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James Franklin Heady, M.D.
N0 other
profession has accomplished, during the last half- century, the
progress and development that have been made by the medical. This
was not the work of those who became learned by knowledge obtained
from books, or the experiences of a past generation, but by those
who rose to new occasions, who taught in new lines and did new
things, for the poet Lowell tells us that" New occasions teach new
duties—time makes ancient good uncouth." The man of original thought
and action, whose text-book forms but the basis of future work, has
ever moved forward, taking his profession with him; he becomes a
leader, and those that follow reap lasting benefit from his work.
Such a man was the late Dr. James Franklin Heady, for many years one
of the best-known professional and business men of Cincinnati and
southern Ohio. In considering the characteristics and career of this
eminent member of the medical fraternity, the impartial observer
will be disposed to rank him not only among the most distinguished
members of this important branch of science in his day and
generation, in which he had few peers and no superiors, but also
among those men of broad culture and genuine benevolence who did
honor to mankind in general. His sympathetic nature went out to the
bereaved and unfortunate, and he took a delight in helping those
whom fortune had favored less than himself. Hundreds of people,
especially of the common walks of life, are better and happier
because he lived, for he scattered sunshine all along his pathway.
Doctor Heady was born at Vevay, Indiana, November 7, 1851. He was
the scion of a sterling old pioneer family of genuine worth, and the
son of George F. and Elizabeth (Johnson) Heady, natives of
Pennsylvania and Virginia, respectively. He was of Dutch descent on
both sides of the house. His father devoted his life successfully to
general agricultural pursuits.
Doctor Heady spent his boyhood on the
home farm, and he received his early education in the common
schools. He graduated in 1873 from the Indiana State University.
Early in life he manifested a decided bent toward the medical
profession and accordingly began early to properly equip himself for
the same, finally taking the prescribed course at the Miami Medical
College at Cincinnati, where he made a splendid record and from
which institution he was graduated with the class of 1878. He later
became treasurer of this noted institution. He served as interne in
the Cincinnati Hospital in 1877 and 1878. Thus exceptionally well
equipped for his chosen life work, he left the hospital in 1878 and
began practicing medicine in Springdale. Ina few years he built up a
large practice, achieving a wide reputation, and was much beloved by
the citizens of that section of Hamilton County. He was ever a close
student of all that pertained to his vocation, and therefore kept
well abreast of the times in the same. His superior knowledge of
medicine and his continuous success in relieving the afflicted soon
caused his name to become a household word throughout the northern
part of the county, and his services as a general physician were in great demand. He later removed to Glendale, where he spent the rest of his life. He took an active interest in the affairs of that village, and was ready to help in any cause for its betterment and on several occasions was elected councilman and was treasurer, giving his close attention to the affairs of these offices, not for the compensation attached, but that he might render some service which would be of benefit to the locality whose interests he had at heart and sought in every legitimate way to promote. He was a Republican in politics and one of the leaders of his party in his vicinity; was a member of the Cincinnati Blaine Club, and several times was urged to run for county offices, but always declined; was a member of the Queen City Club, Cincinnati, Business Men's Club, the American Medical Association, the Cincinnati Obstetrical Association, and the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine. He was for some time Medical Director of the Cincinnati Life Insurance Company; also the Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Gamma Kappa fraternities.
Doctor Heady took an active interest in business affairs, became owner of considerable valuable property, and for several years was the active head of the First National Bank of Lockland, the duties of which he finally gave up on account of failing health. He also gave up the practice of medicine during the last ten years of his life, but continued to take an active interest in the development of the medical profession. He was a great reader and was a prominent figure at places where medical affairs were discussed. He was regarded as an authority by his professional brethren, many of whom sought his counsel on serious and obstinate cases, and his advice was usually followed with most gratifying results. He belonged to the Ohio State Medical Society, and was active in the work of the same, reading a number of learned papers at its meetings, which were always eagerly listened to. He was also a director of the Cincinnati Trust Company. He was fond of travel and spent considerable time motoring.
Doctor Heady was married on June 24, 1884, to Anna J. Hunt, a lady of many commendable characteristics, who has always been a favorite in the circles in which she has moved. She is a daughter of Doctor John Randolph Hunt, a prominent pioneer physician of Hamilton County, who practiced medicine for over fifty years in Springdale, which village is older than the city of Cincinnati, and is in the same locality as Glendale. Mrs. Heady's mother was Amanda Baird prior to her marriage. The family was one of the most prominent in the county. Mrs. Heady is a sister of the late Judge Samuel F. Hunt, who succeeded former President William H. Taft on the Superior Court Bench at Cincinnati. Drs. Fred and Frank Lamb, two well-known Cincinnati physicians, are nephews of Doctor Heady.
Doctor Heady was very charitable, but when dispensing charity, always insisted that the recipient say nothing about his kindness. It can be truthfully said of him that he was a man who was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those who were discouraged and who felt that the world was against them. Many in this class
sought him and he put them on their feet and the right road which later brought them success, and with his death there departed from this life a man who was ever willing and ready to help his fellow men, and there are many who can testify that it was through his guidance and assistance that they have reached the high attainments which they at present enjoy. The doctor took great pleasure in helping young men make good; in fact, this was his hobby. He assisted many, and took delight in watching them succeed, and the reward he cherished was their success. If they failed, he felt sorry for them, and in known instances he put his shoulder to the wheel and helped them over the rough places, which finally brought them to their ambitious goal. If this confidence was betrayed or his kindness abused, he never complained; he realized the frailties of human nature.
The death of Dr. James F. Heady occurred at his late home in Glendale, Ohio, on July 23, 1916, after an illness of more than three years' duration, during which time he was confined to his beautiful residence, Baird Oaks, one of the historic old homesteads of the Millcreek Valley. The funeral was held on July 27, conducted by Rev. Dr. Calvin Dill Wilson, pastor of the Glendale Presbyterian Church. Doctor Wilson was assisted by Rev. Adolph Lehmann, formerly pastor of the Springdale Presbyterian Church, of which the subject of this memoir was a devout member. Both paid eloquent tribute to the memory of the decedent, whose private charities and civic pride in all things that concerned the betterment of his fellow men had endeared him to a large circle of friends. In the course of his eulogy, Doctor Wilson said, in part, as follows:
"The Word of God holds up before all men, the Savior, and Great Example as one 'who went about doing good,' and exhorts us to follow in his steps. It reverently may be said that the beloved physician and friend who has been taken from us, fulfilled in his life his ideal of the Master. We can all testify that he `went about doing good.' With him, his noble profession was also a high calling for helpfulness, both within and without its technical duties and responsibilities."
"He was a true physician, a sympathetic leader, who appreciated fully the greatness and grandeur of a profession that admits to the intimacies of life and opens boundless opportunities of aid to the suffering, the bereaved, and discouraged. He had the greatness and tenderness of heart, the clearness, largeness, and grasp of mind, the moral and spiritual development, and for many years the physical vitality for the finely-equipped physician, to meet the heavy tax on strength, on judgment, on the emotions, involved in the medical profession. It is not strange that Doctor Heady, after a long and arduous career in active practice, a few years ago found his health gone, the stock of his vitality almost exhausted. He went on after he was wearied, sustained by love of his work and rejoicing in ability to help those who sought his aid. He once remarked that he found too much pleasure in helping people get well to think of being tired. It was this spirit that sustained him
even after it was evident that shorter hours and fewer demands were advisable. He sustained a high reputation not only in this vicinity, but in Cincinnati and far and wide throughout this region. He was known as one of the foremost men in his profession, wise in diagnosis, skillful in practice, and widely read and informed in the progress of medical science. His patients had complete confidence in his judgment, revered him as a man, and multitudes of grateful people bless his memory."
"But not only did he minister to the body. He was a most able and ready counsellor by whose timely and sympathetic advice many greatly profited, and gained by his wisdom. He was ready to give time and sympathy whenever called upon. Of quick intelligence and responsive heart, he entered into the situation as revealed to him, and then brought forth out of his long experience advice full of kindness and wisdom. His manner, his voice, his spirit imparted courage and resolve. One went away from his presence with new light and strength. He was one of the best and wisest counsellors and friends this community has known, and has helped as many people as any one who has lived here. He was a refuge to many in their perplexities. He was a tower of strength to many. 'Know ye that a great man has fallen in Israel this day.' Large, handsome, and impressive in presence, noble and kindly in countenance, gentle and strong in manner,
he lived and moved among you 'doing good.'"
"He stood for the good things and was a life-long and steadfast foe to all vice, holding that all vice is sin against the body as the temple of the spirit. His ideal was the sound mind in the sound body, and he held that the sins that impair the body are crimes against that which is holy. His profession was sacred to him, helping people to health and to a better life. His own life was free from youth up from all vices. He was a firm believer in the spiritual and eternal. He was for many years a church member, a Christian in faith and in life. In his own great and prolonged sufferings he was marvelously patient and uncomplaining, exemplifying the spirit he so often had commended to the many sufferers, to whom he had ministered. He had a great host of friends who rejoiced in his usefulness and successes and who have mourned in his sufferings. All of us are better for having known him, having come within the influence of his life and the community is better for his life in it. If all whom he has helped as a physician and friend were gathered together, they would be a vast company. All classes and conditions rise up and call him blessed."

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