GPS Coordinates: Latitude = 40.32060 Longitude = -83.47470
The mound in front of the three crosses is composed of broken, illegible gravestones surrounded by weeds. Since the crosses are at the corner of private property and no one was home at the time, we did not attempt to cut down the weeds. Early in the history of the county, the land was owned by a Clark family and this was their family burying ground. When the members of Union County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society located and took a reading of the stones in 1985 they found only a little more than there is now. Below are their findings, which were published in, Liberty~Paris~Taylor~Washington Townships, Union County, Ohio Cemeteries, page 10.
- 1. Clark, Emma died Sept 1864 age ___
2. base only "Clark"
3. ______, (name part gone) died 28 June ____ 49y-3m
4. ______, Benjamin F. son of ______ 49y-7m
5. Clark, Asa died 28 March 1873 66y-2m-28d
6. footstone "N.J.F."
7. footstone "J.C."
8. Clark, _____w son of A. & J. Clark
9. (no name ) died 24, 1849 15y
10. ______ "Jane"
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