The Columbus City Graveyards
Page Design © 2008 by David K. Gustafson
Content © 1985 by Donald M. Schlegel

Used with permission
(original on file)

Consolidated List

HERTZ, Christian             ?
Died of cholera in 1849.               - Martin, 329 (Not at Green Lawn?)

HESS, Elizabeth              N?
Consort of Moses Hess and daughter of Thomas Moore, died Sept. 23, 
1825 @ 24y.                            - OSJ Sept. 29, 1825

HESSENAUER, George           N
One box from North removed to his lot Q/20 at Green Lawn.
                                       - Lot book 

HEYD, Peter                  E
Removed from East to Green Lawn 28/27. - Lot book

HEYDE, Charlotte             ?
1813-1849.                             - new ts, Green Lawn K 
(Not in card file?)

HEYL, Henry                  N d
Infant son of Christian and Esther Heyl, died Feb. 10, 1835 @ 5m 13d.
                                       - ts, Green Lawn J
Henry Clay Heyl, son of Christian Heyl, died in this city Feb. 10, 
1835 @ 5m 13d.                         - OSJ Feb. 21, 1835

HEYL, John H.                E/S
"John Hael, died Aug. 18, 1854, aged 37 yrs." ts found in South 
Graveyard.                             - Dispatch, Aug. 19, 1984

HEYL, Lawrence               N d
In the Heyl lot, eleven bodies were brought to the surface. Upon 
opening the grave of Lawrence Heyl, grandfather of Wm. Heyl, Esq.,... 
Near by were taken out what remained of his venerable wife, Mary 
Ann... The remains of an infant brother [Henry] of Mr. Heyl were
represnted by...                       - Dispatch Apr. 23, 1872
Died Mar. 22, 1833, @ 88y 3m 5d.       - ts, Green Lawn J
Died March 22, 1833, father of our respected fellow citizens Christian 
and Conrad Heyl, @ 88; "leaving a long train of descendants."
                                       - OSJ, Apr. 11, 1833 

HEYL, Mary Ann               N d
Wife of Lawrence Heyl, died Feb. 6, 1830 @ 87y 4m 23d.
                                       - ts, Green Lawn J
Consort of Lawrence Heyl, died in this town Feb. 6, 1830, in her 87th 
year.                                  - OSJ Feb. 10, 1830

HIBBS, Adin G.               N d 227
Purchased lot 227 on Jan. 3, 1844.     - Deed 29/153

HIBBS, William               N
Removed from North to Green Lawn P/35. - Lot book