FOLLOWING the agitation which led to the establishment of the State Soldier's and Sailors' Home in Sandusky, the members of the Ladies Aid Society called the attention of the General Assembly to the fact that a number of heroic women who had served the country faithfully as army nurses in the War of the Rebellion, were living in Ohio in such circumstances that a proper sense of their past services rendered it imperative that they should be equally cared for with the ex-soldier and his children. Accordingly, the General Assembly in 1891 passed an act appropriating twenty-five thousand dollars to be used in building a suitable home for army nurses, the money to be expended under the direction of a board of managers appointed for that purpose. Under the provisions of this act a site was selected at Madison, Lake county, a house was built and opened for nurses in 1892.
p style="text-indent : 0.25in;line-height: 100%; margin-top: 1; margin-bottom: 1" align="justify">The trustees on location and construction were: Hon. A. H. McCoy, Mrs. Ada L. Clarke, Mrs. Margaret A. Beale, N. Stratton, and P. H. Cowels; H. F. Lindsey, architect; C. H. Pancoast, superintendent of construction, and E. L. Winchell, contractor.
The state has since been to no expense in operating the Home which is cared for by the contributions of the several soldier organizations.
IN the year of 1886 a bill introduced by Representative Palmer of Cuyahoga, himself a blind man, was passed by the General Assembly authorizing the appointment of a board of trustees, whose duty it should be to locate and operate an institution in which the blind adults of Ohio might be given employment and sustneance, with the promise on the part of the friends of the measure that with some material assistance from the State in the organization of such a home, it would become self-supporting. The institution was located at Iberia and opened within a reasonable time after the trustees were appointed. It was destroyed by fire in 1895, leaving the inmates with insufficient accomodations, both in their industrial and Domestic Departments. The General Assembly not being satisfied with the success of the exeriment refused to rebuild the buildings so destroyed, and eventually ordered the aboandonment of the institution.
The trustees of the home who gave unselfishly of their time and means toward making the home self-supporting during the terms of their incumbency were:
