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To Hon. M. Sutliff, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Private.                                                                                        TREASURY DEPARTMENT,

May 1, 1861.

MY DEAR JUDGE: I thank you for your letter. The response of the States to the appeal of the Government is, indeed, most gratifying. Maryland, you will see, is rapidly returning to her loyalty. Kentucky and Missouri, I hope, will not be far behind her. You may be very sure there will be no negotiation with the Disunionists, though the return of the States which have been precipitated into disunion to their loyalty will be hailed, of course, with pleasure. The most energetic measures our means allow will be taken, and I think all impartial men will in the end be satisfied with the course of the Administration.
I thank you personally for your kind expressions towards me, and I hope you will never have, occasion to withdraw your confidence.
My despatches to the Western Collectors, I see, have produced their intended effect, though they were not exactly what they ought to have been, in as much as no clearances are required on Western waters. Instructions will be forwarded immediately to all Collectors to prevent, by all proper means, shipments of arms, munitions, provisions and other commodities to States now in hostility to the Union.


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Annual Report of the American Historical Association; Volume II; Washington, Government Printing Office; 1903

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