We were surprised when we arrived at Powell Cemetery. For some reason we expected an old but active community cemetery with all that implies. Instead we found an old cemetery that seems to have stopped receiving interments except in rare instances (we did see one grave from 1994). There is no fence, no sign, no real entrance--nothing except a seeming well cared for acre or so of gravestones.
The cemetery is located on the east side of Liberty Road about a block north of County 750 (Powell Road changes to Olentangy Street in the town of Powell and Liberty Road is the divide between East Olentangy and West Olentangy). See map (Franklin County, Ohio Road Atlas & Street Locator). GPS coordinates: Latitude (DEC) 40.1592292, Longitude (DEC) -83.0746312; Latitude (DMS) 400933N, Longitude (DMS) 0830429W.
If you would like to have us take photos for you at this cemetery, or if you have photos that were taken at this cemetery and would like to share them, please, write to me at

Gravestones: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(Click on the underlined name to
download the gravestone photograph)
- Andrews, Lyman, died Nov 17, 1879, aged 83y 6m 7d; Percy M, wife of Lyman, died Nov 6, 1868, aged 69y 9m 3d; and Clarissa A., dau of Lyman & Percy M., died Mar 27, 1856, aged 14y 11m (Whole stone)
- Carlson
- Case
- Father and Mother, Augustus L., died Aug 1, 1854, aged 37 ys 5 ms 25 ds, I.O.O.F. symbol; and Cynthia M., wife of A L, died June 30, 1880, aged 60y 10m 14d
- Oda, June 16, 1879-May 10, 1904 and Aurilla C. Bishop, May 10, 1866-Mar 3, 1891
- Aurilla C. (Case) Bishop was the daughter of Oscar J. and Martha F. Case [1880 Federal Census]
- Oscar J., Apr 6, 1840-Mar 22, 1921 and Martha, wife of O J, Feb 6, 1841-Dec 24, 1902
- Gardner, Jonathan T., died May 10, 1890, in his 75 year and Delia E., his wife, 1818-1909; and on same stone, children of J T & D E, Franklin M., died Dec 13, 1853 in his 12 year and Henry W., died Nov 16, 1868 in his 9 year (Whole stone)
- Hall, Mary, daughter of T R & E, died June 3, 1836, aged 1 m 4 d
- Humphrey
- Jewett, Sarepta (Richards), 1841-1917, wife of Elam (Contact Ron Roby, )
- Elam L. Jewett (buried Kempton Cemetery, Columbus) married Sarepta Richards; Elam L. died in 1873
- Kirkham, John Edward, AMM2 US Navy, World War II, 1923-1976
- Marks (Plot)
- Abigail M., wife of M C, died Sept 1, 1856, aged 25 yrs 2 mos 5 ds
- Henry L., son of M C & A, died July 15, 1856, aged 2 mos 11 ds
- Moses (Contact Roberta Frederick, )
- Mother, Elizabeth E., 1856-1933 and Father, William S., 1856-1938 (Funeral Notice)
- Flavel, Feb 27, 1814-May 27, 1905; Elizabeth A., Apr 17, 1818-Feb 24, 1889; and Louis E [Louise?], their dau, Sept 11, 1851-May 24, 1857
- Children of W S &: E E; Myrtie L., died May 6, 1880, aged 1 yr 4(?) mos & 18 ds; and Frankie, died July 26, 1887 (or 1881), aged 2 mos & 17 ds
- Plot
- Flora, July 25, 1820-Mar 15, 1899
- Orpha Case, wife of S, Nov 1, 1792-Jan 27, 1858
- Salmon, Aug 10, 1792-Mar 21, 1869
- Moses~Jewett, Ailey & R. B. Moses, no dates; and James & Helen Jewett, no dates
- Rammell, David J., Apr 22, 1938-Feb 22, 1981, Sergeant Powell Police Dept., Officer of the year 1980
- Robinson, Mother, Iva June, 1914-1994
- Whitcraft, Mary Standish, 1833-1856 (See also Standish)
- Wilcox
- Charles, Jan 8, 1828-Jan 15, 1903, I.O.O.F. symbol; and Electa A., his wife, Mar 30, 1831-Jan 31, 1908
- James, July 4, 1823-Jan 28, 1918; Rhoda, his 1st wife, Apr 25, 1824-June 15, 1853; and Luve L., his 2nd wife, Jan 27, 1821-Oct 20, 1900
Delaware County, Ohio Cemetery Photos
Fairfield County Cemetery Photos
Franklin County, Ohio Cemetery Photos, &c.
Licking County Cemetery Photos
Madison County Cemetery Photos
Pickaway County Cemetery Photos
Union County, Ohio Cemetery Photos
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