Buck Run Cemetery, located on the north side of State Route 245 (Marysville-Lewisburg Road) and just west of Buck Run, is not it good condition. Most of the stones are broken and it's nearly impossible to know where they belong within the cemetery. Many are badly eroded by the weather. Although this is a photographic inventory of all the stones that we found, there is not guarantee that we located all of them. This cemetery is a prime candidate for full restoration by a group of young able-bodied hard workers.
NOTE: Items that are underlined in black are the Webmaster's "best guess." Items found in brackets ( [ ] ) are either documented, i.e. death certificates, or were found in the published records.
GPS Coordinates: DEC - Latitude = 40.2245032 Longitude = -83.4607574
DMS - Latitude = 401328N Longitude = 0832739W
(Click on the underlined name to view the gravestone photograph)
- Allen, In memory of Daniel, died [Aug 2, 1832, aged 45 y 3 m 13 d] husband of [Rachel] (Whole Stone)
- Caryl
- Cooledge, G. W., died Apr 29, 1867, aged 60 y [1 m 22 d]
- Coolidge, Paulina, wife of G W, died Nov 12, 1869, aged 55 y 2 m 3 d (Whole Stone)
- Davis
- A. I., son of A & C, died Mar 19, 1864, aged 19 yr & 21 d (Whole Stone)
- Alexander, 1821-1901, 136 OVI and Rachel, wife of Alexander, died Nov 11, 1892, aged 65 ys 27 d (Whole Stone)
- William T., Apr 11, 1862, aged 18 yrs 1 mo [11 days]
- Donohoe
- Elizabeth, wife of S E, died Dec 27, 1862, aged 33 yrs 6 mo & 1 day
- Henry E., son of S E & E, died Oct 9, 1851, aged 5 ys 4 m 3 d
- Stephen E., Nov 30, 1867, aged 43 yrs 28 ds 9 (Whole Stone)
- Eaton, Infant dau of O B & A E, died Jan 7, 1880
- Foote
- Alfred Hays, son of E R & A, died Apr 26, 1876, aged 3 y 1 m 2 d (Whole Stone)
- Edmund B., Sept 18, 1839-Sept 29, 1902 and Rebecca A., his wife, Feb 5, 1840-July 23, 1907
- Hale
- Jonas, died [May 23, 1854], aged 34 y 6 m 5 d
- Oldford, died Jan 21, 1866, aged 80 yrs 11 mo & 12 ds and Sarah, died July 31, 1877, aged 67 yrs & 24 ds (Whole Stone)
- Ruben, died Feb [17, 1851], aged 38 years and Emaline, wife of Ruben, died Jan 28, 1861, aged 39 years
- Hatfill, Sarah H., wife of Adam, died April [15, 1840], aged 41 years 11 mon & 12 days
- Hildebrand, Ada May, dau of J F & A, died June 5, 1881, aged 14 y 5 mo & (broken)
- Hope, Rebecca, wife of Wm, died Dec 9, 1850, aged 6 ys 4 ms 25 ds
- Leonard
- Abraham, died May 5, 1834, aged 81 ys 24 ds
- Dorathy, died Oct 8, 1851, aged 11 ys 5 ms 21 ds
- Martin, died Sep 11, 1877, aged 33 y 5 m 25 d
- Long, Araminta, wife of Thomas L., died October 8, 1848, aged 39 years, 10 mo & 21 ds
- Magill, Sarah E. Z., dia of C A & J, died July 4, 1865, aged [6 m 22 ]
- Morral, Jane, wife of Sam'l P, died June 21, 1866, aged 55 yrs 5 mo & 21 ds
- Oliphant, Flora, dau of C H & M, died June 30, 1863, aged 1 y 8 m 24 d (Whole Stone)
- Painter, Brian, died May 7, 187[5], aged [71y] 7 m 20 d (Whole Stone)
- Paver, Elizabeth Ann, died Aug (or Apr) 16, 1844 (Broken)
- [P]eterson, [M]innie, Mar 4, 1890-Feb 8, 1892
- Petterson
- Poling
- Eurem, son of Amos & Mary, died August 1838, aged 6 yrs & 10 ms
- Frenchie R., son of [O & S], died Sept 12, [1862] aged ??
- Joseph, Jr., died Oct 9, 1890, aged 61 y 3 m 9 d (Whole Stone)
- Mary M., wife of James, died Apr 28, 1881, aged 71 years and James, died Dec 5, 1893, aged 87 y 6 m 8 d (Whole Stone)
- Noah,, Jan 14, 1842-Mar 20, 1906
- Sary Ann, wife of O, died Apr 14, 1874, aged 33 yrs 8 mos (Whole Stone)
- Powers, Katie, dau of M A & A E, died June 5, 1882, aged 3 y 8 m & 27 d
- Ream, Harriet, wife of Daniel, died June 11, 1858, aged 37 y 6 m 15 d (Whole Stone)
- Rogers
- Emma J., wife of W, died April 17, 1888, aged 27 y 4 m 4 d
- John W., Jan 6, 1855-May 21, 1900
- Rowland, William, died June 5, 1845, aged 79 years
- Talbot, Richard, son of I & C, died July 27th (Broken)
- Thompson, Andrew, Mar 1, 1777-Jan 29, 1853
- VanGordon, Elizabeth, died Jan [28, 1837, aged] 10 y [2 m 25 d] and Wesley, died Feb [25], 1841, aged [5 y 3 m 23 d]
- Wilber
- Plot
- Christopher, died Oct 13, 1869, aged 65 y 8 m 27 ds and Mira, wife of C, died Mar 15, 1893, aged 77 y 8 m & 13 d (Obituary)
- Infant, son of C W & M, died Jul 1, 1856
- James, son of C & M, member of Co K 96 Reg OVI, died Feb 1, 1863, aged 18 yrs 8 mo & 25 ds
- [Infant] of Z & A, died July 19, 1876, aged 1 m 12 d
- Infant, son of Z & A, died Sept 14, 1877, aged 2 wks & 4 d (or 2 y 1 m & 4 d)
- Williams
Listed in order taken, though not all together
- Elisha, son of Amos & Eleanor [Remainder illegible]
- Elisha, son of John W. & ?, died April [7, 1838], aged [3] years 5 mo & [7] days
- Infant, dau of [J & A V], died Sept 25, 1872, aged 3 m 19 d]
- Infant, [broken] of J & A V, died Sept 19, 1878
- Broken, dau of A A & E, died Sept 30, 1852, aged 15 yrs
- Melinda, daughter of Amos A & Eleanor, died June 18, 18[43], aged 2 years 11 mo & 17 days
- Mary, daughter of Amos & Eleanor, died July [23], 18[34], aged 2 years ? mo 19 days
- Infant, dau of J & A V, died Feb 19, 1875 and Donn, son of J & A V, died Sept 14, 1875, aged 2 y 4 m 13 ds (Both Stones)
- America V., wife of J W, died June 15, 1882, aged 41 y 10 m 7 d (Whole Stone)
- Unknown
- Footstone
- Foundation
- Broken, aged 10 days
- Foundation
- Footstone
- Elijah, died Jan 2, 1842, aged . . .
- Footstone
- Illegible
- Broken
- Broken & Illegible -- 2
- Broken & Illegible
- Broken
- Infant son & dau of James & Mary (Possibly Poling)
- Broken -- aged 17 yrs 7 mo 15 days
- ? R -- Footstone
- Broken
- Mary, wife of John ???, died Sep 2, . . .
- Broken
- Illegible -- (Looks like) son of W & A R__m
- Broken, died Nov 14, 1884, aged 22 years
- Broken -- Sept 13, 186?

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