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ON the death of the late David
Banning the city of Cincinnati lost one of its strong and
influential men of affairs, a truly representative citizen, who,
through a long lapse of years, was prominent in the various circles
in which he moved and whose potent influence for
good will long continue to pervade the lives of those with whom
he associated. As the day with its morning of hope and promise, its
noontide of activity and accomplishment, its evening of completed
and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the
night, so was the life of this good and honored man. His career was
a long, busy and useful one, and his memory will long be revered by
those who had occasion to come in contact with him on life's
highway. His activities in a material way added to his individual
prosperity and to the welfare of the city of his choice. Yet he
never allowed the pursuit of wealth to warp his kindly nature, but
preserved his faculties and the warmth of his heart for the
broadening and helpful influence of human life, being to the end a
kindly, genial friend and gentleman whom it was a pleasure to
David Banning was a native of the Western Reserve, having been.
born at Vernon, Ohio, on April 11, 1819. His father was Ashel
Banning, and his paternal grandfather was one of the first settlers
in the Western Reserve. The name Banning is of mixed derivation, the
first syllable indicating Danish origin, while the affix "ing" is
distinctly Anglo-Saxon. It is said that "blood tells," and if this
be true then the forebears of the subject of this memoir must have
been men of sturdy character and fine qualities, for in David
Banning were exemplified to a marked degree those qualities which
always command the respect and confidence of men. Ashel Banning was
the father of seven children; namely, David, subject of this sketch;
Jerry W., deceased; Timothy, deceased; Mary A., deceased, who was
the wife of Benjamin Peabody; Converse, deceased; Stoddard, of
Geneva, Ohio; Malinda, deceased, who was the wife of Newton
David Banning spent the early years of his life on the home farm,
in the operation of which he assisted as soon as large enough. His
education was obtained in the neighborhood district schools,
supplementing this during the after years by much reading and habits
of close observation. His first employment was as a clerk in a
general store owned by Stoddard Stevens, and later he was engaged in
government work. In 1847, Mr. Banning came to Cincinnati, Ohio, that
being prior to the advent of railroads in this section of the State.
Here he formed a partnership with his brother Jerry in the
commission business, their Store being located on Walnut Street,
between Front and Second streets. Subsequently the brothers
dissolved their business relations and each ran a store on his own
account. David Banning was engaged in the commission business here
for over twenty-five years, being highly successful in all of his
affairs, and when, in 1880, he decided to retire from active
business life, he was in possession of a
comfortable fortune.
Mr. Banning was interested in a number of
enterprises in Cincinnati, in all of which his ripe experience and
mature judgment were invaluable and his counsel was always held in
high esteem by his business associates. -On the organization of the
Fourth National Bank of Cincinnati, he was elected a member of the
board of directors and for the long period of thirty-two years he
continued to serve in that capacity.
Mr. Banning lived to witness much of the growth and development
of Cincinnati and at all times was interested in its welfare and
co-operated in all measures and movements for the general good. He
was a man of absolute honesty, and his rise in the world was at the
expense of no one. Thus he was universally recognized as one of
Cincinnati's most useful and enterprising men of affairs, of which
city he had been an active and influential citizen for more than
fifty years. David Banning's death occurred on March 8, 1901, his
passing away being considered a distinct loss to the community which
he had so long honored by his citizenship.
On April 28, 1847, in Erie, Pennsylvania, David Banning was
united in marriage with Asenath C. Bradley, a daughter of the noted
Dr. M. Bird Bradley, of Waterford. Immediately after their marriage
the young couple came to Cincinnati, their honeymoon trip being made
by canal from Erie to Beaver, Pennsyl- vania, and from there by
river to Cincinnati. Mrs. Banning's death occurred on November 13,
1909. To Mr. and Mrs. Banning were born the following children:
Charles, deceased; Blanche, deceased; Kate, who still resides in
this city; Starr, Harry, and William, the two last named being
twins, are deceased. These children were all born in Covington,
Kentucky, where the family home was established and maintained until
about 1888.
Politically, David Banning was an ardent supporter of the
Republican party, but he never sought public preferment of any kind,
preferring to devote his time and attention to his business
interests and his home. He was a man of strong domestic tastes and
no place or company afforded him as true pleasure as his home and
family. Quiet and unassuming, he was nevertheless a genial companion
and interesting conversationalist, being a popular member of the
various circles in which he moved. The greatness of a man's life
lives after he is gone and is shown by the impression left upon
those with whom he came in contact or have felt his influence. All
who met Mr. Banning, in his home, his office or elsewhere, felt the
power of his strong personality, the unfailing strength of his
well-balanced nature, and the absolute candor with which he treated
every one with whom he dealt.

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