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JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER, Republican, of Cincinnati, was born July 5, 1-46, on a -farm near Rainsboro, Highland County, Ohio; enlisted July 14, 1862, as private in Company A, Eighty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which organization he served until the close of the war, at which time he held the rank of first lieutenant and brevet captain; was graduated from Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., July 1, 1869; was admitted to the bar and entered upon the practice of the law at Cincinnati, Ohio, October 14, 1869; was elected judge of the superior court of Cincinnati in April, 1879; resigned on account of ill health May 1, 1882; was the Republican candidate for governor of Ohio in 1883, but was defeated; was elected to the office in 1885, and re-elected in 1887; was again nominated for governor and defeated in 1889; was chairman of the Republican state convention of Ohio for 1886, 1890, and 1896, and was a delegate-at-large from Ohio to the national Republican conventions of 1884,
and 1896; was chairman of the Ohio delegation in the convention of 1884 and 1888, and presented to both of these conventions the name of Hon. John Sherman for nomination for the Presidency; in the conventions of 1892 and 1896 served as chairman of the committee on resolutions, and as such reported the platform each time to the convention; presented the name of William McKinley to the convention of 1896 for nomination to the presidency; was elected United States Senator, January 15, 1896, to succeed Calvin S. Brice, and took his seat March 4, I897. His term will expire March 3, 1903,
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