© 2005-2017 David K. & Leona L. Gustafson
The Jackson Township Cemetery is located northwest of Circleville on the west side of State Route 104, about a half mile north of Fox. (Map)
If you have photos taken at this cemetery and would like to share them, please, write to me at llgbug@genealogybug.net. I would also be grateful if someone would share a brief history of the cemetery. Is it the cemetery that served the old historic town of Jefferson?Return to Pickaway County Cemetery Photos
Photographs for this page were contributed by:
David Anderson, DAnder8256@aol.com (da)
Joyce Robinson, JAR422@aol.com (jr)
Sue Wilson, swilson21@columbus.rr.com (sw)
T. A. Weaver (taw)
Gravestones(Click on the underlined name to download the tombstone photograph)NOTE: Underlined information is the Webmaster's "best guess" and might not be accurate.
Delaware County, Ohio Cemetery Photos
Fairfield County Cemetery Photos
Franklin County, Ohio Cemetery Photos, &c.
Licking County Cemetery Photos
Madison County Cemetery Photos
Pickaway County Cemetery Photos
Union County, Ohio Cemetery Photos
This page is maintained by
Leona L. Gustafson
Gustafson - Wichmann Ancestry
NOTICE: These electronic photographs may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the webmaster .