Sunset Cemetery
(Memorial Burial Park)
Prairie Township,
Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
NOTE: This site is not affiliated with Sunset Cemetery in any way.
Originally established as Memorial Burial Park in 1922, Sunset Cemetery is located at 6959 W. Broad Street, Galloway, Ohio 43119. There are no published records of this cemetery. It is a large, active, and growing cemetery west of Columbus.
Aerial Photo of Cemetery
(Spring 2004)
If you have gravestone photographs that you would like to share, please contact Leona at
GPS Coordinates: DEC - Latitude = 39.9461736 Longitude = -83.1846348
DMS - Latitude = 395646N Longitude = 0831105W
Gravestone photographs taken by David K. or Leona L. Gustafson unless otherwise noted.
Some photos contributed by:
Mandy Clark (mc)
Luwana Lee Faulkenburg (llf)
Rick Graves () (rcg)
Regina Gray () (rg)
Carolyn Holbrook (ch)
Scott Hawley, (haw)
Sandy Hollady (sh)
Mary Ann Klein (mak)
Jody Myers (jm)
Kelly Nail (kn)
Steve Pelphrey (sp)
James D. Ross (jdr)
Sue Wilson (sw)
Gravestones: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | HOME |
(Click on the underlined name to view the photograph)
- Anderson
- Daniel P., CPL, US Army, World War I, 1896-1979 (mak)
- David E., Mar 31, 1938-Jan 16, 1972 and Maryland (Copley), May 30, 1939-[blank] (mak)
- Donald P., PFC US Army, Jul 2, 1929-Jun 11, 1989 (mak)
- Harold L., 1903-1971 and Gwen R., 1904-2002 (mak)
- Joseph B., PVT, US Army, World War Im Mar 1, 1896-Jul 3, 1976 (mak)
- Mary Louise, 1937-1948 (mak)
- Mother, Louise, 1883-1940 (mak)
- Louise Mary (Fristoe) Anderson, 1883-13 Jan 1940
- Valletta J., 1907-1997 (mak)
- William L., Ohio, SGT, US Army, World War I, Aug 28, 1888-Feb 1, 1973 (mak)
- Andrews
- Ankrom, Father, Solomon, 1853-1935; Mother, Lydia, 1861-1949; Daughter, Estella, 1888-1987; Son, Lindsey, 1884-1971; and Wife, Grace, 1883-19[75] (Whole stone) [Section 5 Lot 213] (haw)
- Solomon Ankrom: 14 July 1853 - 9 Mar 1935 and Lydia Dixon Ankrom, his wife: 18 May 1861 - 2 Aug 1949
- Estella Ankrom, daughter of Solomon and Lydia Dixon Ankrom, born 3 May 1888, died 13 Mar 1987
- Lindsey Emmett Ankrom, son of Solomon and Lydia Dixon Ankrom, born 20 Jun 1884, died 29 Sep 1971; and his wife, Grace Hafford Ankrom, born 4 Jul 1883, died 13 May 1975 (Obituary)
- Armentrout, Cora Jeanette, died 23 Aug 1997 (Obituary; no photo)
- Atwood [Section 17 Lot 418] (Contact Phyllis Marsh, )
- Baird
- Baraco [Section 14 Lot 381] (Contact Shirley Larsen, )
- Barrell, Auneti, died 26 Aug 1953 (Obituary; no photo)
- Bartram, Myrtle, 1903-1954 (rcg)
- Bauer
- Baxter, Son, Brother and Husband, Tim Alan, July 24, 1957-June 26, 2000 (mak)
- Benner
- James G., Aug 17, 1910-May 12, 1994 and Margaret B., Jan 3, 1917-April 17, 1991 (kn)
- James Greyson Benner, son of Jay C. & Inez (Watts) Benner; his obituary
- Margaret Barbara Holcomb Benner, daughter of Carl S. & Margaret (Koonts) Holcomb; her obituary
- Mary E (F?), died Jan 1958 (Obituary; no photo)
- Birkhead, Jessie M., 1894-1980 and Asa, 1896-1982 (mak)
- Bitner, Edwin Charles, Ohio, PVT 158 DEPOT BRIG, May 4, 1940 [Section 8 Lot 204]
- His obituary
- Also buried on this lot is Edwin's wife, Mildred Amber Bittner, 23 Apr 1893-17 Sep 1980; no marker. (Obituary)
- Also buried on this lot Glenn S. Bittner, son of Edwin Charles & Mildred Amber Bittner, died 29 Jun 1987; no marker. (Obituary)
- Bohn, Charles E., Jan 25, 1930-Feb 18, 1988 and Gypsy L., Sept 5, 1936-[blank] (mak)
- Bowsher
- Cora Florence, died October 18, 1941 (Obituary; no photo) (Contact Lori Jackey, )
- Frank, died December 11, 1949 (Obituary; no photo) (Contact Lori Jackey, )
- Boyles
- Braskett, Father, Alfred G., 1883-1960; Mother, Elizabeth M., 1883-1956; and Daughter, Leola I. Evans, 1905-1983 (Whole stone) [Se3ction 14 Lot 565; see also Wright-Braskett] (Contact Linda Sommers, )
- Brehmer-Bach, Husband, Frank Brehmer, 1877-1953; Wife, Nellie B. Brehmer, 1891-1960 and Mother, Sarah A. Bach, 1860-1947 (mak)
- Brewer, Ida Mae, O.E.S., 1916-1977 and Russell W., Mason, 1917-1987 (Whole stone) (mak)
- Ida Mae (Anderson) Brewer, vorn 1916, died 23 Jun 1977
- Russell W. Brewer, born 27 Nov 1917, died 16 Aug 1987
- Brookey, Rowena E. (Stonebreaker), Aug 20, 1899-Aug 9, 1977, O.E.S.; and Alvin E., July 10, 1898-Sept 30, 1988, Mason (Whole stone) [Secton 19 Lot 260] (Contact Joyce Melnar, )
- Brunker [Section 5 Lot 96] (Contact: Madge, )
- Bryant, Thomas, died 21 Jun 1994 (Obituary; no photo)
- Caplinger, Junetta E., died 18 Nov 1852 (Obituary; no photo)
- Carson, Nellie Brown, died 16 Feb 1939 (Obituary; no photo)
- Casparro, Nick V., July 6, 1959-Sept 26, 2002 (Whole stone) (kn)
- Catalfina, Anthony J., Sept 17, 1933-Jan 13, 1999 and Lois Ann, Jan 4, 1941-Jan 29, 1999 [Section 4]
- Inscription: Their days apart were few; their days together are infinite
- Clark, George S., died 21 Jan 1971 (Obituary; no photo)
- Cloys (Contact Joyce Melnar, )
- Conaway, Corey Mason, June 20, 1973-Nov 3, 1990 [Section 6] (kn)
- Culwell (Contact: Schannon, )
- Fred, Aug 14, 1914-Jan 22,1998, Mason; and Lydia, Sept 3, 1916-May 28, 1985, Order Eastern Star (OES) (Whole stone) [Section 24 Lot 449]
- Father, James Thomas, March 21, 1936-July 23, 1988 [Section 24 Lot 455]
- Dawson
- Alice, July 11, 1880-May 6, 1964 (mak)
- Eugene M., SGT US Army, World War II, Oct 23, 1919-Sep 27, 1984 and Celeste Blanchard, Jan 14, 1923-Mar 25, 2004 (mak)
- Jayne I., Feb 3, 1930-Oct 8, 1971 (mak)
- Joseph Gill, Jan 28, 1882-Apr 7, 1963, Mason (mak)
- Stella P., 1910-2000, OES (mak)
- William John, Sr., 1906-1974, Mason (mak)
- Dennis
- Dibble, Ruth (Taylor), Nov 3, 1903-May 9, 1997 (sh)
- Married twice, first husband was Carlton E. Taylor, 2nd husband was Roy Dibble.
- Diehl, Frances C., 1896-1977 and William L., 1889-1932, Mason; American Legion (Whole stone) [Section 11 Lot 188]
- Doane, Harold V., 1916-1999 and Virginia L., 1916-2000 (mak)
- Harold V. Doane, born 22 May 1916, died 19 Aug 1999
- Virginia L. (Strawser) Doane, wife of Harold; she was born 4 Aug 1916, died 24 Feb 2000
- Dodson, Mary J., 1879-1956, OES (llf(
- Dolby
- Allan Dakin, SM 2 US Navy, World War II, June 22, 1926-Feb 15, 1982 (mak)
- Father, Claude Allen, Sept 9, 1902-Dec 6, 1956 (mak)
- Mother, Margaret Dakin, Jan 9, 1905-Dec 26, 1996 (mak)
- Douglas
- Driggs, Infant son, of Mr. & Mrs. Mac E. (Obituary; no photo)
- Dudley, Faye Murphy, 1929-[blank]; James G., 1926-[blank]; and Minnie V. (Sayre), 1906-1977 [Section 21] (kn)
- Ebert
- C. Pauline, June 25, 1920-April 17, 1980 (sh)
- Gerald E., CPL US ARMY, World War II, Nov 15, 1916-Sep 2, 1977 (sh)
- Edwards
- Eicher, Charles E., Sr., 1863-1952 (Obituary) and Martha A., 1872-1933 (Obituary) [Section 5 Lot 231] (Contact Joe Le Doux, )
- Estell (Contact: Sharon Miller )
- Blanche, 1899-1955, Mother [Section 14 Lot 301]
- James L., Sr., Ohio, PVT US Army, World War I, May 4, 1896-Mar 23, 1974 [Section 14 Lot 301]
- Evans (See Braskett)
- Fenner, Lucy Sebring (Obituary only) (Contact: Rhonda Kelly, )
- Foerster [Forester?], Dewy (Obituary; no photo)
- Freeman, Joseph A., Aug 28, 1912-Apr 8, 1983 and Apr 8, 1983 and Esther M., Jan 8, 1913-Sept 21, 1983 (Whole stone) [Section 18 Lot 35]
- Gatlin (see Harmon below)
- Geren (Contact Kevin Johnson, )
- Carl Bancroft, 1882-1932 (Mason) and his wife, Jeannette [Wiltheiss], 1874-1961 [Sec. 8 Lot 553 Graves 4 & 5]
- Carl Theodore ["Ted"], 1903-1985 and his wife, Lillian Ione [Lineberry], 1902-1986 [Sec. 8 Lot 553 Graves 1 & 2]
- Charles F. ["Frank"], 1868-1927 and his wife, Jessie F., 1872-1927 [Sec. 5 Lot 426 Graves 5 & 6]
- Ireneus A., 1898-1952 and his 3rd wife, Pheba A. [McKitrick], 1870-1944 [Sec. 5 Lot 426 Graves 1 & 2]
- Lawrence W., 1897-1980 and his wife, Verna O. [Keller], 1901-1978 (Whole Marker)[Sec. 20 Lot E½ 297 Graves 3 & 4]
- Giannini
- Graves
- Green, Jesse, died 12 May 1954 (Funeral notice only; no gravestone) [Section 10 Lot 266] (Contact: Jane Webb, )
- Groseclose, Ralph T., 1908-1956
- Groves, Ida Bell (Obituary; no photo)
- Hadden, Joseph, 1894-13 Dec1936 (mak)
- Hamilton
- Hanks, Charles L. (Obituary; no photo)
- Harkins, James G. (Obituary; no photo)
- Harmon, George E., May 12, 1911-Apr 15, 1984 and Lois V. (White) Harmon Gatlin, July 25, 1919-Dec 7, 1984 [Section 17 Lot 36 Spaces 1 & 2] (sh)
- Lois is buried with her first husband.
- Her obituary.
- Harris, Louise Reeder, 1924-1994 [Section 11 Lot 96]
- Hicks
- Mary S., Sep 23, 1918-Mar 10, 1999 (sh)
- Robert W., CWO4 US ARMY, WW II - Korea, Oct 29. 1919-Nov 25, 1991 (sh)
- Hoback, Corrine B., 1874-1956 [Section 5 Lot 96] (Contact: Madge, )
- Hogue [Section 12 Lot 356] (Contact: Anne Strine, )
- Holcomb, Father, Carl S., 1882-1960 and Mother, Mary K., 1883-1962 (kn)
- Holycross, Frank L., died 3 May 1937 (Obituary; no photo)
- Hostottle, William K[ennard], SA US Navy, Vietnam, 1948-1979 (sp)
- Huffman
- Husband, Fred S., 1879-1959 (mak)
- Fred Simpson Huffman, born 8 Sep 1879, died 30 Jun 1959
- Wife, Leona, 1889-1966 (mak)
- Edith Leona (Underwood) Huffman, wife of Fred S., she was born 6 Dec 1889, died 9 Jul 1966
- Hulbert, Helen B., 1878-1961 [Section 5 Lot 96] (Contact: Madge, )
- Hysell (Contact Amy Tyak, )
- Wife, Alice B., 26 Mar 1888-9 Mar 1989 [Section 17 Lot 574]
- Husband, Theodore, 1882-1965 [Section 17 Lot 574]
- Jackson, Mary Schaeffing, died 20 Apr 1933 (Obituary; no photo)
- Johnston, Russell (Obituary; no photo)
- Jones, Roger L., died May 1974 (Obituary; no photo)
- Jordan, Martha, Apr 26, 1920-Mar 3, 1975 and Columbus C., June 29, 1916-Dec 13, 1968 (Whole stone) [Section 9 Lot 50] (Contact: Marcia Hurtt, )
- Keen, Jessica Lyn, Sep 24, 1975-Mar 16, 1991 (Plot Monument) [Section 21] (kn)
- Keller
- Alonzo W., 1877-1936 and Eldora, 1878-1947 (mak)
- Mother, Olive B. (Grate), Aug 18, 1881- Apr 15, 1957 (mc)
- Olive B. Grate, daughter of Gustavus S. and Militia A. (Lyman) Grate; wife of Walter J. Keller
- Robert, Ohio, TEC 5 6TFC REG GP TO, World War II, Sept 13, 1916-July 3, 1957 (mc)
- Father, Walter, 1878-1948 (mc)
- Walter Keller, son of Jacob & Margaret E. (Brain) Keller, born 30 Aug 1878; died 12 Apr 1948
- Son, Walter S., 1885-19__ (mc)
- Kepley, Daughter, Frances D. (Morris), 1909-1942 [Section 14]
- Klein, George J., 1887-1944 and Margaret E., 1892-1960, Woodmen of the World
- Koontz, Allie [Almira], 1868-1933 [Section 10 Lot 270]
- Almira Koontz died 8 Dec 1933 in Franklin County (Death Certificate No. 68382, vol. 7373)
- Knepper, P. Gordon, 1912-1987, married June 23, 1934, Ruth B., 1908-1997 (Obituary) (rcg)
- Krull
- Charles M.M SGT USMC, Vietnam War, May 1, 1944-Sep 3, 1999 [Section 12 Lot 29 Space 7] (sh)
- Father, Fred R., 1911-1995 and Mother, Juanita G., 1913-1988 (sh)
- Robert D., CPL US ARMY, World War II, Sep 9, 1921-Oct 16, 1984 [Section 12 Lot 29 Space 5] (sh)
- Kuehner
- Son, Bruce Alan, 1948-1967 (llf)
- Son of Nelson Eles & Faye Osie (Bruce) Kuehner
- Father, Fred W., 1858-1941 (llf)
- Father, Nelson E., 1914-1975 and Mother, Faye O., 1908-[6 Jan 2006] (llf)
- Wayne Leroy, US Navy, May 1, 1943-Sep 9, 1998 (llf)
- Son of Nelson Eles & Faye Osie (Bruce) Kuehner
- William Dale, SP4 US Army, Vietnam, Jan 9, 1942-Jun 23, 1999 (llf)
- Son of Nelson Eles & Faye Osie (Bruce) Kuehner
- Kuhlwein, Richard, 1905-1987 and Bertha M., 1907-[blank] (mak)
- Kuhn, George, died 29 Mar 1959 (Obituary; no photo)
- Leonard, Jessica, May 29, 1991-July 20, 1998 (Whole stone) [Section 6] (kn)
- Lewis
- Mother, Etta, 1876-1941 and Father, Emory, 1873-1964 (High Resolution 94KB)
- George E., Apr 15, 1937-May 23, 1985, loving husband of Dorothy, father of George, Brenda & Pam (High resolution 99KB)
- Lisk, Mae, 1893-1968 (llf)
- List, Harvey W. II, April 9, 1937-Feb 26, 2003 [Section 19]
- Loring, John H. "Jack", Dec 7, 1930-June 8, 2000, married Oct 23, 1948, Miriam L., Dec 25, 1930-[blank] (sp)
- Mabe, Albert Alva, died Nov 1950 (Obituary; no photo)
- Mansfield, William B., died Geb 14, 1961 (Obituary; no photo)
- Marshall, Ellen M., 1865-1950 (mak)
- Martin
- Mason, Mack Moore (Obituary; no photo)
- Mayer, Charles, 1863-1927 and Bertha, 1867-1955 [Section 11 Lot 452] (Contact: Ian Zaenger )
- McCargish, Clyde M., M2, USNR, World War II, Oct 2, 1908-Aug 4, 1965 (sw)
- Clyde was the son of Edward Albert and Elizabeth (Glass) McCargish.
- McKinley, Father, Robert L., Dec 28, 1903-Apr 16, 1960 and Mother,Lillian M., Dec 27,1902-Mar 2, 1993 (mak)
- McLaughlin, Catherine M., died 17 Nov 1925 (Obituary; no photo)
- Miller
- Son, Arthur A., 1921-1941; Mother, Edith G., 1899-1990; Father, Harry A., 1901-1984; and Daughter, Dorothy Zigler, 1923-[blank] (Whole stone) [Section 5 Lot 202]
- Charles H., 1873-1946 (See Edwards-Miller)
- Effie M. , 1878-1931 (See Edwards-Miller)
- Fred, died 16 Nov 1941 (Obituary; no photo)
- Gabriel E., 1915-1961 [Section 8 Lot 546] (Contact: Ruth Parsel, )
- Harry F., Feb 8, 1894-Apr 17, 1972 and Florence M., May 23, 1897-Jan 10, 1976 (Whole stone) [Section 17 Lot 65]
- Lena, died 10 Nov 1942 (Obituary; no photo)
- Minard
- Anna C., Wife, July 1, 1875-Sept 30, 1940 [Section 11]
- William, Husband, Mar 27, 1874-Oct 12, 1946 [Section 11]
- Miner (Plot marker, Section 11; on back of Worrell plot marker)
Left to right in plot:
- Harry W., Son, Sept 4, 1911-June 21, 1935
- Bessie B., Mother [no dates; just epitaph]
- Frederick L., Father, July 12, 1885-Dec 9, 1942
- Wife, Mamie E., July 23, 1877-[blank]
- Husband, Charles B., July 12, 1876-Mar 25, 1959
- Monticue, Harold Edgar, died Nov 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Morris
- Delilah, 1887-1938 [Section 14]
- William H., 1879-1945, Woodmen of the World [Section 14]
- Murray, James R., CPL US Marine Corps, Korea, Jun 19, 1932-Sep 29, 2000 (Plot monument) (rg)
- Myers, John Franklin, died 19 Dec 1933 (Obituary; no photo)
- Nail
- Mary-Margaret Leona, 1976-1977 (kn)
- Daughter of Michael L. Nail
- Michael L., U. S. Army, 1940-1998 (kn)
- Michael Lee, son of Benjamin Franklin "Ben" & Leona Margaret (McDonald) Nail
- William David, May 19, 1984 [Babyland] (kn)
- Nassano, Glenna O., 1885-1973 (mak)
- Newlun, Joseph K., died 16 Jan 1959 (Obituary; no photo)
- Norris
- Clifford A., 1906-1984, Mason, and Gertrude, 1909-1994, O.E.S. (mak)
- Everett M., 1879-1935 [Section 14 Lot 31] (Contact Tony Norris, )
- Everett Manley Norris, son of Benjamin Norris and Lizzie Brown, born in Wisconsin, 18 Aug 1878, died 12 Jan 1935 in Columbus.
- Noteman, Dale O., Aug 2, 1919-Oct 15, 1986 (Obituary: no photo)
- Nuding, Matilda, died 15 Mar 1948 (Obituary; no photo)
- Painter [Section 7 Lot 537] (Contact: Vicki, )
- Pelphrey, Father, Elzie, 1897-1977 and Mother, Alta, 1893-1957 (sp)
- Plymell, Anna Mae (Logan), 4-19-19 - [blank] and William H. "Bill", 10-10-10 - 1-18-93 (Whole stone) (mak)
- Potts
- Ella B., died 19 Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo)
- Walter L., died 28 Feb 1946 (Obituary; no photo)
- Probst
- Proctor, Travis J., May 11, 1974-Apr 6, 1993 [Section 6] (kn)
- Rausch, William L., died Mar 1954 (Obituary; no photo)
- Ray, Herbert, 1884-1971; Maude E., 1889-1970; and William E., 1919-1951 (mak)
- Reeder Plot Marker [Section 11 Lot 96]
- Rinehart, James C., 12 Mar 1918-17 Aug 2003 (Obituary; no photo)
- Roane [Section 5 Lot 11 Graves 3 and 4]
- Roberson, Edward R., 1917-2002 [Section 8]
- Roden, William F., 1914-1984 and Omie L., 1905-1986 [Section 4 Lot 166] (Contact: Marcia Hurtt, )
- Rohr
- Ross
- Larry J., Jan 14, 1957-[blank]; Edgar, Mar 4, 1918-Aug 29, 1980; and Erma N., Jan 22, 1915- Sept 14, 1995 (jdr)
- Paul, May 5, 1944-Mar 4, 1988 (jdr)
- Sealock, Esther J., died 3 Oct 1992 (Obituary; no photo)
- Sams, Shirley Ann, 1933-2001 (Whole photo) (mak)
- Shirley Ann (Anderson) Sams, born 24 Apr 1933, died 23 Apr 2001
- Seiller, Catherine, died 17 Apr 1934 (Obituary; no photo)
- Shannon
- Sharp, Alice, died 26 Oc 1938 (Obituary; no photo)
- Shaver, Melvin H., Ohio, PVT US ARMY, World War I, Mar 1 1894-Oct 22, 1973 and Myrtle K., Aug 13, 1894-Dec 26, 1989 Section 15 (Veteran's sec.) Lot 336] (Contact: Barb Titus )
- Shultz, Henry W., Nov 3, 1878-Mar 29,1952 and Margaret E., Aug 26, 1878-Feb2,1960
- Slabaugh, Daniel, died 26 Oct 1938 (Obituary; no photo)
- Slane, Frances Groseclose, 1911-1975 [Section 14 Lot 62] (Contact Shirley Larsen, )
- Slater (Contact Wendy Corcoran )
- Dad, Charles H., 1880-1957, Mason-Shriner [Section 12 Lot 411]
- Mother, Elizabeth H., 1867-1954 [Section 12 Lot 411]
- Smith, John Lee, died Dec 1951 (Obituary; no photo)
- Snow [Section 12 Lot 61] (Contact Marjie Snow Almeter, )
- Starr, James M., Jr., 1930-1985; Sherri Denise, Jan 4, 1966-[blank], married Feb 14, 1990, Robin Allen, Jan 25, 1966-May 22, 1990 (Back 91KB) [Section 21] (kn)
- Stauch (Contact: Jackie Westover, )
- Steece
- Robert Wayne, June 7, 1963-July 28, 1970 (mak)
- Brother, Richard J., 1940-1981
- William H., 1929-1993 and Harriet A., 1930-1995 (Mak)
- William H. Steece, born 15 May 1929, died 14 Apr 1993
- Harriet Ann (Worthington) Steece, born 21 Mar 1930, died 28 Jun 1995
- Stickel
- Mother, Annie, 1875-1964 and, Father, Henry, 1868-1936 [Section 17 Lot 381] (Contact Amy Tyak, )
- Father, Billie D., Mar 13, 1927-[blank]; Mother, Betty A., May 23, 1925-[blank]; Daughter, Nancy K., Jan 5, 1949-Dec 7, 1969 (kn)
- Stropes (Contact Shirley Larsen, )
- Summers, W. Dean, Mar 7, 1963-Jul1, 2003 (kn)
- Swinehart, John W., Jr., Sept 8, 1967-Oct 31, 1981 [Section 5] (kn)
- Theado, Joseph P., Sr., Jan 21, 1932-Dec 27, 2002 and Wanda E. [dates hidden] (mak)
- Titus
- Harold Julian, Ohio, S SGT 555 Base Unit AAF, World War II, March 4, 1921-May 27, 1970 (mak)
- Mother, Hazel F., 1891-1978 (mak)
- Hazel Frances (Julien) Titus, born 15 Jan 1891, died 7 Dec 1978
- Father, William E., 1885-1953 (mak)
- William Edward Titus, born 13 Apr 1885, died 4 Mar 1953
- Tomlinson, Matthew Callaghan, February 3, 1974-December 30, 1992 [Section 6] (kn)
- Toy, Earl Allen, 1872-1925 (Woodmen of the World) and Pearl Clark his wife, 1877-1956
- Underwood
- Charles, 1887-1970 and Ida L., 1891-1972 (jm)
- Edgar M., Dec 18, 1907-July 10, 1991 and Mary E. (Swabey), Mar 30, 1909-July25, 1994 (mak)
- Evelyn Wilson, 1917-1957 and Charles W. Underwood, 1908-1977 (jm)
- Frank, Ohio, CPL CO M 68 Infantry, World War I, Feb 26, 1894-Sept 4, 1966 (mak)
- Francis Marion "Frank" Underwood, son of John & Mame Underwood
- Irvin A., 1912-1988 and Florence B., 1907-[2001] (jm)
- John D., Sep 19, 1861-Sep 15, 1934 (mak)
- Mamie A., Feb 29, 1868-Jan 25, 1941 (mak)
- Richard Marshall, 1928-1935 (mak)
- Vickers, Ruth N., Aug 10, 1896-Feb 14, 1975 and Harry H., Oct 21, 1886-Aug 12, 1980 (mak)
- Ruth Nellie Underwood, daughter of John & Mame Underwood, wife of Harry Hayes Vickers
- Walker, Sophia E., Nov 9, 1912-Jan 25, 1992 and Frank E., Aug 12, 1906-June 16, 2001
- Washburn
- Gerald A., TEC 5 US Army, World War II, Dec 31, 1919-Jul 18, 1987 (llf)
- Patricia Ann Boyles, 1928-1972 (llf)
- Paul W., 1915-1995 and A. Lucille, 1925-[blank] (llf)
- Stella, 1874; Fred, 1894-1975; Alfred, 1868-1946; Nellie, 1874-1953; and George, 1891-1945 (High resolution 101KB) (llf)
- Wassmuth
- Weese (Contact Kathy Laymon, )
- Weiner, Jonathan O., March 30, 2001-July 6, 2003 (kn)
- Wells
- White
- Phillip L., Dec 3, 1907-Sept 11, 1982 [Section 12 Lot 29] (sh)
- R. Herman, 1888-1971 and Nell C., 1889-1969 [Section 12 Lot 29] (sh)
- Williams
- Andre L., CPL US Marine Corps, Iraq, Aug 9, 1981-Jul 28, 2005, Purple Heart, Operation Iraqui Freedom [Section 4] (kn)
- Plot Monument (ch) [Section 11]
- Wilson, Evelyn, 1917-1957 and Charles W. Underwood, 1908-1977 (jm)
- Winterol, Joseph, died 19 Aug 1951 (Obituary; no photo)
- Wiseman, Walter E., Jan 20, 1910-Jan 31, 2004 and Patsy J., May 13, 1912-Nov 21, 1990 (Portrait) [Section 21] (kn)
- Wolfert, Irene G., CAPT. US Air Force, Korea, Feb 22, 1912-Jun 15,1983 [Section 8 Lot 450 (Contact Cheryl Enyart, )]
- Wolford, Kenneth N., June 20, 1927-Apr 16, 1997 and Mary R., Dec 16, 1928-Dec 30, 1994 [Section 8]
- Worrell (Plot marker, Section 11 Lot 380; on back is Miner plot marker)
- Harry B., Husband, Sept 16, 1870-Aug 9, 1940
- Olive M., Wife, July 29, 1878-Aug 13, 1946
- Worthington
- Plot Monument (mak)
- Charles A., 1904-1976 and C. Hazel, 1909-1979 (mak)
- Father, Donald S., July 23, 1912-Sept 18, 1984 and Mother, Margaret L. (Wirth), March 15, 1917-June 5, 2001 (mak)
- Harold D., Ohio, MECH 38 TM BTRY, World War I, Oct 9, 1895-Dec 14, 1955 (mak)
- Marie L., July 4, 1900-Aug 4, 1965 (mak)
- Olive Lillian, [dau of Charles & Florence], 1898-1935 (mak)
- Wright-Braskett, Clara F., 1891-1967; Melvin E., 1909-1970; and A. Nancy, 1906-1975
