Some of the links provided on this page are geared for the very young visitor, but I enjoyed and learned from every one of them. I hope you, too, will have a similar experience. You will need to use your browser's "BACK" function to return to this page.
For any who are curious about your state's place in history at timeline is a wonderful way to satisfy that curiosity. Here is a wonderful link to Ohio's place in time: Ohio Timeline of State History
Much of the information on this page was found in a wonderful little book, Along the Ohio Trail, compiled for the Ohio Auditor of State's office; it is available online at:
An interesting booklet is a 1947 compilation that was handed out, "Compliments of The Great Northern Building and Loan Comapany," of Barberton, Ohio. It is described as "A pictoral guide to hsitorical and scenic places of interest to the motorist by A. D. Small." -- SEE OHIO FIRST

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