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RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES, nineteenth president of the United' States, was born, at Delaware, Ohio, October 4, 1822; graduated at Kenyon College, Ohio, in 1842, and at Harvard Law School in 1845; began the practice of law at Fremont, Ohio; removed to Cincinnati in 1849; was city solicitor from 1858 to 1861; was appointed, June 27, 1861, major Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers, of which W. S. Rosecrans was the first colonel and Stanley Matthews (afterwards justice U. S. Supreme Court) lieutenant-colonel. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel October 24, 1861, from which date he commanded the Twenty-third until December, 1862. In the brilliant action of South Mountain (1862) he received a severe wound in the left arm which compelled him to leave the field. After the battle of Antietam the regiment was returned to West Virginia, where, November 30, 1862, he rejoined it as colonel, having been promoted October 24. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, to date from the battle of Cedar Creek, at the close of which he received news of his electio• to Congress from the second district of Ohio; was made brevet major-general for gallant services, and resigned from the army June 1, 1865. In December he took his seat in Congress; was re-elected in 1866, but left his seat in 1867, having been nominated for governor of Ohio, to which office he was elected in October, and re-elected in 1869. In 1872 he suffered his first defeat for Congress. In 1875 he reluctantly consented to allow his name to be used once more as a candidate for governor, and was elected for a third time, an honor never before conferred on a citizen of Ohio. On June 16, 1876, he was nominated at Cincinnati for president of the United States, on the Republican ticket, on the seventh ballot, receiving 384 votes,, to 351 for J. G. Blaine and 21 for B. H. Bristow. The ensuing canvass, which was bitter and exciting, was closed by a disputed election, the electoral votes of Florida, South Carotins, and Louisiana, and one of those of Oregon being claimed by both parties. The Presidential Electoral Commission announced, March 2, 1877, that he had been duly elected president of the 'United States. The inauguration ceremonies took place on March 5. During the four years of his office the affairs, of the government were conducted in a manner that will command the favorable judgment of, history. Died at Fremont, Ohio, January 17, 1893.
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