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Upson Austin Andrews
pages 255-56
PRAISE is always due to merit, and especially when merit is the product of unassisted energy and perseverance. The self-made man commands our highest respect. And, too, the record of a life well spent, of perseverance under difficulties, and steady advancement from a modest beginning to a place of honor and distinction in the industrial world, when imprinted on the pages of history, present to the youth of the rising generation an example worth of emulation. The late Upson Andrews, with the exception of a few years, was a resident of the State, and in the early development of his native vicinity as well as in later years, his energies were effectively directed along normal lines of industry and business enterprise through which he made distinct contribution to the general progress of Northern Ohio. The life of Mr. Andrews was one of signal integrity and usefulness and such was his association with business and civic affairs that it is altogether proper that a record of his useful and honorable career be perpetuated in this publication.
Mr. Andrews was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, May 30, 1851, being a son of Austin and Elizabeth (Walters) Andrews, the father a native of Connecticut, where he spent his early years, eventually establishing his permanent home in Ohio, and here spent the rest of his life. The mother of our subject died when he was eight years of age. He was the second of three children, all now deceased.
Upson Andrews grew to manhood in Trumbull County and received his early education in the public schools, later taking a course in Hiram College, then prepared himself for the commercial life by taking a course in business college at Meadville, Pennsylvania. Returning to Ohio at the age of eighteen years, he became engaged in railroad construction work, entering the employ of his cousin, Chauncey H. Andrews, who, at that time, was building the Niles and New Lisbon Railroad. Subsequently Upson Andrews was connected with the Andrews and Hitchcock Company at Youngstown, which operated an iron furnace business on an extensive scale, and in which he retained an interest throughout his life. He was also engaged quite extensively in the production of oil, and was instrumental in having natural gas brought to Youngstown, and for some years was manager of the gas company there. He owned valuable limestone interests in the vicinity of Youngstown, and for many years was actively engaged in their development and operation. In later years he removed to Pittsburgh and was engaged in the coal business there, and was one of the organizers of the Pittsburgh Coal Company, of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, this being one of the largest concerns of its kind in the country, and held the office of treasurer of the company until he gave up, very largely, active attention to many of his industrial enterprises. Moving back to Youngstown, he took life easier for a while, devoting more attention to his home, of which he was exceedingly fond. He was an indulgent, loving, and thoughtful father and husband, and in this respect, his true character shone, and, owing to his ideal home life, the many friends of the Andrews family always delighted to gather there.
Politically, Mr. Andrews was a Republican, and while he was much interested in the welfare of his city and the civil welfare of his State, he never took an active part in political matters. His hobby was fine horses, of which he was an exceptionally good judge. Naturally a big-hearted man, his affection went out the these animals, and he always owned some very fine ones. He was for some time interested in the racing course at North Randall, Cleveland, where he owned the valuable farm on which this widely-known race track is located, moving there form Youngstown shortly before his death, which occurred as the result of an operation in a Cleveland hospital, August 18, 1905, when he was scarcely more than in the prime of life.
The happy domestic life of Mr. Andrews began on September 28, 1881, when he was united in marriage, in Cleveland, to Harriet B. Warmington, a daughter of William and Emily (McClure) Warmington. The father of Mrs. Andrews was born in England, coming to this country when an infant, his father, William Warmington, settling in Ohio City, where the son, in later years, established a permanent home and became a successful business man. The mother of Mrs. Andrews was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania. These parents are both deceased. Their only child, Mrs. Harriet B. Andrews, now makes her home in Plainfield and Cleveland.
Three children blessed the union of Upson Andrews and wife, named as follows: Austin W., who married Emma Wainwright, of Philadelphia, lives in Plainfield, New Jersey, and their children are Anita, Harriet, and Natalie Alice;William M., second of our subject's children, married Helen Morgan, of Cleveland, lives in Youngstown, and they have three children, Jane, Elizabeth, and Upson A.; Alice, the youngest of the three children of our subject, married Henry J. Welch, of Cleveland, in which city they still reside, and they are the parents of one child, a son, Henry J. Both sons of Upson Andrews and wife were graduates of Yale University.
Upson Andrews was a man of charitable impulses, but in giving, always avoided display. His generosity and other praiseworthy characteristics will never be forgotten by his many friends who are left behind.

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