Caption on front:
Young Woman's Christian Association, Cor. 18th and Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo.
Message on front: Crosses indicate my room
[2nd flr. right, next to open window & 2 around corner]
but will move to 933 Pearl tomorrow.
We pay 7 dollars per week and __?__ in a room at that. W Lassonde.

Postmark: DENVER, COLO. FEB 17 6:30 PM 1909

Addressed to: Miss T Winters
58 Church St

Dear Miss Winters, Denver is grade wish I had come sooner.
The climate is just beautiful  streets full of good looking men
but have not as yet met any one hope to soon
reqards to all the girls in G. Fox allications
[?] room add--
933 Pearl St. Denver Colo