EVERY NAME INDEX Compiled by 2002-2006 A ~ L |
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The names appearing on the table at the end of the chapter are not indexed here. |
Abbe, F. Abbott, J. C. Abbott, James S. Abbott, Samuel Abel (Rev. Mr.) Acton, John D. Adam, A. Adams, Demas Adams, Demas (Mrs.) Adams, John Q. Adams, Percival Adams, W. A. Adams, Wm. A. Agler Agler, Frederick Agler, Geo. W. Agler, Peter Alberry, Herman B. Alder, Paul Alexander, Thomas J. Alexander, Wm. G. and wife, children Alkire, Adam Alkire, Jesse Allen, ____ Allen, Asaph Allen, James Allen, O. Allen, Orsamus Allen, Thomas Allison, Andrew Altman, Moses Altman, William Ambos (Mr.) Ambos, Charles Ambos, P. Ambos, Peter Anderson (Rev. Mr.) Andrews, Hiram Andrews, J. W. Andrews, John Andrews, John W. Andrews, Moses Andrews, S. W. Andrews, Samuel C. Anthony, Charles Anthony, Jacob Armitage, Jacob Armsted, Wm. Armstrong, E. (Mrs.) Armstrong, Elizabeth Armstrong, J. R. (Mr.) Armstrong, Jane (Miss) Armstrong, Jer. Armstrong, Jeremiah Armstrong, John Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Wm. Armstrong, Wm. F. Armstrong, William Armstrongs (the) Arnold, Jacob Arnold, Randal R. Arnold, Thomas Arrison, Alexander Arthur, John (Rev.) Asbury (Mrs.) Asbury, Thomas Aston, James Aston, William Atchison, Windsor Atwater, Russel Austin, Elijah Avery, ___ Awl (Mrs. Dr.) Awl, Wm. M. Awl, William M. Backus, E. Backus, Elijah Backus, Orin Backus, Thomas Backus, William W. Badger, Joseph Badger, William Bailey, David Bailey, L. C. Bailey, Matthew Bailhache (Mrs.) Bailhache, John Bain, Wm. Baker (Mrs.) Baker, John E. Baldwin (Judge) Baldwin, J. W. Baldwin, Joshua & Co. Baldwin, Henry Baldwin, Michael Baldwin, Sylvanus Baldwin, T. S. Balentine Balentine, Robert Ball, Danforth E. Ball, John (Dr.) Ball, John (Doctor) Bambrough, William Bancroft, Harvey Barbee, James W. Barcus, John Barker, C. A. Barker, Chauncey Barnhard, John (Rev.) Barr, Andrew (Rev.) Barr, John Barr, R. N. Barr, Samuel Bartlett, J. F. Bartlett, Samuel Bartlit, John F. Bascom, Wm. T. Basset, Alexander Batchelder, J. L. (Rev.) Bateham, M. B. Bates, J. L. Bates, J. L. (Mrs.) Bates, James L. Batterson, C. E. Baughman, Adam Baughman, C. Baughman, George Baughman, Jesse Baughman, John T. Baughman, Samuel Beach, Chauncy Beach, Samuel Beall, Reisin Beals, George Beard, C. C. Beard, Chas. C. Beard, Daniel Beaty, John Beebe, Cyrus Beebe, J. H. Beecher, Philemon Beem, A. B. Beers, David Beers, George W. Beers, James Beers, Moses Beers, Solomon Belt, Levin Benfield, A. Benfield, Archibald Bennett, William Berk, Bernard Bevelheimer, Christian Bigelow, Daniel Bigelow, Russell Bigger, John Bigger, Samuel Billingsly, Barzillia Bills, Asa Bishop (Capt.) Bishop, John Bishop, William Bishop, Wm. Black, George Blair, Alexander Blair, John Blair, John (Captain) Blake (and Osgood) Blake, Benjamin Blake, Wm. W. Blenkner, John Blue (Lieut.) Blue, G. Blynn, Wm. Boales, A. N. (Dr.) Boardman, George L. (Rev.) Bonam, Reuben Bond & Walbridge Bond, Wm. K. Booth, E. Bowers, Allen Borer, Solomon Borers (the) Borgess (Rev. Mr.) Bown, Thomas Boyd, James Boyd, Robert Boyd, Wm. Boyle (Dr.) Brackenridge, W. Brackenridges (the) Breck, W. F. Brett, E. C. Brewerton, Henry Brickell, John Brien, L. Bristol, David Britton, Benjamin Britton, Benjamin (Rev.) Brodbeck, Paul (Rev.) Broderick, David S. Brodrick, David S. Brodrick, J. C. Brocrick, John C. Brooks, Cyrus Brooks, David Brooks, John Brooks, Nathan Brooks, Reuben Brooks, Robert Brotherlin, ____ Brotherlin, Adam Brotherton, Robert Brotherton & Kooken Brough, John Brown (Messr.) Brown, ('Squire) Brown, A. C. Brown, B. B. Brown, B. S. Brown, Daniel M. Brown, Ezekiel Brown, Ezra Brown, H. Brown, Henry Brown, Horace Brown, Israel P. Brown, Morris Brown, William Browns (the) Bruck, Daniel Bruck, J. P. Bruner, Asbury Brush, W. Brush, Samuel Bryan, John A. Bryan, John L. Bryan, Russel C. Bryden, David Bryden, James Buck, Daniel Buckbee, R. Buckingham, Ebenezer Buckles, Abram Bull, Alanson Bull, Billingsby Bull, Jason (Rev.) Burbank, Julia B. (Miss) Burr (Messr.) Burr, Charles Burr, John Burr, Philo Burr & Gregory Burton, William Butler, C. P. L. Butler, Ebenezer Butler, Emory Butler, Henry Butler, John Buttles, A. Buttles, Albert Buttles, Arora Buttles, Joel Buttles, Joel (Mrs.) Buttles, Levi Buttles, Lucian Buttles, Lucien Buttles & Matthews Byington, Jesse Bywater, J. P. Byxbee, Moses Cadwallader, T. Caldwell, John Caldwell, William Callahan, B. Cambridge, John Canfield, J. G. Captain Pipe Cary, J. Addison (Rev.) Carney, Elijah Carpenter, James Carpenter, Nathan Carpenter, Reuben Carper, Joseph Carr, William K. Carrington, H. B. Carter, Francis Cartright, Edward Case, Ermine Case, I. N. Case, Isaac Case, Isaac N. Case, Israel Case, Israel P Case, Job Case, Luther Case, Uriah Chaffin, Reuben Chambers, D. (Dr.) Champ, George P. Champ, William Champion, J. N. (Mrs.) Chaney, Charles Chaney, H. L. Chaneys (Messrs.) Chapin, William Chapman, Samuel Chase, Philander (Bishop) Chase, Talman Cheney (Rev. Mr.) Chenoweth, Joseph Chenowith, J. Chenowith, Joseph Cherry, James Cherry, John Chester, Elias Chew, A. S. Chittenden (Mrs.) Chittenden, Asahel Choat, Isaac Christie (Mr.) Churchman, George Clark (Messr.) Clark, A. Clark, C. H. Clark, Jackson Clark, Jeremiah Clark, John Clark, John W. Clark, Sumner Clark, Uriah Clark, William Clay, Henry Claypool, Abraham Clayton (Mr.) Clemen, Robert (Rev.) Cleveland, Thomas Clinton (Governor) Clinton, DeWitt Cloud, Robert Clover (family) Aaron Henry Jacob John Joshua Peter Philip Samuel Solomon William Clover, George M. Clymer, Francis Cochran, Glass Coffin, Joseph Coffman, Henry Coit, George Cole, David P. Cole, Frederick Cole, Geo. Cole, Nathan Coleman, John Colgate, C. Collett, John Collins, John Compton, Ezekiel Comstock (Messr.) Comstock, B. Comstock, Buckley Comstock, George G. Comstock, Theo. Comstock, Theodore Compston, John B. Compston, Nelson Connell, Benjamin Connell, O. F. Connell, William Connell, Z. (McConnell?) Connelly, Jacob B. Conner, Patrick Conrad, P. T. Conrad, Woolery Conrod, Woolry Converse, Elijah Converse, Geo. L. Cook (Col.) Cook, Asher Cook, Wm. and son Cookes, John Cool, Isaac Cooper, A. Cooper, Archibald Cooper, John Cooper, William Copeland, G. M. Copeland, Geo. M. Copeland, J. W. Copeland, Jared W. Corban, Joseph Corey, James K. (see also Cory) Cornell, Zachariah Corner (Mr.) Cortright, Jesse Cortright, Richard Cory, James K. Courtney, Richard Courtright, John Covert, S. H. Cowan, Ira Cowgills (the) Cowles, R. W. Cox, ___ Cox, S. S. Cox, Ambrose Cox, Emmer Cox, Emmor Cox, John Crabb, Henderson Cradlebaugh, John Crary, H. Crary, Holdemond Crawford, Matthew Creighton, Joseph H. Creighton, Wm. Creighton, William Cressey (Rev. Mr.) Cressey, T. R. (Mrs.) Crisman, Conrad Criss, W. T. Crosby, Otis Crosby, Samuel Crosby, O. & S. Crum, Cornelius Crum, George C. Culbertson, Andrew Culbertson, James Culbertson, Robert Culbertson, Samuel Curry, Hiram M. Curry, O. T. Curry, Otway Curtis (Dr.) Curtis, Frederick A. Curtis, Jeremiah Curtis, John Curtis, L. A. Curtis, Pliny Cutler, John Cutler, Robert Cutler, Samuel Dague, Daniel Dalton (Mrs.) Dalton, Isaac Dalzell, ____ Dalzell, James Dalzell, William Dalzell, Wm. Dalzell, McElvain & Co. Daniels, Howard Darlinton, Joseph Darnell, William Davidson, Isaac Davies (Messr.) Davis, A. A. (Rev.) Davis, Asa Davis, Henry (Rev.) Davis, John Davis, Moses Davis, Nathan Davis, Orange Davis, S. B. Davis, S. S. Davis, Sam'l S. Davis, Samuel S. Dawson, John Dayton, Jonathan (Gen.) Dean & McKinney Dean, William Deardurf, Samuel Deardurfs, the Decker (Messr.) Decker, A. S. Decker, Augustus S. Decker, Elijah Decker, Isaac Decker, Isaac D. Decker, Luke Decker, Peter Decker, W. T. Deckers (the) Deimer, Jacob B. Delafield, John, jr. Delano & Cutler Delano, Columbus Delano, H. Delashmut & Starling Delashmut, E. N. Delashmut, Elias N. Denig, C. E. Dennison, Wm., jr. Dennison, William, jr. Derby (Mr.) Deshler, D. W. Deshler, David W. Deshler, Wm. G. Deshler, William G. Dick, Jane Dick, Thomas & Jane Dickey, Michael Dickinson, Rudolph Dickson, Joseph Dildine, R. F. Dill, Andrew Dill, Jno. Dill, John Disney, C. Dixon family Dixon, Joseph Dobb, A. F. (Rev.) Dobyns, Thomas W. Doherty (Col.) Doherty, David Doherty, David S. Doherty, Emanuel Doherty, Wm. Doherty, William Doherty, William and wife Dolittle, Nelson Dolson (family) Domigan, Wm. Domigan, William Domigan, William, Sr. Donahoo, James T. Donaldson, Luther Douglas, Samuel Douglass, Eri Douty, G. Dove, Reuben Dowdall, Joseph Downing, Francis Drake (Messr.) Drody, Wm. Drummon (Messr.) Dryer, I. G. (Mrs.) Duff, William Duff, William C. Duffy, John (Capt.) Duncan, Daniel Dunkin Dunlap, James Dunn, John Dunning, William Dunsmore (Lord) Dutton, E. M. Dyer, Samuel Dyer, William Dyxon, Henry Earhart, George Earhart, John H. Earhart, M. K. Eaton (Rev. Mr.) Eaton, C. L. Eaton, Charles L. Eberly (Mr.) Eberly, John Ebey, Jacob Eddy, Augustus Edgar, John Edgar, Joseph Edmiston (Mrs. Dr.) Edmiston, John M. (Dr.) Edwards, E. W. Eels, Geo. E. (Dr.) Emery, Robert A. Edmison, W. G. Eldridge, Daniel (Rev.) Elliot, ___ Elliot, D. S. Elliot, Robert Elliot, William Elliot, Wilson Elliott, Robert Ellis, Elijah Ely, L. (Dr.) Emrie, Jonas R. England, Titus English, William and wife Espy, Hugh M. & Co. Espy, J. M. (Mrs.) Espy, James Evans, Daniel Evans, George W. Evans, Harvey D. Evans, John Evans, Mark |
36 20 33, 36 14 36 30 36 17, 32, 34, 36 39 4 2, 6, 17 33 33 1 22 5 5 11 30 24 33 13 13 32 14, 29 1, 4 42 36 31 25 12 31 34 42 42 33, 42 36 11 36 37 8, 11, 38 1 32, 35 33 35 36 2, 41 26 33 10 31 36 33 1, 10, 31, 33, 43 10 1, 10, 11, 31, 43 20 43 20 10, 33 2 5 24 43 24 20 39 33 12 7 5 1 19 6 39 7, 36 40 35 3, 11, 29, 35 7 3, 11, 26, 29 11 13 27 18 33 4 39 4 32 9 32, 35 36 5, 8, 43 33 32 2, 11 20 36 2 1 40 31 4 36 5, 12 11 33 40 14 36 20 11 36, 38 2, 4, 5, 8, 31 42 11 33 4 18 4 4, 8, 36 43 39 11 42 21 21 22 5, 11, 22 22 21 30 1, 2 31 25 32 12 29 2 41 42 11 21 22, 23 23 14 23 5, 23 11 12 3, 4 2, 6 33 21 31 35, 33, 36 16 31 29 24 3 24 14 14 26 2, 16 1, 2, 11 2 4 8, 43 33 32, 42 9 36 36 17 36 11 33 34 36 29 5 27 36 12 28, 30 29 20 7 5 27 27 27 33 1, 2, 9, 31, 36, 37 25 1 26 27 36 3 31 12 11 36 33 33 15 33 33 42 11, 28 3, 5, 11, 32, 43 33 12 42 29 37 40 42 18 14 2 6, 43 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 31, 33, 43 36 28 2 27, 36 2 18 15, 39, 42 36 24 5, 8 4, 12, 33 11 4 12 11, 28 26 12 2 16 5, 23 3, 19 23 40 8 14 8 14 33 40 42, 43 3, 22 43 33 42, 43 12 11 11, 14, 32 4, 8, 12, 17, 31, 33, 36, 43 39 1 12 8 33 21 19 12 33 26 13 19 20 12 9 40 11 21 2 14, 24 36 12 36 38 11 5, 36 14 14 12 12 1 1 14 31 16 40 12 17 39 20 11 19 40 9 36 35 36 5 16 11, 16 15, 33, 36 5 20 3 39 3 9 31 18 8 19 42 20 11 11, 8 22 15, 33 3, 29, 36 41 4, 32 11 33 36 4 32 12 7 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 30 21 1, 14 42 18 12 28 11, 16 4 11 19 15 31 36 25 42 5 3, 11 12 43 11, 42, 43 32 33 20 19 20 12 24 18 12 3 27 33 11 3 40 33 20 35 36 20 24 24 12 12 12 24 26 3, 11 36 36 11 20 31 4, 32 19 16 14 2 11, 14 10 4, 11 1 19 19 19 25 11 42 11, 43 20 36 11 2 36 39 34 40 32, 43 32 33 11 36 15 3, 17 1, 2, 36 4 3, 35 16 2 4, 36 12 1 5 40 8 31, 43 43 40 25 39 33, 36 17 11 3 22 33 37 31 5 29 42 36 26 36 21 18 36 31 5 8 29 11, 29 38, 40 25 33 25 13 1, 2 42 7, 36, 42 7, 43 19 19 19 6 12 8 2 27 32 31 11 12 4 11 11 7 8, 33, 36, 40, 41, 43 11 4 33, 36 15, 32 5 37 9 9 16 31 2 19 3, 6, 11, 17 5 1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 36 40 2 1, 11, 36 36 26 6 6 33 33 33 11, 31, 34 37 36 10 4, 7, 43 1, 11, 36 2 12 5, 43 4 18 33, 43 19 43 28 42 23 34 39 5 27 4 11 2 11 27 17 1 19 16 16 24 17 5 19 36 13 11 15 18 11 36 3, 20 25 39 31 19 40 12 5 36 9 8 26 31 31 3 31 40 4 16 33 4 39 33 7, 15 18 34 11 20 |
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Ewing, James Ewing, Joshua Ewing, Thomas Fancher, James Faran, James J. Farber, Paul Fares, N. E. Fares, Dennis Fasset, ___ Fay, Cyrus Fay, W. B. Fay, Waldo B. Ferguson, J. M. Ferguson, James Fernandes, H. S. Ferree, John Ferson, John J. Ferson, John M. Field, ____ ('Squire) Field, Henry A. Field, John Field, William Fieser (Reinhardt and) Fillmore (Mr.) Findlay, James Finley & Hanford Finney, Jerry Fish, William Fisher, Jacob Fisher, John Fisher, Joseph Fisher, Michael Fisher, Philip Fitzgerald (Rev. Mr.) Fitzgerald, Edward Fleming, William Flenniken (Judge) Flenniken, Samuel Flenniken, Samuel G. Fletcher, Harvey Flintham, William Flood, Charles B. Florence, Elias Flournoy (Gen.) Flournoy, T. C. Flournoy, Thomas C. Follett, O. Follett, Oran Foos (Captain) Foos (General) Foos, Joseph Forbes, Alexander C. Ford, M. P. Foster, Esther Foster, Henry Fox, Charles (Rev.) Francis, Davies Francis, Henry Francis, John M. Francisco, Peter Frankenberg, Ernst Frankenberg, George Frankenberg, Siebert Frazer, John Freese, A. P. (Rev.) Fremont, John C. French, John French, William C. (Rev.) Frizzell, Lemuel Frye, Saunders & Fuller, J. Fullerton, Geo. S. Fulton, Elijah Fulton, Hugh Fulton, John M.(Rev.) Fulton, Robert Fuson, J. M. Fuson, James M. Gale, Edgar (Gen.) Gale, Franklin Gale, Henrietta E. (Miss) Gale, Richard, jr. Gallagher, John M. Galloway, Samuel Galloway, Samuel (Mrs.) Gander, Jacob Gangewer, A. M. Gannett, Barzillai Gantz, Adam Gantz, John Gard, B. F. (Dr.) Gares, Edmund Gares, Edward Gares, Samuel Gardiner, Benj. Gardiner, Benjamin Gardiner, James Gardiner, James B. Garrard, Israel Gault (Colonel) Gault, Wm W. Gaver, Elias Gay, N. Gaylord, N. M. (Rev.) Geary, John Geiger, George Geiger, Joseph (Mrs.) Gelin, Samuel Gere, George German, James Gibbon, Newton Gifford, M. (Rev.) Gilbert, ____ Gilbert, M. J. Gilbert, Matthew J. Gill, J. L. Gill, J. L. jr. Gill, John L. Gill, W. A. Gill, W. A. & Co. Gill, Wm. A. Gillespie (Mr.) Gillet, Samuel Girty, George Glanville, Joshua Glenn, Alex. E. Glenn, Alexander E. Glenn, Charles S. Glover, E. Glover, Elijah Glover, Henry Glover, O. Gobey, George Godard (Monsieur) Godman, William Goeches, Nicholas Goetschius, J. W. Goetschius, Nicholas Goldsmiths (the) Golliday, Reuben Goodale, L. Goodale, L. & Co. Goodale, Lincoln Gooding, M. Gooding, Matthew (Mrs.) Goodman, S. T. (Rev.) Goodrich, John, jr. Gorton, Ira M. Gould, John Gowdy, G. W. (Rev.) Graff (Rev. Mr.) Graham, Geo. D. Graham, James Graham, John Graham, Thomas Graham, Wm. Graham, William Grate, Joseph Gray, John M. Green, E. C. Green, John L. Greenleaf, John Greenwood, John Gregory, David Gregory, N. Gregory, Burr & Gregory, Sherwood & Greiner, John Griffith, James B. (son & daughters) Griffith, Timothy Grimke, Frederick Grinnell, Wm. H. Grinnold, Russell N. Griswold, Chester Griswold, Cicero Griswold, Ezra Griswold, Ezra, jr. Griswold, G. H. Griswold, Geo. H. Griswold, Isaac Grover, Ira Grover, James L. Grubb, Jacob Grubb, Peter Gruebler, J. Guard, B. F. (Dr.) Gundy, Jacob Gundry, R. Gurley, L. B. Gurley, Leonard Gwynne, Eli W. Haddock, Wm. Haines, John Haire, John H. Hall (Rev. Mr.) Hall, John S. Halm, ____ Halm, M. Hamaker, Daniel Hamer, T. L. Hamilton, ____ Hamilton, J. W. Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton, Willihall Hamlin, E. S. Hamlin, Nathaniel Hamm, John (Dr.) Hamtramack (Gen.) Hance, William Hanford, Finley & Hanson, John Hardesty, E. G. Hardy, C. J. Hare, Jacob Harkness, L. G. Harlocker, Peter Harper, William Harrington, D. W. Harris, Barnabas Harris, James Harris, John (Rev.) Harris, Orin Harris, S. D. Harris, Stephen Harrison (General) Harrison (Messr.) Harrison, Isaac Harrison, Patterson Harrison, William Harrison Wm., sr. Harrison, Wm. H. Hart, G. W. Hart, J. M. Hart, Gideon Hart, Gideon W. Hart, John Hart, John M. Hart, Moses Harte, R. E. Harvey, Geo. B. Harvey, Geo. B. (Mrs.) Harvey, George B. Harvey, George B. (Mrs.) Hasseltine, J. M. C. Haswells (the) Haughton, J. L. Haun, Nicholas Haver, John Hawken, Henry Haws (Rev. Mr.) Hawthorn, N. M. Hayden, Isaac Hayden, John Hayden, P. Hayden, Peter Hays, A. M. Hays, Brice Hays, George Hays, Levi Hays, Sylvester Hazel (Capt.) Hazlett, Isaac Headly, A. C. Headly, Wm. Heath, Richard Heath, Uriah Heaton, David F. Hedden, Edward Helmick, G. W. Helmick, Geo. W. Helmick, J. Helpman, John Henderson (Mr.) Henderson, Henry Henderson, Joseph Henderson, R. C. Henderson, Samuel Henderson, William Hendren, Wm. D. Hendron, Hiram Hendron, William D. Herancourt, G. M. Herd, William Herr, William Hersey, Thomas (Dr.) Hertz, Christian Hertzel, Joshua Hess, Daniel Hesses, the Heyl (Judge) Heyl, C. Heyl, Christian Heyl, Conrad Heyl, L. Heyl, Lewis Hibbs, ____ Hibbs (Mr.) Hibbs, A. G. Hibbs, Adin G. Higgins, Samuel Higgins, & Stewart Higgy, Randolph Hilliard, John R. Hills, Lorin Hills, R. (Dr.) Hines (Judge) Hines (Messr.) Hines, O. P. Hines, Oliver P. Hinkle, C. (Rev.) Hinkle, Charles (Rev.) Hinkson, Benjamin Hitchcock, Henry L. (Rev., D.D.) Hoge (Dr.) Hoge, James (Rev.) (Parson) (Mr.) Hoge, James (Mrs.) Holton, D. L. Hone, Henry Hooper, Jacob Hoover, Nicholas Hopkins, R. C. (Dr.) Horlocker, Daniel Hosac, Adam Hosack, Adam Hoskins, John Hoster (Messer.) Hoster, L. Hoster, Lewis Houston (Capt.) Houston, Caleb Howard, Caleb Howard, David Howard, Horton Howard, James Howard, Jas. Howard, R. L. Howard, Silas Howe, Richard Howle, Charles Howlett, M. P. Hoyt, Stephen Hubbard, Geo. Hubbard, H. M. Hubbard, W. B. Hubbard, Wm. B. Hubbell, H. N. Hubbell, Horation N. Hubbell, R. H. Huffman, George Huffman, Henry Huffman, Jacob Huffman, John Hugget, James Hughs, Joseph S. Hughes, W. L. Hulburd, F. K. Hume, Robert Humphrey, Lemuel G. Humphrey, Leonard Humphrey, Lester Hunter, John Hunter, Joseph Hunter, M. S. Hunters (the) Huntington (Mr.) Huntington, P. W. Hurd, Hinman Huston, Fanny (Miss) Hutcheson, Joseph Hutchinson, Amaziah Hutchinson, Zenas Hutchison, Amaziah Hutchison, John Hutchison, Z. [Hutchinson?] Hyde, N. A. (Rev.) Hyre, H. Ide, W. E. Ijams, Hugh Ijams, John F. Inks, John Innis, G. S. Irish, N. (Rev.) Irwin, William Jackson, Andrew (General) Jackson, Z. Jacobs, Wm. James (Mr.) James, John James, Wm. Jameson, J. W. Jameson, Robert Jamison, David Jamison, J. M. (Rev.) Jamison, J. W. Jamison, William Janney (Mr.) Jeffries, A. W. Jeffries, George Jeffords, John Jeffords, John E. Jenkins, Warren Jennings, E. F. Jennings, Eli F. Jewett (Col.) Jewett, Elam Jewett, Henry Jewett, Moses John, William Johnson, B. F. Johnson, F. Johnson, Orange Johnson, William Johnston, ___ Johnston (heirs of) Johnston, Abraham Johnston, James Johnston, John B. Johnston, R. R. Johnston, Thomas Johnston, William Johnstons (the) Jones (Rev. Mr.) Jones, Amasa Jones, F. G. Jones, Greenbury R. Jones, I. G. (Dr.) Jones, Richard Jones, Theophilus Jones, William Jucksch, Charles Justice, Robert Kane, James O. Kanemacher, George Karst, Christian Kasson, W. M. & Co. Keim, Philip Kell, Samuel Kellar, Jacob Kellar, John A. Kelley, Alfred Kelley, Alfred (Mrs.) Kelley, John Kelley, M. (Miss) Kelley, N. J. Kelley, Nicholas Kellogg (Rev. Mr.) Kelly, John Kelly, N. B. Kelly, Nathan B. Kelsey (Mrs.) Kelso, John Kelton, F. C. Kendrick, E. (Dr.) Kendrick, O. D. (Dr.) Kennedy, Thomas Kent, C. W. Kenyon, J. C. Kerr (heirs of) Kerr (Mr.) Kerr, John Kerr, Joseph Kerr, Samuel Kesling, George Kilbourn, Lemuel Kilbourne (Colonel) Kilbourne, James Kilbourne, John Kilbourne, Wm. Kile, John Kile, W. W. Kiles (the) Kilgore, John Kimball, H. H. Kimball, Pearl Kincaid, Thomas King ('Squire) King, A. C. King, Eli C. King, Matthew and wife King, Robert King, Samuel King, William Kingsley, E. D. Kinnear, Samuel Kinney (Mr.) Kinney (Mrs.) Kinney, John M. Kinney, Roswell H. Knoderer, E. H. Knoderer, William Knox, John Koch, Wm. Kooken (Captain) Kooken, James (Capt.) Kooken, James Kooken, Brotherton & Kooser, Daniel Kosciusko, Thaddeus Krag, Peter, T. Kramer, Daniel Kyle, William W. Kyle, Wm. W. La Chappelle, Francis La Tourrette, James A. M. (Rev.) Labare, (Rev. Mr.) Ladd, John W. Lakins, Washington Landes, John Landes, Samuel Landes, J. S. & D. Landon/Lansdon, Noble Lane, Lemuel Langham, Elias Langton, James Lasure, Jeremiah Latham, Bela Lathrop (Doctor) Lathrop, Horace (Dr.) Lathrop, Uriah Lattimer, L. L. Lattimer, Daniel D. Lattimer, Ezekiel Laughferty, Alexander Laughry, John Lawder, Wm. H. Lazelle, A. H. Lazelle, John A. Leaf, Jacob Leaf, John, wife & son Leatherlips Leavitt, John M. Lee, T. Lee, Theron Lee, Thomas Lee, Timothy Legg, John Lehman, Wm. F. (Rev.) Leiby, J. Leiby, Joseph Leightenaker, Gotleib Lennox, James Lennox, Jas. Leonard, Abner (Rev.) Leonard, Byram Lewis, Aggy Lewis, Andrew Lewis, Caleb Lewis, Martin Lewis, William Linebaugh, John Link, E. H. Link, Philip Linnel, Jas. K. Lisle, John Lisle, John & family Lisle, Robert Little (Mr.) Little, Harvey D. Little, Nathaniel Livingston, Edward Lloyd, Wm. B. Lockwood, John Lofland, Charles Long, Bathsheba D. (Mrs.) Long, Henry Long, J. W. Long, John Long, L. H. (Rev.) Long, William Long, Wm. Looker, R. S. Lorane, Alfred Lord (Messr.) Lord (Mrs. Dr.) Lord, Abner Lord, A. D. Lord, Asa D. Love, C. Love, Charles Loving, S. Low, J. K. Loy (professor) Lucas, Robert Loutrell, A. M. (Rev.) Ludlow (Mr.) Ludlow, William Lusk, William Lusk, Wm. Lynch, J. H. Lynch, John Lytle, Aaron |
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