York Cemetery is located at the junction of Rts 739 and 47, north of York Center. I found no information about the cemetery in Beers' 1883 History of Union County, Ohio, which was a surprise as the cemetery was well established by the time the history was compiled. Shirley Penhorwood contributed a postcard (enlarged here) showing the original gate with the cemetery in the background--if you look carefully at the road just above the closed gate you can see where the road forked then at the same spot it does today. All that is left of the gate is the sign shown in the photo above. The oldest part of the cemetery was located behind McKendree United Methodist Church. Shirley Penhorwood also contributed an old postcard of the church; it was probably printed sometime between 1910-1913 (Notice the old steeple that is missing in the more recent photo of the church). When we visited the cemetery all that was left of the church was the sign and a hole filled with rubble from the recent demolition of the church building. McKendree Methodist Episcopal society, the predecessor of the recently demolished building, was established, according to Beers, "about 1838 at the residence of Gergory Storms." The first log church building was built about 1841 and another building was built at the same site in 1858. A steeple with a bell, probably the one shown in the photos of the sign, was added at a later date. York Center Cemetery is still an active and well cared for cemetery.
The photographs on this page represent a complete photographic inventory of the cemetery as of August 8, 2011. Please keep in mind that this is an active cemetery and new stones are added from time to time. We will update the contents of this page periodically.
NOTE: Items that are underlined in black are the Webmaster's "best guess." Items found in brackets ( [ ] ) are either documented, i.e. death certificate, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), obituary, or were found in the published records.
GPS Coordinates: DEC - Latitude = 40.4117237 Longitude = -83.4543687
DMS - Latitude = 402442N Longitude = 0832716W
Some photos on the page were contributed by:
Hayden Keith Monroe,
(Click on the underlined name to view the gravestone photograph)
- Adams
- John M., died Feb 28, 1874, aged 36y 6m 25d and Jerldine V. H., wife of J.M., died July 6, 1872 (Whole Stone)
- John T., son of P C & L, died Oct 25, 1867, aged 12 yrs 1 mo 25 ds (Whole Stone)
- Mary E., dau of P C & L, died June 25, 1870, aged 2 y 4 m 12 d (Whole Stone)
- Akers, S. Irene, 1912-2003 (Obituary)
- Alexander, Robert L., Sept 9, 1919-Feb 4, 2000 married July 3, 1958 Betty J., May 30, 1934-Blank
- Robert Lee, PFC, US Army, World War II, Purple Heart
- Allen
- Byron E., 1917-1974 and Bill, 1943 (Whole Stone)
- Byron E., PVT, US Army, May 28, 1917-Oct 23, 1974
- Howard L., 1909-1979 and Velda L., 1913-2016 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- James M., Aug 12, 1935-Jan 26, 2010 and Rosario O., Oct 7, 1934-Blank
- Alloway, Leland C., Jan 2, 1932-Jun 4, 2001 (Obituary) and Alice E., Jan 3, 1944-Oct 17, 2008 (Obituary)
- Anderson
- Andrews, Ora M. (Spangler), 1885-1971 (Obituary) and Oscar M., 1872-1928
- Antolin, Mother, Dorothy J., 1919-1994
- Arnett, Edward E., 1919-1953 and Gladys M., 1927-2001
- Arnold, James Lewis, Nov 30, 1985-April 4, 1986 (Obituary)
- Atha, Clint, 1860-1947 and Zoah, 1866-1937
- Atkinson, C. J. [Clark J.], 1874-1951 and Nora B., 1872-1921
- Aughenbaugh
- Ayers, Leah, 1897-1944
- Bailey
- Ray M., 1886-1922
- Shannon S., 1839-1909; Lucy E, his wife, 1851-1891; Leota Fox, 1875-1894; Infant, dau, 1894 (Whole Stone)
- Thomas C., 1840-1918; Louvisa J., 1848-1937; Nettie Bailey Thomas, 1864-1951; Coy D., 1840-1918; Dorr, 1870-1894 (Whole Plot)
- Thomas III, 1944-Blank; Gary L., 1947-Blank; Thomas C., 1905-1988; Rayda A., 1907-Blank
- Baldwin
- Cameron R. (Richie), 1961-1883; Jennifer L., 1980-1983; Vickie L., 1963-1983
- Clayton E., 1891-1968 (Obituary) and Ethel E., 1892-1981 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Lewis [G.], died Jan [4], 1855, aged 38y 8m (Whole Stone)
- Sally M., 1894-1952 and Edward L., 1890-1982
- Samuel F., 1914-1983 (Obituary) and Bonnie K., 1918-2001 (Obituary)
- Balinger, John W., Apr 5, 1875-Nov 18, 1899 (Whole Stone)
- Ballinger
- Cora [Bell], 1865-1944 and [Andrew] Stanton, 1864-1937
- Donna, July 12, 1929-December 29, 2009
- Dwight W., 1914-2002 (Obituary), married June 11, 1936, Mildred K., 1918-2011
- Emily, June 27, 1850-[Jan 16, 1933]; Rev. A. H., Mar 2, 1844-[Mar 3, 1919]; Carrol L., June 18, 1882-Oct 2, 1892; John M., Nov 20, 1876-Apr 4, 1897 (Whole Stone)
- Mabel M., 1884-1969 and L. Pearl, 1879-1925
- Milo R., Dec 17, 1867-Jan 6, 1935
- Nellie G., wife of Rev. M.R., 1872-1951
- [Caleb Leroy] Roy, 1889-1982 and Martha (Eddy), 1889-1986
- William B., 1854-1933 and Mary E., 1862-1942 (Whole Stone)
- William E., 1890-1970 and Winnie H., 1894-1979 (Obituary)
- Plot Monument
Listed in order photographed
- Phyllis A[nn], 1924-2006 (Obituary), OES
- (Bert) Bertice C., 1924-1969, Mason
- Ruth D., 1900-1981, OES
- Cletus L., 1900-1966, Mason
- Genevieve, 1918-1936
- Max Eugene, 1922-1923
- Plot
- Barbee, Thomas, died Apr 4, 1868, aged 76years
- Bargdill
- Bartels
- William, 1937-1986 (Obituary), married Oct 2, 1962, Barbara A., 1940-2001
- William J., Ohio, PFC Infantry, World War I, June 7, 1894-Feb 7, 1969
- Barton, Ivan A., 1911-1974 and Helen M., 1916-1983 (Obituary)
- Bates, Martha Hill, Aug 31, 1905-Aug 2, 2005
- Bauman, Gene F., Apr 11, 1941-July 8, 2006 and Madelyn J. Hoover, Apr 13, 1942-Sept 17, 2008
- Bays, William E., 1923-1968
- Beard
- A. Willis, 1857-1943 and Laura, 1861-1939
- Charles D., 1861-1944 and Margaret, 1863-1937
- James Earl, April 15, 1933-January 14, 2014 (Obituary; no photo)
- Lawrence, 1887-1971 and Leah, 1895-1976
- Opal E., Sept 14, 1935-Feb 18, 2006 and Willis J., Aug 3, 1937-Jan 18, 2020 (Obituary)
- Bechtel
- Beck, Larry T., Dec 20, 1940-Dec 17, 2000, married Dec 19, 1968, Sharon L., June 14, 1946-Blank (Back)
- Beckett, Nina Overholser, 1892-1919
- Beebe, Louis W., 1862-1931
- Benedict
- George E., 1894-1992 and Marie H., 1895-1978
- Henry C., 1859-1932; Ella J., his wife, 1864-1945; Ruth E., their dau., 1900-1916
- Joseph Wesley, his son, Apr 16, 1895-Aug 2, 1982
- Bennett, John D., 1878-1906; Florabel, 1882-1941; Blanche M., 1881-1884; Hattie E., 1859-1906; David C., 1852-1931 (Whole Plot)
- Berry, Amelia M., 1860-1936 and Samuel A., 1861-1941
- Berryman, Margaret A., wife of Richard, 1856-1891 (Whole Stone)
- Bill, Roger B., Feb 14, 1937-Sept 17, 1993 (Obituary) and Linda K., Mar 26, 1963-Blank
- Bird
- Daniel, 1835-1906 and Hannah, his wife, 1840-1915
- Delno, Son of D & H Bird, died July 14, 1875, aged 16 yrs & 6 mos
- George, 1849-1920 and Annise, 1852-1927 (Whole Stone)
- Jessie, 1814-1883 and Elizabeth, 1816-1893 (Whole Stone)
- William, 1855-1911 and Rachel Matilda, his wife, 1865-1912 (Whole Stone)
- Bitler
- Bixler, Plot
- Blackburn, Frank M., Aug 16, 1917-Mar 5, 2008, married Mar 29, 1941, Vera E., Jan 2, 1916-Blank
- Blankenship, Grandson, Jason A., 1982-1993 and Grandmother, Judy L., 1944-Blank
- Bliss
- Emerson C., May 18, 1931-September 5, 2013 (Obituary; no photo)
- Julius L., Jan 30, 1909-Feb 23, 1996 (Obituary), married Feb 9, 1930, A. Blanche, May 10, 1908-Feb 21, 1993 (Back)
- Robert L., Mar 19, 1962-Nov 20, 2003
- Blumenschein, Shelia K., Feb 26, 1963-June 27, 1997, daughter of Bill & Susie Rausch (Obituary) (Back)
- Bolenbaugh
- Fred E., 1884-1955 and Christine C., 1886-1977 (Obituary)
- Plot
Listed in order photographed
- Howard, son of L.W. & A., 1863-1865
- Jacob, 1803-1877
- Sarah, 1805-1891
- Father, Leven W., Dec 18, 1836-Mar 8, 1902
- Mother, Alvira Harris, July 7, 1840-May 13, 1935
- Lula A., 1863-1939
- D. C., 1862-1922
Bombaugh, Elsie A., wife of L.H., died May 28, 1891, aged 50y 8m 8d; Anne, died Oct 19, 1877, aged 3y 11m 9d; Sarah Ella Drown, dau of A. & M.A. Evans, died Dec 8, 1886, aged 30y 11m 4d (Whole Stone)
Bomeli, Edward J., 1886-1982 and Alma D., 1899-1993
Booth, Starling G., 1893-1925
Borland, Carl I., 1933-1983
Botkin, R. Gayle, Feb 3, 1919-Nov 22, 1998
Bowers, Wm., died Sept 9, 1899, aged 75y 2m 11d; Sarah, died Aug 25, 1884, aged 73y 3m 15d; Charles, son of Wm. & Sarah, CO A, 96th OVI, Died at Memphis Tenn. July 6, 1863, aged 23y 8m (Whole Stone)
Boyce, Lloyd, 1899-1962 and LeNora, 1900-1982 (Obituary)
- Harriett, Feb 14, 1844-Oct 4, 1904 (Whole Stone)
- Joseph, 1837-1915, CO. A., 121st O.V.V. ENG., Army of the Cumberland (Whole Stone)
- Leona, wife of W.W., 1884-1931
- Susanna Daisy, 1881-1961 and Wilbur C., 1871-1920
- W. W., July 14, 1876-April 24, 1932
Brake, William L., died Nov 2, 1877, aged 20ys 3mo 8ds (Whole Stone)
Brannan, Christian Michael, May 17, 1998-June 21, 1998 (Obituary) (Back)
- Archibald G., died Mar 15, 1881, aged 68yrs 4m 10d and Rhoda W., died Feb 15, 1901, aged 81y 4m (Whole Stone)
- Eddie J., 1863-1940 and Anna E., 1879-1974 (Whole Stone)
- Eddie J., 1863-19__ and Josie B., 1865-1926
- J. Arthur, 1896-1974 (Obituary); Lillian H., 1997-1969; Paul H., 1889-1969; Florence, 1891-1978
- Lillian Marie, 1924-1925
- Louisa B., his wife, 1845-1933 and Nat, CO.B, 136th REG, O.V.I., 1845-1927 (Back)
- Luke S., [Jul. 15, 1890-Apr. 5, 1926] (Death Certificate)
- Margaret E., April 10, 1822-Sept 4, 1834
- Mary S. Penhorwood, wife of Nat., died Feb 10, 1877, aged 29y 9m 26d (Whole Stone)
- Nathaniel, July 5, 1779-March 25, 1836, aged 56years 8mo 20days
- Father, [Henry] Ward, 1896-1968 (Obituary) and Mother, Arizona, 1896-1988
- Albert D., 1872-1962 and Mae Curl, 1882-1961
- Ashley Laurel, July 22, 1993-Dec 30, 2004
- D. Lee, 1904-1982 and Glenna F., 1906-1992
- Isaac, 1857-1936 and Mary F., his wife, 1863-1909
- Ralph G., 1919-1983, married Mar 1, 1939, Leona L., 1919-2004 (Obituary)
- Virginia C., 1915-1988 and Bernard S., 1905-1983 (Obituary)
- Willis A., 1913-1976 and Sarah L., 1914-1999
- Willis A, AS US Navy, World War II, Dec 12, 1913-Oct 13, 1976
- Alice, 1861-1942 and S.Willis, 1861-1936
- Frances Ruth, 1905-1910
- Ivan Lee, son of J.W. & A.M., Oct 18, 1909-Sept 22, 1912
- Jesse W., 1881-1944 and Anna Schurch, 1883-1973
- Martha, Feb 11, 1916-Dec 3, 2005, daughter of Jesse & Anna
- William W., May 19, 1841-Feb 16, 1918, CO. C, 191st OVI and Nancy E., his wife, Nov 14, 1852-Oct 4, 1901
Burba, E. Raymond, 1908-1990 (Obituary)
Burden, Hazel W., 1893-1958
Burkepile, J. Granville, 1909-19__ and Elizabeth, 1908-1942
- Alice K., 1895-1985
- Chas. W., 1866-1928; Orpha R., his wife, 1869-1921; Fern, 1893-1918 (Whole Stone)
- Foy "Whitey," 1912-1983, married Sept 25, 1939, Marcella, 1917-2001
- Harry D., 1891-1937
- Lawrence B., 1898-1932 and Lillian D., 1900-1926 (Whole Stone)
- Nannie L., 1897-1979 (Obituary)
Butler, Florence L., 1897-1923
Butterfield, Jane, 1822-1909
Byus, Deputy Sheriff, Lisa L., Jan 16, 1954-Mar 25, 1991 and Ohio State Highway Patrol, Theodore B., July 29, 1944-Blank (Back)
- Cahill (See also Ritchey-Cahill)
- Mother, Ada J., 1877-1905 and Clareta L., wife of Ermil Davis, 1900-1931 (Whole Plot)
- Adam, Oct 10, 1809-May 24, 1879
- Asbury, died Dec [25], 187[5], aged 45y [8m] 15d (Whole Stone)
- Bertha M., 1880-1959 (Obituary) and Stewart S., 1876-1936
- Bruce, 1902-1980 and Mary, 1908-1997
- C. C., 1858-1936 and Myra, his wife, 1860-1921 (Whole Stone)
- C. T., died July [13], 1869, aged 48y 6m 18d (Whole Stone)
- Elbert H., son of J.W. & E.L., died Oct 26, 1877, aged 4y 5m [4d] (Whole Stone)
- Ethel L., 1880-1946 and Albert C., 1881-1952
- Experience, April 15, 1812-Aug 14, 1857
- Frances O., Jan 11, 1881-Apr 22, 1887
- Gladys, 1912-2000 and Fred, 1912-1979 (Obituary)
- John, died March 12, 1842, aged 16 years 8 mo & 14 days (Whole Stone)
- John W., Aug 14, 1847-Sep 14, 1903 and Emaline, his wife, Mar 22, 1850-Dec 25, 1925
- Lemuel, 1847-1907; Mary F., 1852-1907; Babe, 1908-1924; Chloe, 1876-1965; Homer J., 1872-1944 (Whole Plot)
- Lennie E., 1874-1877
- Lloyd H., 1884-1940
- Malissa D., dau of T. & R., died July 26, 1856, aged 10m 7d
- Margaret A., his wife, Jan 21, 1840-Blank; T. R., Aug 7, 1836-Feb 21, 1907; Louie D., daughter, May 23, 1866-Sept 30, 1881
- Mary Jane, Mother, wife of Asbury, 1838-1909
- Minnie C., 1879-1890
- Robert Bruce "Bob,", March 13, 1934-October 13, 2014 (Obituary; no photo)
- Sarah J[ane], 1855-1934 and Austin, 1848-1929 (Whole Stone)
- William, 1850-1913 and Mary, his wife, 1850-1934 (Whole Stone)
- William P., died Feb 20, 1856, aged 27yrs 3mo 22ds
- Plot
Listed in order photographed
- James C., June 16, 1866-Feb 2, 1902
- Isabel, July 21, 1845-Feb 15, 1918
- Uriah, Dec 29, 1841-Feb 6, 1917
- Helen Lillian, 1894-1960
- Carter, Barbara A., Sept 4, 1940-Dec 14, 2001 (Obituary; no stone)
- Carver, Susan Marie, December 10, 1949-October 19, 2014 (Obituary, no photo)
- Chaney, Alice F. Hamilton, Jan 16, 1944-July 30, 2001
- Chapman, Richard Eugene, "Dick" Mar 22, 1933-Blank, married Aug 3, 1956, Virginia Ellen (Ames), "Ginger", Aug 3, 1935-Blank (Whole Stone)
- Charles, Alphus J., 1900-1983 and Lucille Davis, 1896-1988
- Cheney, See Monroe-Cheney
- Childers, Donald, May 24, 1931-Sept 5, 1997, married Nov13, 1970, Sue (Goodwin), Jan 2, 1946-Blank
- Childress, Mary Lou, 1927-2006
- Christian, Evan Otis, July 13, 1922-June 15, 1995 (Obituary), married Nov 30, 1940, Vesta Betty, No Dates (Back)
- Clapsaddle, Mary E., 1866-1947 and Sylvester, 1860-1955
- Clark, George R., Aug 10, 1926-July 23, 1985, married Apr 24, 1948, Lillian B., (Obituary) Apr 27, 1929-Dec 23, 1999
- Clayton, Robin A. (Cross), April 3, 1949-October 3, 2016 (Obituary; no photo)
- Cline, Mary Ann, 1952-1979 (Obituary)
- Clutter, Emanuel, 1855-19[29] and Katherine his wife, 1844-1924
- Coakley
- Coe
- Jesse D., 1858-1925 and Sarah E., 1858-1894 (Whole Stone)
- Mary, died May 29, 1875, aged 57y 1m 12d (Whole Stone)
- Mattie Ross, 1862-1949
- S. Ella, 1858-1894; J. Dell, 1858-1925; Mattie R., 1862-1949 (Whole Stone)
- Sylvia Alice, dau of Jesse D. & Martha, 1900-1906 (Obituary)
- Coder
- Emma J., 1863-1940 and John A., 1863-1941
- Leroy, 1887-1931, World War Veteran, US Army, AEF
- Leroy, Ohio PVT 1CL EVAC HOSP 13, May 8, 1931
- Lorene, July 15, 1890-Feb 5, 1967
- Coffman, M. Evelyn Coffman, February 7, 1928-August 23, 2014 (Obituary; no photo)
- Colver, Standish, Sept 21, 1797-Nov 15, 1882 and Lucy M., his wife, Jan 10, 1816-Sept 1, 1903
- Colvin
- Lewis R. "Lew", May 08, 1937-Feb 13, 2018 and Patricia A., Sept 16, 1941-Oct 2, 2020 (Obituaries; no photo)
- Richard L., Mar 16, 1917-Oct 12, 1997 and Mary M., Dec 11, 1918-May 20, 1994
- Richard, TEC 4, US Army, World War II
- Combs
- Condell, [William J] Jack, 1896-1978 and [Thelma] Dee, 1908-1996
- Conley, Dad. Jacob M., 1864-1932
- Cook
- Doramae, 1911-1973 (Obituary)
- Elizabeth S., 1880-1914
- Emma "Jeanie" (McElroy), May 29, 1925-Blank
- Harry C., 1920-1965
- Harry S., 1873-1926 and Letta O., 1879-1952 (Whole Stone)
- Jesse G. Sr., 1905-1985 (Obituary) and Verna B., 1908-1956
- Jesse Guy Jr., Feb 16, 1927-Nov 17, 1927
- Kenneth Donald, "Kent," son of Rachel & Donald, 1955-1989
- Lowell, 1916
- [Mary] Inez, 1879-1945 and Ottie, 1878-1949
- Ronald, Ohio, PVT, 11th Air Borne Div, World War II, Oct 4, 1903-Jan 9, 1948
- Uriah, 1846-1911 and Melinda, 1849-1929 (Whole Stone)
- Victor [Perry], 1902-1910
- W. Donald, 1908-1961 and Rachel A., 1921-[2013]
- W Donald, Ohio, CPL 1885 SVC C0MD UNIT, World War II, Nov 15, 1908-July 21, 1961
- Cooley
- Coons
- Albert E., 1900-1980
- Allen E., 1884-1960 and Norma C., 1896-1965
- Allie, dau of N H & F, died Dec 20, 1880, aged 27y & 14 d (Whole Stone)
- Brayton, May 8, 1915-[Jan 1, 2002*], married May 8, 1935, Mary L., October 18, 1914-Blank (Back)
- Charles E., 1917-2004 and M. Louise, 1917-1997 (Back & Portrait)
- Charlotte R. (Winters), Oct 5, 1921-Apr 29, 2002, married Apr 12, 1941, Kenneth L., "Ken", Jan 18, 1920-Feb 5, 1998
- Kenneth L., CPL, US Army, World War II, Purple Heart, POW
- Clara M., 1872-1948 and Archie B., 1869-1938
- Ethel, 1891-1972 and Noah R., 1885-1965 (Whole Stone)
- G. W.
- George, died Oct 13, 1856, aged [28y 1m 8d] (Whole Stone)
- James E., 1865-1932 (Whole Stone)
- Jason C., 1860-1951 and Ora B., 1865-1941
- Keziah, wife of George, (rest illegible): (Whole Stone)
- Larry E., December 21, 1938-March 11, 1990, Horse Trader
- Noah H., died July 8, 1907, aged 82yrs and Fidelia, died Oct 10, 1897, aged 66yrs
- Obey, 1891-1920
- Oscar H., died Sept 30, 1890, aged 37y 4m 5d (Whole Stone)
- S. Olive, 1864-1950 and Cyrus S., 1861-1935
- Thomas S., son of T.S. & R., died Nov 2, 1843, aged 1y 11m 2d
- Thomas S., Apr 22, 1812-Aug 29, 1900 and Rebecca, July 18, 1817-June 18, 1882 (Whole Stone)
- Coonse
- J. Brice, Apr 18, 1825-May 20, 1900, aged 75y 1m 2d and Elmira, May 2, 1833-Aug 10, 1915, aged 83y 2m 18d (Whole Stone)
- Sterling, 1847-1919 and Hope L., 1852-1947 (Whole Plot)
- Corbett
- Corey
- C. L., 1835-1908 and L. H., 1836-1922 (Whole Stone)
- J. E., died Aug 4, 1871, aged 30ys 8ms 7ds
- J. F., Nov 20, 1809-June 1, 1866 and Clara M., his wife, Aug 26, 1818-Feb 16, 1902 (Whole Stone)
- Lettie J., 1867-1940 and Zell X., 1867-1952
- Cornwell, Myron H., Apr 27, 1927-Blank and Betty L., May 2, 1928-July 21, 2007
- Counseller, Infant, son of Rev. Elias & wife, died Dec 30, 1899, aged 12d
- Cox
- Anna Bell, Jan 25, 1876-Apr 10, 1879, daughter of William H and Elizabeth C
- Carrie M., dau of W F & E C, 1869-1925
- George W., 1850-1916 and Rebecca R., 1854-1928 (Whole Stone)
- Ida E. his wife, 1886-1964 and Thomas F., 1883-1926
- James E., son of J & E, died Apr 22, 1879, aged 39 y 8 m 16 d (Whole Stone)
- James Tipton, son of William F & Elizabeth C, August 27, 1872-Sept 8, 1964
- Joshua, 1836-1906 and Sarah his wife, 1845-1906
- Miles Archie, Feb 19, 1923-March 7, 1996 (Obituary) and Evelyn Reese, April 1, 1930-June 30, 2003
- William F., Sept 4, 1832-Dec 14, 1897 and Elizabeth C., his wife, Aug 1, 1831-Oct 25, 1935
- Craft, Paul Joe, Oct 23, 1941-Apr 3, 2009
- Cramer
- Charles Edward, 1892-1980 (Obituary) and Ruby Fern, 1894-1977
- J. Charles, Aug 28, 1921-Oct 21, 2008, married July 27, 1947, E. Chasalea, May 1, 1924-Oct 9, 2006
- John A., May 9, 1924-[Aug 4 2019] and Juanita, Mar 25, 1924-[Dec 19, 2013]
- Rachel Esther, 1950-1954
- Crane
- Mattie, 1853-1936 and Morris, 1860-1936
- James, CO. D, 136th Ohio INF, [1833-17 July 1899]
- Ottie, son of J.T. & W., died Aug 3, 1879, aged 5m 14d (Whole Stone)
Crawford, A. M., 1857-1884; Mary B., 1858-1917; Blanche, wife of M.H.Gunder, 1878-1905 (Whole Plot)
Crete, Marker
Crever, Frederick H., 1834-1911 and Sarah A., his wife, 1839-1908 (Whole Stone)
Cross, Robert R., July 2, 1922-June 28, 2007, married Sept 14, 1947, Virginia V., May 11, 1925-Blank
- C. L., 1848-1909 and Matilda, his wife, 1848-1883 (Whole Stone)
- Charles R., 1877-1938 and Mary R. his wife, 1880-1911
- Edwin A., son of C.L. & M.A., [Mar 14, 1889]-Sept 11, 1891 (Whole Stone)
- Gertrude V., dau of Chas R & Mary R, Mar 10, 1900-July 2, 1902
- John M., died Apr 19, 1896, aged 67y 5m 1d and Caroline, died Oct [6, 1895], aged 58y 9m 2d (Whole Stone)
- Rebecca, wife of E.F., died Oct 15, 1875, aged 48y 10m 23d (Whole Stone)
- Rosetta, 1860-1927 and Downey, 1856-1904 (Whole Stone)
- Sallie, died dec 6, 1898, aged 58y 11m 1d (Whole Stone)
- Thomas Staneart, 1851-1882 and Betty, his wife, 1856-1907 (Whole Stone)
Curry, Marion, 1906-1977 and Helen L., 1901-2002 ( Whole Stone)
- Dally
- Danforth (Plot Monument)- See also Linn-Danforth
Listed in order photographed
- David S., 1861-1915
- Jennie M., 1863-1951
- Florence M., 1894-1987
- Thomas D., 1889-1936
- Thomas Dwight, Pennsylvania, 2 LIEUT 5 FIELD ARTY, 20 DIV, [World War I], September 10, 1936
- Davie
- Mother, Doris I., Feb 16, 1935-Mar 4, 2001 (Obituary)
- James H., "Dutch," 1925-1982 and Shirley, 1937-2016 (Obituary)
- John J., Mar 7, 1930-Feb 21, 2003 and Betty A., Jan 29, 1936-Jan 15, 2019 (Obituary)
- Leo T., 1899-1952 and Zema Faye, 1909-1958
- Lieudelle, 1893-1953 and Fred C., 1894-1928
- Ruth, 1900-1951; Carl, 1888-1964; Clara, 1892-1915
- Thomas Ray, PFC US Army, May 25, 1935-Aug 6, 1997 (Traditional Stone)
- William, 1865-1951 and Loura, 1868-1940
- Davis
- A. Ray, 1889-1954 and Eva L., 1889-1947 (Whole Stone)
- Bonnie A., 1880-1954
- Mother, Clara C., 1849-1923
- Clyde S., 1882-1932 and Carolyn Smith, 1881-1964 (Whole Stone)
- David, 1822-1886
- David, died July 16, 1878, aged 84y 5m 12d and Keziah, wife of David, died Dec 26, 1878, aged 86y 8m 1d (Whole Stone)
- David B., 1838-1910 and Jane, 1841-1931 (Plot Monument)
- David S., 1859-1931
- Delilah S., wife of Bonnie A., 1883-1960
- Ebenezer, died May 2, 1867, aged 63y 1m 10d (Whole Stone)
- Elmore, Ohio, CORPL MED DEPT, January 29, 1931
- Emery Fay, [Aug 17, 1873-Apr 9, 1884] (Whole Stone)
- Fidelia, 1861-1921 and James W., 1853-1923 (Whole Stone)
- Finley D., 1827-1908 and Margaret J., his wife, 1830-1898
- Fred H., 1909-1993 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- George, died Dec 28, 1899, aged 83y 4m 5d and Nancy, his wife, died Mar 28, 1905, aged 84y 8m 18d; Whole Stone)
- Howe G., 1880-1943 and R. Pearl, 1880-1968 (Whole Stone)
- Infant son of J.H. & M.I., died [Sept] 26, 1876 (Whole Stone)
- James W., 1912-1975 (Obituary) and Ruby J., 1923-2016 (Obituary)
- James W., PVET US Army, Sep 12, 1912-Feb 14, 1975
- John L., 1868-1944 and Lockie L., wife of John L., 1876-1902
- Leticia, wife of S S, died Feb 16, 1877, aged 26 years (Whole Stone)
- Lillian, 1908-1985 and Ermil, 1901-1987 (Obituary)
- Lloyd and Floyd, Apr 30, 1922, twins of James and Dessie
- Lloyd R., 1898-1984 and Grace, 1898-1984
- Mary J., 1839-1929
- Mary Matilda, [dau of F.D. & M.J], died Oct 23, 1867, aged 3y 9m 1d (Whole Stone)
- Mary T., "Mary,", 1870-1943 and Thomas B., "Buey," 1861-1941
- Maudie M. Boggs, wife of Bonnie A., 1880-1903
- Minnie (Fish), 1874-1955 and Elbert C., 1870-1938 (Front)
- Nellie V., 1865-1924
- Orval E., 1888-1948 and Lela R., 1889-1968 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Paul F., 1902-1902; Stanley S., 1904-1971; Mary N., 1864-1951; Thomas J., 1857-1925 (Whole Stone)
- Paul F., Sept 2, 1902-Oct 2, 1902 (Orig. Stone)
- Robert W., died Jan 15, 1879, aged 56y 10d and Elizabeth A., wife of R.W., died Jan 6, 1879, aged 53y 11m 6d (Whole Plot)
- Thomas, 1833-1899
- Plot Marker
Listed in order photographed
- W. G., Mar 19, 1820-Dec 29, 1891and Martha A., wife of W.G., Sept 29, 1827-Mar 24, 1916
- Caroline E., dau of W.G. & M.A., Jan 13, 1847-Dec 16, 1850; Infant son of W.G. & M.A., Oct 31, 1855; Flora A. E., dau of W.G. & M.A., Oct 9,1859-Feb 29, 1875
- Lewis Philander, infant, 1919
- Lewis C., 1851-1914
- Mary E., 1858-1930
- William C., 1859-1935 and Dora B., 1866-1923
- William Walter, May 12, 1928-Sept 28, 1929
- Dean, G. Herman, 1886-1964 and Stella M., 1887-1972
- Dearth
- Dehaven, Lottie, 1874-1934 and William, 1868-1945
- DeLong, James I., 1914-1994, married Mar 10, 1946, Theresa A., 1923-2019 (Obituary)
- James I., PFC US Army, World War II, Jan 7, 1914-Mar 5, 1994
- Dever
- DeWitt
- Geneva L., 1908-1998 and Richard W., 1907-2004
- Richard L., PFC US Army, World War II, Jan 24, 1907-Aug 14, 2004, Purple Heart
- James L., Dec 6, 1929-Feb 22, 1932
- Kenneth D., 1919-1993, married Feb 17, 1943, Anna Stalder, 1921-2016 (Obituary & Back)
- Dickison, Jessie E., 1854-Blank and Mary M. his wife, 1856-Blank
- Diener, Margaret Tobey, 1907-1943
- Dill, Herbert C., 1906-1969 and Madge V., 1908-1995 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Dillion, William "Bill," McKinley, May 29, 1950-October 19, 2016 (Obituary; no photo)
- Disbennett
- Forest T., 1909-1970 and Mildred M., 1911-1989
- J. Woodrow, son of A L & Nellie, 1916-1917
- Vernon B[lain], Ohio, TEC 5 101 AB DIV BAND, World War II, Feb 26, 1917-Apr 4, 1966
- Dittus, Jerry [Jeremiah], 1857-19[44] and Angie his wife, 1867-1934
- Dixon, Grace May, wife of Grover C., 1892-1921
- Donley, Elmer D., son of D.E. & Mabel, 1914-1922
- Doudna, Martha Losey, 1907-1951 (Ohio Death Certificate # 1951-44780)
- Dowell, Dallas W. Jr., June 28, 1931-[Dec 8, 2012], married Sept 15, 1955, A. Eloise, Aug 18, 1935-Dec 24, 2011 (Obituary)
- Downing, Don, 1935-1986 and Carol, 1938-Blank
- Dows, In memory of Thomas who departed this life Sept 17th 1840 aged 70 years 11 mo & 12 days (Whole Stone)
- Drake
- Brittney N.M., dau of Jerry & Kim, Jan 18, 2000-Aug 14, 2000
- Plot; Plot Monument
- [Daughter of C.L. & R.L.], born & died Dec 23, [1895]
- Charlie, 1875-1950 and Matilda, 1875-1945
- Edna Mae, 1921-1992 and Olive, 1899-1980
- Francis M., Sept 1931-Jan 21, 2001 (Obituary), Husband of Norma and Jerry F., Mar 13, 1974-Blank, Son of Francis
- Kimberly Jean, Apr 26, 1973-June 26, 2005, Mother & Wife
- Rebecca C., 1858-1933 and L. Kenton, 1859-1933
- Sarah Alice, 1903-1986
- Warren J., 1835-1910 and Isabella, his wife, 1847-1922 (Whole Plot)
- Dranschak, Barbara K., Feb 25, 1956-Blank (Back)
- Drumm
- Duncan, Linda K. (Brown), Jan 17, 1950-Apr 30, 2002, married Oct 13, 1967, David L., Sept 14, 1949-Blank
- Dunlap, Harvey E. Sr., Aug 14, 1922-Mar 8, 2012 (Obituary) and Hazel, Mar 28, 1932-Sept 15, 2009
- Eastman
- Delmar O., Dec 26, 1912-Sept 27, 2009, married Mar 7, 1934, L. Pauline, June 19, 1915-Apr 30, 2005 (Back)
- Infant son of Delmar & Pauline, Jan 7, 1935
- Henry W. [no dates], married Mar 28, 1958, Ellen R. [no dates] (Whole Stone and Portrait)
- Mitchell L., 1910-1992; Mabel L., 1906-2004; James L., son, 1942-1944 (Whole Stone)
- Easton, Melville, Oct 25, 1857-Feb 23, 1937 and Isabelle, Mar 17, 1861-May 28, 1906 (Whole Stone)
- Eaton
- E. J., died Nov 5, 1854, aged 3y 3d;, J. A., died May 7, 1869, aged 22y um 28d; J. C. F., died Jan 9, 1878, aged 21y 8m 8d; M. A., died Mar 14, 1865, aged 3y 11m 20d (Whole Stone)
- Mother, Emily, 1828-1911
- Father, James, 1831-1911
- Emmons, Helen Moffitt, 1858-1955
- Ennes, J. W., son of L.D. & E., died Mar 6, 1865, aged 5y 4m 7d
- Endsley, Bill W., 1950-2010 (Temporary stone)
- Engle
- Jack W., Dec 12, 1929-Feb 17, 2015 and Donna R. (Wood), Aug 21, 1931-Nov 5, 2020 (Obituaries; no photo)
- Mary E., 1908-2000, Daughters of Rebecca (Obituary), and John T., 1905-1962
- Sherman W., 1874-1939 (Obituary) and Emmaline, 1866-1959
- English
- Erwin
- Evans
- Allen E., 1833-1901 and Martha A., 1832-1899 (Whole Stone)
- Allen E., 1908-1987 and Juanita R., 1910-1980 (Obituary)
- Allen E, T SGT US Army, Jun 22, 1908-Oct 14, 1987
- Benjamin, Jan 22, 1807-Sep 2, 1889; Sarah Webster, wife of Benjamin, Nov 4, 1807-June 11, 1894; Lovisa Evans, wife of Geo. W. Babcoke, Aug 31, 1830-Jan 15, 1881 (Whole Stone)
- Dwight R., 1898-1899
- Ethel R., 1876-1943 and H. Burr, 1868-1936 (Whole Stone)
- Infant dau of John B. & Helen, Oct 14, 1954
- John Berwin, 1910-2003 (Obituary) and Helen Lucille (Linn), 1919-Blank
- Kittie, 1868-1936 and Chester W., 1865-1921
- Lewis, 1838-1919 and Keziah, wife of Lewis, 1839-1908 (Plot Monument)
- Rebecca L., wife of J.B., died June 28, 1868, aged 25y 4m 3d (Whole Stone)
- Richard S., Nov 3, 1908
- Russell C., 1902-1988 and Mildred I., 1906-1979 (Whole Stone)
- Fackler
- Faires
- Fansher, William Robert, Apr 3, 1923-Jan 11, 1961
- Farrington
- Bradley M., 1928-2000 (Obituary) and Patricia A., 1930-Blank
- Jim, 1941-1995, married Oct 18, 1959, [Carolyn] Joy, 1941-2017 (Obituary)
- Richard Lawrence, 1926-Blank, married Apr 4, 1953, Dorothy Rollins, 1932-Blank
- Robert G., July 15, 1929-Oct 13, 2014 and Vivian Marie, July 23, 1932-Sept 11, 2020 (Obituaries; no photo)
- Walter L., 1888-1949 and Mildred, 1892-1981
- Plot
- Fausnaugh, B. Edna DeWitt, 1914-1998 (Obituary)
- Fawley
- Charlotte, 1907-1999 (Obituary) and W. Harold, 1899-1963 (Whole Stone)
- Delmer, 1912-1977 and Dorothia, 1911-1979
- Don W., 1883-1949 and Blanche M., 1882-1950
- George P., 1836-1894; Ellen M., his wife, 1844-1890; William E. son, 1865-1890 (Whole Stone)
- J. Frank, 1873-1938 and Ada M., 1875-1967 (Whole Stone)
- James G., 1878-1942 and Bertha R., 1880-1971 (Obituary)
- Fawn, Geo., CO. I, 32nd Ohio INF
- Ferrel, Herbert G., Dec 1, 1924-Nov 28, 2000, married Dec 22, 1946, Donna R., Sept 26, 1926-[Nov 1, 2012]
- Figley
- Files (See Tilton)
- Fist
- Flesher
- Fletcher, Jennie, 1871-19[46] and Thomas L., 1865-1934
- Flickinger
- Cora Leona, dau of W.E. & L.M., died Nov 20, 1879, aged 2yr 7mo
- Joseph Finley, son of S. & M.A., died Jan [15], 1861, aged [6m 17d]
- Margaret M., 1878-1965 and Loren, 1878-1940
- Mary Lois, 1903-1907; Walter L., 1909-1910; Margaret, 1911-1914
- Mary Lois, dau of Loren & Maggie M., April 15, 1903-Feb 16, 1907 (original stone)
- Sarah, wife of J.M., died Mar 27, 1888, aged 33yrs (Whole Stone)
- Stephen, died Jan 22, 1869, aged 45yr 8mo 18ds and Margaret A., wife of S., died July 30, 1886, aged 61yr 5mo 7ds (Whole Stone)
- (Plot Monument) (Whole Plot)
Listed in the order photographed
- H. E. [Harry E.], 1890-1957, Son
- E. E., 1880-1940, Son
- W. E. [William E.], 1847-1900, Father
- L. M. [Lois M.], 1856-1904, Mother
- Lela, 1896-1918, Daughter
- [Mary] Ethel, 1888-1926, Daughter
- Flora
- Fogle
- Foos, Kenneth Boyd, Oct 2, 1915-Nov 29, 1985 and Alberta Storms, Nov 12, 1915-Oct 4, 2003 (Obituary)
- Foreman
- Foulk, Glenn F., 1932-2000, Mason (Obituary), married Apr 13, 1952, Edna N., 1934-2000, OES (Obituary)
- Fout, Charles Norman, Nov 25, 1922-Apr 22, 1991 (Obituary) and Betty Patrick, Dec 14, 1924-June 27, 2000 (Whole Stone)
- Francis, Richard P., June 30, 1930-Oct 4, 2009 and I. Evadean, Aug 28, 1934-Blank (Whole Stone)
- Freeman
- Elmer J., Dec 11, 1864-March 29, 1909 and Laura Fogle, 1868-1953 (Whole Plot)
- Emmit, 1854-1940; Charlotte Maskill, wife of Emmit, died Nov 19, 1895, aged 39y 5m 27d; William, son of Charlotte & Emmit, died [17 Apr 1886], aged 11y (Whole Stone)
- Fridenmaker, Bobby Lee, 1929-1994 and Betty J., 1926-[2015]
- Frohock, Virginia K., 1878-1969 (Obituary)
- Frost
- Fry
- Fuller, Lillian, infant dau of I. & S., died [29 Oct 1900]
- Gage, Polina C., Sept 26, 1889-Feb 13, 1983
- Geer, Louis M., 1912-2003 and Vivian L., 1914-2005
- Geho, Paul H., 1906-1973 (Obituary) and Dorothea E., 1913-1972
- Gibson,
- Clifford R., Feb 7, 1929-Blank, married March 23, 1952, Starling M. Laughrey, May 21, 1930-Blank (Back)
- O. B., 1863-1933 and Agnes, 1877-19__ (Whole Stone)
- R. Lotecia, wife of E.M., June 22, 1872-Jan 5, 1900 (Whole Stone)
- Giles
- "Eric" Rodney L., Jan 26, 1966-May 8, 1991 (Obituary), husband of Betty, (Back)
- Larry H., Mar 31, 1938-June 9, 2006
- Laurice H., 1911-1981 and E. Kathleen, 1918-2006 (Obituary)
- "Randy," Randall L., May 29, 1959-August 1, 1997 (Back)
- Glasmeier, Jeffrey L., Nov 13, 1943-July 25, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Glassburn
- Garland W., 1911-1990, married Jan 29, 1939, Esther M., 1920-2004 (Back)
- Owen W., 1913-2005, married Sept 18, 1937, Ethel Mae, 1917-1990
- Goldsmith
- Children of J.J. & F.A.; [Joseph E.], died Sep 19, 1867, aged 2y 8m 7d; [Mattie V.], died Nov 11, 1862, aged 2y 22d (Whole Stone)
- Mary A., 1818-1901
- T. A., died Feb 19, 1873, aged 20ys 6mo 13ds (Whole Stone)
- Goodwin
- Courtney Marie, April 2, 1990 (Obituary)
- Don F., "Donnie" Sept 13, 1942-Dec 22, 2011, married June 8, 1963, Linda S. (Weiser), June 15, 1943-Blank (Back)
- Donald R., June 18, 1916-Aug 18, 1984 (Obituary), married Jan 4, 1938, Alice Marie, Feb 7, 1916-Apr 30, 1988
- Lee, Aug 19, 1941-Sept 25, 2019 (Obituary; no photo)
- Luke Paul, May 22, 2002 (Back)
- Rochelle L., May 11, 1942-January 2, 2012 (Obituary; no photo)
- Gordon, Harry M., 1892-1918
- Gossard, Donald F., May 26, 1917-May 10, 2008, Mason, married Feb 12, 1943, Marie F., Nov 18, 1919-April 7, 1983
- Gravatt, Kenneth V., Jr., Jan 17, 1959-Nov 12, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Graves, William, 1846-1914 and Lida his wife, 1843-1919
- Grawall
- Gray, Lowell T., Jan 24, 1921-Feb 2, 1921 and Dana L., Dec 6, 1916-Dec 26-1916 (Whole Plot)
- Green
- Alex N., 1887-1918, Private of CO. C
- Alex N., 1887-1919
- Alvah B., 1868-1954 and Rosa D., 1872-1946
- Ellis, 1865-1940 and Bertha Hicks, 1872-1934
- Ermal M., 1894-1973 (Obituary) and Charles D., 1892-1948
- Floyd, [died 12 Sep 1896]
- George L., 1862-[11 Jun 1931] and Ella, his wife, 1862-1924
- Guy L., 1896-1984 (Obituary) and GeNora Poe, 1894-1973 (Obituary)
- Henry H., 1814-1870 and Lydia F., his wife, 1831-1919
- Hettie E., 1898-1914
- Isaac N., 1857-1940
- Paul F., 1920-1980 and H. Lucille, 1919-2018 (Obituary)
- Sherman, 1862-1928 and Anna C., his wife, 1863-1926 (Whole Stone)
- William, 1855-1937 and Clara, 1856-1930
- William B., 1894-1978 and Hazel M., [1894-1970]
- William B., Oct 5, 1869-July 4, 1986 (Whole Plot)
- Griffith, Torrie L., January 28, 1979-January 16, 2002 (Back)
- Grose
- Harold L., Aug 8, 1926-Apr 18, 2015, married Sept 14, 1947 Shirley J., June 1, 1929-Dec 8, 2019 (Obituaries; no photo)
- Linda R., 1955-1981
- Gross
- Gene F., Apr 30, 1946-Blank, married Nov 7, 1981, Caroline Marie (Rodenback), Apr 21, 1938-July 23, 1993
- George E., 1909-1984, married Oct 15, 1943, Louise M., 1919-1982
- Gunder
- Haines
- Rhoda, wife of James D., died April 23, 1874, aged 36y 2m 21d
- Zella, son of S.M. & R.L., died Feb [22, 1869] (Whole Stone)
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Bud, Feb 16, 1946-Dec 25, 1996 and Brenda, June 3, 1947-Nov 21, 2016 (Obituary)
- Carlena J., Jan 17, 1874-Oct 7, 1939 and Cornelius S., Feb 2, 1873-Aug 13, 1949
- Carie V., 1895-1920
- Charles E[ugene], June 8, 1923-Aug 12, 1931
- Dale E., Jan 8, 1924-June 23, 2011 (Obituary) and Sarah E., Nov 22, 1924-Dec 8, 2009 (Obituary)
- George E., 1919-2003 and Eva, 1919-2015 (Obituary)
- George E, T SGT US Army Air Forces, Jan 18, 1919-Feb 9, 2003
- Glenn L., 1926-1946
- John T. Sr., Mar 23, 1895-Nov 2, 1981 and Kenova I., Nov 7, 1897-Nov 18, 1975
- Kenneth, May 10, 1922-July 16, 1993)and Dorothy, Sept 15, 1918-Sept 16, 2008
- Miranda Jo, Mar 2, 1977
- Robert J., Sr., July 9, 1927-Nov 21, 2018 (Obituary; no photo)
- Son, Ronald L., June 22, 1947-June 23, 1967 and Mother, Bernice J., May 3, 1930-Blank (Whole Stone)
- Ronald L., Ohio, SP4, 3rd BDE, 25th INF DIV, Vietnam, PH
- Thomas C., 1849-1917 (Death Certificate) and Nancy Eveline, 1853-1919 (Death Certificate)
- Hanby
- Hanlin
- Hanson, Edith J., 1906-1995 and Millard C., M.D., 1897-1972 (Whole Stone)
- Hargrave, Emily F., died Feb 2, 1869, aged 48yrs 16ds (Whole Stone)
- Harmon, B. Leroy, Sept 16, 1941-July 16, 2006, married June 25, 1978, Sue A., June 25, 1949-Blank
- Harriman, John E., Apr 1, 1836-July 9, 1908 and Mary B. his wife, Sept 2, 1840-July 6, 1918
- Harris
- Carlton E., Ohio, TEC 5 Engineers, World War II, June 29, 1913-June 8, 1944
- Cora, 1880-1942 and Alva, 1867-1940
- David J., Mar 30, 1835-[Feb 20, 1922] and Lydia A., Jan 6, 1843-July 14, 1912, aged 69y 6m 8d
- Della E., dau of D.J. & Lydia, died May 2, 1899, aged 25y 9m 28d
- Edward G., Aug [18, 1881]-April 5, 1907
- Elizabeth, Jan 23, 1806-Feb 6, 1894, aged 88y 13d and Jacob, Oct 26, 1810-Sept 7, 1887, aged 76y 10m 11d (Whole Stone)
- Father, George W., 1847-1924
- Son, J. Loren, 1894-1927
- Jacob Justice, 1883-1956 and Mary Etta, 1883-1972 (Whole Stone)
- Mother, Phebe A., 1860-1938
- Verna M., 1906-1907
- Virgil, 1842-1911 and Emma, 1858-1931 (Plot Monument)
- Harshfield, Lawrence, 1912-1975, married May 20, 1936, Rosemond, 1911-1988
- Harvey
- Harry B., 1913-1980 (Obituary) and Dolores B., 1916-2010 (Obituary; scroll down)
- Jay Christen, Mar 12-14, 1967
- Plot
Listed in order photographed
- Father, Amos P., died Sep 9, 1902, aged 72y 9m 15d and Mother, Margaret A., died Sep 16, 1892, aged 58y 9m 8d
- Charles E., 1863-1931 and Clara M., 1866-1951 (Whole Stone)
- Blanche C., 1891-1947
- Blanche M., dau of A.D. & E.M., 1915-1922
- Dennis C., son of H.H. & M.A., 1903-1920
- Howard H., 1858-1963 and Margaret A., 1876-1957 (Whole Stone)
- Lanson B., 1858-1934 and Emily F., 1862-1934 (Whole Stone)
- Amos P., 1829-1902, CO. E, 185th O.V.I.; Margaret Ann, 1833-1892; Whole Stone, John Pearl, 1856, 1928, died Beloit, Kans.
- Oliver L., 1881-[16 Dec 1964] and Grace A., 1882-1949 (Whole Stone)
- Plot; Plot Monument
Listed in order photographed
- Dennis M., Sept 12, 1868-Jan 11, 1897
- Bess, 1880-1976
- A. Earl, 1884-1971 (Obituary)
- Willis T., 1866-1902 and Eva M., 1868-1922
- Roy E., Ohio, HQ CO., 146th Infantry, World War I, Aug 10, 1891-Nov 10, 1964
- Amos B., Son, 1890-1894; Harry C., Father, 1861-1902; Maria L., Mother, 1859-1934 (Whole Stone)
- Helen M., dau of E.P. & J.E., 1905-1910 (Death Certificate)
- Paul, son of E.P. & J.E., June 21, 1896-May 23, 1911
- Jessie E., 1877-1945 and Edward P., 1872-1946 (Whole Stone)
- Hastert, Pollie R., 1888-1977 and Nicholas, 1882-1946 (Whole Stone)
- Hatcher
- Mother, Bessie, 1903-1965
- Mother, Ethel, 1902-1934
- Ima I., dau of J.H. & E.M., June 2, 1897-Aug 18, 1898 (Whole Stone)
- John H., Sept 20, 1855-Nov 5, 1899 and Elsie M., Oct 28, 1856-June 25, 1932
- Father, Pearl, 1899-1965
- Hayes
- Hayman
- Headington
- James L., 1872-1953 and M. Emily, 1872-1911
- Leafy Mae, 1886-1950 and George L., 1883-1952
- Myrtle J. his wife, 1869-1961 and John J[udson], 1863-1946
- [Headington], Neva Irene, 1900-19001
- W. Carl, 1905-1978 and Hazel R., 1913-1981
- Heath
- Albert, Ohio, PVT BTRY E, 309th Field ARTY, World War I, March 11, 1889-May 18, 1964 (See also Mobley)
- Cora J., wife of J.W., 1877-1909 and J. W., 1873-1911 (Whole Stone)
- Walter A., 1908-1969 and Leola C., 1916-1988
- Hedges
- [Andrew J.], son of A & R, died Mar 12, 1867, aged 2 mo & 2 ds (Whole Stone)
- Sons of A. & R., Andrew J., died Mar 12, 1867, aged 2m 28d and James G., died Apr 11, 1868, aged 1m 19d
- William A., 1938-2006, married Sept 28, 1957, "Toby," Deanna J., 1938-2018 (Obituary)
- Hedrick, Basil E. Sr., 1920-1998 and Magdalene Clark, 1923-2006
- Heffner, Ora M. (See Andrews)
- Heizer
- George Edw., 1902-1984 (Obituary), married Dec 3, 1927, Elizabeth D., 1906-1999 (Obituary)
- Patricia Ann, Apr 5-Dec 9, 1947
- Robert E., Maty 29, 1944-Blank, married Feb 22, 1969, Saundra D., June 25, 1948-Dec 8, 1999
- Helwagen, Martha M, 1903-1999 and Charles E., 1902-1951 (Whole Stone)
- Hendricks
- Hendrickson
- Hensley, Christine L., 1964-Blank and Ronald L., 1943-1999
- Henson
- Elizabeth, wife of William, died May 25, 1834, aged 29 years, 10 mo & 2 days (Whole Stone)
- Hal B., 1883-1958
- John D., son of Wm & E, died Feb 28th, 1841, aged 15 years 8 mo & 10 days (Whole Stone)
- Landes, son of Wm. & Mary, Dec 15, 1843
- Martha L., 1878-1908 and Oliver R., 1870-1949
- Mary, wife of William, 1812-1883
- Mary G., 1841-1909; John D., 1841-1911; Bessie E., 1882-1900
- Oren, son of Wm. & Mary, Oct [27], 1856
- Woren, son of Wm. & E., died Apr 1, 1858, aged 3years
- Hess, Marguerite F., April 25, 1906-January 8, 1994
- Hesson, Lawrence F. Jr., Nov 3, 1941-Oct 26, 1989, m. Dec 21, 1965, Shelva Jean, Aug 15, 1938-Blank (Back)
- Hicks
- Hildreth
- Mother, Cynthia G., 1880-1970
- Harriet, dau of J. & M., died Sep 15, 1868, aged 22y 2m 26d (Whole Stone)
- Mary M., dau of J. & E.L., died Sep 11, 1868, aged 3y 7m 22d (Whole Stone)
- Willard H.1877-1953
- Hill
- Deborah, 1868-1963 and Sherman, 1865-1935
- Donna Mae, November 23, 1937-September 15, 2010 (Obituary)
- Helen B., 1896-1951 and Willis W., 1894-1059 (Whole Stone)
- Helen Louise, 1931-1959
- Plot Monument
- Martha, Feb 14, 1842-Oct 30, 1906 (Whole Stone)
- Peter, 1st Lieut., CO. B., 174th O.V.I., died Sept 18, 1892, aged 59y 3m 2d (Whole Stone)
- Hines
- Addie B., 1873-1946 and Wesley, 1973-1944
- Beatrice M., 1892-1931 and Willie H. [William], 1890-1972 (Whole Stone)
- Billy E., 1930-2002 (Obituary)
- Christopher, died May 26, 1860, aged 68 yrs 5 ms 3 ds
- Dewey M., 1898-1986 and M. Christine, 1907-1979
- Jack Allen, Jan 26, 1933-Sept 5, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Jane, 1860-1935 and John W., 1839-1947 (Whole Stone)
- Olive Sands, 1899-1989
- "Tom," Thomas D., Sept 28, 1956-Nov 3, 2011, son of Jack & Anna Mae
- Plot Monument
- Hoffman, James R., 1915-1995 (Obituary) and Ruth E., 1918-2000 (Obituary)
- Hogue, Gale, 1896-1978 and Eva, 1896-1966
- Holloway
- Carrie May, 1869-1934
- Clifton, 1856-1927
- Fay H., 1867-1913
- George Amer, 1894-1979
- Harold L., 1926-1975 and Clarice I., 1931-1999
- Harold L., US Navy, Jun 25, 1926-Feb 12, 1975
- James Herman, US Army, Vietnam, Feb 14, 1954-Aug 13, 2008
- Jay Curtis, Feb 27, 1927-Feb 26, 1991 and Clara Lucille, Sept 19, 1929-Sept 5, 2018 (Obituary)
- Jay Curtis II, July 9, 1954-Apr 14, 2003, married Oct 20, 1984, Victoria Dawn, Aug 3, 1960-Blank
- Jay P., 1866-1922 and Carrie E., 1872-1949
- Joel Craig, son of Jay & Lucille, Sept 19-20, 1958
- John H., 1907-1982 and Audrey L., 1906-1987
- Johnathon D., September 23, 1985
- Richard A., 1951-1954
- Ruth E., 1898-1971 and Clifton H., 1898-1980
- Wm., 1833-1911 and Eliza P., his wife, 1836-1911
- Holt, (Whole Stone)
Listed in order photographed
- George W., Feb 9, 1836-Sept 23, 1904, CO. H, 121st R.O.V.I.
- Matilda A., Aug 23, 1834-Mar 12, 1915
- Alfred T. Tallman, Aug 24, 1841-Feb 22, 1920 and Elmira J. Tallman, Sept 14, 1858-Nov 26, 1922
- Florence Iola Tallman, Aug 21, 1880-Dec 5, 1887 and Ray Tallman, Feb 21, 1883-Dec 21, 1904
- David H. Wottring, Aug 17, 1860-June 7, 1925 and Mary E. Wottring, June 21, 1854-[May 20, 1932]
- Hood
- "Bugs," Eugene F., Apr 19, 1926-May 30, 1991 (Obituary), married Jan 26, 1957, Margaret A., Dec 17, 1936-July 25, 2015 (Obituary)
- Judy G., Mar 6, 1959-Aug 16, 1986 (Obituary)
- Louis Leon, BT1 US Navy, Nov 3, 1955-Nov 21, 2006
- Hoover
- Adam, died July 26, 1878, aged 74 years (Whole Stone)
- Christopher, died Feb 21, 1893, aged 25y 18d (Whole Stone)
- Cynthia L. "Cindy", Sept 21, 1952-Sept 5, 2019 (Obituary; no photo)
- Henry, CO.F, 188th Ohio I.N.F.
- Little Homer, aged 5m 2d and Ottawa, died Aug 12, 1889, aged [10y 11m 6d] (Whole Stone)
- James, died July 7, 1892, aged 63y 2m 23d; Nancy, wife of J., died Jan 19, 1891, aged 62y 2m `d; J. S. H., died Oct 22, 1888, aged 24y 3m 26d (Whole Stone)
- John M., died June 29, 1887, aged 60y 24d, CO.F, 188th REG, O.V.I. and Kathryn, 1826-1908 (Whole Stone)
- John N., Nov 8, 1865-July 9, 1903 (Whole Stone)
- Leslie, 1862-1956 and Flora, 1856-1938
- Sons of L. & F., Chriss, 1892-1896 and Ross, 1887-1893
- Linnie, 1858-1948 and William H., 1849-1929
- Margaret, dau of A. & R., died Oct 15, 1870, [aged 42y 5m] (Whole Stone)
- Margaret E., dau of J.A. & N., died Nov 20, [1862], aged 5yr 1mo 11ds (Whole Stone)
- Nancy C., wife of Rev. A. D., 1854-1924
- Nancy J., dau of J.A. & Nancy, died Dec 17, 1862, aged 2yr 3mo 2ds
- "Pork," Pamela L., Oct 10, 1965-Oct 2, 1987
- Rachel, wife of Adam, died Feb 7, 1868, aged 68 years (Whole Stone)
- [Hoover], Rachel, [dau of J.A. & N., died 23 Nov 1862], aged 11y 1m 28d
- Richard Russell "Rusty", July 21, 1972-Oct 14, 2011 (Obituary; no photo)
- Russell L., 1920-1994, married June 24, 1940, Vivian R. Mobley, 1922-Blank
- Samuel, son of A & R, died Oct 11, 1873, aged 30 ys 1 m & 9 ds
- Saville, wife of Wm.H., died Aug 28, 1883, aged 34y 1m 7d (Whole Stone)
- Sterling, son of James & Nancy, died Dec 17, 1862, agd 12yrs 10mo 15ds
- Hornbeck
- Elsie Sherman, 1885-1959 and Harry, 1884-1965
- Francis M., 1856-1931; Josephine, his wife, 1860-1903; Flora Della, June 18-July 26, 1882 (Whole Plot)
- James, died Feb [28], 1865
- Mildred L., 1928-1984 and Ray L., 1928-2006
- Plot Monument
- Horney
- Howard
- Howison, Charlotte V., Oct 2, 1923
- Hubbard, Anna A., 1867-1918
- Huffman
- John D., 1899-1985 and Marguerite, 1902-1985
- Joseph E., Sept 12, 1928-Dec 27, 1999 (Obituary), married Feb 27, 1949, Dorothy M., May 25, 1929-Blank
- Hughes
- Hutchins, Arthur S., 1916-2006 and Kathryn, 1917-2003
- Hyde
- Jackson
- Alice M., 1907-1997
- Asa A., PVT US Army, World War II, 1911-1980
- Frank, 1911-2001 and Victoria, 1918-1983
- Jean L., 1910-1950
- (Peggy) Margaret L., June 30, 1942-July 3, 1977
- Vivian F., 1928-Blank
- William, 1887-1977
- January, Nellie R., 1876-1944 and Reuben, 1873-1964 (Whole Stone)
- Jenkins
- Jennings, Peter H., 1891-1899
- Jerew, Mildred E., Apr 22, 1929-July 2, 1995 (Obituary) and Kenneth E., Aug 25, 1923-May 3, 2013 (Obituary)
- Johnson
- Bobby Joe, May 3, 1951-Blank and Jacqueline J. Hedrick, Feb 9, 1944-Blank
- Charles W., died Oct 4, 1931
- Ebert A., 1910-1912
- Ella O., Mother, 1888-1955 and Glen E., Father, 1882-1967
- Emma S., died July 17, 1929
- Francis O., Nov 6, 1919-Sept 26, 2010 (Obituary) and Helen L., Apr 9, 1919-Oct 1, 2010 (Back)
- Glenn E., 1879-1938 and Flossie, 1886-1974
- Harland D., died 1909, aged 5ds
- Helen Marie, 1925, dau of E.K. & Zenith
- Infant son of Robert & Karen, 1965
- Jaylyn, Sept 28, 1992, daughter of Norm & Tina
- Jerry D., March 24, 1947-Oct. 29, 2006 (Obituary - no photo)
- Maggie, Jan 12, 1863-Mar 4, 1891; Nelson, Oct 1, 1858-Mar 10, 1895; George Arthur, June 28, 1884-Jan 16, 1905 and Philander, 1854-1931
- Martha, 1862-1940; Orva, 1886-1981; Ida Alice, 1890-1987 (Obituary)
- Martha A., wife of E.O., died Mar 15, 1894, aged 34y 3m 7d (Whole Stone)
- Mary Margaret, 1931-1936, dau of E.K. & Zenith
- Willard B., 1911-1982 and Eva L., 1921-2008
- William E., 1882-1946 and Ida J., 1881-19[55]
- Willis E., 1911-1974 and Ruth O., 1916-1983 (Obituary)
- Jolliff
- Betty Maxine, "The Whistler", Feb 13, 1931-Oct 8, 2006
- Mother, Carrie B., 1885-1963
- Carrie E., Beloved wife of P.A., Nov 20, 1868-Feb 16, 1894, aged 25y 2m 26d (Whole Stone)
- Chauncey H., 1882-1906 and Ethel W., 1883-1941 (Whole Stone)
- Delbert C., 1885-1942 and Eva L., 1888-1947 (Whole Stone)
- Father, Fred G., 1881-1966
- George W., 1847-1925 and Isabelle, his wife, 1852-1925 (Whole Stone)
- Helen L., 1905-1943 and Edwin M., 1904-1977
- Lawrence E., Jan 1-Feb 14, 1908
- Myrta A., 1877-1947
- Jones (Plot)
- Kale, Richard L., Aug 12, 1929-Feb 16, 2019 (Obituary), married Mar 18, 1949, Helen M., Aug 1, 1929-Blank
- Kalp, D. Eli, Nov 9, 1899-Dec 9, 1921
- Keller
- Kemp, Terry A., March 4, 1959-May 22, 2005 (Whole Stone)
- Kerns
- Emma Watson, his wife, 1846-1938 and William H., CO I 45 REG OVI, 1839-1929
- George W., son of T.B. & N.E., Oct 26-Dec 14, 1910
- Gertrude, 1881-1937
- Henry E., 1900-1922; Anna B., 1880-1905; Casper C., 1877-1916 (Whole Stone)
- Nora E., 1883-1947
- Robert J., 1870-1947
- Sarah J. "Skidmore,", 1901-1980 (Obituary)
- Thomas B., 1874-1925
- Plot Monument
- Kezertee
- Mother, Keziah M., 1844-1911
- Mother, Mary, Mar 24, 1818-May 10, 1905; Father, Henry, Oct 26, 1810-Oct 12, 1895; Frank L., 1856-1942; Sarah C., 1857-1926 (Whole Plot)
- Son, Otto H.1870-1942
- Kierce, Gary R., March 23, 1948-July 9, 1989
- Kilfian, Tonia Ranea, 1974-1977, daughter of Monty and Barbara Farrington
- Kincaid
- Kinney, Elizabeth E., dau of J. & P.A., died Apr 12, 1867, aged [16y] 2m 5d
- Knox
- A.E., May 10, 1825-Nov 23, 1900 and J.G., wife of A.E., Dec 10, 1825-Dec 2, 1900 (Whole Stone)
- Elsie A., dau of T. & E., died Sept 2, 1862, aged 2y 10m
- Ethel J. Bulen, 1888-1910
- James A., son of T. & E.A., died July 1, 1852, aged 2yrs
- Matilda J., died Oct 2, 1880, aged 1y 3m 13d (Whole Stone)
- Welthy S., wife of Hugh [died July 2, 1854, aged 30y 4m 20d]
- [William], died Apr 17, 1882, aged [25y 10m 26d] (Whole Stone)
- Konneker, Mother, Opal Barton, 1899-1926
- Krouskop
- Lamson, Cortis F., 1838-1909 and Maria E., his wife, 1843-1913 (Whole Stone)
- Lane, Artie Ora Carte, 1932-2001, Mother
- Langstaff
- Laughrey, Elsworth J., 1896-1964 and Mae E., 1896-1993 (Back)
- Layton
- Lewis
- Docie E., 1873-1961 and Frank B., 1871-1935
- Merle L., 1893-1973 (Obituary) and Leona M., 1909-2004
- Seth L., 1857-1937
- Susan E., his wife, 1836-1907 and L. E., 1833-1925
- Tammy M., March 23, 1973-March 18, 2016 (Obituary; no photo)
- Linn
- Linn-Danforth
- Linsly
- Listen, Anna M., June 9, 1836-July 16, 1884, aged 48y 1m 7d (Whole Stone)
- Lister, Mary P., wife of I J, died Oct 12, 1879, aged 26 y 6 m 21 d (Whole Stone)
- Liston
- Littleton, Bobby, 1946-1990 (Obituary)
- Livingston, Thomas E., 1861-1921 and Maggie E. his wife, 1869-[1950]
- Lockwood
- Longberry, Mary A., 1861-1928
- Longfellow (See Smart)
- Longshore
- Howard D., 1903-1962 and M. Blanche, 1904-1995
- John L., 1926-1999 (Obituary), married Feb 13, 1951, Wanda M., 1928-2013 (Back)
- John Lowell, BPL US Army, Korea, Sep 24, 1926-Dec 7, 1999
- Losey
- Loudermilk
- Judy Ann, December 15, 1943-June 10, 2013 (Obituary; no photo)
- Marvin C., Sept 19, 1925-May 21, 1998 (Obituary), married June 6, 1945, Maxine, July 4, 1923-Nov 10, 2015 (Obituary)
- Lucas
- Lybarger (Plot Monument)
- MacMahon, William W., 1836-1907, CO. A, 20th REG O.V.V.I. and Fred W., 1871-1905, Troup A, U.S.V.C. (Plot Monument)
- Mann, Joel K., 1847-1911 and Margaret, 1849-Blank
- Marine, Robert D., Sept 24, 1914-Oct 3, 1990
- Markin, Larry Lee, Jan 16, 1943-Feb 12, 2005, married Janet E. Bliss, Oct 12, 1944-Nov 9, 2018 (Obituary)
- Marmon, Rachel, Apr 10, 1814-[Jan 15, 1899] and David, May 27, 1806-Mar 12, 1865 (Whole Stone)
- Marling, William J., 1884-1957 and Ruth E., 1897-1937
- Martin
- Enos, died May 14, 1860, aged 63y 11ds (Whole Stone)
- Mary M., wife of E, died Apr 14, 1885, aged 84 yr 6 mo & 5 ds (Whole Stone)
- Mary M., wife of Dr. R.A., died May 8, 1869, aged [29y] 11m 2d (Whole Stone)
- Martino, Nathan, 1855-1925 and Sarah A., his wife, 1859-1915 (Whole Plot)
- Mathys
- David, Aug 3, 1913-Jan 27, 1981 (Obituary) and Belle, Feb 10, 1916-Nov 23, 2009 (Whole Stone)
- James M., June 30, 1925-Oct 24, 2018 and Thelma Jean "Babe", Dec 7, 1928-Dec 15, 2020 (Obituaries; no photo)
- Mayfield, Madaline, 1896-1956
- Mayhugh, Virgil R., 1902-1992 and Anna E., 1905-1990 (Whole Stone)
- McCafferty
- McCalf, Robert E., July 10, 1950-Mar 5, 2012 and Frieda, Oct 18, 1050-Mar 21, 2019 (Obituaries; no photo)
- McCandless, Alma D. Fawley, 1867-1929 and William D., 1877-1931 (Whole Stone)
- McComas
- Dennis Ray, July 25, 1954-September 27, 2012 (Obituary; no photo)
- Everett R., Aug 15, 1913-Aug 30, 1980 (Obituary) and Elizabeth Edwards, Apr 13, 1919-Mar 31, 1964
- Gayla J., 1969-1977
- Lewis E., Apr 14, 1947-Blank and Donna M., July 24, 1948-Jan 30, 2013
- Rose Mary, 1938-1979
- McCombs, Harold B., 1900-1986, married Jan 3, 1950, Ollie L., 1914-1998
- McCormick, George Edward, Feb 11, 1876-Nov 29, 1894; Mother, Mary E., 1841-1921; James E., Feb 20, 1853-May 23, 1895 (Plot Monument)
- McCrary
- McElroy
- Catherine, 1903-1990 and Merle J., 1901-1972
- Dwight T., 1909-1946 and Agnes M., 1908-1981 (Obituary)
- Effie R., 1877-1967 and Emery L., 1877-1943
- Elizabeth N., 1884-1920 and William E., 1881-1963
- Ernest L., June 26, 1934-Blank and Janet R., Dec 18, 1937-Jan 17, 1990 (Obituary)
- Esther Morrow Houk, 1855-1936
- Harold, 1923-2010 and Jo Anne, 1922-Blank
- Norma J., 1926-Blank and George D., 1915-1961
- George D., Ohio, PFC, Co H, 351st Infantry REG, World War II, Nov 15, 1915-Dec 10, 1961
- Robert E., 1894-1982, 33rd DIV, A.E.F., World War I and Lula J., 1897-1968 (Obituary)
- Thomas M., 1852-1939 and Susan R., 1856-1937
- McEntire
- McGee, Dora E., Feb 26, 1857-Dec 26, 1904
- McGinnis
- Gilbert K., 1912-1976 and Alta C., 1910-1981 (Obituary)
- James Harford, [son of W. & M.J., died 20 Dec 1870, aged 1y 2d]
- John S., 1867-1934 and May B., 1874-1928
- Johnson, died Jan 28, 1868, aged 72years and Marget, wife of J., died Sept 13, 1870, aged 69ys 11mo 21ds (Whole Stone)
- Joyce A., 1938-Blank and William L. "Bill", 1930-2002
- William Lee, SKG3 US Navy, Korea, Jan 4, 1930-Oct 30, 2002
- Odo Brooks, Jan 31-May 3, 1907
- Ralph N., 1909-1986 (Obituary); Mildred L., 1915-2012 (Obituary); Terry L., 1848-1970 (Whole Stone)
- Terry Lee, Ohio, SP4, US Army, Vietnam, March 30, 1948-May 6, 1970
- Thomas W., 1954-1971
- William, died Nov 13, 1889, aged 71y 10m [6d] and Mary J., 1883-1919 (Whole Stone)
- McIntyre, Susie Green, 1901-1961 and Loren L., 1899-1975
- McIntosh, Kevin, Nov 17, 1959, son of Carrol & Celesta (Nichols)
- McKenzie
- McMahan
- Abner H., 1909-1982, married Jan 12, 1935, Mary H., 1910-1999 (Whole Stone)
- Clifford L., 1878-1939 and Maude I., 1883-1965
- Clifford L., 1917-2000 and Grace E., 1921-1980
- Clifford L., SGT, US Army, World War II, Purple Heart, Feb 14, 1917-Sept 20, 2000
- Brother, Edgar H., 1874-1944 and Sister, Eleanor M., 1885-1965
- Edgar H., "Ed,", June 4, 1940-November 3, 2016 (Obituary; no photo)
- John H., 1876-1939 and Lelah D., 1884-1959 (Whole Stone)
- Opal P., 1911-1988
- Ralph J., Oct 4, 1907-July 25, 1982, Married Mar 10, 1936, E. Laverne, May 3, 1914-Jan 6, 2003 (Back)
- William Harold, Nov 27, 1910-Dec 17, 1910
- McNamara, Connie B., Oct 3, 1958-Sept 1, 2002 (Obituary)
- McNeil
- Meadows, Henry H., 1912-1975 (Obituary) and Grace L., 1915-1994
- Meddles
- Middlesworth
- Alton Lynn, Oct 21, 1936-Jan 1, 1938
- Anthony, died Mar 1, 1890, aged 72y 4m 23d and Jane, 1819-1909, agec 90 yrs (Whole Stone)
- Brayton H., son of J.F. & C.A., died May 30, 1884, aged 7m 11d
- Essie G., 1896-1899
- Irl, 1879-1915 and Mary L., 1880-1923 (Whole Plot)
- Isaac Bert, Dec 15, 1872-July 14, 1952 and Emma Gay, Jan 31, 1874-[Aug 8, 1961]
- Louis, 1908-1971
- Louis Larry, Aug 9, 1930
- Mary M., 1849-1858; Emiley J., 1859-1879; Margaret, 1846-1924
- Millie, 1910-1984
- Nellie M., 1887-1953 and Fay, 1884-1958
- Opha (Smart), 1878-1946 and Pearl, 1875-1942
- Robert B., 1856-1926 and Forest A., 1862-19[40]
- Wm., 1841-1909 and Sarah L., his wife, 1848-1925 (Whole Plot)
- Middleton
- D. W., 1843, CO. D, 136th REG, O.V.I. and Rebecca A., wife of D.W., died Nov 4, 1876, aged 34yrs 26ds (Whole Stone)
- Daniel, June 9, 1814-Sept 22, 1894 and Elizabeth, Jan 19, 1816-Sept3, 1896 (Whole Stone)
- Dorah M., dau of M. & N., [Feb 2, 1878]
- Infant son of D. & R., died Feb 3, 1871, aged 3m 19d
- James, 1821-1901 and Rachel, 1822-1909 (Whole Stone)
- James L., 1884-1968 and Millie A., 1886-1963
- James T., 1865-1939 and Lola J., 1866-1950
- Father, Joseph, died Apr 12, 1896, aged 50y 7m 24d and Mother, Diantha, (no dates) (Whole Stone)
- Kesiah, 1846-1918
- Laura May, 1876-1931 and Thomas B., 1873-1936
- Leonard, 1863-1928 and Anna S., 1864-1934
- Marion, 1868-1921 and Cora M., 1872-1939
- Martha, wife of Timothy, died June 6, 1860, aged 71y 7m 17d
- Martha J., wife of T., Oct 15, 1824-Oct 6, 1914 and Timothy, Oct 16, 1826-May 17, 1902
- Children of T. & M.J.; Ellen, died May 12, 1877, aged 27y 5d and James D., died Jan 23, 1862, aged 3y 2m
- Martha Marie, died May 27, 1866 (Whole Stone)
- Melvin, CO.F, 31st REG, O.V.V.I., 1846-1922
- Morgan L., Feb 8, 1847-July 22, 1899 and Nancy J., June 24, 1837-[Aug 31, 1909] (Whole Stone)
- Paul L., 1918-1920
- Pauline S., 1901-1971 (Obituary) and Howard L., 1895-1973
- Timothy, died Aug 8, 1867, aged 76yrs 6mo 17d
- Miller
- Mills, Marie M. "Mickey" 1954-1996
- Milton, Brother, Samuel L., 1929-1963
- Minshall, Mother, Amanda C., 1861-1908
- Mitchell (Plot)
- Morris, Mordechai Ben Yoseph Dov Mitchell, 1924-1979, Vet WW II
- Shirley A., 1932-Blank
- Mittelstadt, William J., 1896-1985, Mason and Irma D., 1906-1994
- Mobley, Son, William I., May 16, 1926-Oct 1, 2003 and Mother, Edna M[ae] Heath, June 11, 1901-Nov 14, 1978
- Moffett
- Elizabeth, 1834-1920 and Ralph, 1833-1920
- Hannah L., wife of W.C., died Oct 21, 1879, aged 71y 11m 3d (Whole Stone)
- Harlan C., 1901-1970 and Audrey L., 1901-1976
- Jared, 1844-1917
- Josie (Bitler), 1864-1947 and Willard R., 1865-1949
- Judson S., son of T. & S., died Oct 17, 1870, aged 1year 2mo 12ds
- Justice S., 1870-1956 and Dott, 1875-1957
- Oliver F., Sept 19, 1876-Mar 14, 1907
- Thomas, 1834-1913 and Susannah, his wife, 1832-1923 (Whole Stone)
- W. J., Nov 13, 1857-Dec 23, 1909
- William C., Sep 9, 1803-June 9, 1896, aged 92y 9m (Whole Stone)
- Moffitt
- Monroe
- Charles J., Apr 19, 1853-Apr 28, 1908
- James W., Jan 1, 1860-Sept 30, 1915
- Father, Levi G., Apr 12, 1825-Jan 10, 1901
- Mother, Mary, Sept 14, 1825-Mar 21, 1915
- Monroe-Cheney
- Plot
- Plot Marker
- James W. Monroe, Jan 1, 1860-Sept 30, 1915
- Charles J. Monroe, Apr 19, 1853-Apr 28, 1908
- Mother, Mary Monroe, Sept 14, 1825-Mar 21, 1915
- Luella M. Cheney, Dec 14, 1862-Jan 15, 1898
- Montgomery,
- Augusta G., [died 9 Jan 1919], aged 6 m 23 d
- Ohio death certificate (1919) no. 1606 provides the following: Augusta Gurtrude Montgomery, daughter of Kuffer E and Ethel (Hildreth) Montgomery, born 16 July 1918, died 9 Jan 1919, age 5 months 23 days
- Edward Pearl, July 18, 1917-Oct 2, 1993, married June 3, 1942, Sara Hastert, Mar 18, 1920-Blank (Whole Stone and Back)
- Edward P, MAJ US Army, World War II, Silver Star, Purple Heart
- Ella J., wife of Squuire, died Apr 2, 1887, aged 28y 6m 2d (Whole Stone)
- Henry B., 1848-1914 and Mary J., 1845-1913 (Whole stone)
- Noel B., 1875-1939 and Emma E., 1884-1941
- Noel B., Ohio, PVT, 19th INF, died July 13, 1939
- Rolin H., Mar 31, 1846-Apr 3, 1900; John Henry, 1871-1945; Adah Davis, 1874-1959 (Plot Marker) (Whole Plot)
- Moody
- George S., 1863-1937 and Lora B., his wife, 1865-1909
- Jane, 1829-Mar 26, 1909 and Robert, Sept 18, 1859-Jan 17, 1905
- Wynter [November 20, 1909-June 29, 1999] (Obituary); Etta, [July 5, 1887-May 22, 1980] (Obituary); Chester, [March 29, 1886-February 24, 1920]
- Moore
- Allen, 1866-1940 and Hannah, 1866-1939
- Father, Alva, 1892-1972
- Claribel H., 1921-2000, married July 29, 1943, Leo T., 1919-2006 (Back)
- Mother, Emma J., 1862-1955 and Father, Thomas G., 1858-1934 (Whole Stone)
- Ettie, 1862-1942; William H., 1862-1934; Viola May, 1887-1894
- George W., son of J. & J., died Jan 11, 1875, aged 28y 8m 4d (Whole Stone)
- Jemima, 1825-1909
- Jesse, died May 7, 1868, aged 50y 6m 10d (Whole Stone)
- Mother, Marie, 1898-1966
- Nettie J., 1868-1953 and Delphos A., 1860-1929
- Rev. Reuben, July 23, 1826-[May 21, 1912] and Paulina, wife of Rev.R., died Aug 30, 1891, aged 61y 5m 2d (Whole Stone)
- Valeta L., 1912-1922
- Morey
- Morris, John L., Aug 29, 1919-Jan 15, 2007 married May 20, 1940 Mary B., Mar 5, 1922-Aug 14, 1991 (Obituary)
- Morrow
- Carrie S., 1871-1948
- Clara E., 1884-1973
- David Leroy, SP 4 US Army, Jul 27, 1934-Jan 8, 2002
- Emery M., 1891-1953
- Florence M., 1894-1924
- J. A., 1832-1918 and Elizabeth, his wife, 1830-1905
- Martha M., 1864-1946 and Charles G., 1858-1937 (Whole Stone)
- Robert T., 1909-1999, married Dec 12, 1931, Rosa M., 1910-1982
- Samuel J., 1862-1925
- Thomas A., Apr 12, 1945-May 29, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- William M., 1839-1918, Co. G, 13th Reg., OVO and Laminda, his wife, 1844-1925 (Whole Stone)
- Mosher
- Carleton D., Sept 28, 1911-Apr 6, 1999 (Obituary) and Goldie M., May 2, 1912-Nov 10, 2004 (Obituary)
- Cary, 1871-1935 and Effie, 1874-1949
- Donna, Sept 18, 1943-Blank
- Effie, 1889-1966 and Forrest, 1879-1920 (Whole Stone)
- George W., died Apr 9, 1904, aged 59y, CO. G, 76th O.V.I. and Emily, died Jan 24, 1920, aged 77y (Whole Stone)
- Mildred, dau of F & E, 1908-1909
- Mosier, Robert E., Mar 14, 1925-Sept 23, 2018 (Obituary) and Jeanne (Stanfield), May 5, 1923-Apr 13, 2011 (Obituary)
- Mulligan, William A., died May 19, 1892, aged 27y 25d (Whole Stone)
- Munsell
- Murphey, [Jacob T.], died Sept 17, 1878, aged 14m
- Murphy
- Audrey L., wife of John T., 1893-1987 (Obituary)
- Ella E., 1865-1910 and Oscar L., 1858-1953
- John Thurman, Ohio, SGT, 132nd ENGRS, June 15, 1937
- Taylor O., US Navy, World War II, Nov 25, 1925-Mar 26, 1991
- Neill, Gladys M., Mar 23, 1927-May 19, 2001, married July 7, 1955, Lewis G. Sr., Jan 30, 1922-Dec 9, 2001 (Back)
- Newman, Florence C., 1876-1947 and Charles F[rank], 1886-1964 (See also Patrick)
- Nibert, Michael James Nibert, Sr., September 28, 1958-September 29, 2014 (Obituary; no photo)
- Nichols
- Lelah B., 1893-1965 and Charles I., 1887-1957
- Rosetta J., Oct 7, 1944-Nov 19, 2006, married Apr 21, 1963, Roy L., May 15, 1941-Jan 26, 1997
- Norman, Rick E., June 21, 1952-April 15, 2006, married May 12, 1972, K. Diane, Nov 12, 1953-Blank (Back)
- Oates, John, Dec 17, 1945-Blank and Sherry, Feb 1, 1946-April 17, 2002
- Oberdier
- Cecil R., 1913-1962
- Ethel M., 1917-19__ and William N., 1912-1939
- George D., 1873-1949 and Mary E., 1874-1945 (Whole Stone)
- George D., 1916-1966 and Wilma K., 1916-1966
- Juanita, Mar 30, 1942-Nov 11, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Ralph O., May 24, 1936-Aug 26, 1944
- Oder
- Judith Ann, May 20, 1941
- Kenneth, 1907-1998 (Obituary) and Catherine B., 1912-2000 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Kenneth E., PFC, US Army, World War II, Apr 21, 1907-Sep 19, 1998
- Ogan, David L. Sr., Feb 8, 1944-Blank, married July 30, 1963, Julia M. Boysel, June 12, 1942-Blank
- Orahood
- Ada, 1877-1953 and Harry, 1873-1939
- Dortha, Feb 17, 1906
- Infant Son, Dec 23, 1882-Jan 16, 1883; Eli, May 2, 1838-Sept 23, 1892; Sarah J., Aug 22, 1842-May 2, 1902 (Whole Stone)
- F. Irene, 1910-1948
- Frank W., 1870-1930 and Martha F., 1878-1943 (Whole Stone)
- George, Father, 1875-1946 and Rosetta, Mother, 1873-1933 (Whole Stone)
- Hyatt, 1912-1969
- Father and Mother, John, died Feb 7, 1893, aged 75 y & 8 d and Mary, Jan 23, 1822-May 16, 1906
- Roy D., 1884-1947 and Mabel his wife, 1884-1918
- W. W., 1846-1921 and Lucinda, his wife, 1853-1910
- Osborne
- Overholser
- Parker
- Calvin, son of H. & C., died Nov 10, 1838, aged 8years 5mo 2days
- Delila, dau of H. & C., died Oct 19, 1838, aged 11yers 1mo 1day
- Elvin D., 1915-1980, "Dick"
- Nathaniel C., son of H. & C., died March 4, 1838, aged 1mo 7days
- Sarah Ann, dau of H. & C., died Oct 21, 1838, aged 5years 3mo
- Parks, J. D., 1839-1915, CO.H, 3rd REG, I.V.I. and Lydia S., his wife, 1844-1925 (Whole Stone)
- Parmer
- Parrish, Elisabeth, wife of B., Mar 7, 1830-Jan 13, 1912, aged 81y 10m 6d and Benjamin, Oct 29, 1830-Feb 10, 1896, aged 65y 3m 11d (Whole Stone)
- Patrick
- Ada E. Heath, Oct 5, 1883-Aug 29, 1950 and William A., Oct 5, 1875-Dec 26, 1945
- Bobby Lee, Nov 9, 1936-Jan 18, 1994, married Oct 12, 1962, Rebecca Sue, Feb 9, 1943-Blank
- David, 1846-1908 and Rachel, his wife, 1849-1926
- [David, son of] H. & L., died Sep 17, 18[62, aged 2y 8m 20d]
- Delbert, 1928-1941
- Della Hartman, 1872-1930
- Dewey, Nov 1, 1944-Blank, married July 3, 1964, Linda K., Nov 28, 1946-Aug 1, 2006
- Donald Edwin, son of Robert & Ruth, Sept 9, 1930-Mar 10, 1932
- Edith L., 1904-1959 and Charles W., 1901-1963
- George W., Apr 13, 1851-Apr 5, 1911; Indiana, 1851-1924; Bert Edward, 1878-1942 (Whole Plot)
- Infant son of D. & P., died Mar 11, 1871, aged 21 days (Whole Stone)
- Lemuel E., 1870-1932
- Martha Pearl, 1926-1930
- Mary Lou, 1930-1932
- "Pat," Faris A., 1900-1981 (Obituary)
- Ruth Burlew, Nov 28, 1906-Apr 22, 1997 (Obituary) and Robert Bernie, Jan 4, 1903 Sept 8, 1962
- Plot Monument
- Thomas, died April 20, 1865, aged 46y 7m 4d
- Thomas J., [son of H. & L.], died Aug 6, 1870, aged 6y 9m 28d
- Pattengell, Tempa Thomas, 1895-1964
- Paugh
- Elmira, 1846-1926
- Harriet, wife of R., died Dec 30, 1866, aged 37y 4m 24d
- Paxson
- Peake, Alyssa Sue Anne, Oct 12, 2004 (Obituary)
- Penhorwood
- Clarence A., 1891-1965 and Dorothy A., 1904-1996 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Elsie May Slack, May 3, 1911-Nov 8, 1999 (Obituary) and Bernice Edward, Sept 11, 1910-Nov 22, 1999 (Obituary) (Back)
- Francis H., son o f J.H. & S.w., [died 16 June 1868, aged 2y 4m 26d]
- J. Arthur, 1882-1943 and Matie E., 1884-1934
- Rev. John, died Sept 16, 1891, aged 70y 11m 26d abd Elizabeth, his wife, died Jan 6, 1895, aged 77y 7m 24d (Whole Stone)
- John H., 1842-1928 and Sarah, his wife, 1842-1917 (Whole Stone)
- L. Vesta, 1883-1955 and John E., 1881-1951
- Lawrence G., SGT US Army, World War II, Aug 6, 1923-Nov 27, 1998 (Obituary) and Margaret E. Doan, Aug 6, 1923-Dec 11, 1999 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Leonidas E., CPL US Army, World War II, Apr 8, 1913-Jun 19, 1990, POW Captured in Battle of the Bulge
- Marion A., 1926-Blank and Betty K., 1925-1996 (Obituary)
- Martha, 1884-1950 and Sherman, 1886-1976
- Nellie M., 1886-1916
- R. E., June 2, 1852-May 15, 1937; W. F., Oct 27, 1849-Sept 15, 1899; W. A.; Ella (Whole Plot)
- Rebecca G., dau of J. & E., died Feb 8, 1866, aged 14yrs 8mo 7ds (Whole Stone)
- Viola, 1898-1931; Infant Dorothy, 1926; Infant Phyllis, 1929
- William E., 1870-1968; Jennie K., his wife, 1872-1971 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Penny
- Phelps
- Della, 1882-1968 and C. B., 1878-1955
- Derastus J., 1845-1914, CO. F, 31st REG O.V.I. and Mary J., his wife, 1846-1933
- Flossie, April 14, 1886-Jan 9, 1974 (Obituary: no photo)
- H. Carleton, 1908-1988 and Nellie G., 1909-1976
- Kenneth H., 1904-1978
- Rev. Levi, died Aug 29, 1874, aged 78y 5m 22d and Mercy, wife of Eld. Levi, died Aug 29, 1874, aged 73y 5m 16d (Whole Stone)
- Spencer, 1850-1920 and Emma, his wife, 1858-1937
- Theodore, Jan 15, 1818-Jan 5, 1902 and Margaret, Mar 14, 1817-Mar 5, 1906 (Whole Stone)
- Father, William A., 1876-1947 and Mother, Mary A., 1882-1960
- Wm. A., Dec 27, 1847-Sept 9, 1908 and Alice G., Feb 5, 1853-Nov 4, 1930 (Whole Stone)
- Phillips, Mary M., wife of H.H., [20 Jan 1849]
- Phipps
- Albert E., 1911-1995 (Obituary), married, Sun. Aug 1, 1943, Helen, 1919-2006 (Obituary) (Back)
- Anna P., 1892-1980 and Perry A., 1885-1968
- John E., 1888-1967
- Lewis S., 1917-1986 (Obituary) and Mary E., 1923-1976 (Obituary)
- Mary Belle, 1915-1932
- Victor B., Oct 27, 1915-July 1, 1998 (Obituary) and Helen E., Apr 15, 1921-Nov 11, 2015 (Obituary) (Whole Stone and Back)
- William L., 1864-1939 and Ida J., 1862-1941
- Pickens, "Ern," Ernest L., Feb 28, 1939-May 29, 2000 (Obituary), married Apr 21, 1973, "Jan," Janet S. "Johnson," March 26, 1949-December 4, 2015 (Obituary)
- Pirie, Inez Ruhl, Nov 20, 1926-Mar 2, 2005
- Ploger, Sarah J., sife of J.H., died Nov 13, 1880, aged 35ys 6m 21d (Whole Stone)
- Plotner
- Anna, 1869-1950 and William, 1865-1934
- Charles, 1908-1995 (Obituary), married Nov 23, 1932, LaVon, 1911-1992 (Obituary)
- Frances, 1861-1941
- G. F., 1859-1944
- Inez, 1886-1971
- Plot Monument
- W. H., Aug 1, 1828-Sept 22, 1904 [William H.]
- Belle, 1863-1939
- R[obert] L., 1855-1914
- Mary A., wife of W.H., Mar 24, 1833-Apr 5, 1903
- Alonzo G., Mar 22-Sept 1, 1880
- Poling, Robert H., 1912-Blank and Lura Wyeth, 1916-1984
- Porter
- Potee
- Potts
- David L., Dec 1, 1952-Mar 24, 2003
- G. W., 1836-1915; Jane, 1849-1937 (Whole Stone); Losco, 1863-1900; Infant, son of Arthur & Etta, 1900 (Whole Plot)
- Hattie, 1867-1940; Ira, 1860-1935; and [Arthur] Joe, 1897-1970 (Obituary)
- J. Carroll, Oct 8, 1917-Mar 8, 1980 (Obituary), married April 1, 1942, Eleanor D., Jan 20, 1918-July 15, 1998 (Obituary)
- Lizzie D., 1878-1959 and Ernest S., 1881-1967
- Powell, Catharine Williams, 1879-1905
- Powers, Charles E., S.SGT, 70th Base Unit AAF, World War II, March 18, 1918-Sept 6, 1963
- Predmore
- Charles H., 1897-1963 and Blanche A., 1902-1989
- Charles O., 1924-1925
- John A., 1895-1974 and Nellie, 1894-1962
- Martha K., 1918-2008
- Mildred, 1921-1990
- Phyllis M., 1930-1970 (Obituary)
- Robert M., 1923-2014 (Obituary), Mason, married Sun, July 4, 1943, Joanne, 1925-2012 (Obituary) (Back)
- Primmer, Ephraham, 1857-1942
- Pyers
- Radcliff
- Ralston, Priscilla J., 1862-1941 and Joseph A., 1855-1942
- Ramage, (See Tilton)
- Rasey
- Adam Andrew, Jan 16, 1996
- "Buzz," Clarence H., Nov 22, 1949-July 25, 2008
- Eddie L., July 13, 1953-April 11, 2016 (Obituary; no photo)
- Gladie, Sept 19, 1926-Aug 21, 2019 (Obituary; no photo)
- Vonda Sue, July 17, 1957-Apr 29, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Rea
- Byron W. "Barny," June 13, 1938-April 17, 2014 (Obituary; no photo)
- Father, C. W., 1860-1948; Mother, Ida, 1862-1947; Daughter, Zelma Rea Weiser, 1882-1961
- David O., died Aug 30, 1865, aged 9m 5d
- Fern M., 1889-1957; Herbert, 1890-1961; infant, Maynard, 1923
- Harold S., Sept 7, 1914-Feb 7, 1990
- Herman, 1889-1917 and infant son, Mack Sutton, 1916
- Symbol on stone represents the Knights of Pythias and initials reprsent Friendship, Charity, Benevolence
- Joseph, 1846-1924
- Luther S., 1883-1923 and Lena (Wilgus), 1886-1974 (Obituary)
- Rolland R. January 25, 1914-March 4, 1977 (Obituary; no photo)
- Thomas S., died Aug 18, 1865, aged 2y 7m 26d
- Wallace, 1891-1977 and Lydia, 1892-1970
- Wilber R., 1895-1977 (Obituary) and Floris M., 1893-1994 (Obituary)
- Reading
- Reese
- Harry, 1897-1980 and Hazel, 1900-1978
- Roy H., June 1, 1923-Jan 8, 1992 and B. Faye, Aug 10, 1928-Feb 15, 2006
- Roy H., PFC, US Army, World War II
- Renae, Kim, 1957-1960
- Rhoads, Walter W., Ohio, PVT, CO.A. 18th REGT, INF, Civil War, Aug 15, 1835-Feb 6, 1926
- Rice, Raymond Dee, Oct 7, 1929-June 17, 2009, married July 16, 1977, Clara Sue, Dec 19, 1951-Blank
- Richardson
- Richie
- Riddle, Earnest, Oct 12, 1925-Jan 9, 1988 and Louise, Aug 19, 1923-Mar 4, 1975 (Obituary)
- Ridgway, N. G. E. Roa, Aug 8, 1874-Nov 14, 1899 (Whole Stone)
- Riley, Helen A., February 5, 1921-January 15, 2004
- Risner, Everett, 1911-1974 and Ethol A. Montgomery, 1900-1988
- Ritchie
- Ritchey-Cahill, Plot; Plot Monument
Listed in order photographed
- M. Ethel Ritchey, June 10, 1885-Mar 2, 1888
- Mrs. Mary Ritchey, July 8, 1846-Mar 14, 1894
- N. B. Ritchey, Aug 7, 1841-Apr 2, 1909
- Martha C. Ritchey, May 24, 1870-May 7, 1914
- Matilda A. Cahill, Mar 17, 1836-Oct 25, 1902
- David B. Cahill, Dec 26, 1815-Feb 9, 1984
- Roahen
- Robb, Husband, Doan, 1917-1989 (Obituary); Wife, Loraine, 1916-1989; Mother, Rilla, 1876-1948
- Roberts
- Rockhold
- Earnest E., 1920-1932
- Howard E., Feb 4, 1926-Feb 28, 2019 (Obituary), married Sept 25, 1948, Mary M., Sept 25, 1930-Blank
- L. Burl, 1910-1998 Married Nov 15, 1934 Lelah Adams, 1914-1972 (Obituary)
- Levi G., 1878-1955 and Mary E., 1882-1969 (Obituary)
- Rosebrook
- Rosecrans, Crandall W., 1841-1909 and Lysle Corey, 1849-1880
- Rowe, Clarence O., 1926-1987
- Rowland
- Benjamin C., June 22, 1984-Oct 29, 2000
- Charles B., Aug 9, 1921-Feb 1, 1996 (Obituary)
- Oscar J., 1894-1958 and Laura L., 1891-1984 (Whole Stone)
- Wilma C., Jan 29, 1922-Feb 11, 1995 (Obituary)
- Ruhl
- M. William, 1893-1992 (Obituary) and Thelma O., 1904-1975
- W. Gerald, June 20, 1921-Sept 1, 2006, married Sept 18, 1976, Donna Jean, Oct 26, 1923-Aug 13, 2003 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Russell
- Father, James E., 1926-2009, Mason; Mother, Rosemary, 1928-Blank, OES; "Jamie," James K., 1957-1978
- Nobel A., son of J.M. & M.A., died Mar 25, 1892, aged 1y 3m 8d (Whole Stone)
- Samson, Beatrice Drake, 1910-1984 (Obituary)
- Saunders, Reynold, 1929-Blank
- Scott, Ethel M., 1886-1951
- Seaman, Myron D., 1906-1955 and Martha E., 1912-1993 (Obituary)
- Sedgwick, Robert Clell, May 19, 1921-Sept 16, 1972, married Feb 11, 1941, Betty Jo Rea, Aug 5, 1924-Sept 25, 2006
- Seigler, George W., 1851-1915 and Lucy E., his wife, 1857-1932 (Whole Stone)
- Segner, Elias M., 1847-1919 and Almira E., 1848-1922
- Seran
- Severns, Sarah, died Nov 21, 1867, aged 56yr 5mo 11ds (Whole Stone)
- Shaw, Orrin H. Jr., April 28, 1924-Aug 9, 1995 and W. Eloise, Feb 22, 1926-Aug 18, 2006
- Orrin H Jr, TEC 5 US Army, World War II, Purple Heart
- Shearer, Mary E., 1853-1940 and Onesimus A., CO. B, 187th OVI, 1847-1921
- Sheldon, William L., 1899-1969 and Ivah M., 1912-1986
- William L., Ohio, CPL US Marine Corps, World War I, Jan 18, 1899-Oct 10, 1969
- Sheperd, Emma R., 1891-1912
- Sherman
- Shipley, Abbie, wife of B., died Jan 5, 1870, aged 64y 2m 11d and Benedict, died July 16, 1873, aged 75yr 9mo 20ds (Whole Plot)
- Shirk
- Aaron, June 12, 1810-Jan 17, 1887 and Rosannah, wife of Aaron, died May 29, 1879, aged 67y 2m 17d (Whole Stone)
- H. T., died July 29, 1869, aged 31y 3m 10d and Mary P., wife of H.T., died Oct 12, 1872, aged 27y 15d (Whole Stone)
- Hannah R., died Oct 25, 1882, aged 46y 3m 16d (Whole Stone)
- [CPL John H.], CO. G, 191st Ohio INF
- Little Carrie M., dau of H.T. & M.P., died Feb 12, 1869, aged 8m 14d
- Mary V., dau of J. & P., died Sep 16, 1863, aged 2mo 8ds
- Phebe, wife of J.H., died Apr 6, 1875, aged 34ys 11ms 2ds and Little Tilie, dau of J.H. & p., died Mar 15, 1875, aged 2ds
- Shoup
- Shroyer, Bessie E., 1882-1900
- Shubkin, Marion J., June 16, 1913 Feb 14, 1988
- Shultz, Elmer L., 1899-1985 (Obituary) and Ruth E., 1901-1985 (Obituary) (See also Grawal)
- Shupe
- Sickles, Cora E. Roberts, wife of Clarence E., July 1, 1830- Oct 5, 1899 (Whole Stone)
- Sigler
- Chancey E., 1884-1970 (Obituary) and Evah D., 1885-1941
- Eliza Jane, 1852-1925
- Emma B., wife of Isaac J., died Nov 8, 1870, aged 18y 9m 20d (Whole Stone)
- Estella, wife of Forey D., 1881-1920
- Infant son of I.J. & E.J., died Dec 28, 1882, aged 1mo 9ds (Whole Stone)
- Isaac J., 1844-1916, CO. H, 82nd REG, O.V.I.
- Wm., Oct 6, 1814-May 29, 1865 and Mary A., May 2, 1819-Mar 4, 1892 (Whole Stone)
- Simpson
- Emma J., Dec 3, 1856-Dec 26, 1905 and Wm. F., June 17, 1864[-June 30, 1921]
- Phoeba A., 1838-1917
- Thomas J., 1850-1922 and Mary E., 1857-1893 (Whole Stone)
- William T., 1820-1905
- Sivey, Bert, 1871-1902, aged 31y 9m 10d
- Skidmore
- Alma F. McElderry, 1861-1944
- Plot Monument
- Bernice E. [Emily Bernice], 1877-1947 and Harry J., 1875-1925
- Don I., 1881-1955 and Virginia M., 1888-1966
- Edwin Simeon, 1861-1943
- Gerald Wilton, 1914-1917 [son of Howard W & Lulu L]
- Iva Gail, 1879-19[74] and Clarence Nelson, 1878-1935
- Jefferson D., died Feb 11, 1887, aged 38y 10m 18d
- Jonathan, 1834-1863 and Margaret, 1835-1908 (Whole Plot)
- Lulu L., 1887-1972 and Howard W., 1889-1962
- Mary Jane, 1859-1926 and Sylvanus, 1856-1941
- Merritt E., 1921-1992 and Wanda B., 1920-1990 (Obituary)
- Pearl W., 1872-19__ and Esta C., 1875-1939
- Ralph D., 1980-1923
- Sarah Ann, 1849-1923 and David M., 1853-1940
- Sloan, Scott S., 1890-1972 and Ilo I., 1895-1985
- Smart (Plot Monument) (Whole Plot)
Listed in order photographed
- Joseph E., 1848-1921
- Susan E., 1851-1926
- Mae S., wife of Orra Longfellow, died May 21, 1900, aged 23 y 10 m 3d and Infant
- Morton L., 1899-1900
- Margaret E., 1907-1907
- Joseph D., 1911-1911
- Louis E., 1872-1938 and Margaret E., 1879-19[44]
- Marjorie Kathleen, 1902-1931
- Smith
- Amanda, 1876-1948 and Hutson S[terling], 1974-1947
- Amon D., died Dec 10, 1880, aged 26y 9m 12d (Whole Stone)
- Benjamin F., 1887-1939 and Mary E., 1887-1953
- Bobby D., Nov 15, 1939-May 19, 1992 and Rose, Aug 9, 1952-Blank
- [Smith], Chauncey F., May 5, 1858-Jan 17, 1923, aged 64y 8m 12d
- Delpha I., 1807-1986
- Donald A., July 27, 1927-Blank, married Feb 28, 1954, Ellen M., Nov 11, 1934-Blank
- Eleanor Tallman, 1878-1966 and Charles Hathaway, 1878-1955
- Emilie, daughter of Charles W. and Augusta, 1873-1928
- Evelina H., wife of Noah, died Sept 16, 1850, aged 38y 2m
- Jas. M., died April 20, 1851, aged 2m 8d
- Father, James T., 1909-1957 and Mother, Beulah B., 1905-1994
- John L., June 7, 1830-June 14, 1892 and Jane E., May 18, 1834-June 29,1909 (Whole Stone)
- LaVonne D., 1924-1995 and Paul L., 1918-1998
- Leander T., son of N & E., died July 31, 1849, aged 3y 1m 15d
- Lewis E., 1916-1993 and Eileen L., 1917-Blank
- Lucy P., 1856-1938; Philander H., 1848-1919; Amy A., 1877-1940 (Plot Monument)
- [Smith], Luva R., rest illegible
- Miney J., dau of W.C. & H.R., died May [6], 1869, aged 1y 1m 19d
- [Smith], Nellie M., June 3, 1878-Blank
- Noah, died Sep 30, 1864, aged [53y 4m 21d]
- Son, Paul R., 1918-1957; Wife, Claryce L., 1920-Blank; Father, Frederick, 1895-1953; Mother, Cleo P., 1897-1975 (Whole Stone)
- Philip M., 1852-1926 and Emma N. his wife, 1846-1928
- Rebecca, wife of Wm. R., died Jan 21, 1851, aged 39y 4m 20d
- Rebecca D., wife of R.W., died May 3, 1867, aged 23y 13d (Whole Stone)
- Richard L., Aug 2, 1941-Blank and Gaylene J., July 14, 1943-Blank
- Vera Dell, 1907-1950 and Arch, 1903-1972
- William G., son of Noah & E., died July 20, 1870, aged 22y 6d (Whole Stone)
- Smith-Stiggers, Otis Smith, 1886-1958; Emma Smith, 1887-1970; Clay Stiggers, 1876-1947; Addie Stiggers, 1874-1953 (Whole Stone)
- Snell, Elizabeth Vance, 1847-1935
- Southard
- Anna E., 1855-1942 and Leonidas H., 1851-1932 (Whole Stone)
- Edna Cox, 1883-1956 and Milton J., 1876-1960
- Father, Frank H., 1841-1929 and Mother, Mary J., 1848-1932
- Frank M., 1885-1967 and Pearle, 1887-1979
- Gerald, son of M.J. & E.F., 1905-1908
- Harold B., son of L.H. & A.E., died Feb 27, 1881, aged 9m 10d (Whole Stone)
- Kathleen P., 1899-1982 (Obituary) and W. Carleton, 1882-1973 (Obituary)
- Kelson G., 1912-1994 (Obituary) and Virginia T., 1916-2000 (Obituary) (Back)
- Louisa E., 1853-1933; Wesley W., 1841-1901; Reid W., 1883-1959; Blanche L., 1887-1964; Florence E., 1880-[1977] (Whole Plot)
- Regniald S., son of O. & E., May 13, 1907-Feb 5, 1909
- Rev S. F., of the M. E. Church, Dec 18, 1813-Nov 12, 1862; He was a minister of God, full of fatih and the Holy Ghost, with many seals to his ministry; and Rebecca, wife of S F, Feb 18, 1816-Jan 13, 1897 (Whole Stone)
- Warren, 1922-1931
- Spach, William, died Oct 19, 1874, aged 78y 1d and Margretta, died Sep 28, 1885, aged 88y 11m (Whole Stone)
- Spain
- Dana T., Son, 1907-1993 and Helen Spain Mix, Daughter, 1904-1992 (Whole Stone)
- Harry E., son of C.R. & L.L., Jan 30-Apr 16, 1911
- L. Gail, 1880-1943 and Eva, 1883-1954 (Whole Stone)
- Lizzie, 1864-1905 and Elijah, 1855-1943 (Whole Stone)
- Ruth A., 1909-1922
- Sarah A., wife of S W, died Jan 1, 1890, aged 55 y 7 m 6 d (Whole Stone)
- Spangler
- Speakman, C. C., 1869-1925 and Stella D., his wife, 1863-1919 (Whole Stone)
- Speck, Leonidas, son of W. & R., died May 1, 1864, aged 9y 4m 18d (Whole Stone)
- Stahl
- Father, George, 1854-1937 and Mother, Ellen M., 1857-1944 (Whole Stone)
- Brother, John M., 1889-19__ and Sister, Lillian, 1895-1915 (Whole Stone)
- Lillian F., dau of G. & M.E., 1895-1915 (original stone)
- O. H. [Oscar H.], 1888-1973 and Lizzie, 1890-1975
- Stalder
- Bert, 1884-1956 and Lena, 1890-1971 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Eliza J. Storms, wife of H., died Oct 7, 1884, aged 46yr 7mo 22ds (Whole Stone)
- George Russell, son of W.C. & S.A., died Nov 8, 1891, aged 1y 1m 27d (Whole Stone)
- Lamont, 1911-1974 (Obituary), married 1968, Vesta, 1908-1987
- Leroy C., 1887-1914
- Lorena C., 1851-1935 and Seneca L., 1848-1918 (Whole Plot)
- Will C., 1859-1928 and Sarah, his wife, 1854-1925
- (Plot)
- Henry, 1837-1923, CO.D, 13th REG, O.V.I., (as per death certificate, 1923 #41228)
- Mary, 1845-1932, (as per death certificate 1932 #5977)
- Clara B., 1863-1930 and Charles F., 1861-1927 (Whole Stone)
- Staley
- A. B., June 12, 1865-March 5, 1957
- Ada, wife of A.B., May 23, 1881-Jan 26, 1904
- Aquilla T., 1860-1939 and Hester J., 1868-1950
- Dale H., 1891-1969 and Marietta, 1893-1977
- Mildred M., 1905-1996 and Marie S., 1893-1980
- [Staley], Mortie, Feb 8, 1874-Nov 13, 1904
- Staly, son of A.B. & A.L., died May 1, 1901, aged 4m 3d (Whole Stone)
- Stamats
- Anoza, dau of M.F. & M., 1874-1904
- M. F., 1836-1927 and Mary, his wife, 1840-1920
- Sattie, dau of M.F. & M., died Sept 10, 1895, aged 23y 10m 14d
- Stamets, Cyrus, died Feb 13, 1939, aged 96y 2m 6d and Margaret R., died Apr 19, 1909, aged 59y 3m 17d (Plot Marker)
- Stanley, Frank, 1876-1957, Mason, Akron Lodge No. 83, F & AM, and Grace, 1874-1959
- Stark
- Starks
- "Buddy," Gerald M., Dec 25, 1940-June 15, 2002, married Aug 6, 1960, "Mimi," Lois, Dec 24, 1941-Blank
- Holly Sue Metzler, Oct 25, 1966-Feb 14, 2002 (Obituary)
- Jefferey L., May 29, 1958-July 14, 2004 (Obituary)
- Lee A., Nov 19, 1955-Aug 25, 2020 (Obituary; no photo)
- Lee W., 1919-1988 (Obituary) and Margaret L., 1922-2015 (Obituary)
- "Tommy," Thomas E., UT 2 US Navy, Vietnam, May 20, 1949-Nov 9, 1975
- Steensen, Ralph F., 1906-1907 (Plot Marker)
- Sterling
- David, April 15, 1810-Feb 18, 1874; Mary, wife of D., Aug 22, 1812-June 17, 1882; John H., son of D. & M., Nov 18, 1834-Nov 1, 1903 (Whole Stone)
- Mary, wife of John, died Sep 30, 1862, aged 72y 1m 15d
- Steva, Peter, Jan 26, 1937-Blank and Jean, Aug 11, 1939-Blank (Back)
- Stevens, Geo., CO. B., 187th Ohio INF
- Stidham, Daniel Jeremy, Aug 31, 1984
- Stiggers
- Edwin Lewis, 1905-1905
- Emery Fay, 1876-1922 and LuRetta, his wife, 1879-[Feb 1962]
- Joseph N., son of L.W. & M., died Mar [30], 1876, aged [9y] 4m 6d (Whole Stone)
- L. W., Nov 20, 1834-Mar 30, 1908, CO H, 82nd REG OVI and Malinda, his wife, Oct 5, 1838-Dec 16, 1910 (Whole Stone)
- Winnie May, 1904-1917
- Still
- Stine, Russell T., 1901-1975 (Obituary) and Naomi Flay, 1899-1997
- Storms
- Gregory, [died 20 Oct 1862, aged 70y 5m 21d]
- Gregory, [son of W. & L.], died Aug 20, [1856], aged 3yrs [20d]
- James, died June 20, 1861, aged [12y] 9d
- Judson, died May 6, 1886, aged 62y 11m 6d and Rebecca, wife of J., died Sept 11, 1869, aged 43y 6m 7d (Whole Stone)
- Children of W.H. & L.; Lucina M., died Feb 21, 1869, aged 9m 29d; Josephine, died [13 Aug 1863], aged 10y 6m 7d; Roxalene M., died Aug 11, 18[63], aged 6y 5m 7d (Whole Stone)
- Lutellus, 1881-1939 and Ocie Athia, 1883-1974
- Ruth, his wife, 1854-1935 and Oliver C., 1851-1029
- William H., July 16, 1825-Oct 7, 1894 and Lucena, his wife, born July 3, 1827 (Whole Stone
- Stout
- Strahm, Ethel, 1892-1977
- Stults
- Sunsera, Naomi M., 1897-1967 and Samujel S., 1911-1968
- Swander, Lora Ellen, 1871-1937
- Tallman
- Alexander, 1832-1906, CO. I, 132nd O.N.G., and Lydia, his wife, 1834-1914
- Harland Maxwell, Nov 7, 1913-May 18, 1985, married Oct 31, 1936, B. Constance McKay, Sept 17, 1917-May 19, 1987
- Junior, 1918-1920
- According to Ohio death certificate #66764 (1920), this is Paul Adam, son of Paul and Cleo (Skidmore) Tallman, born 11 Jul 1918, died 4 Oct 1920
- Mary Margaret, Mar 31, 1946-Aug 8, 1991
- Cleo (Skidmore), 1891-1989 and Paul A., 1888-1961
- Taylor
- Amelia J., wife of Sylvanus, 1844-1910
- Ida V., 1873-1953; John J., 1861-1941; Burgess M., 1829-1907; Mary, his wife, 1822-1910 (Whole Plot)
- Lawrence J., "Larry", Feb 3, 1927-Mar 9, 1994 and Benita S., Aug 9, 1945-Blank
- Rev, Dr, Philip Evan, Feb 22, 1926-Sept 7, 2000, married Mar 26, 1948, Jane Cullen, Nov 8, 1922-July 11, 2004 (Obituary)
- Sylvanus, 1836-1920
- Teigaler, Catherine Figley, 1870-1941
- Temple
- Bernice C., 1896-1958 and Roy C., 1892-1975
- Mamie, his wife, 1869-1954 and Marion, 1864-1930
- Ralph W., Apr 30, 1948-Blank, married Aug 2, 1969, Brenda S. (Bowman), Feb 11, 1948-Nov 13, 2007 (Back)
- Tevis
- Daisy M. Eastman, February 12, 1935-July 30, 2008
- Richard L., Nov 24, 1936-Blank, married Aug 18, 1954, Betty L. Laughrey, Apr 6, 1939-Blank (Back)
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Amy, 1886-1897
- Clarissa, 1846-1923 and John H., 1841-1925
- Elizabeth A., 1878-1842 and Charley, 1874-1942
- Emogene, 1876-1892
- Harriet V., dau of W & S, died May 17, 1864, aged 15y 7m 21d; Wm., died Aug 24, 1864, aged 60y 6m 5d; Susannah, wife of Wm., died Mar 14, 1866, aged 59y 8m 25d (Whole Stone)
- Nancy, wife of W.H., died Oct 27, 1866, aged 30y 10m 29d (Whole Stone)
- Nettie, 1870-1876
- Thompson
- Ada (Wilgus), December 28, 1888-February 9, 1970 (Obituary; no photo)
- Bernard A., Dec 9, 1922-Mar 20, 2000 (Obituary), married Aug 30, 1947, Janice Lee Overholser, RN, Jan 18, 1925-Apr 4, 2000 (Obituary); Joyce, Sep17, 1955
- Edna B., 1880-1964
- Eliza J., 1851-1912
- Ersy May, 1885-1911 and Andrew H., 1878-1941
- Joseph C., 1880-1948
- Josephine, dau of S.W. & M., died Feb [4], 1863, aged 5years 27d
- Robert W., 1872-1947
- Robert W., Dec 19-20, 1914, son of E.V. & A.E.; Alice F., Feb 7-11, 1916, dau of E.V. & A.E.; Naomi B., June 5, 1921-May 22, 1932, dau of E.V. & A.E.
- Thornton
- Tilton
- Timmons, Lemuel W. S., died Nov 19, 1878, aged 2ys 4mo 5d
- Tobey
- Aaron A., son of H. & M., died Oct 3, 1873, aged 14y 11m 28d (Whole Stone)
- Adah E., dau of J.E. & Margaret, died Sept 2, 1873, aged 18 days (Whole Stone)
- Archie B., son of J.E. & Margaret, died Feb 15, 1874, aged 4y 10m 28d (Whole Stone)
- Catharine Nolan, 1873-1905
- Charles F., 1822-1891 and Mary J., 1829-1910 (Whole Stone)
- Edward J., 1870-1942 and Virgie L., 1885-1981 (Whole Stone)
- Fannie, wife of George, died Jan 12, 1881, aged 17y 7m 12d (Whole Stone)
- George W., 1909-1910
- Harlow, died Nov 6, 1879 (Whole Stone)
- Harry O., 1885-1958 and Tracel O., 1890-1962
- Heman, died Oct 26, 1848, aged 64 yrs 4 mo (Whole Stone)
- Henry R., died June 2, 1860, aged 49 y 11 m 26 d
- Isabelle M., 1918-2001 (Obituary) and Myron L., 1911-1978
- J. E., 1836-1906 and Margaret, his wife, 1837-1911
- Marian M., July 29, 1907-Feb 24, 1985 (Obituary)
- Martha, wife of Hemen, died Sept 28, 1842 in the 55 year of her age (Whole Stone)
- Myron O., died Jan 30, 1887, aged 25y 2m 14d (Whole Stone)
- Welthena, wife of Harlow, died Sept 26, 1846, aged 21y 2m 5d (Whole Stone)
- William, 1805-1886 and Ada Amanda, his wife, 1910-1893 (Whole Stone)
- In memory of Wm, Jr., son of Wm & Mary, died Sept 19, 1863, aged 12 years 11 mo 11 ds (Whole Stone)
- Wm. Sherman, son of J.E. & Margaret, died Aug 24, 1865, aged 7mo 7ds (Whole Stone)
- Plot Monument
- William A., 1857-1921
- Tracey, Infant dau of [J.W. & Louisa], Dec 3, 1852
- Tracy, J. W., Jan 5, 1834-Feb 20, 1907 and Louiza, wife of J.W. and dau of T.S. & R. Coons, died Jan16, 1874, aged 42y 5m 16d (Whole Stone)
- Treese, Lowell E., 1912-1996, married Feb 11, 1939, Pearl E., 1912-2006
- Trimble
- John, 1830-1898 and Margaret, his wife, 1830-1904 (Whole Stone)
- Laura G., dau of J. & Mary, died Aug 19, 1885, aged 1y 8m 1d (Whole Stone)
- Mary Jane, dau of J. & M., died July 22, 1863, aged 9y 8m 8d (Whole Stone)
- Mary M., wife of J.S., died Oct 10, 1889, aged 35y 2m 19d (Whole Stone)
- Myrtel [B.], dau of J.S. & M.M., died July [30], 1889, aged ?y 11m 4d (Whole Stone)
- Robert W., 1856-1934 and Mary E., 1863-1950 (Whole Stone)
- Turner, Harrison, Oct 2, 1837-Sept 10, 1914 and Julia A., his wife, Feb 25, 1844-July 14, 1901
- Vance, Minnie, dau of John & Phebe, died Dec 1, 1877, aged 10yrs 4mo 5d (Whole Stone)
- Vincent, Owen William James, Jan 21, 2008-Feb 3, 2008, son of Carrie & William (Portrait)
- Wade
- Garland, 1760-1860 and Rebecca, 1780-1862
- James, 1905-1974 (Obituary); Laura, 1912-1964; John, 1932-1997 (Obituary)
- James E., 1938-2004 (Obituary), married July 17, 1972, Ellen J., 1943-Blank
- Plot Monument
- Archie, Sept 14, 1869-June 9, 1907
- Mary, Oct 28, 1872-Nov 4, 1951
- Wait
- Amanda, wife of Reuben, died July 24, 1846, aged 60y [5m 4d]
- Laura E., dau of A.E. & I., died June 29, 1844, aged 11mo 25ds
- Reuben, died Jan 11, 1853, aged 81yrs 21ds
- Walker
- Warrick
- [Clifford Almond], 1895-1905 (Whole Stone)
- Janet, 1934-Blank, married June 10, 1956, Paul, 1935-1995 (Obituary)
- Son, Kelly Sr., 1957-1983
- V. O., 1898-1987 (Obituary) and Mary Brundige, 1904-1984 (Obituary)
- Verl H., 1927-1986 (Obituary), Mason, married Aug 5, 1980, Joanne M. McAfee, 1931-1996 (Obituary)
- Plot Monument
- Warthman
- Kenneth L., Oct 5, 1909-Sept 23, 2002 (Obituary) and Hazel L., May 5, 1916-Feb 25, 1987
- Kenneth L., Capt, US Army Air Forces, World War II
- William E., 1871-1955 and Hattie E., 1879-1977 (Obituary)
- Waterman, Walter J., 1870-1939; Brittie Davis, 1876-1948, Buried in California; Vernice, their son, Buried in Texas
- Waters, David W., 1868-1938
- Watts
- Albert E., son of H A & E M, June 1, 1907-July 5
- Arthur J., 1871-1937; Nettie A., his wife, 1873-1905; Clarence D., 1897-1898; Charles L., 1900-1901 (Whole Stone)
- [Watts], C. Sumner, 1882-1959 and Ruby M., 1883-1923
- Charles, PVT ROCKET FLD ARTY BN, World War II, March 23, 1923-April 16, 1970
- Charles D., 1854-1936 and Cobah J., 1862-1936 (Whole Stone)
- Edward L., 1876-1964 and Lena B., 1878-1955
- Foster H[iram], 1900-1964
- Frank, 1872-1956 and Lillie, 1875-1955
- Harry A[lbert], 1879-1963 and Elizabeth (Orahood), 1880-1948
- Hiram, 1820-1911 and Sarah J., his wife, 1821-1903 (Whole Stone)
- Horace, CO. C, 5th O.V.C., 1845-1924 and Theresa, his wife, 1847-1929
- Ilah C., 1888-1981
- John, 1924-1927
- Mary E., 1877-1900 and Emery J., 1874-1953 (Whole Stone)
- Orpha K., wife of J.J., 1849-1873
- Ralph E., 1905-1980 and Esther M., 1907-1993
- Susie H., 1900-1911
- Plot
- Waugh, Baylous S., Feb 1, 1917-Oct 27, 2004 and Nearie M., July 25, 1920-Oct 26, 2016 (Obituary)
- Wealch, William G., 1950-1976 (Obituary)
- Weatherby, David F., Dec 16, 1935-July 28, 2016 and Velva R., Oct 4, 1936-Aug 29, 2020 (Obituaries, no photo)
- Webb
- Elson A., 1872-1951 and Callie M., 1877-1953 (Whole Stone)
- Isaac, CO. C, 17th REG, O.V.I., March 7, 1843-Sept 6, 1902 and Rebecca E., Feb 14, 1849-Mar 28, 1935
- Webster
- Wedding (Plot Monument)
- Father, Joseph E., 1920-1970 (Obituary)
- Joseph E, Ohio, SM1 US Navy, World War II, July 27, 1920-June 6, 1970
- Mother, Josephine, 1920-1988 (Obituary)
- Weiser
- Herbert E., Oct 23, 1892-Aug 5, 1962 and Fannie L., Jan 16, 1895-May 28, 1953 (Whole Stone)
- J. Russell, 1945-Blank and Judith A., 1947-Blank
- James E., 1921-1995 (Obituary) and Elizabeth, 1919-1995 (Obituary)
- James Elliott, SGT US Army, World War II, Oct 22, 1921-Nov 22, 1995
- Wells, Jay, 1854-1930
- Welshimer
- Anneliza, daut of I & M Griffith, and wife of S, died Feb 23, 1886, aged 64 y 9 m 28 d (Whole Stone)
- Elizabeth A., dau of I. & C., died Jan 15, 1875, aged 4ys 1m 28d and Caroline Sidle, wife of I., died Sep 26, 1874, aged 26yrs 2m 24d (Whole Stone)
- Hattie E., 1878-1965 and Elmer I., 1872-1956
- Isaac, 1849-1917 and Isabell, his wife, 1847-1934 (Whole Stone)
- John, 1859-1923; Nancy, 1857-1943; Louvisa, 1889-1972 (Obituary) (Whole Plot)
- Samuel, son of F & R, died May 26, 1887, aged 67 y 8 m 22 d (Whole Stone)
- West, Ursula, dau of H.O. & E., died Sept 4, 1874, aged 3m 15d
- Wetzel, Hazel, 1892-1975
- Wheeler
- White
- Whitney, Charles E., April 26, 1917-Feb 13, 2007 and E. Elizabeth, Oct 15, 1914-April 3, 2009
- Wiley
- Wilgus
- Annabelle, 1923-Blank
- Bowers, 1883-1951
- Howard, 1888-1973 (Obituary) and Rhoda J., 1890-1967
- Henry A., 1845-1918 and Lovina, his wife, 1847-1913 (Whole Stone)
- Hugh O., 1901-1982 (Obituary) and Mina E., 1898-1988 (Obituary)
- Leta B., 1890-1982 and Harry G., 1881-1977
- Rupert, 1908-1941 and Mary V., 1909-1999
- Victor W., 1908-1981 and Juanita I. (Andrews), 1907-1964
- Wilkes, Grace Watts, Sept 16, 1903-Mar 5, 1999 (Obituary)
- Wilkins
- Williams
- Carrie, 1874-1963
- Edward H., 1854-1892; Siddie H., his wife, 1856-1943; Frank, their son, 1877-1938
- Francis O., 1885-1963 and Nettie G., his wife, 1888-1914 (Whole Stone)
- George, 1878-1959
- M. Blanche, 1882-1945 and Norman G., 1881-1959
- Mary E., 1852-1916 and Thos. J., 1841-1918
- Milburn D., 1912-1982
- Mother, 1855-1933 (Whole Plot)
- Williamson
- Wilson
- A. W., died July 2, 1850, aged 46ys 6mo 12ds
- Jemima B., 1910-1933
- Lilly M., wife of Pearl, 1882-1904
- Margaret H., wife of A.W., died Feb 19, 1865, aged 53y 9m 15d and Little Rosie, died June 23, 1864, aged 2y 2m 18d (Whole Stone)
- Winkle, Mark E., US Navy, Oct 13, 1929-Feb 21, 1984 (Obituary), (Traditional Stone)
- Winner
- Winslow
- Winter, Blair, 1900-1974 (Obituary) and Bertha, 1898-1990
- Winters
- [Baby, dau of J.S. & Alice], died Sept 16, 1875, aged 16d (Whole Stone)
- C. Overton, 1894-1949 and Lena Jolliff, 1892-1942
- Father, Howard D., 1905-1940
- James S., 1838-1905 and Belle, his wife, 1858-1944 (Whole Stone)
- Mother, Jessie Daisy, 1857-1931 and Father, Thomas Jefferson, 1847-1917
- Lela B., dau of J.S. & B., died March 23, 1890, aged 6m 16d and Chester C., son of J.S. & B., died March 9, 1888, aged 3y 14d
- Mary A., Oct 3, 1836-Nov 6, 1912; Erastus, Oct 24, 1840-Mar 17, 1910; George W., May 24, 1831-Oct 8, 1887 (Whole Plot)
- Wolford
- Benjarmin, 1897-1953 and Dovina, 1898-1974
- Charles W., PFC US Army, Jul 12, 1940-Apr 3, 1997
- "Bob," Robert L., July 9, 1925-June 8, 2002
- Worbs
- Forest I., 1888-1960 (Obituary); Myrtle, 1889-1946; Annetta, 1885-1961
- Garfield, 1890-1962 and Jessie E., 1884-1965
- Garfield, Ohio, PFC, BTRY B, 322nd Field ARTY, World War I, Dec 2, 1890-Dec 25, 1962
- Lafayette, 1848-1917; Sarah J., his wife, died July 1, 1877, aged 25y 10m 21d; Edith A., wife of Joshua Cox, died May 25, 1885, aged 21y 2m 16d (Whole Stone)
- James D., 1875-1906
- Worthington
- [Burgle, son of R.L. & L.D.], Dec 7, 1897-Mar 6, 1898
- Ethel C., 1888-1982 (Obituary)
- Harry C., 1890-1931
- Henry, 1830-1907 and Frances, 1834-1917
- John L., 1858-1931 and Okey B., his wife, 1868-1909 (Top of Stone)
- Leona D., 1869-1903 and Lloyd H., 1862-1936
- Leroy, 1893-1934; Nellie, 1892-19__; Carl, 1914-1915; Charles, 1930-1932
- Mary L[amson], 1865-1956 and David M., 1857-1938
- Richard L., 1866-1940 and L. Dora, 1868-1941
- Wright
- James Lloyd, 1885-1952
- [Leticia], wife of Leven, died Mar 28, 1861, aged 27y
- (Whole Stone)
- Leven, died Nov 27, 1873, aged 64y 7m 5d
- Sarah, wife of Leven, born Mar 22, 1821, (no death date)
- William, died Nov 27, 1868, aged 23y 3m 16d
- Machias, died Aug 29, 1870, aged 21y 1m 29d
- John, died Aug 18, 1865, aged 18y 8m 22d
- Nancy J., died Nov 22, 1866, aged 15y 6m 5d
- Father, Malen, 1858-1924 and Mother, Isabel, 1863-1939 (Whole Stone)
- Wurtsbaugh, Buell C., April 24, 1888-August 18, 1941
- Wyeth
- Ada Y., 1866-1940 and David V., 1861-1926
- Hazel I., 1933-Blank and Willis H., 1931-Blank
- Martha J., 1892-1972 (Obituary) and Arthur M., 1891-1950
- Brother, Thomas C., 1898-1945 and Sister, Lela Mae, 1901-1980 (Obituary) (Whole Stone)
- Plot Monument
Listed in order photographed
- Orrin J., 1851-1907
- Jennie E., 1851-1907
- P. J., Nov 28, 1826-Sept 10, 1908, aged 81y 9m 12d
- Amy N., Nov 26, 1826-Mar 19, 1923, aged 96y 4m 14d
- Wyeth-Overholser
Listed in order photographed
- Henry S. Wyeth, July 25, 1865-May 21, 1905
- Nona L. Wyeth, Nov 3, 1870-Nov 29, 1954
- Christopher Overholser, 1842-1918
- Huldah C. Overholser, 1846-1915
- John S. Wyeth, 1921-1921
- Florence B. Wyeth, 1915-1921
- Wykle, Charles W., 1900-1986, married, June 24, 1919, Ethel F., 1897-1990
- Unknown
- Unidentified
- Foundation
- Unmarked
- Unidentified
- Unmarked
- Unmarked veteran's grave
- Foundation
- Foundation
- Illegible
- Illegible, John Alba
- Foundation
- Illegible, Harriet M.
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Unknown, Little Zada
- Illegible
- Illegible, Nellie and Abba (Whole Stone)
- Illegible, Oct 30, 18??
- Illegible
- Broken Stone
- Illegible, Edith
- Illegible, Aug 24, 18??
- Broken Stone, 38yrs 7m 2d
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible, Child's Stone
- Illegible broken stone
- Broken Stone, Possibly [Smith, William R.], died April 10, 1870, aged 64y 1m 6d
- Broken Stone
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Unknown, Father
- Unknown, Mother
- Unknown, Lucille
- Illegible, Broken Stone
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible, Alva
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Illegible, Infant
- Illegible, Niza
- Illegible, Levi, Possibly Storms,[15 Aug 1851]
- Illegible, Joseph
- Broken Stone, March 21, 1857, Possibly Thornton, Jesse [aged 81y]
- Illegible, Possibly Thornton, Nancy, [wife of Jesse, died 4 Sep 1846, aged 51y]
- Base only
- Illegible
- Illegible
- Unknown, Little Oba
- Illegible, downed, broken
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