919-1988 (mak)
- Juanita Meeks, 1899-1963 [Section 59]
- Buried alongside Harold J. Meeks (see above)
- Robert R., Ohio, TEC5 Infantry, World War II, Sept 9, 1921-Jan 11, 1970 [Section 69]
- Daughter, Marilyn Jane, 1935-1947 (mak)
- Oscar D., 1885-1947 and Ethel S., 1886-1978 (mak)
- Robert O., 1916-1968 and Mary E., 1913-1995 (mak)
- Robert W., TEC 4 US Army, Mar 29, 1916-Jun 13, 1974 (mak)
- William E., 1891, 1955, World War I [Section 28 East] (sh)
- William Wilbur, 1899-1991 and Mary W., 1899-1976 (mak)
- Millhon
- Mills
- John T., 1876-1941 and M. Grace, 1884-1972 [Old Section 58 Lot 252] (Contact Carol Reames, )
- John T. Mills, born 22 Oct 1876, Union County, OH, died 21 Apr 1914.
- M. Grace Mills, born 15 Dec 1884, died 13 Feb 1972
- Mahlon A., 1866-1937 and Margaret, 1865-1957 [Old Section 58]
- Virginia A., 1908-1998 [Old Section 58]
- Minturn (Contact Linda Gassen, )
- Arthur P., 1889-1973 and Mary L., 1896-1961 [Old Section 32 Lot 22] (mak)
- John R. Minturn, 1853-1932 (Obituary) and Rhoda A. 1857-1926 [Old Section 52 Lot 14
- Also buried in the same lot are, John Riley Minturn, Jr. and his wife Stella S. Barrow Minturn (no stone)
- Wife, Nina M., [no dates] and Husband, Virgil B., 1909-1957 [Old Section 71 Lot 193
- Mirise (Contact C. Hughes, )
James Henry's Obituaries
James Henry, Jr., died 19 Jun 1978 (Obituary; no stone)
- John, died 18 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Ralph J., May 19, 1886-Nov 30, 1937 and Elnora M., Feb 1, 1887-Apr 5, 1952 (sh)
- Verna M., 1890-1958 and Emmett, 1894-1972 [Old Section 71 Lot 40]
Mohler, John H., died 17 Oct 1979 (Obituary; no photo)
- Mother, Carrie M., 1885-1965, Daughters of Rebecca symbol, and Father, Henry H., 1889-1967, IOOF symbol [Old Cemetery Section 29 Lot 30 Spaces 4 & 5]
- Wife & Mother, Edna L., 1912-1940 (Death Certificate) [Old Cemetery Section 29 Lot 30 Space 3]
- Wife & Mother, Ethel M., 1907-1986, Daughters of Rebecca symbol [Old Cemetery Section 29 Lot 30 Space 1]
- Husband & Father, Lyman G., 1913-1990, Mason [Old Cemetery Section 29 Lot 30 Space 2]
Montague, Charles Russell, 1897-1989 (mak)
- Everett L., Sr., Ohio, CFR 112 FIELD SIG BN 37 DIV, World War I, Nov 25, 1878-Dec 8, 1950 (sh)
- Homer, 1881-1919, Woodmen of the World
- Jack C., Ohio, PVT HQ CO 3 BN 311 Infantry, World War II, March 29, 1897-Jan 16, 1953 (sh)
- John K., Ohio, PVT BTRY C 62 FIELD ARTY, World War I, Jun 14, 1901-July 16, 1958 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Marion Frank, Ohio, PFC US ARMY, World War II, Oct 2, 1907-March 25, 1973 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Lloyd E., 1913-1985 and Theressa O., 1913-1982 (sh)
Morris, George D., Ohio, PVT 1 CL, 319 Guard & Fire Co, [World War I] [Section 28 Lot 42] (sh)
Morton, Cora Della Blazer, 1884-1936 (sh)
Mullen, Daniel J., Jan 1, 1935-May 27, 1935 (Portrait) (sh)
- Daniel John, son of David Mullen & Nellie Macklane
Murphy, Robert J., M. D., 1923-2003 and Phyllis Ann, 1924-2000 (sh)
- Mother, Armelda J., [wife of Wm. H.], 1865-1952 [Section 1917 addition, lot 188] (sh)
- Father, Wm. H. [William Harrison], 1865-1919, Mason [Section 1917 addition, lot 188] (sh)
- Napier, James P., 1905-1943; Charles P., 1877-1949; and Mary, 1885-1959 (sh)
- Charles P., Ohio, PVT US Volunteer Inf, July 10, 1877-Oct 24, 1949
- Neal, Gladys, May 10, 1939 (sh)
- Daughter of Lavert Neal & Anna Weaver
- Near, James W., 1938-1996 [Mausoleum Chapel B Lot 23B Space 1] (mak)
- James Whitney Near, son of James Donald & Helen (German) Near, born 19 Mar 1938, Columbus, OH; died 22 Jul 1996, Atlant, GA
- Neil, Lewis, Ohio, PVT 51 INFANTRY 6 DIV, World War I, Feb 13, 1895-Nov 29, 1953 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- Nelson, Maude O., September 24, 1899-October 31, 1950 (mak)
- Nettleship
- Albert H., COL US Army, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Jul 7, 1918-Nov 28, 1985 (sh)
- Albert Wm, Oct 4, 1899-Oct 24, 1981, Mason (sh)
- Marjorie Duncan, Dec 30, 1919-Sept 22, 1991 (sh)
- Priscilla M., May 30, 1920-May 7, 2002 (sh)
- Robert S., Sr., CPO US Coast Guard, World War II, June 24, 1921-Nov 24, 1992 (sh)
- Nicholson
- Albert H., 1902-1960; Kathryn, 1901-1992 (Whole stone) (mak)
- Albert H. Nicholson, born 6 Apr 1902, died 24 May 1960; married Kathryn Brown, born 1 May 1901, died 28 Aug 1992
- (Family Plot) (mn)
- Father, Claude E., 1880-1969; Mother, Nellie M., 1883-1964; and Sone, Marion E., 1912-1927 (mak)
- Kenneth E., 1906-1980 and Paulina F., 1899-1988 (mak)
- Nicklaus, L. Charles, 1913-1979 and Nellie Helen, 1909-2000 (mak)
- Nigh [Section: Old Lot 299]
Listed in order photographed
- William H., Dec 30, 1838-May 3, 1918 and Mary C., wife of Wm H, Sept 4, 1849-Jan'y 3, 1913 (Whole stone) (sah)
- Ray, Sep 22, 1889-Jan 12, 1911 (Obituary) (sah)
- Son of William H. and Mary C. Nigh and first husband of Lydia (Haueisen) Nigh Hawley.
- Pauline Olive, July 5, 1910-Apr 11, 1911 (Obituary) (sah)
- Daughter of Ray and Lydia (Haueisen) Nigh
- Lee A., 1880-1904 (sah)
- Son of William H. and Mary C. Nigh.
- Emma Nigh, wife of L. P. Eichenlaub, 1886-1905 (sah)
- Daughter of William H. and Mary C. Nigh.
- Nipper, James E., died 22 Sep 1975 (Obituary; no photo)
- Nordman, Victor, Ohio, PVT 1 CL 324 FIELD ARTY 83 DIV, June 8, 1892-Sept 28, 1944 (sh)
- Norris, Richard G., SGT US Army, World War II, Mar 13, 1910-Feb 12, 1987 (sh)
- O'Brien, Husband, Edward J., 1890-1961 (Contact Michael,
- O'Day, Jame A., 1879-1956 and Cora Elizabeth (McCarter), 1871-1956 (mak)
- Ogan, Nora W., 1886-1957 and Lucius, 1879-1923 [1917 Addition, Lot 720; contact Sue Kramer, ]
- Nora was the daughter of Levi & Hannah Jane (__?__) Wollam, died 3 Sep 1957
- Lucius Ogan, born 12 Jun 1879, died 18 Jan 1923.
- Ogle
- Olds, Joseph, Jan 24, 1915-Aug 4, 1979, married Dec 18, 1954, Mary L., June 18, 1925-Dec 15, 1992, (mak)
- I told you I was sick, Mary.
- Olivere, "Sharry" Anneta S., Nov 7, 1947-Aug 6, 1949 (Whole stone) [Old section 71 Lot 186]
- O'Neal, Mary Ellen, died 4 Apr 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Orahood, Alex, 1868-1942; Katherine M., 1873-1933; Wilbur E., 1905-1980; and Edna M., 1912-1987 (Jeanne Crews--)
- Ortman
- Bartholemew, 1842-1904 and Ellen C., his wife, 1848-1902
- Charlie Henry, Aug 16, 1877
- Samuel, 1813-1868; Harriet E., his wife, 1811-1868; and Elizabeth O., 1847-1865
- Samuel, son of B & E [remaing inscription buried]
- Ott
- Henry J., buried 1 Dec 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Martha Elizabeth, died 16 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- NOTE: The obituary gives the surname as "Opp," but Martha's death certificate: Franklin County, Volume #4878, Certificate #62949 lists the name as "Ott."
- Pace, Ernest J., 11 Nov 1879-19 Jun, 1946 and Cornelia P., 1878-1963
- See E. J. Pace for photographs, biography, and more by Alec Stevens ().
- Page
- Parker, Daughter, Colleen Ann, 1940-1987 and Mother, Dorothy Marie Doughty, 1919-1989 (ep)
- Parks, David Edwin, Ohio, TEC4 SVC 255 INFANTRY, World War II BSM-PH, May 4, 1915-Dec 2, 1958 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Parsons, Arthur, CO C, 4 Ohio INF, SP-AM War [Old Section 14 Lot 273] (sh)
- Paul, Ralph L., died 27 Jul 1974 (Obituary; no photo)
- Pendleton, James W., May 2, 1869-Jan 2, 1915, Woodmen of the World; May Ingerham, Nov 27, 1872-June 2, 1962; and Wesley Everett, Oct 18, 1898-Feb 15, 1934 (sh)
- Penn
- Penrod
- Alice J., 1858-1936 and David J., 1856-1931 [next to Loris G., see below]
- Herman, Aug 22, 1897-Aug 10, 1966, Ohio, Y2 US NAVY, World War II; and to the right Helen Parrish Penrod, buried 11 May 1962 [Section 31 Lot 51] (Contact Anne Lockard, )
- Loris G., 1891-1916, Prepared for life; Stricken at its threshold.
- Persinger, James E., Nov 1940-Jan 1941 [son of James E. &anp; Evelyn (Stephenson) Persinger] (mak)
- Peters
- Alva Lawrence, Nov 18, 1876-April 9, 1969 and Grace Seymour, August 18, 1877-October 11, 1957 (mak)
- Edna M., 1914-1916 (mak)
- Helen L., 1873-1922 (mak)
- Wife, Kathryn, 1865-1922; Husband, Joseph, 1863-1944; and Wife, Ida, 1877-1937 (mak)
- Petree
- Martha Elizabeth Darragh, Feb 18, 1899-Feb 12, 1985, OES, born Anderson, Indiana, died Columbus, Ohio (DAR, Deltz Zeta) and Judge Charles Russell, Dec 19, 1899-Jan 17, 1982, Mason, born Union County, TN, died Columbus, Ohio (SAR, American Legion)
- Robert Larcomb, Feb 11-23, 1963
- Peyton, Retta, 1872-1952 (Contact Aubrey Nelson, )
- Pheneger
- Pierce, Frank Richard, Ohio, PVT 53 General Hospital, World War II, Dec 4, 1903-July 21, 1958 (sh)
- Pierson, Mary Elizabeth, 1928-1931
- Polaski, Donatus B., 1892-1933 and Catherine A., 1892-1970 (sh)
- Polihronopolis
- Father, Christos, 1883-1951 and Mother, Panaciota, 1889-1943 (mak)
- George, TEC 5 US Army, World War II, Oct 1, 1916-Oct 15, 1984 (sh)
- Thomas, 1914-1989 (sh)
- Polis, Louie N., July 29, 1877-May 24, 1955; Maria I., July 2, 1883-Dec 27, 1952; and George I., Feb 2, 1922-Apr 29, 1980
- Pondo, George, died 2 Jul 1932 (Obituary; no photo)
- Port
- Porter, Raymond, 6 Nov 1916-12 Apr 1988 (Obituary; no photo) [New Cemetery-1946 Addition, Section 2 Lot 140]
- Powell, Charles M., Ohio, SGT, 70 Base Unit AAF, World War II, Aug 13, 1905=April 19, 1953 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Powers
- Pratt, William F., California, S2 US Navy, World War II, Dec 7, 1926-Jan 17, 1969 (sh)
- Preston, Cassie (Obituary; no photo)
- Probasco
- Quinn, John, 1862-1918, Woodmen of the World, Redwood Camp 88
- Radeff, Petre, 1897-1950 (portrait) and Mita, 1903-1991 [Section "Old" 71]
- Radel, [Ethel] Joan, [Dec 13, 1929]-Aug 5 1930 (Death Certificate) (sh)
- Rambo, Delmar S., Nov 30, 1924-Nov 16, 1987 and Virginia, 1928-[blank] (mak)
- Ramlow (Plot marker)
- Ramsey, Paul Kingsford (Obituary; no photo)
- Ranck, Milton, Jan 19, 1851-Dec 6, 1909, Woodmen of the World
- Rarey (Plot)
- Raver, Clarke A., 1894-1953 and Ruth Beall, 1902-1964 (mak)
- Rayburn, Benjamin Franklin, died 15 Aug 1946 (Obituary; no photo) [Old Section 66 Lot 37 Space 2]
- Ream, Samuel, 1886-1959 and Pearl M. [Hull], 1887-1965 [Lot 112 Sec. 79]
- Samuel died 15 Dec 1959, Largo, FL age 73.
- Pearl M. (Hull) Ream, daughter of Jacob Hull, born 21 Jun 1887, died 3 Jun 1965.
- Reames, Gilbert, Ohio, [PVT Battery C 35 ARTY CAC, World War I, died 5 May 1931] [Section 28 Lot 3 grave 4] (sh)
- Reidenbach
- Frederick A., 1897-1974 and Ruth C., 1898-1976 (sh)
- Gerald C., Ohio, 2 LT, 384 AAF FTR SQ, World War II, September 1, 1923-December 4, 1944 (sh)
- Peggy Ellen, June 8, 1960-December 8, 1992 (sh)
- Reidling, Harry E., 1886-1955 and Clara I., 1891-1981 (mak)
- Reiniger, Anna E., 1877-1957 and Joseph A., 1871-1933 (sh)
- Rhoades, Jerusha, died Dec 18, 1891, aged 67y 11m 18d (sh)
- Richards, John T[homas], 1875-1942; Lucinda, 1888-1955; John S., 1917-1986; and Eloise A., 1920-[blank] (Contact Linda Harrison, )
- Riley, David E., Aug 10, 1910-July 15, 1941 (sh)
- Robins, Harry H., 1888-1966 and Iola E., 1893-1951 (sh)
- Robinson
- Rodgers
- Roseboom
- Rosenthal, Sallie, 1942-1988 (sh)
- Ross, James W., 1861-1917, Woodmen of the World
- Rossiaky, Steve T., Aug 27, 1926-Aug 5, 1932 (Portrait) (sh)
- Rudell, Andrew, July 30, 1868-June 2, 1910, Woodmen of the World; and Ella, Dec 11, 1862-Jan 23, 1932
- Rumerstracke, Almeda Jane, 1859-1939 (sh)
- Rupert, Evelyn A., 1914-1986 (sh)
- Sabados, Mary Catherine, Jan 19-21, 1927 (sh)
- Salmon, Mother, Retta, 1862-1940 (mak)
- Salyer, Virginia, Nov 19, 1919 (sh)
- Sanaker, Mary W., 1798-Oct 22, 1894 [Located at end of row of Whip stones, next to George Whip--see below]
- Sauter, Carl, Ohio, CORPL 354 AERO SQDN, December 16, 1928 (sh)
- Sayre, Andrew D. (See Semens)
- Schroeder
- Lucille Lee, Feb 6, 1899-Jun 17, 1999 (sh)
- Raymond H., COL US Army, World War I & II, Mar 10, 1896-May 11, 1963 (sh)
- Scott (Plot Marker)
- Seeger, Elisabeth, geb. 9 Nov 1829, gest. 15 Dez 1901 [Inscription in German] (sh)
- Seely, George W., 1919-1943, He gave his life for his country in Italy, and Mable E., 1923-1945 (Portrait)
- Sellner, Mary, 1852-1927 (sh)
- Sellers, Naomi B., died 16 Feb 1961 (Obituary; no photo)
- Semens
- Earl M., Ohio, STAFF SGT 68 AAF BOMB SQ, World War II, Jan 15, 1921-Nov 23, 1943 [Old section 68 Lot 169 Space 1]
- James H., 1893-1960; Goldie, 1897-1980; and Our little angel, Andrew D. Sayre, 1975-1977 [Old section 69]
- Septer
- Shaffer, Lyman, 1836-1919 and Catherine, his wife, 1839-1917 (sh)
- Shannon
- Father, Alexander R., 1869-1961; Mother, Martha L., 1872-1919; and Son Victor Reid, 1898-1915 (mak)
- Charles Frederick, 25 Nov 1877-19 Nov 1956 and Vinnia Henrietta (Dawson), 26 Apr 1880-28 Dec, 1971 [Lot 103 #70] (Contact: Jody Myers, )
- Father, Charles O., 1897-1958 and Mother, Mary L., 1898-1975 (mak)
- Della, 1883-1940 (mak)
- George T[homas], 1867-1937 (mak)
- Father, Harry W., 1904-1968 (mak)
- John E., 1862-1923 and his wife, Anna M., 1870-1946 (mak)
- Beloved mother of twins, Olive E., Nov 16, 1904-Apr 27, 1941 (mak)
- Richard L., Ohio, PFC CO U QM BDE I Army, Vietnam, Feb 12, 1946-May 29, 1970 (mak)
- Infant, Robert L., 1928-1929 and Mother, Eva A., 1905-1986 (mak)
- Shaw
- Sheets, Lorenzo D., March 26, 1927-June 23, 1982 (sh)
- Sherman, Dad, John P., PVT US Army, Dec 20, 1900-Jan 22, 1974 (sh)
- Shockley
- Shook, Olga Baird, July 31, 1895-Oct 3, 1986 and Howard W., Apr 29, 1882-Apr 13, 1950
- Showalter, Jennie L., 1918-1949 (mak)
- Shutt, Father, Samuel, 1870-1943 and Mother, Ida (Lumber), 1871-1939 [Old Cemetery Sect 64, Lot 16, Spaces 4 & 5] (Contact: William R. Shutt, )
- Samuel H. Shutt was born in Lancaster, Ohio 13 Aug 1870, the son of William H. Shutt (b. Penn. Dec. 1817) and Sarah Jane (Kuntz) Shutt (b. Lancaster, Ohio, Nov. 1827).
- Ida (Lumber) Shutt was born 18 Dec 1871, in Ironton, Ohio, the daughter of Christian Lumber, b. in Germany and Elizabeth (Wood) Lumber, b. Sep 1849 in Ohio. (Ida's obituary)
- Shuttleworth, George C., 1909-1991 and Florence, 1918-2002 [1946 Addition Section 4 Lot76 Spaces 7 & 8]
- Their daughter, Joanne C. Shuttleworth, 16 Feb 1949-11 Jan 2006, was cremated and her ashes buried with them; she has no stone.
- Sinclair
- Daisy Alice, wife of Starling S, Mar 11, 1881-Jan 30, 1978 (sh)
- Starling S., SGT LT BTRY H Ohio NG, SP AM WAR, Jan 22, 1879-Sept 26, 1936 (sh)
- Sines, Mother, Julia [Fancher], 1849-1914 (Death certificate) [OC, 1912 Addition, Lot 26, Space 1?]
- Slack
- Charles W., son of Charles W & Isabel, Sept 2, 1935-Aug 24, 1942 (sh)
- James Monroe, died 28 Oct 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Sly, Sister, Beulah B. (Budd), 1885-1941 [Old Cemetery Section 55 Lot 135 Space 3 - See also Dowd]
- Slyh
- Bessie, died Oct 30, 1933
- E. H., died Feb 25, 1842, aged 1 year 11 m & 4 d
- Jacob E., May 30, 1831-Jan 8, 1906 and Louisa, wife of J E, Oct 22, 1837-July 14, 1900 (Whole stone)
- Illegible, son of J E & L Slyh, died Sept 13, 186?, aged 2 ys 3 mo 17 ds
- Mathias, died February 6th, 1843, aged 78 years [4th great-grandfather of Rev. John Gray, ]
- Plot marker, Father, John W., 1844-1938 and, Mother, Sarah M., 1845-1916
- Smiley
- Elizabeth White, wife of Ab???, died Jan 15, 1887, aged [illigble] (sh)
- George E., 1828-1903 and Sarah J., 1834-1919 (full stone) (sh)
- George E., died Feb 22, 1890, aged 19y 10m 3d (sh)
- (Smiley Stone) (Contact Cindy, )
- William, died Sept 27, 1873, aged 84 yrs 3 mo 13 ds; and Nancy, wife of Wm., died Mar 24, 1885, aged 83 yrs 4 mo 11 d
- William, son of W. & N., died Aug 14, 1850, aged 18 yrs 6 mos 28 ds; and Sarah J., dau of W. & N., died Aug 30, 1831, aged 1 yr 5 mo 4 ds
- Robert, died City Hospital [?], Philadelphia, Penn, May 19, 1861, aged 24 years
- Smith
- Agnes B., New Hampshire, NURSE ARMY NURSE CORPS, World War I, July 20, 1977-June 21, 1958 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Cassius O., Ohio, Wagoner 159 Depot Brig, June 28, 1889-June 29 1946 (sh)
- Edgar Riley, Ohio SGT BTRY F324 FIELD ARTY, World War II, Sept 20, 1893-Jan 31, 1958 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- George W., 1846-1921; Elizabeth, 1859-1925; Samuel C., 1880-1884; and Marie C., 1879-1932 (sh)
- Jessie Melvina, died 16 Mar 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Joseph A., Ohio, SGT CO F 347 INF 87 DIV, World War I, May 19, 1894-Sept 14, 1960 (sh)
- Father, Joseph W., Feb 18, 1853-Jan 16, 1940 and, mother, Ella S.Sept 12, 1857-Sept 4, 1935 (kb)
- Judith R., Feb 15, 1942-July 12, 200 and Ronald L., Apr 20, 1943-[blank]
- Leo W., buried 2 Sep 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- Minnie, 1871-1928 (kb)
- Paul Alan, 1888-1918 (kb)
- Roy Ripley, 1877-1962 and Minnie B. Young, 1876-1915 (kb)
Walter Standish, 1877-1940, Inventor of the Exact Weight Scale, and his wife, Mary B., 1881-1950 (Detail)
- Walter W., March 27, 1895-Jan 31, 1953, Mason; and Cleo P., Spet 23, 1896-Sept 8, 1951, OES (mak)
- William H., 1884-1957 and Florence L., 1890-1981 (kb)
- Smithers, Charles M., died 6 Jun 1935 (Obituary; no photo)
- Snook, Matilda, 1857-1914
- Snoots
- Homer, 1860-1916 and Dora R., 1866-1947, Woodmen of the World
- M. Rhea, Nov 13, 1890-June 30, 1974 (sh)
- Snouffer
- Spain, Madison S., 1866-1936 and Sirrilda, 1885-1929 (Portrait)
- Sparks, Steven Lee, Ohio, PFC US Marine Corps, Vietnam PH [Purple Heart], July 14, 1948-April 6, 1968 (sh)
- Sprague
- Spencer
- Spielman, Stefanie L., July 18, 1967-Nov 19, 2009 and Charles C., Oct 11, 1965-Blank
- Spillman
- St. John
- Starn, Walter Howard, Ohio, PVT 124 Base Unit AAF, World War II, April 30, 1899-Nov 24, 1962 (sh)
- Stavroff
- Sophie, Feb 24, 1943-Aug 1, 1944 (sh)
- Tommy, July 2, 1946-July 27, 1947 (sh)
- Steier, Peter, died 5 Feb 1949 (Obituary; no photo)
- Stephenson, William F., 1886-1932 [Section 59 Lot 64] (mak)
- First husband of Mary L. (Anderson) Stephenson Bothman
- Stewart, Winford J., Ohio, 51 FIELD ARTY BRIG 26 DIV, December 14, 1937 (sh)
- Stimmel, Tom E., M SGT US Army, Apr 22, 1915-Jan 12, 2001 (sh)
- Stopa, Mike, Pennsylvania, T SGT 4152 AAF BASE UNIT, World War II DFC-AM & 301C, Aug 11, 1919-Sept 16, 1952 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
- Strait
- Strum, Jos., CO F, 4 NY INF
- Summers, Emmer, Ohio, PVT HOSP TRAIN, World War II, June 9, 1900-July 11, 1951 [Section 1515 Addition Lot 193] (sh)
- Suttles, Harrison W., [Oct 12] 1896-Jul 7, 1972 (sh)
- Syfert, Anna E. [Marling], 1876-1978 (Obituary; no photo)
- Tabern, Henry, died 5 Jan 1935 (Obituary; no photo)
- Taylor
- Tewell, Walter H., Ohio, PVT 329 INF 83 INF DIV, World War II, Aug 10, 1911-Dec 1, 1970 (sh)
- Theado, George E., Sr., 1889-1951 and Emma C., 1889-1940 (mak)
- Then
- Mother, Cleo O., 1901-1978 (sh)
- Gust, Jr., Ohio, PVT 365 CO MTC, World War I, Feb 11, 1892-Sept 14, 1959 (sh)
Thomas, R. David, 1932-2002 [Mausoleum Chapel B Lot 1B Space 1] (mak)
- Adopted son of Rex & Helen (German) Thomas, borh 2 Jul 1932 in Atlantic City, NJ; died 8 Jan 2002 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL; founder of Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers
- Thompson (For additional information contact Jenny)
- Benjamin F., 1865-1948 [Old side; Lot 154 Sec. 68, buried 22 Apr 1948]
- Dorothy Wright, 1901-1937 [buried in Wright plot; see below] (sh)
- Emma J[ane], 1872-1946 [Old side; Lot 154 Sec. 68, buried 23 Jul 1946]
- Helen Katherine, died 14 Feb 1946 (Obituary; no photo)
- Isaac, CO F, 1 OHIO CAV [Old Section 14 Lot 219] (sh)
- John A., PVT US ARMY, World War I, May 15, 1895-Nov 3, 1969 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Leo, Jan 26, 1906-July 1, 1963, Ohio, PFC 4230 QMASTER CO, World War II [Old side; Lot 28 Sec. 33, buried 5 Jul 1963]
- Robert E. "Jim", 1929-2001 (sh)
Thurness, Helen Agnes, died, died 20 Jul 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
Timson (See Eyster)
- Edgar E, 1888-1964 and Mabel M., 1892-1974 1946 Addition Section 1 Lot 346]
- Elihu, 1869-19[48]; Barbara his wife, 1871-1929; Clarence, thier son, 1912-1929 [Old Cemetery Section 54 Lot 90]
- Mother, Margaret L., June 16, 1905-Feb 3, 1980 [Old Cemetery Section 70 Lot 170 Space 2]
- Opal G., 1912-1979 and Harry N., 1907-1972 1946 Addition Section 10 Lot 137]
- Plot monument [Section North of Road 3 West, Row 16]
Tisliacos, Spiro G., TSGT US AIR FORCE, World War II, Apr 3, 1919-Sep 25, 1991 [Section 28 East East] (sh)
Toner, Robert S., beloved son of Margaret, 1899-1923 (sh)
Torpey, Thomas C., 1874-1947 and Zella L., 1886-1970 (Whole stone) ["Old" Section 68 Lot 116, spaces 2 & 3] Contact Kevin Large, ()
Toy, Erected to the memory of our father & mother H & R Toy, Harrison, born in Va, Aug 8, 1816, was a soldier in CO F 15th Regt. O. Volunteers, died Jan 8, 1864, aged 47y 5m; and Rebecca, wife of Harrison, born in Penn, Mar 23, 1821, died Dec 29, 1872, aged 50y 9m 6d (Whole stone)
Trace, Warren S., June 13, 1880-April 15, 1942 and Ethel Denny, his wife, November 10, 1884-October 20, 1970 (Whole stone) (sh)
Trees, Forest E., 1885-1945 and Etheyl M., 1882-1962
Trigg, Foster Jacob, 1908-1972, Mason; and Laura (Fleak), 1907-1999, Order of Eastern Star (OES) (Whole stone) [Section 3-East Lot 674] Contact Kevin Large, ()
Tronicker, Walter C., died 31 Jul 1970 (Obituary; no photo)
Trubee (Contact Barbara Murray, )
Tsakiris, Stavros, 1893-1938 (Portrait) [Section 28 East] (sh)
Turner, Mom, Mary G., 1880-1974 (sh)
- Ulrey Jack Leroy, July 13, 1935-April 12, 1936 (sh)
- Vance, Alma K., died 16 Jul 1980 (Obituary; no photo)
- Vanciver
- Van Meter, Paul L., Ohio, PVT 199 OM Gas Suply Co, World War II, Nov 9, 1926-Oct 13, 1952 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Van Wirt, Mildred Jane (Thornton), died 19 Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo)
- Verros, William M., Illinois, Band Sgt, 552 FA 86 DIV, World War I, May 18, 1894-Feb 18, 1951 (sh)
- Vincent, Eugene H., March 22, 1912-July 29, 1953 and Virginia A., Feb 13, 1912-Dec 25, 1991 (Whole stone) (sh)
- Vines, Mary E., died 24 Aug 1938 (Obituary; no photo)
- Voelker, Lillian Eleanor, died 6 May 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- Volz, Dorothea Peters, 1907-1943 (mak)
- Von Ins, Margaret M., Dec 11, 1911-Feb 14, 1987 (mc)
- Margaret was the daughter of Leonard A. & Edith (Keller) Ryan
- Vonwillie, Joseph P., 1890-1945 and Ethel M., 1889-1959 (sh)
- Voorhees, Samuel H., 1847-1920 (sh)
- Wade (For additional information contact Jenny)
- Arnold, Dec 1, 1894-March 1, 1946 [Old side; Lot 32 Sec. 66, buried 4 Mar 1946]
- Ethel, 1900-1943 [Old side; Lot 11 Sec. 30, buried 3 Jan 1944]
- Waelde, William E., 1876-1935 and Mollie, 1875-1949 (Obituary) [Old Section 64 Lot 1] (Contact D. Dewey Allen, )
- Wakefield (Plot, Old Section 29 Lot 61) (llf)
- Mother, Betty M., April 25, 1924-May 4, 2000 (llf)
- Betty Mae Kuehner, daughter of Harry Robert Kuehner; she married 1st, Robert Alfred Nothstine Sr. (divorced); she married 2nd, Edward Wakefield Jr.
- Edward, Jr., Ohio, S SGT AT CO 147 Infantry, World War II, Aug 18, 1905-Jan 1, 1969 (llf)
- Son of Edward & Rose E. Wakefield; Rose is also buried in this lot but there is no stone for her
- George W., 1912-1944 (llf)
- Norma M., 1913-1998 (llf)
- Walcutt
- Harrison, died Jan 20, 1867, aged 44 yrs 27 ds; on same stone, Children of H & R Delmon C., Emaline O., Mary F.; and on same stone, Ruth, 1836-1924
(Whole stone)
- Illegible, son? of H & ?, died May 2, 18??, aged 4 mo 3 ds
- James J., 1867-1958
- James J., 1913-1958 and Elizabeth, 1916-1996
- Serena A., wife of Harrison, died Feb 20, 1849, aged 19 ys 10 mos
- Walker
- Infant Daughter, April 1942 (sh)
- Buried 24 Apr 1942, daughter of Leroy and Sarah (Hall) Walker
- Margaret, Jan 1939 (sh)
- Buried 23 Jan 1939, daughter of Leroy and Sarah (Hall) Walker
- Walters, Frank P., 1889-1944, USMC 1913-1918, Mason (sh)
- Ware, Frank C., 1877-1931 (Whole stone) (sh)
- Wareham
- Albert, son of Wm & A, died Sept 24, 1842, aged [illegible]
- Husband, Philip, 1851-1917
- Levine, died 19 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- William O., 1827-1907 and Amanda, his wife, 1830-1921
- William Richard, 1871-1926
- Washburn, Carl E., Ohio, S1, US Navy, World War II, Korea, August 24, 1925-February 22, 1972 (llf)
- Waterman
- Watson (Plot Marker front - back) [Section 3W, Lot 202] (Contact: Bobbie (Watson) Mathis)
- Weate
- Mother, Ethel, 1889-1963 and Dad, John J., 1883-1971 (Sh)
- William Henry, Ohio, Ship's Cook 2CL, US Navy, February 20, 1945, age 20 years, 8 months (sh)
- Webb, George, England, PVT CO I NY Dragoons, Civil War, [died] September 3, 1926 (sh)
- Weber
- Edward, October 6, 1907-August 19, 1973 (Portrait detail) [Sec. 69]
- George, March 30, 1843-July 7, 1907, CO C 113 REG OVI; Amelia, his wife, Sept 14, 1844-Mar 22, 1934; and on back, Lora H., Sept 26, 1874-July 4, 1929 (sh)
- Helen Riviere, died 17 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Weisengger, Sylvester J., 1890-1919, Woodmen of the World
- Welch, Ronald Roy, Jan 4, 1937 (sh)
- Son of Glen R. Welch & Evelyn Johnson
- Wells, Wm., CO L, 10 OHIO INF, SP AM WAR (sh)
- Westcott, Fred T., died 27 May 1945 (Obituary; no photo)
- Westervelt, Howard B., 1857-1942 and Alice S., 1860-1940 (sh)
- Wheeler, Clate, 1889-1950 and Gertrude M., 1899-1964 (mak)
- Whip
- [All in a single row; listed left to right]
- Frederick E. (or A.), died 17 Sep 1943 (Obituary; no photo) [Old Section 60 Lot 22 Space 6]
- John [no dates]
- Nancy M [or H], dau of [illegible], died Sept 22, 1854, aged 4 ys 10 mo 8 ds
- Barnabus P., son of G.P. & L., Sep 28, 1858-Oct 17, 1859
- Peter, [no dates; G. A. R. marker indicated Civil War veteran]
- Sarah, 1843-1871
- William, 1839-1924
- Elizabeth, 1837-1924
- Mary, wife of George, died Dec 13, 1876, aged 89 yrs
- George, May 12, 1792-Sep 15, 1873
- Plot monument [Section North of Road 3 West, Row 15] (Contact Cindy, )
- White
- Charles W., 1864-1895 and Hattie Belle Boyer, 1864-1943 (sh)
- Frank L., 1890-1958 (sh)
- Hallie A., US ARMY, World War I, Jan 11, 1891-Dec 27, 1977 (sh)
- Harry L., Sept 14, 1880-Aug 1, 1955 [Section 71]
- Horace P., 1909-1986 and Mildred L., 1909-1989 (mak)
- Mildred L., daughter of Alvah & Grace (Symour) Peters, born 26 Oct 1909, died 21 Apr 1989; married Horace P. White, born 14 Jan 1905, died 6 Dec 1986
- John Wesley, Ohio, T SGT 1520 SVC COMD UNIT, World War II, May 6, 1903-April 12, 1953 (sh)
- Margaret G., daughter of A.A. & M.I., 1901-1919
- Mary I., 1876-1941 and Alva A., 1874-1963
- Whittaker, Eldridge L., Ohio, PVT CO A 5 DEV BN, World War I, Apr 24, 1891-May 1, 1956 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Whitten, Ellenora Ruth, Aug 6, 1906-Apr 12, 1993 (sh)
- Whittridge
- Byrd J., 1883-1936 and Zema D., 1893-1966 [Section 52 on other side of Dell stone (see above)]
- Byrdell, Aug 17, 1913-Feb 25, 19__, Ohio, 1ST LT 35 FIELD HOSPITAL, Wolrd War II [Section 52]
- Wightman, William H., Jan 22, 1870-Oct 7, 1916 (sh)
- Wilcox, Flora, died Mar 18, 1864, aged 5y 3m 3d (sh)
- Wild
- Willcox, Hiram, killed in Battle of Kenesaw Mountain, GA, June 27, 1864, aged 27 yrs and Louisa O., died Nov 1, 1892, aged 57y 9m 11d (Close-up) (sh)
- Williams
- Anna Lee, Jan 18, 1882-Feb 9, 1922 (sh)
- Dorothy, died 5 Mar 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- Frank E., June 5, 1881-June 18, 1920 (sh)
- John A., PVT US Army, World War II, 1901-1977 (sh)
- Kenneth C, Ohio, CPL 610 BASE UNIT AAF, World War II, Jun 4, 1913-Oct 22, 1956 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Richard V., Sept 14, 1931-Feb 4, 2005 and Arlene E., Apr 17, 1941-June 7, 1990
- Willis
- Wilson
- Alice J. E., 1849-1934, wife of Rector R., 1837-1924, N.H-D.V.S., VA. (sh)
- Benjamin, died April 5, 1822, aged 24 y 10 m 29 d (sh)
- Edith Hill, 1882-1945 (sh)
- John, died Dec 27, 1813, aged 75 years 10 mo, and 27 days (sh)
- Martha, died Jan 4, 1812, aged 74 years (sh)
- Mother, Stella J., 1895-1958 (sh)
- Wingert
- Lucile E., Jun 17, 1909-May 10, 1987 (sh)
- Walter L., A/SGT US Army Air Force, World War II, Feb 17, 1915-Aug 25, 1992 (sh)
- Winstead
- Lloyd B., Ohio, PFC 367 BAKERY CO QMC, World War I, March 3, 1896-April 23, 1969 [Section 28 East] (sh)
- Nina M., 1892-1973 (sh)
- Mother, Sarah E., 1869-1959 (sh)
- Wingerring, Sylvester, PFC US Army, World War II, Oct 24, 1901-Aug 6, 1984 (sh)
- Wise, Alva H., Jr., May 14, 15, 1939 (sh)
- Wiseb
- Fred, died July 17, 1855, aged 65 yrs 9 mo 22ds
- Hollis W., July 1, 1917-Sept 26, 1996 and Mildred Marie, Dec 20, 1919-Aug 18, 1992
- Hollis Weber, Jr., Aug 5, 1950-Nov 20, 1950
- Woodruff Plot Marker (sh)
- Wooster, Earnest B., Ohio, PFC 166 Infantry 42 Div, World War I, Jan 3, 1899-Oct 15, 1949 (sh)
- Wright,
- Wyatt, Willis Terry, PVT US Army, Vietnam, Dec 13, 1933-Mar 13, 1999 (sh)
- Yates
- Young, Mary M. 1919-2000 (see Meeks)
- Zeek, Oscar, Ohio, PVT 1 CL 86 TRANS CORPS, May 2, 1893-Aug 22, 1944
- Ziegler
- Betty J., Ohio, 1ST LT Army Nurse Corps, World War II, Dec 26, 1913-Dec 12, 1968 (sh)
- Louis C., PVT CO C 8 REGT OHIO INF, SP-AM War, Jun 12, 1876-Nov 17, 1953 (sh)
- Unknown
- Possible HESS family; found in close proximity:
- Mary, wife of ??bg McCormick, died Dec 18, 1846 in the 71st year of her life (sh)
- "Tommy" March 1, 1944-Nov 23, 1955