© 2003-2017 David K. & Leona L. Gustafson |

Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Columbus, Franklin Township,
Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery was established in 1865 in part to replace the earlier Catholic Cemetery and St. Jacob Cemetery (aka Frey Cemetery; German Catholic Cemetery). The main entrance is on Mt. Calvary Avenue off of Mound Street. The west side of the cemetery is across the road from Cooper Stadium. The cemetery is cared for by the Catholic Diocese of Columbus. For record lookups conact:
Catholic Cemeteries Office
6440 High Street
Lockbourne, OH 43137
Phone: (614) 491-2751
E-mail: ccocrfinn@aol.com |
Some of the records have also been microfilmed and can be viewed at the Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society.
NOTE: Any copies of death certificates found on this page were found at FamilySearch Record Search. They are copies of actual archived and microfilmed death records generated by the Ohio Health Department. They have been included as they offer valuable clues to the families and places of birth for first generation immigrants.
Aerial Photo of Cemetery,
Spring 2004

Some photos on this page were contributed by:
Regina Gray, (rg)
Sandy Holladay () (sh)
Judith Hoover, (jh)
Betty Kelly, (bk)
Kathleen Mackey, (km)
Danny O'Dea, (dod)
Patrick S. Poole, (pp)
Erin Purcell, (ep)
Dee Staten, (ds)
Scott Hawley (hawley)
Gravestones: | Priests' Circle | Nuns | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(Click on the underlined name to view the tombstone photograph)
Priests' Circle
- Watterson, Rt. Rev John A., Second Bishop of Columbus, Born May 27, 1844; Ordained, August 8, 1868; Consecrated August 8, 1880; Died April 17, 1899
- Brummer, Rev. John W., born 1824; ordained priest 1851; worked in different missions in Ohio and Tennessee like a faithful servant; died of consumption the 19th of June 1872 in St. Francis Hospital, aged 48 years and 6 months
- Gladu, Rev. Pierre, born Canada, Mar 17, 1855; Priest Oct 28, 1891; died Columbus, Aug 30, 1903
- Glauter, Rev. William, died April 3, 1899, aged 33 yrs
- Hemsteger, J. B., born 23 Sept 1827; ordained 12 March 1851; died 18 Oct 1878
- NOTE: This gravestone is inscribed in German and the webmaster was not able to read it well enough to get a copy of the whole inscription in order to have it translated.
- Horny, Rev. Benj. P., Jan 4, 1856-Oct 29, 1903
- Lane, Rev. T. J., born July 8, 1947; ordained Dec 21, 1877; died Oct 26, 1891
- Mahoney, Rev. J., born Sept 12, 1868; died Aug 27, 1894; ordained Nov 1, 1886
- Meara, Father John, born Feb'y 21, 1853; ordained priest, May 28, 1877; died May 30, 1878
- Meara, Rev Father Michael M., born Oct 22, 1850; ordained May 30, 1874; died Jan 24, 1925
- Moitrier, Rev. Francis, 1839-1906
- O'Dea, Rev. Father Thomas, seminarist, 2 years at St. Thomas, Bardstown, Ky., 4 years at St. Mary's, Cincinnati, Oh., when ready for ordination he died Feb. 1, 1871; the first occupant of this circle (Contact: Danny O'Dea, )
- Specht, Rt. Rev. Monsignore, F. X., V. G., 1840-1913; erected by St. Mary's Parish (Full stone)
- Thompson, Rev. David A., born Mary 30, 1866; ordained Jan 6, 1892; died June 9, 1898
- White, Rev. J. P., born Mar 29, 1859; ordained Mar 29, 1884; died Jan 26, 1893
- Wirtz, Rev. Charles, ordained June 13, 1908; 1881-1918; erected by his mother and St. John's Parish of Dry Ridge, Ohio

- Sister
- M. Guthberga, born 1866, professed 1909, died 1959 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Mary Natalia, born 1874, professed 1898, died 1953 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- M. Conrada, born 1877, professed 1909, died 1953 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- M. Joseph Anita, born 1897, professed 1936, died 1952 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]

- Adamo, Giovanni, 1879-1912, Woodmen of the World
- Agin, Ida Lee, 1943-1944 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Agriesti, Father, Antonio, Dec 31, 1874-March 14, 1941 and Mother, Louise F., Sept 18, 1876-Aug 4, 1958 (sh)
- Albanese
- Anthony, Sept 27, 1926-March 21, 1927 [Cathedral Sec, Blk E, Lot 25, Space 12E]
- Father, Anthony, died Nov 26, 1892, age 62 and Mother, Filomena, died Sept 18, 1899, age 58 [Cathedral Sec, Block D, Lot 102]
- Mother, Antonetta, March 15, 1871-Nov 3, 1903 [Holy Cross Sec, Blk E-S ½, Lot 176]
- Father, Cosmo, 1886-1926 and Mother, Mary P., 1884-1949 (Obituary) [Cathedral Sec, Blk D Lot 54]
- Mother, Dorothy, Nov 3, 1894-Mar 14, 1919 (Whole stone) [Holy Cross Sec, Blk E, Lot 176]
- Father, John, 1868-1954 (Obituary) [Holy Cross Sec, Blk G Lot 4]
- Husband, John, 1858-1915, and Wife Carmela, 1866-1933 [Cathedral Sec, Block D, Lot 116]
- John Arthur, May 22, 1922-Sept 4, 1923 [Holy Cross Sec, Blk C, Lot 86]
- Johnny, Jan 10, 1891-March 8, 1914 [Holy Cross Sec, Blk E, Lot 176]
- Joseph, 1905-1931 (Portrait); Josephine, 1887-1978 (Obituary); Joseph, Jr., 1925-1979 (Obituary) [Catherdal Sec, Blk B, Single Row 2, Spaces 11-12]
- Daughter, Louise K., 1903-1971 (Obituary) [Holy Cross Sec, Blk C, Lot 86]
- Mary, July 4, 1847-Nov 26, 1933 [Cathedral Sec, Blk B Single Row 3, Space 12]
- Mother, Mary, June 1, 1862-Oct 20, 1942[Holy Cross Sec, Blk E, Lot 176]
- Michael, died June 28, 1900, aged 40 yrs (Whole stone) [Holy Cross Sec, Blk E, Lot 176]
- Nichola, 1889-1969 (Obituaries); Filomena, 1892-1950; and Albert, 1930-1941 [Holy Cross Sec, Blk F Lot 10
- Father, Nicolangelo, 1878-1933; Mother, Angiolina (Pauldino), 1880-1932; Granddaughter, Joyce Ann Goodman, 1943-1945; and Son, Ortenzio [no dates] [Holy Cross Sec, Blk F, Lot 6
- NOTE: Ortenzio is actually buried in Cathedral Sec, Blk D Lot 54 (see photo of stone below)
- Nicholas, died Sep 12, 1895, aged 27 ys [Holy Cross Sec, Blk E, Lot 176]
- Son, Ortenzio, Aug 14, 1919-May 6, 1932 [Cathedral Sec, Blk D Lot 54]
- Son of Nicolangelo & Angiolina (Pauldino) Albanese
- Father, Peter, June 27, 1876-Aug 13, 1918 [Cathedral Sec, Blk C, Single Row 7, Space 6]
- Mother, Raffaela, Oct 24, 1865-July 17, 1925, Woodmen Circle [Holy Cross Sec, Blk G, Lot 4]
- Barsotti, Giuseppe, May 16, 1882-Dec 23, 1914 and Mary, his wife, 1817-1942, Woodmen of the World
- Bender [Section Holy Cross D; listed in order photographed]
- Sergeant, Curtis G., MG CO 166TH INF, born Jan 20, 1896, killed in the Battle of Chateau Thierry, France, July 28, 1918
- Father, Leo F., March 17, 1891-Aug 28, 1936
- Father, Henry J., April 5, 1856-Oct 18, 1932
- Mother, Barbara, Aug 15, 1863-Sept 7, 1937
- Sophia, 1810-1883
- Gordian, 1825-1901
- Bernard, Frank, 1875-1974; Angelina, 1875-1947; and Anthony, 1897-1959 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Berrigan, Father and Mother, John, 1843-1914, his wife Elizabeth (ep)
- Bianchini, Giuseppe, July 7, 1885-Jan 12, 1944 (Portrait) and Lina, July 11, 1894-May 17, 1970 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Bibbo, Father, Pasquale, July 16, 1872-May 12, 1937 (Portrait) and Mother, Maria Antonia, June 6, 1874-June 17, 1942 (Portrait) Woodmen of the World (Whole stone)
- Biscotti, Raffaele, 1876-1918, Woodmen of the World (Death Certificate)
- Boley (See McLoughlin)
- Bolognesi, Giuseppe, 1875-1940, San Lazzara Par.SE, Parma, Una Prece [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Bossetti, Antonio, Dec 5, 1887-Feb 19, 1948 and Theresa, May 10, 1888-Feb 25, 1976
- Bova, Phillip, Jr., 1925-1937 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Bowen, Baby, [no dates] (sh)
- Broderick, Ellen, died Sept 2, 1901, aged 83 years (on KEEGAN stone) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Brusa, Giuseppe, Aug 8, 1890-April 22, 1940 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Buccilli [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Buoni, Vincenzo, 1896-1943; Lucia, 1896-1983; and Antonio D'Ancenzo, 1891-1953 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Burke, Michael J., Jr., Ohio, CPL 580 INF, 95 DIV, Sept 18, 1895-December 23, 1943 (sh)
- Byrne
- Plot monument (listed in order photographed)
- Elizabeth, County West Meath, 1815-1884
- William, Co. Meath, Ireland, 1805-1882
- Luke G., December 7, 1947-May 8, 1916
- Rose Leonard, 1957-1938
- John, Co. Meath, Ireland, 1845-1905
- Nina V., wife of John, 1859-1916
- Charles, died 17 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Daniel (Funeral Notice; no photo)
- Caccavella
- Caldarella, Savattore, born in Isnello, June 7, 1863, died in Columbus, May 10, 1924 (sh)
- Caligiuri, Domenico, 1886-1947 (Portrait) and Catherine, 1881-1954 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Callahan
- Frances, died July 1955 (Obituary; no photo)
- G. L., died Dec 3, ?91?, age 53 yrs (sh)
- Helen M., died Aug 30, 1983 (sh)
- Joseph S., died July 14, 1958 (sh)
- Father, W. P., died Nov 4, 1911, age 53 yrs (sh)
- Camela, Filippo, 1894-1947 (Portrait) and Adelaide, 1895-1985 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Canini, Angelo Mario, Nato in Alvito, Italia, Marzo 29, 1895, Morto Lugilo (July) 7, 1928 (Portrait & Death Certificate)
- Capone, Donato, nato in Poseto, Italy, 4 Ottobre 1893, morto 5 Aprile 1923 (Portrait) (sh)
- Casaro, Antonio, March 9, 1879-May 29, 1930 (Whole stone & Portrait)
- Casasanta
- Casey
- Jeremiah Francis, Dec 4, 1879-Aug 26, 1967 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- John L., 1882-1952, Woodmen of the World [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Mary Margaret, June 9, 1886-Oct 2, 1972 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Michael A., Oct 4, 1883-March 8, 1938 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Centofanti, Panfilo, April 19, 1890-April 29, 1945 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Cervi, Cesidio, Nato Marzo 14, 1883, Morto Dic 23, 1927, Societa St Maria del Campo (Portrait)
- Chapin, Steve, born in Pod Bablje Selo, Dalmacia, Dec 12, 1887, died June 26, 1937 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Churches
- Frank J. E., son of V & R, April 24, 1905-Aug 4, 1905
- Victor P., Feb 3, 1872-Jan 10, 1917, Woodmen of the World; Rosa Serra, Nov 19, 1879-March 25, 1962 (Whole stone)
- Cicchetti, Desiderata, Feb 1, 1880-May 8, 1930 (Whole stone ~ Portrait ~ Death Certificate)
- Cincione, Ray J. and Mary [See Gianantonio stone]
- Clark
- Rev. Dennis Augustus, born Dec 15, 1850, ordained to the priesthood, Dec 20, 1879, died at the alter, May 17, 1920 (sh)
- John J., born Dec 25, 1893, Killed in the Battle of Chateau Thierry, July 28, 1918, CO B 166TH INF
- Inscribed on star: In our country's service.
- Father, John F. [no dates] and Mother, Mary [no dates]
- Clingan, Virginia McKibben, July 12, 1922-May 12, 1949 (sh)
- Coccia, J., figlia di Emilio e Maria, Nata e Morta Dicembre 17, 1930 (sh)
- Translation: J. Coccia, daughter of Emilio and Maria, born and died December 17, 1930
- Colasante
- Nicola, Dec 14, 1889-Apr 7, 1987; Maria S., June 22, 1894-May 3, 1977 (Portrait); and William A., Nov 5, 1919-Jan 20, 1946 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Teresa, Sep 1905-Apr 1940 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Colelli, Angelo, 1882-1944 (Portrait); Emma, 1888-1968 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Connors, John Robert, and his wife Mary Ann (McAllister) [no photo] (Contact: Danny O'Dea, )
- Cordiano, Agostino, 1895-1956; Angelo, 1935-1946 (Portrait); and Maria, 1910-2000
- Cosano, Joseph, Feb 7, 1864-Mar 3, 1911, Woodmen of the World; and Mary L. his wife, April 1, 1863-July 31, 1944 (Whole stone)
- Cronin, Ellen, died 3 Mar 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Crowe, Thomas, Dec 23, 1841-Jan 16, 1903; Mary, his wife, Mar 16, 1846-Sept 16, 1895; and on same stone, John, son of T & M, Feb 11, 1882-June 20, 1902 and Mary Ann, dau of T & M, Sept 4, 1873-July 5, 1895 (Whole stone) [Cathedral Section, Lot 21] (Contact: Linda Harrison at )
- Cullen, Joseph, June 2 1869-Oct. 13, 1912 [no photo] (Contact: James Brennan at )
- Curcio, Giuseppe, 1863-1912 and Anna, his wife, 1863-1924, Woodmen of the World (Whole stone)
- D'Andrea
- Dangelo, Grace M. Hamilton, wife of Nicholas, Dec 3, 1896-Dec 29, 1918 (sh)
- D'Ascenzo, (see Buoni above)
- Daum, Adam, Geb 9 Juni 1824, Gest. 24 Feb 1890; Maria, Geb. 1 Nov 1823, Gest. 21 Nov 1898 and Catherine Daum, wife of John Merz, 1868-1912 (Whole stone)
- NOTE: There is a third side inscription that was illegible due to light angle
- Davies, Owen [no photo] (Contact: Gretchen Vandeneynden at )
- DeFrancesco, Father, Crescenzio, born in Guardiaregia, 18 June 1860, died here in Columbus, 18 March 1909 (Whole stone & larger detail) [Section Cathedral Single A, row 7, grave 17] (Contact: Aubrey Nelson )
- Dehl
- Mother, Christina, 1862-1930
- Herbert A., born Feb 25, 1889, Killed in the Battle of the Argonne, Oct 23, 1918, 308TH BATT Trench Artillery
- Inscribed on star: In your country's service
- Deladonne [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Michael, Sept 27, 1867-July 1, 1939
- Mary, Dec 15, 1880-Mar 21, 1950
- DeMaestri
- Daughter, Anna, July 26, 1912-Oct 23, 1929 (sh)
- Emanuele, May 13, 1886-Apr 24, 1965 and Ida, Aug 15, 1880-Dec 31, 1968 (sh)
- DeMatteo
- DePietro, Anna, wife of Frank, 1896-1925 (Contact: Aubrey Nelson )
- DeSantis, Nick, May 13, 1886-Mar 21, 1843 (sh)
- Devan, Chas. H., CO E, 10 OHIO INF, SP-AM War
- DiCesare, Pasquale, Ohio, PVT 335 INF 84 DIV, World War I, May 17, 1894-Dec 9, 1948 (sh)
- Diebel, Gustave (See Goetz)
- Dietlin, August L., died 16 Apr 1934 (Obituary; no photo)
- Diferdinando, Francesco, 1866-1947 (Portrait) and Sophia, 1866-1941 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Di Gregorio, Altobrando, June 11, 1882-Jan 16, 1928 (Portrait) (sh)
- Dillon, Michael, 1874-1922, Eastwood Camp No. 94, Woodmen of the World [Section: Holy Cross A]
- Doran, John J., died 24 Aug 1938 (Obituary; no photo)
- Ebner, Paul J., 1911-1932; Aloysius, 1892-1971; and Mary E., 1888-1941 (Photo taken and contributed by Virginia Smith, )
- Espeer, Mother, Anna, Dec 5, 1898-Sept 2, 1930 (Whole stone ~ Portrait ~ Death Certificate [Incorrect cemetery listed])
- Fala, Flaviano, 1893-1965 (Portrait) and Concettina, 1889-1948 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Fantozzi, Arcangelo, Nato Ott 8, 1889, Morto Dic 23, 1927 (Portrait & Death Certificate)
- Farischon (Photos taken and contributed by Robert R. Farischon, )
- Bernard J., died Jan 28, 1868, age 47 years and [his wife] Frances [Franziska] (Rapp), died Oct 12, 1892, age 84 years [Section: Holy Cross B, Lot 123, graves 2 & 3]
- Bernard J., 1860-1915 and Susan G., his wife, 1863-1948 [Section: Holy Cross B, Lot 123, graves 5 & 6]
- There are an additional six Farischon's buried in Lot 123, Mt Calvary, but at
this time their graves are un-marked. They are:
Helen M. Farischon, Nov 28, 1890-July 1970 grave #4
Raymond Joseph Farischon, Feb 17, 1892-May 12 1951, grave #10
George E. Farischon, Nov 21, 1899-Sep 4, 1961 grave #12
Bernard Samuel Farischon, Jul 6, 1904-May 5, 1972 grave #7
Avis Mary Schular Farischon, May 2, 1912-10 12, 1977 grave #8
- Feely, Mary R., died 1914 [no photo] [Section: Cathedral G Lot 30] (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- Ferfoglia, Grazzizana, 15 April 1883-9 February 1935 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Ferri, Galliano, Oct 16, 1896-Jan 26, 1949 (Portrait); Adelina, Nov 21, 1900-Sept 18, 1989 (Portrait); and Ralph F., May 17, 1921-Apr 28, 1981 (Whole stone (sh)) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Ferroni, Nicholas A., June 12, 1933-Jun 13, 1933 (sh)
- Fitzmartin (Contact: James Brennan at )
- William J., Ohio, PV 138 DEPOT BRIG., [died] June 14, 1936 [Section: Cathedral E, lot 14, grave 6]
- Winifred, 1854-1934 and Wm., 1852-1913 [Section: Cathedral E, lot 14, graves 4 & 5]
- Flarity (Contact: Esther Roark at )
- Mary Ann, 19 Oct 1851-17 Feb 1942 (Death Certificate; no stone) [Holy Cross Section E, Lot 173]
- Father, Michel, 1860-1902 [Holy Cross Section E, Lot 173]
- Fleming, Anna Louise, died 16 Feb 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
- Flynn, Father, Anthony; Mother, Grace; Kate; John W., Edward; and Nellie Moore [no dates] (sh)
- Fontanarosa, Panfilo, Feb 10, 1889-Oct 17, 1976 and Maria F., May 29, 1892-Jan 25, 1944 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Freeland, Frances J., 1913-1986; Harold L., 1913-1977; and John S., June 6, 1938-Nov 23, 1945 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Francesco, Indiciani, Ohio, PVT 1 CL 26 INF, 1 DIV, September 10, 1946 (sh)
- French, David Lee, 1942-1943 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Frey, John E., 1884-1917, Woodmen of the World (Full stone) [Section: Holy Cross A]
- Fulchetti, Pietro, Nato Gen 15, 1903, Morto Dic 23, 1927, Societa St Maria del Campo (Portrait & Death Certificate)
- Furne/Furnaletto, Angelo, 1906 (or 1901)- June 7, 1927; buried 10 June 1927 [no photo] (Contact: Virginia Porter at )
- Gall, Elizabeth, born & died March 18, 1930 (sh)
- Gallagher
- Gallicchio
- Anthony (Tonie), Aug 8, 1913-June 23, 2001 and Jenny, Dec 18, 1915-June 11, 2001 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Father, Dominic, Dec 15, 1890-Aug 16, 1972 (Portrait); mother, Mary C., Feb 27, 1894-July 5, 1947 (Portrait); and wife Anna A., June 11, 1909-July 6, 1950 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Raymond, June 24, 1928-Feb 8, 1988 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Getreu, Anna V. (Obituary; no photo)
- Gianantonio
- Christin Janton, died 3 Mar 1936 (Obituary; no photo)
- Grandmother, Filomena, 1846-1920; Father, Michael, 1876-1964; Mother, Louise M., 1887-1948; Son, Peter Paul, 1916-1986; Ray J. Cincione, 1913-1989; and Mary Cincione, 1916-1986 (Whole stone) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Gloeckner
- Goetz Plot [Section Holy Cross A Lot 22]
Listed in order photographed
- Baby, Margarette, Dec 21, 1906-Jan 8, 1907
- Louis, 1854-1914 (Death Certificate) and Mary (Diebel), his wife, 1853-1914 (Death Certificate)
- Husband, Charles, 1883-1914 (Death Certificate)
- Brother, Gustave Diebel, Feb 27, 1864-Sept 24, 1892
- Louis, April 23, 1905-May 16, 1913 [1914 on Death Certificate]
- Husband, Edward Francis, Feb 4, 1887-June 10, 1963; Military marker (Obituary)
- Edna May (Leigh), died 29 Jun 1978 (Obituary; no stone) (Contact Susan Sage Freer at )
- Edna May Leigh, born 22 Aug 1894, died 29 Jun 1978, daughter of of Joseph & Ida Bobst Leigh, wife of Edward Francis Goetz.
- Gojkovich, Julka [Julia], Rodita [born] 1879, Umrla [died] 1940 (Death Certificate) (sh)
- Goldsbury, William L., 1887-1914, Woodmen of the World [Section: Holy Cross F] (Contact: James Brennan at )
- Grooms
- Dad, John H., 1885-1941 (rg)
- John Henry Grooms, born 20 Dec 1885, died 16 Jul 1941
- Mom, Rosa E., 1892-1955 (rg)
- Rosa Elizabeth (Masterson) Grooms, born 1 Apr 1892, died 18 Nov 1955
- Hadler, Joseph, Feb 24, 1863-Oct 12, 1893 [Section Holy Cross D, Lot 17] (Contact Dina Keeler, )
- M. Hadler purchased 6 grave spaces in D, Holy Cross, Lot 17, on 30 Jul 1883. The following are interred in the lot:
- Grave #1 - Open
- Grave #2 - Maria Hadler - date of interment 7/28/1900
- Grave #3 - Maria Schoenauer, age 26 - date of interment 7/31/1883, wife of Henry or Joseph
- Grave #7 - Joseph Hadler
- Grave #8 - Wilbert Kingry - date of interment 7/28/1899
- Grave #9 - John Hadler - date of interment 9/29/1900
- There is also a record of burial, though no indication of what grave, for Franz Hadler, age 4 years, date of interment 6/20/1886, Son of Franz Hadler
- Haettel, Frederick L., died 25 Nov 1940 (Obituary; no photo")
- Hartung
- George, April 19, 1884-April 19, 1904, Woodmen of the World (Whole stone) [Section: Holy Cross A]
- Louis, Feb 22, 1850-Jan 14, 1891 [Section: Holy Cross A; next to George]
- Havlik, Rita Ann, May 13, 1944-Sept 27, 1944 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Hewitt, Mary (see Michael Lynch)
- Hilgert [Section: Cathedral Block C Lot 72] (Contact: Joe Harland, )
Listed in order photographed:
- Sister, Loretta K., 1909-1926
- Mother, Mary A., 1871-19331
- Father, Andrew, 1869-1933
- Infant, Patricia, April 13, 1945
- Additional interments in this lot; no stones:
- Hilgert, (Infant), buried 7 Jan 1953 (no sex is listed for this baby)
- Hilgert, Mary Jane (Infant?), buried 10 Nov 1927
- Hilgert, Robert (Infant), buried 28 Mar 1928
- Houchin, Lowell, CPL 4 ILL Infantry, SP AM War, Oct 7, 1878-March 23, 1950 (sh)
- Iannarino, Michele, born at Termini, Imerese, Sicily, June 25, 1833, died Aug 29, 1919; and Leonardo, his son, Nov 1, 1862-Feb 1, 1931 (Whole stone) (sh)
- Inkrot
- Mother, Caroline, Dec 12, 1852-June 1, 1923 [Holy Family Section] (ds)
- Christine M., 1896-1957 [Holy Family Section] (ds)
- Daughter of Henry B. & Caroline Inkrot
- Sister, Elizabeth, July 16, 1888-May 27, 1917 [Holy Family Section] (ds)
- Daughter of Henry B. & Caroline Inkrot
- Brother, George H., July 7, 1874-Dec 14, 1910 [Holy Family Section] (ds)
- Son of Henry B. & Caroline Inkrot
- Father, Henry B., Oct 22, 1846-Dec 10, 1906 [Holy Family Section] (ds)
- Karam, Tarooze Khoury, Jan 27, 1896-July 15, 1983 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Kavanagh, Briget, died May 14, 1870, aged 43 years (dod)
- Keegan (All on same stone) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- John T., died Jan 2, 1892, aged 56 years and Mary, 1845-1926
- Josie M., Apr 23, 1886-Feb 13, 1887
- Ellen Broderick, died Sept 2, 1901, aged 83 years
- William C., 1884-1935; John W., 1887-1944; and Elizabeth L. , 1891-1944
- Keller, Sylvester (Obituary; no photo)
- Kelly, Mother, Anna, Nov 15, 1842-Dec 30, 1919 (Death certificate) (bk) (Contact Leo J. Kelly, Jr., )
- Kertzinger, Agnes R., died 19 Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo)
- Khoury, Namethallah, 1896-1946 (Portrait) and Farage, 1896-1977 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Kingry, Wilbert, June 22 1899-July 28, 1899 [Section Holy Cross D, Lot 17, see also Hadler]
- Kirchner, John, 1872-1936 (km)
- John Kirchner, born July 24, 1872 in Germany; Died August 30, 1936 in Columbus; husband of Mary Kirchner and father of Emma, Agnes, Rose, Alfred, Louis. Mary, Emma Buckmaster, Agnes, Rose Conner, and Louis (All buried at St. Joseph Cemetery). John, his wife Mary, and daughter Emma, emigrated March 14, 1899 from Wollbach, Germany.
- Kochenderfer (Contact: Patty Jude, )
- Father, Barney [Bernhard], 1825-1878 and Mother, Catherine (Fischer), 1823-1876 [Holy Cross Section C, Lot 124]
- Katherine E., 12 Dec 1864-15 May 1932 (Death Certificate; no stone) [Holy Cross Section C, Lot 139]
- Plot [Holy Cross Section E, Lot 97]
- Father, William, 1853-1881 [Holy Cross Section B, Lot 139]
- Korting (Contact: John Korting at )
- Helena Hensler, Oct 18, 1881-1945 [no photo]
- Theodore Franz "Frank," Jul 26, 1880-August ?, 1947 [no photo]
- LaPenna, Donato, July 1, 1898-July 24, 1926 (Portrait) (sh)
- Lilley, Joseph H., April 15, 1887-May 26, 1887; Frank P., Jan 31, 1855-Jan 11, 1942; and Mary E., March 16, 1867-Sept 25, 1933 (Photo taken and contributed by Virginia Smith, )
- Lomano, Michele, May 25, 1887-Oct 11, 1966 and Lucia, Oct 4, 1898-Dec 8, 1948 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Lostrappo, Irene, died 24 Aug 1938 (Funeral Notice; no photo)
- Lynch
- Lyons, John J., died 2 Mar 1936 (Funeral Notice; no photo)
- Mango (Photos taken and contributed by Virginia Smith, )
- Marinelli, Angelo, 1862-1938 (Portrait) and Doralice, 1864-1961 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Martini
- Father, Francesco, Aug 1, 1894-Nov 17, 1930 (Whole stone & Death Certificate)
- Josephine, Oct 12, 1912-Dec 23, 1927 (Death Certificate [Incorrect cemetery listed])
- Mother, Louise, March 6, 1886-Dec 28, 1959 (Portrait)
- Maxwell, Susi, died 1892 [no photo] [Section: Cathedral G Lot 30] (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- McGowan, Anna B., died May 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- McLoughlin
- McManigal, Russell J., Apr 21, 1910-Apr 27, 1994, married Aug 27, 1949, Beatrice V., Oct 4, 1919-[blank] [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Mcshane
- Husband, Arthur T., 1895-1965 (Obituary) and Wife, Helen A., 1897-1977 (Obituary) [Contact: John Franey, ]
- Elizabeth, 1863-1931 (Obituary) and Anna, 1857-1941 (Obituary)
- Father, James A., Feb 17, 1859-Sept 6, 1935 (Obituary) and Mother, Jennie, Oct 4, 1862-Feb 25, 1924
- Meagher, Martin W., died 14 Nov 1925 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Melfi
- Anthony A., 1916-1949 (sh) (Death Certificate)
- Joseph, Feb 22, 1893-Mar 5, 1981 and Antoinette, June 23, 1892-Aug 29, 1947 (sh) (Death Certificate)
- Mike [Michael], May 9, 1908-Aug 18, 1931 (Portrait & Death Certificate)
- Meloeny, Father, LeRoy A., 1881-1938 and Mother, Martha E., 1883-1992 (jh)
- Mertens, John P., 1873-1918, Sycamore Camp 227, Woodmen of the World (Death Certificate)
- Merz, Chaterine Daum, wife of John (see Daum)
- Messing, Father, Alexander, 1880-1933, Woodmen of the World
- Miner, Patricia (See Hilgert)
- Minor, Alice Mellett, Oct 25, 1900-Aug 3, 1983 (sh)
- Mohler, Harry T., 1888-1935 and Mary, 1889-1938, Woodmen of the World [Section: Holy Cross A]
- Monahan
- Thomas, died Dec 10, 1891, aged 57 yrs 11 mos 17 dys (sh)
- William H., died Aug 26, 1906, age 40 years (sh)
- Moore, John H., died Jul 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
- Morris, Edward L., 1870-1910, Woodmen of the World
- Montag
- John W. "Jack", May 3, 1918-April 26, 1998 and Mary M., Feb 20. 1919-March 19, 1996 (hawley)
- John W., Jr, FA, US Navy, June 1, 1940-Dec 23, 1963 (hawley)
- Mulholland, Judith Elaine "Judy", buried 5 May 1947 (Obituary; no photo) (Contact: Barbara (Mulholland) Waters, )
- Mullen (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- James, died 1891 [Buried Section: Cathedral G Lot 30; no photo]
- Patrick, no dates [Buried Section: Cathedral G Lot 30; no photo]
- Rose, 1813-1893 [Buried Section: Cathedral G Lot 30; no photo]
- (P. Mullen Plot, Section: Cathedreal H Lot 54)
- Plot Marker, [Section Cathedral A Lot 64; no individual stones]
Buried in this plot are: James, 1938; Evelyn, 1959; and Frances, 1923
- Murray James, [born Ireland], died Oct 12, 1892, aged 34 yrs [brother of Elizabeth Murrey below] [Section: Cathedral K, lot 33, Grave 6] (Contact: James Brennan at )
- Murrey, Elizabeth, 1857 [Ireland]-1933 [sister of James Murray above] [Section: Cathedral K, lot 33, Grave 5] (Contact: James Brennan at )
- Nachman [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Nutini, Eve, died 14 Jan 1952 (Obituary; no photo)
- O'Dea
- Daniel, 1832-1909 and Sarah, his wife, 1834-1903 [Section Cathedral C, Lot 47] (dod)
- Daniel T., 1859-1925 and Catherine, his wife, 1857-1950 (dod)
- Frances A., 1899-1991 [Section Holy Cross D, Lot 128] (dod)
- Daughter of Daniel T. O'Dea, Jr.
- John, died 1863; Mary Torpey, his wife, died 1886; William, died 1920; and on back of same stone Michael T., Feb 8, 1860-[blank] [Section Cathedral C, Lot 72] (dod)
- Lawrence D., 1912-1995 and Dica M., 1918-[blank] [Section Holy Cross D, Lot 128] (dod)
- Lawrence was the son of Thomas S. & Catherine Regine (Hickey) O'Dea
- Daughter, Sarah E., Nov 19, 1893-Mar 8, 1897 [Section Cathedral C, Lot 47] (dod)
- Daughter of Daniel T. & Catherine O'Dea
- Thomas S., 1871-1952 and Catherine Regina (Hickey), 1872-1952 [Section Holy Cross D, Lot 128] (dod)
- Thomas was the son of Daniel T. O'Dea, Sr. and his wife, Catherine
- O'Flaherty, Thomas Francis, died 28 Nov 1940 (Obituary; no photo")
- Oldendorf
- John, June 22, 1871-Oct 9, 1904
- Joseph, 1873-1912, Redwood Camp No. 88, Woodmen of the World
- Padovan, Angelo, 1882-1947 (Portrait); Maria, 1891-1980 (Portrait); and Renzo O., 1924-1947 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Pagurut, Luigi, Nov 31, 1877-April 19, 1915, Woodmen of the World (Whole stone)
- Palich, William Stephan, Dec 5, 1923-July 18, 1943 (Portrait); Charles B., Sr., Sept 26, 1892-Feb 21, 1951; Elizabeth M., Oct 29, 1896-Mar 24, 1972; and Charles B., Jr., Jan 22, 1919-[12 Feb 1983?] [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Patete, Alfonso, 1876-1938 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Perone, Elizabeth, 1872-1948; Peter, 1827-1913; Barbara, 1832-1916; Emma, 1863-1939; Regina, 1961-1885; and Emma, 1884-1885 [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Petruzzi, Nicola, died 5 Jan 1935 (Obituary; no photo")
- Pirrung (Contact Joyce Lewis, )
- Frank, 1825-1880; Mary A. Borgess, his wife, 1824-1895 and, Henry C., their son, 1865-1912 [Holy Cross A Section, Lot 6]
- Whole stone [Holy Cross B Section, Lot 3]
- East side (front): Jacob J., 1821-1891 and Mary Anna, 1825-1892(?)
- South side: John I., 1859-1900; Henry W., 1870-1912; Mary T., 1862-1935
- West side: Margaret B., died Nov 6, 1918 [b. 4 Apr 1850] and Jacob A., 1857-1922
- North side: Anton J., 1864-1882 and Henry Jos., 1837-1869
- Hier ruhet, Heinrich Jos., geb 15 Apr 1867, gest 30 Nov 1869 (Whole stone)
- This stone is broken and leaning against the west side of the larger stone. Translated the stone reads, "Here rests, Heinrich Jos. Pirrung, born 15 Apr 1867, died 30 Nov 1869"
- Whole stone [Holy Cross B Section, Lot 33]
- Front: John, 1817-1873; Sidonia, 1825-1899; Theresa, 1847-1879; Barbara, 1789-1873; and Teresa Mittelholz, 1827-1905
- Back: Frank, 1850-1910; Lucy, 1860-1932; Agnes, 1862-1942; Bernard, 1865-1871; Aloysius, 1870-1897; and Elsie, 1883-1892
- Puccetti, Ceasare, 1876-1961 and Georgia C., 1877-1950, Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle [Section: Cathedreal-Single D]
- Raphael [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Faris, Dec 1, 1924, Two year old son of John & Catherine (sh)
- John, Jan 13, 1871-Mar 21, 1940; Catherine, Feb 28, 1896-Oct 19, 1961; and Ralph John, Aug 20, 1914-Jun 3, 1936 (Portrait)
- Mary, November 19, 1912-July 20, 1986
- Rapp, (Photos taken and contributed by Robert R. Farischon, )
- Mother, Anna, [wife of Gregory] 1843-1922 [Section: Holy Cross B]
- Gregroy, CO H, 133 OHIO INF [Section: Holy Cross B]
- Gregory died 6 Mar 1916; he was the brother of Frances (Rapp) Farischon (see above).
- Reiselt, Frederick Wm., 1882-1915, Woodmen of the World [Section: Holy Cross D]
- Riley Plot [Cathedral Section E] (pp)
- Mother, Abigail E. (Clifford), wife of P R, Nov 1, 1859-Dec 28, 1923 (pp)
- Patrick R. Riley, born ?? Feb 1860, died Jan 25, 1929, husband of Abigail and father of Annie and Blanch is also buried in this plot in an unmarked grave
- Annie, daughter of P R & A, Aug 17, 1884-March 13, 1934 (pp)
- Blanch, daughter of P R & A, July 20, 1894-July 27, 1900 (pp)
- Ross, John, died 15 Sep 1943 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Ruine, Marion, Dec 13, 1899-May 22, 1922 (sh)
- Russo
- Grace, Jan 2, 1933-July 7, 1939 (Portrait) (sh)
- Michiele, born in Termini, Imprese, Italy, Scicly, Sept 7, 1941, died Sept 20, 1921; and Nicholetta, his wife, 1847-1932 (Whole stone) (sh)
- Russolillo, Raffaele P., 1894-1948 (Portrait) and Antonetta, 1903-1980 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Sanguinetti
- Father, Bartholomew, April 24, 1946-June 10, 1888 (sh)
- Husband, Frank, Jun 14, 1875-Oct 19, 1932 (sh)
- Mother, Louisa, Aug 14, 1852-March 2, 1938 (Obituary) (sh)
- Wife, Rose, Feb 26, 1901-Apr 14, 1984 (sh)
- William, July 12, 1872-Dec 22, 1920 (sh)
- Sauro, Jessie M., Feb 19, 1892-Dec 30, 1914, Woodmen Circle (Full stone) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Scamaccio, Saverio, 29 August 1888-17 August 1936 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Schaefer, Joseph, died 27 Aug 1928 (Obituary; no photo)
- Schneider (Plot, Holy Cross Section G Lot 83)
- Scialabba, Antonio, Nov 2, 1885-Oct 16, 1940 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Sereinig, Valentine, 1871-1937 and [his 2nd wife], Maria, 1882-1972 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
Contact: Carolynne Bursh ()
- Valentine Sereinig, born 21 Mar 1871 in Austria, died 289 Nov 1937 at Columbus; married 1st, Johanna Greiman (buried Green Lawn Cemetery).
- Serafini, Mother, Ann P., Mar 17, 1930-Feb 12, 1966 (Portrait)
- Silvestri, Michael, 1882-1948 (Portrait) and Maria, 1882-1966 [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Singleton, John Vance, died Jun 27, 1903, age 88 yrs; Johanna, his wife, died April 21, 1907, age 82 yrs; their sons, Philip, died Nov 25, 1905, age 40; James H., died Sept. 21, 1916, age 60 yrs; and Patrick J., died July 22, 1921, age 61 yrs [Section: Cathedral-D]
- Sinsabaugh Alphonso, 1857-1923, and, on back of same stone, Grace, wife of Alphonso, 1851-1920; and James Ralph, their son, 1893-1912 (Full stone) [Section: Cathedral D Lot 3] (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- James, Oct 27, 1893-Sept 20, 1912 (Original stone)
- Smith, James, 1910; Catherine, 1918; Anna M., 1926; Helen G., 1953; and Joseph [no date] [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Steward, James Fields, Hospital Corp, USA (sh)
- Sullivan, Dennis J., died Apr 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Susi
- Son, Armando, 1903-1917
- Father, Lucien P., 1910-1968 and Mother, Assunta, 1922-2003
- Maria D., May 30, 1891-Oct 9, 1941 (Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Mother, Raffaela, April 16, 1877-Dec 9, 1951 and Father, Antonio, May 26, 1876-Dec 18, 1947 (Portraits)
- Terrible, Helen M., born in Columbus, July 10, 1921, died Feb 10, 1933 (Portrait)
- Thomas [All Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Treib (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- Infant son of H. & G., June 11, 1916 [Unconsecrated Section]
- Mathias, Sep 8, 1861-Feb 5, 1905, Woodmen of the World (Full stone) [Section: Holy Cross D Lot 55]
- Valentine, Fred N., Dec 22, 1886-Feb 11, 1967 ( Portrait); Lucy, Mar 9, 1892-June 20, 1970 ( Portrait); and Albert, May 3, 1914-Aug 7, 1940 ( Portrait) [Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Valentino [All Section: Cathedral-Single D]
- Ventresca, Mother, Concettina, 1903-1946 (Portrait)
- Voll, Catherine, died 2 Apr 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Walsh, Patrick A., died Feb 1946 (Funeral notice; no photo)
- Weigand, Brother, Leo, July 16, 1897-Oct 31, 1932, Woodmen of the World (Death Certificate
- Whitman (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- Lawrence B., PVT US Army, World War II, 1901-1975 [Section: Holy Cross A, Lot 42]
- William M., 1893-1952 [Section: Holy Cross A, Lot 42]
- Whitney, Hugh, Jr., died 6 Mar 1907 (Funeral notices; no photo)
- Willmoth, Mary Theresa (Obituary; no photo)
- Wittman, Joseph J., 1873-1930 and Verna P., 1884-1940 [Section: Holy Cross D, Lot 107] (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- Wittmann (Contact: Gerri Pugliese, )
- Henry J., 1854-1931 and Bridget A., 1856-1942 [Section: Holy Cross A, Lot 42]
- Michael, died 12 March 1897, aged 80 years and Anna Maria, died 13 March 1888, aged 64 years (Full stone) [Section: Holy Cross A, Lot 42]
- Infant, died 25 May 1914 (unmarked) [Unconsecrated Section]
- Jennie E., 1851-1927 [Section: Holy Cross A Lot 8]
- Lawrence, no dates [Section: Holy Cross A Lot 8]
- Peter, 10 Jan 1814-9 Mar 1881, aged 70 y 1 m 9 d, and, on same stone, Barbara, 1813-1905; Mary Lecer, 1850-1894; Lawrence, died Nov 25, 1916, aged 69 yrs (Full stone) [Section: Holy Cross A Lot 8]
All Gravstone photographs taken by David K. & Leona L. Gustafson unless otherwise noted.

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