Methodist—Presbyterian—Congregational—Episcopal—Universalist—Baptist—Lutheran—German Reformed—Roman Catholic—Evangelical Association—Colored Baptists—Jews. |
METHODIST.THE first Methodist Church or Class, in Columbus, was organized early in the year 1814, by the Rev. Samuel West, the preacher then in chare on this circuit. The class at first consisted of four members only – George McCormick* and his wife, George B. Harvey, and Miss Jane Armstrong, who soon after became the wife of Mr. Harvey. The next member admitted, was Moses Freeman, a colored man, who some eight or ten years after left with his family for Liberia, in Africa, where, it is said, he died not long after. In the same year, 1814, the proprietors of the town *Mr. McCormick remained an influential member of the church through life, and died in the spring of 1850, aged about seventy-eight years. Mr. Harvey is the only survivor of the original four. 365
donated and conveyed the lot where the Town Street Church now stands, to George McCormick, Peter Grubb, Jacob Grubb, John Brickell, and George B. Harvey, as trustees, for the use and benefit of the church; and a small hewed log house was soon erected thereon for a place of worship. It also for some years was used for a school house. Here the writer taught his first school in Columbus, commencing in the spring of 1815. In 1817, the building was enlarged to about double its original size, by adding a frame addition to it. And in 1825, the old wooden structures were removed, and a good sized brick building erected on the same site, which continued until the spring or summer of 1853, when it was torn down, and the present edifice erected. About the year 1823, the colored part of the congregation separated from the whites, and formed a society or church, by themselves. They held their meetings in rented rooms until about the year 1839 or 1840, when they erected their present brick church, on Long street. In 1844, the German Methodist Church, at the northwest corner of Third street and South Public Lane, was erected, and the German part of the congregation generally met there. In 1846, Wesley Chapel, on High street north of Gay, was erected on a lot donated to the church by Wm. Neil, Esq. 366
In 1854, Bigelow Chapel, on Friend street, was erected. Present Officers: ZION CHAPEL, Town Street Church.) Pastor—Rev. J. M. Jamison. Trustees—A. S. Decker, James Watson, P. T. Snowden, John Linebaugh, Lorin Yerington, and John Short. Number of members in 1857 — two hundred and ninety. WESLEY CHAPEL. Pastor—Rev. William Porter Trustees — M. Gooding, E. Booth, Richard Jones, Thomas Walker, Daniel Miner, and J. E. Rudisill. Number of members in 1857—one hundred and fifty. BIGELOW CHAPEL. Pastor—Rev. Lovet Taft Trustees—A. Cooper, E. Glover, M. Halm, W. F. Knoderer, E. H. Link, John Whitsel, J. C. Kenyon, Newton Gibbon. Number of members in 1857—one hundred and ten. German Methodist, in 1857 — Rev. Paul Brodbeck, Pastor. Number of members—sixty. Colored Methodist, in 1857—Rev. J. H. Shorter, Pastor. Number of members—one hundred and thirteen 367
* One vacancy. Jesse F. Wixom, of Columbus, filled it part of the year, by appointment. 368
WHITEFIELD METHODISTS, (Welch.)—Organized in 1848. Abouth the same year they erected their present brick church at the corner of Long and Sixth streets. The successive Pastors have been— Rev. Mr. Perry, from Granville, commenced about the year 1849; retired, 1855. 369
Rev. David Williams, from Pittsburgh, commenced in 1855; retired, 1857. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH had its origin in Franklinton, and was organized on the 8th of February, 1806, as the First Presbyterian Church of Franklin County. Pastor—Rev. James Hoge Elders—James Culbertson, William Read. Trustees—Joseph Dixon, John Dill, David Nelson, William Domigan, Joseph, Lucas Sullivant. ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION, WITH THEIR
Robert Culbertson, William Read, David Nelson, William Shaw, John Turner, Joseph Dixon, Lucas Sullivant, Samuel King, Luther Powers, Sameul G. Flenniken, William Stewart, John Lisle, Joseph Parks, David Jamison, John Hunter, George Skidmore, Joseph Hunter, William Brown, William McElvain. In 1805, the venerable Doctor Hoge, then a young man, first arrived in Franklinton as a missionary; and after laboring in that capacity for some time, he formed 370
a regular church, of which he remained the head until he resigned his charge in 1857. In 1807, he was regularly employed by his church and congregation, to minister to their religious wants. The following is a copy verbatim, of the call upon him for that purpose, and to which he acceeded [sic.]. The old document, in the hand writing of Lucas Sullivant, is still preserved as a relic of past times:
The house in which the congregation first held their religious meetings in Franklinton, was a two-story frame, still standing, some two hundred yards northward from the old court house. The sessions of the Supreme Court of Franklin County were first held in the same building. It so happened, that Parson Hoge traveled from Springfield to Franklinton in company with Judge Baldwin, who, pleased with the young candidate for holy orders, tendered him the use of the room occupied by the court; and here the small band of worshippers first assembled for religious service. The church building, was a very plain one-story brick house, erected on the bank of the river, near the old Franklinton burying ground. The society's next step was their removal to the infant town of Columbus. In the spring of the year 1814, they erected a log cabin about twenty-five by thirty feet, on the ground near the corner of Spring and Third streets. Service was held by times in this, but principally at the Franklinton brick church, until the year 372
1818, when a frame building, or rather three frames connected, and forming but one insed or large roon, was erected on the west side of Fron street, south of Town, where Mr. Hoge administered to his congregation until the erection of the present First Presbyterian Church, in 1830, and the first services were held in it on the first Sunday in December, 1830. In 1855, this building underwent a general remodeling, under the direction of Mr. R. A. Sheldon, architect. On the 8th of February, 1856, the church held a semi-centennial celebration in the church building, in honor to their venerable and highly respected pastor — at which Dr. Hoge himself was the interesting and imposing character most observed. He delivered the address on the occasion. It was an interesting recital of the circumstances attending his advent into this then wilderness, and the progress of the church and society generally, since that period. The Rev. Mr. Hall and Rev. Mr. Smith, both of the Presbyterian Church, also spoke on the occasion. Under the direction of Joseph Sullivant, Esq., whose familiarity with the church made it an easy and pleasant duty, a number of well executed pictures were hung around the room, at once disclosing a striking and graphic history of the church improvements above referred to. The pillars were decorated with festoons of evergreens and flowers. And the ta- 373
bles were admirably arranged, under the direction of Mrs. Kelsey; and the supper was worthy of the occasion. The whole thing passed off well, and was a solemn but pleasant celebration. During the last eight or ten years of Dr. Hoge's ministration, he was assisted by various clergymen of his denomination, until on Sunday the 28th of June, 1857, he delivered an appropriate discourse, and resigned the charge to the Reverend Edgar Woods, late of Wheeling, who was duly installed on Tuesday, the 30th of the same month. Dr. Hoge is now in the 78th year of his age, enjoying good health and preaching occasionally. He bears his age remarkably well, his hair being but slightly changed, and the movements of his tall and erect figure would indicate a man of fifty or sixty. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor—Rev Edgar Woods. Elders—James Cherry, Isaac Dalton, Thomas Moodie, James S. Abbott, Wm. M. Awl, Alfred Thomas. Trustees—Robert Neil, M. L. Sullivant, D. W. Deshler, James D. Osborn, George M. Parsons. Number of members in 1857, one hundred and seventy-five. 374
THE SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was organized on the first Sabbath in March, 1839. The organization at first consisted of thirty-one persons, most of whom were from the first or old Presbyterian Church. For some short time prior to the regular formation of the church, those connected with it had held their public meetings for worship in a room, prepared for that purpose, near the corner of Rich and High streets. The church was incorporated by an act of the Legislature in April, 1839, and measures were soon taken toward securing a site and erecting a house of worship. Early in the following year, the congregation met for worship in the basement of the present edifice, and during the subsequent fall the entire structure was completed. From the time of their organization till the October ensuing, the congregation had the services of the Rev. Mr. Topliff, and afterward, till May, 1840, those of Rev. George L. Boardman. During that month, the Rev. Henry L. Hitchcock, D. D., having previously received a unanimous call 375
from the church, began his ministration among them; and on the 24th of November, 1841, he was regularly installed as their pastor, and continued to sustain that relation until the first of August, 1855, when he was transferred to the Presidency of the Western Reserve College. Early in the following September, a unanimous call was tendered to the Rev. Edward D. Morris, then of Auburn, New York, who, having accepted the invitation, began his ministerial labors on the first Sabbath of December ensuing, and was duly installed as pastor on the 2d of January, 1856. A few years since the society had occasion to enlarge the present building to accommodate the increasing congregation, and now (1858) a larger and more elegant edifice is being erected on Third, between Town and State streets. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor—Rev. Edward D. Morris. Elders—H. B. Carrington, Asa Lord, Chauncey N. Olds, John J. Ferson, Ebenezer McDonald, John H. Stage. Trustees—D. T. Woodbury, A. P. Stone, Ermine Case, Jonas McCune, Collins Stone. Treasurer—John M. Ferson. Number of members in 1857, two hundred and forty-five. WESTMINSTER CHURCH.—This church was organized on the 1st of June, 1854, and consisted at that time of thirty members, who had been dismissed from the First Presbyterian Church. For three years and a half 376
the congregation worshiped in the lecture room of Starling Medical College. In 1856 and 1857, they erected their church edifice at the corner of Sixth and State streets, at a cost of about $15,000. It was dedicated on the 23d of August, 1857. The number of members at present (April, 1858,) is on hundred and sixteen. Rev. J. D. Smith has been pastor from the first, having been called to the charge of it from the First Church, where he had been for several years collegiate pastor with Rev. Dr. Hoge PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor—Rev. J. D. Smith. Elders—Wm. Blynn, Dr. R. N. Barr, J. R. Paul. WELCH PRESBYTERIANS.—Organized in 1837. Their house of worship is a small frame building on Town street, east of Fifth. For the first ten or twelve years they had no regular pastor. The Rev. Mr. Price, Rev. John Harris, and occasionally some others, preached for the congregation, until about the year 1849, when the Rev. Mr. Powel, of Delaware, became the regular installed pastor. He continued until 1857, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Jones, present pastor. Number of members in 1857, thirty-five. 377
THE ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was organized 19th of December, 1850, with thirteen members. Elders—Thomas Kennedy, Hugh Price. Trustees—Dr. John Morrison, Neil McLaughlin, John Stothart. No pastor has been installed in the church; but preaching has been furnished by various ministers, Rev. L. H. Long was stationed as a regular supply from June, 1852 to June, 1854. Rev. G. W. Gowdy was appointed as a regular supply April, 1856, to continue until May, 1858. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor—G. W. Gowdy. Elders—Thomas Kennedy, Hugh Price. Trustees—Zaccheus W. McConnell, John Stothart, Neely Sawhill. The society have a good frame building at the corner of Sixthe and Town streets, erected in 1852. Number of members in 1857, thirty-six. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL.—The First Congregational Church of the City of Columbus was organized on the 29th of September, 1852, under the name of the Third Presbyterian Church. It was composed of forty-two 378
members, dismissed at their own request from the Second Presbyterian Church. It adopted rules of government substantially Congregational, and its membership, with perhaps two or three exceptions, were all such. The legal organization of the society was effected the day previous. A neat frame building had been erected on Third street, a short distance north of Broad, and was didicated July 11th, of the same year. Rev. W. H. Marble was chosen pastor early in the following winter, and resigned his office in January, 1856. Rev. Anson Smyth, with great acceptance, acted as pastor during the eight months preceding Nov. 1st, 1856. On the 3d of November, 1856, the name of the church, by unanimous consent and wish, was changed to that of First Congregational Church of Columbus. Rev. John M. Steele, having been unanimously called to become its pastor, was installed on the 7th of November, 1856. Mr. Steele died in New York City in April following, much regretted by the Church and all who had made his acquaintance. In the summer and fall of 1857, the society erected their present brick church on Broad street, and it was dedicated on "Forefather's Day," December 22, 1857. Rev. N. A. Hyde accepted a call from the church, and is at present (Jan. 1858,) laboring with them as pastor. There are now one hundred and forty-two members. 379
PRESENT OFFICERS. Minister—N. A. Hyde. Deacons—Dr. J. W. Hamilton, L. L. Rice, M. B. Bateham, Mr. Corner. Trustees—F. C. Sessions, R. J. Patterson, T. S. Baldwin. Treasurer—Pearl Kimball. Clerk—M. P. Ford. TRINITY CHURCH was orgainzed in 1817, by Bishop Philander Chase. The first Board of Church Officers were — For a number of years the newly created church had no regular pastor nor church building. Bishop Chase, while residing at Worthington, occasionally preached for them, and for some time previous to the erection of the stone church on Broad street, which was about the year 1832 or 1833, the meetings were held in a one-story frame building on Third street, between Town and Rich. In 1842, the church divided, and part formed into a new organization under the name of Saint Paul's Episcopal, and erected a good brick church edifice at the 380
corner of Third and Mound streets. The first regularly settled pastor in the Trinity Church was in 1831.
Number of members in 1857, one hundred and fifty-eight. PRESENT OFFICERS. Pastor—Rev. Charles Reynolds. * Mr. Pinney died in Oct. 1857, after this list of officers was made. 381
SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL.—This church was organized in 1842, and soon after they erected the brick edifice at the corner of Third and Mound streets. The church was composed principally of members who withdrew from Trinity Church and formed a new organization under the name of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church. Number of members in 1857, firty-five. Their successive pastors have been, Rev. Henry L. Richards, Rev. A. M. Loutrell, Rev. William C. French, Rev. Thomas P. Tyler, Rev. Mr. Kellogg, Rev. N. Irish, Rev. James A. M. La Tourrette, Rev. James L. Grover, March, 1858. UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY OF COLUMBUS. Universalist preaching was first introduced into Columbus about the year 1837. Rev. A. A. Davis, of Delaware County, was the first regular preacher of that denomination who ministered to the people of this place. He held his meetings in the United States Court House, and continued from one to two years, occasionally assisted by other of his brethren of the same denomination. He was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Saddler, who continued also some one or two years, and held his meetings in the same place. There was then an interim of some one or two years without any regular preacher, when the Rev. Mr. Abel was employed to minister to the society, and he continued only half a year, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Anderson, who continued about the same length of time, and was succeeded by Rev. George Rogers a short time. During this time the meetings were held in a rented room in Mr. Buttle's building at the corner of High and Rich streets. 382
Up to this time there was no regularly organized society. In March, 1845, the society organized under "An act to incorporate sundry churches therein named,"e; by the name of the "Universalist Society of Columbus,"e; and appointed John Greenwood, John Field, James W. Osgood, Demas Adams, and William Bambrough, the first board of Trustees. They first obtained the services of Rev. Mr. Eaton a few months; and then Rev. Nelson Dolittle, of Akron, Ohio, was employed as pastor of the society. His term commenced in October, 1845. The society had then purchased from the German Saint Paul's Church their let and old frame church on Third street, which served for a time, until in 1846, it was removed, and the present church building erected on the same site. In the fall of 1851, Mr. Dolittle resigned his charge, and the society passed complimentary resolutions, stating that, "he had for six years served them ably and faithfully," and recommending him "to the kind regard of the brethren among whom he might thereafter reside." In the spring of 1852, the services of the Rev. N. M. Gaylord, then of Lowell, Massachusetts, were secured, and he removed to Columbus, took the pastoral charge of the congregation, and continued till the fall of 1854, when, having received a call from Boston, he removed back thither. During part of the year of 1855, the
Rev. M. Gifford, and then the Rev. Upson, were engaged temporarily, as pastors; and during the winter of 1855 and '56, the Rev. Mr. Haws, in like manner, officiated. Since the fall of 1856, the Rev. H. R. Nye, formerly of Brooklyn, New York, has very ably filled the office of pastor. At the organization of the society in 1845, they numbered thirty-eight members; their number now, in April, 1858, is about ninety. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor—Rev. H R. Nye. The first Baptist Church in Columbus was organized in 1825 — Rev. George Jeffries, Pastor. Thier first church building was erected about the year 1830, on the east side of Front street, between Friend and Mound. It was a plain, one-story brick building, which was afterward used by Dr. Curtis for his medical college, and was then converted into a dwelling house, and is still standing, and used as such. About the year 1834, the Rev. Mr. Cressey came from the east to this place as a missionary, and was soon engaged as the regular pastor of the Baptist Church of Columbus. During his time, 384
in 1836, the present church building, at the corner of Rich and Third streets, was erected. He left about the year 1842, and was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Eldridge, who continued some three or four years, when he was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Cheney, who continued until he gave place to the Rev. Henry Davis, who entered upon his pastoral duties in February, 1853. Number of members in 1857, three hundred and two. PRESENT OFFICERS. Pastor—Rev. Henry Davis, D. D. Trustees—Orsamus Allen, Wm. W. Mather, Thomas Roberts, Leonard L. Smith, Jeffrey Powell, Nathan Davis, Oliver P. Hines. Organized in 1821. Their first house of worship was a frame building, on Third street, where the Universalist Church now stands. In 1843 and '44 they erected their large brick edifice at the corner of High and Mound streets. In 1856 it was destroyed by fire; but was soon rebuilt again. This society was for a time known by the name of "Saint Paul's Church." Their successive Pastors have been— Was organized May 1, 1846, by Rev. Hiram Shall, and soon after erected their brick church building, on Town street, between Fourth and Fifth. The successive pastors have been — Rev. A. P. Freese, commenced October 1846—retired in 1849. Rev. George Williard, commenced 1850—retired in 1855. Rev. Henry Williard, commenced 1857. Number of members in 1857, thirty-five. TRINITY GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Organized 28th of January, 1848. They for a time held their meetings in Mechanics' Hall, then in the church on Mound street, near Third. In 1856 and'57, they erected their large church edifice, one hundred and 386
five feet in length, by fifty-seven wide, at the corner of Third and South streets—George Kannemacher, builder. The corner stone was laid July 28, 1856, and the building was dedicated December 20, 1857. The Rev. Wm. F. Lehman was pastor from the beginning. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pawtor—Rev. William F. Lehman. GERMAN EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS. Organized and erected their church, on Mound street, abouth the year 1842 or '43. First pastor, Rev. Mr. Pegeman. GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH. This is an organization formed in the early part of the year 1858. Their meedings are held at Mechanics' Hall. Rev. Robert Clemen, Pastor. 387
HOLY CROSS.—Organized in 1833, and soon after 388
erected a small stone church, on Fifth street, between Rich and Town, which served to hold their religious worship in until the large brick edifice was erected, colse by it, in 1845 and '46, when the little stone church was converted into a school house. Rev. Mr. Borgess, priest. Number of members report in 1857, three thousand. ST. PATRICK'S.—Organized in 1852, and soon after erected their brick church, in the north-east part of the city. Early in the fall of 1857, the Rev. Mr. Meagher, who had been their pastor for several years, was, by the Bishop, transferred to Cincinnati, and the place is now filled by Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, priest. Number of members reported in 1857, fifteen hundred. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION.—Organized in 1857, by Rev. John Barnhard. Place of worship on Third street, near South Public Lane. Number of members in 1857, fourteen. COLORED BAPTISTS—Sometimes called the Second Baptist Church.—Was organized in 1840, and soon after they erected a pretty good brick church edifice on Gay street, between Third and Fourth. Their number is now reported at one hundred and three. The office of pastor is at present vacant. ANTI SLAVERY BAPTISTS, (Colored.)—Organized in 1847. They have a brick church on Town street, between Fifth and Sixth, erected some six or seven years since. They report their number of members at one hundred and four. James Poindexter, late pastor—office now vacant. ISRAELITES, OR JEWS.—Organized in 1852. Place of worship in Siebert's building. Rev. S. T. Goodman, priest. Number of members, twenty-eight. Although this Chapter, such as could not be derived from books or records, was obtained from the best sources, generally from the pastors themselves, or their church officers, it is not to be expected that the number of members was in all cases precisely correct; or if it had been, it would not have remained so many days. It should be observed, also, that different churches have different rules, in regard to membership—some count all baptised children as members, while others do not. This may account for the very large numbers reported by the Catholic Churches. |
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