
This site is affiliated with the American Local History Network of Ohio and is an independent site dedicated to bringing you some bits of Franklin County history in a new and different format. Here you can find original content, out-of-print booklets, one-of-a-kind documents, new and vintage photographs, and links to other sites dedicated to the history and genealogy of Franklin County, Ohio.
I will do my best to build this site into one that is both useful and informative. I welcome suggestions for items to included on these pages; if you have either, please email me at llgbug@genealogybug.net.
Have you been helped in your quest for answers by other people both on-line and off? Do you sometimes wish that you could help others, too? You really don't need any special talents; all you need is the desire and willingness to help. All you have to do is write to me and allow me to list you as a lookup volunteer, or as someone willing to take photos or make videos. You can submit a biography of your Franklin County ancestors (original or in public domain--see U. S. Copyright Office if you have any copyright questions). I'm sure that you can come up with ways to help. If you're worried that SPAM will increase if you volunteer--I encode all email addresses so that they can't be "harvested" by SPAM "robots." YOU CAN HELP!
I would like to invite all visitors to help me build a Franklin County Photo Album by submitting old family photographs that were taken in Franklin County, or of family members who resided in the county. Please do not submit photos of living people. Before sending the photos to me, please, read carefully How to Contribute to the Franklin County Photo Album.

This site is owned & maintained by
Leona L. Gustafson
© 2004-2017 Leona L. Gustafson
All original content found on these pages is copyrighted by the submitter/author and all rights are reserved.