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MARCUS ALONZO HANNA, Republican, of Cleveland, was born in New Lisbon (now Lisbon), Columbiana County, Ohio, September 24, 1837; removed with his father's family to Cleveland in 1852; was educated in the common schools of that city and the Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio; was engaged as an employee in the wholesale grocery house of Hanna, Garreston & Co., his father being senior member of the firm; his father died in 1862 and lie represented that interest in the firm until 1867, when the business was closed up; then became. a member of the firm of Rhodes & Co., engaged in the iron and coal business; at the expiration of ten years the title of this firm was changed to M. A. Hanna & Co., which still exists; has been identified with lake carrying business, being interested in vessels on the lakes, and in the construction of such vessels; is president of the Union National Bank, of Cleveland; president of the Cleveland City Railway Company;. was director of the Union Pacific Railway Company in 1885, by appointment of President Cleveland; was a delegate to the national Republican conventions in 1884, 1888, and 1896; was elected chairman of the national Republican committee of 1896, and still holds that position; was appointed to the United States Senate by Governor Bushnell, March 5, 1897, to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Hon. John Sherman, who resigned to accept the position of Secretary of State in President McKinley's cabinet; took his seat March 5, 1897; in January, 1898, he was elected for the short term ending March 4, 1899, and also for the succeeding full term. His term of service will end March 4, 1905.
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