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Riverside Cemetery
Columbus, Mifflin Township,
Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
Picturesque is one word that comes to mind when first entering Riverside Cemetery. At the entrance is a plaque "marking the location of the first settlement of the Patterson and Drake families," and the cemetery was originally the burying ground for those families. In what appears to be the center of the older portion of the cemetery is a band stand inscribed with the names of the Mifflin Township men who served in the Civil War. In front of the band stand is a military gravestone inscribed in honor of the unknown dead of that same conflict. The cemetery is located on the east side of Sunbury Rd., three tenths of a mile north of Innis-McCutcheon Road. Riverside is still an active cemetery and is maintained by the Mifflin Township Trustees; for information and a map of the cemetery go to http://www.miftwp.org/cemeteries/index.htm. There are some broken stones some of which can be seen below, but the overall condition of the cemetery is excellent.
NOTE: Most gravestone appearing here are only a part of those located in this cemetery.
Aerial Photo of Cemetery
Spring 2004
Some photos contributed by:
Sandy Holladay, (sh)
Mary Ann Klein, (mak)
Virginia Smith, (vs)
Georgia Weitzel, (gw)
Gravestones: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | HOME |
(Click on the underlined name to view the tombstone photograph)
- Agler, Frederick, died Nov 25, 1824, aged 55 yrs and Margaret, wife of Frederick, died Sept 10, 1842, aged 80 years; and Samuel, son of Frederick & Margaret, died April 2, 1880, aged 75 years
- Albert, Mathilde Roth, 1904-1978 [Section F] (sh)
- Altheon, George, CO D, 1 MD L ART [Section 3 Lot 17 Space 48]
- Atwood [Contact: Phyllis, ]
- Baker, Martha Long, wife of John, Mar 13, 1815-Sept 4, 1873 (Full stone)
- Baughman
- Edwin A., 1908-1909 (son of Ross & Alpha E. Decker Baughman - death certificate)
- Elizabeth, wife of Wm., died Sept 12, 1854, aged 40 ys
- Broken stones
- Halic, son of Wm. H. & N., died Jan 28, 1865, aged 3 M 16 D
- Eliza H., wife of S., died Mar 27, 1862, aged 49 ys __ ms 17 ds
- Bradford, Mother, Ethel M., Jan 24, 1889-May 27, 1970 (mak)
- Budnick, Oscar H., Feb 9, 1894-Nov 23, 1912, Woodmen of the World
- Burwell, James M., 1854-1914 and Sarah F., his wife, 1854-1933, Woodmen of the World
- Clark, Alice, wife of Allen, 1871-1914 (plaque) and Allen, 1867-1948 (plaque)
- Clouse, Michael, 1821-1891 and Margaret A., 1824-1902
- Coles, John A., 1891-1973 and Lela E., 1909-1985 [Section F] (sh)
- Conrad, Woolery, CO D, 1 COLO CAV [Civil War] [Section 3 Lot 18 Space 50]
- Daugherty
- Clarence A., PFC WU ARMY, World War I, 1895-1979 [Section F Lot 216 Grave 3] (sh)
- Lavona Savilla, and pets, 1895-1979 [Section F Lot 216 Grave 4] (sh)
- Denman, Amanda, wife of Perry, died Dec 20, 1902, aged 27 Y, 7 M, 17 D and on side [Carnzo, son of Perry], died Apr 2, 1895, aged 2 Y & 8 D
- Dill
- William, died Oct 17, 1895, aged 78 Y 1 M 28 D and Kate D., died May 4, 1884, aged 56 Y 1 M 17 D (Detail)
- Family Group
- James, died Aug 16, 1839, aged 11 Ys 25 D
- John, died Aug 20, 1860, aged 80 Ys 1 M 1 D
- John Jun, died Aug 15, 1873, aged 62 Yrs
- Sophia, wife of John, died Mar 22, 1860, aged 78 Ys 1 Mo 16 Ds
- Earl, Fannie, died 5 Dec 1940 (Obituary; no photo)
- Eaton, Martha J., wife of William, died Sept 11, 1849 [broken]
- Goss, Albert G., died 17 Mar 1968 (Obituary only; no photo)
- Harris, Mildred Elizabeth, died 12 Dec 1978 (Obituary; no photo)
- Howland
- Family Stone for: Margaret, 1825-1893; Samuel, 1820-1892; Mary, 1867-1885; Harlow, 1846-1919; Jennie 1863-1895; Samuel, 1850-1928; Homer, 1857-1910; and Elihue, 1859-1931
- Full stone, Father, Samuel, died in the year 1828, aged 50 years; Mariah, wife of Samuel, died in the year 1865, aged 75 years; Francis, son of S. & M., died in the year 1848, aged 19 years; and Clarinda, daughter of S. & M., died in the year 1882, aged 67 years
- Huddleson, Jasper M., Mar 6, 1845-July 27, 1878, aged 33 yrs 4 mos 21 dys and Helena Park, wife of Jasper M., Dec 3, 1849-Dec 9, 1917 (Full stone)
- Kelly
- Charles R., Nov 1, 1919-Nov 28, 1991 and Helen G., jan 10, 1923-June 11, 1984 (mak)
- Charles R., Jr., July 18, 1940-Feb 19, 1989 (Obituary) (mak)
- Charles R., III, Mar 31, 1968-Dec 12, 1983 (Obituary) (mak)
- Fred, Apr 17, 1950-Mar 24, 1995 (mak)
- Kiner, Jacob, 1841-1899; Matilda (Alger) his wife, 1848-1912; Fredrick, 1871; Charlie, 1893; and Vivian, 1878-1884 (mak)
- Matilda Alger Kiner, born 21 Apr 1846, died 21 Dec 1912
- Kirkpatrick
- Eliza, wife of M, died June 20, 1858, aged 45 ys 6 mo 28 ds
- In memory of John Wesley, son of Martin & Eliza, died Sept 3, 1844, aged 10 years & 8 mo
- Martin, died July 7, 1857, aged 47 ys 9 mo
- Kissinger Plot
- Catharine D, wife of John, died Aug 14, 1849, aged 45 Yrs 9 mo & 25 ds
- John, died March 12, 1855, aged 58 Yrs 3 mo & 19 ds
- Korbel, Mary W., 1858-1956 [Photo contributed by Don Eckert, ]
- Lambert, Carl Lynn, A3C US air Force, Vietnam, Dec 3, 1942-May 19, 1994 (mak)
- Laudermilk, "Patty" Kaytryn Patricia, 1939-1941 [Contact: Gloria Spinks, ]
- Lindsay, David A, Jan 15, 1862-June 21, 1902 (Detail)
- Little, J. D., 1 KY LA (Light Artillery) [Section 3 Lot 18 Space 49]
- Lock, Peter, 1858-1925, White Oak Camp No. 34, Woodmen of the World
- Loudermilk
- Nicolen
- Mary A., a native of France, died Nov 7, 1870, aged 70 years
- Mary L., daughter of Mary A., Nov 1, 1836-Feb 17, 1878
- Osborn, Dott (Washburn), died 12 Dec 1950 (Obituary; no photo) (Contact Dorothy Napoli at )
- Park (Family Plot)
Listed in order photographed
- James, 1805-1893 and Margaret, his wife, 1810-1890
- Philander, June 2, 1814-Aug 15, 1879, aged 65 yrs 2 mos 13 dys (Whole stone)
- Sarah, wife of Amos, died Aug 22, 1866, aged 83 yrs 5 mos
- Amos, "Oh my Baby" [no dates]
- Amos, died [broken], aged 71 yrs 1 mo [Section 4 Lot 20 Space 11]
- Ray, Daughter, Lynnette R., July 25, 1968-Aug 27, 1988 (mak)
- Raymond
- Son, Danny L., 1936-1971 (mak)
- Danny Lee Raymond, son of Ralph E. and Hazel A. (Minturn) Raymond, born 1936, died 29 Dec 1971
- Ralph E., 1910-1974 and Hazel A. (Minturn), 1914-[blank] (mak)
- Ralph E. Raymond, born 28 Feb 1910, died 8 Aug 1974
- Roseboom, Floyd, 1895-1977 and Ruth M., 1902-1988 [Section F Lot 111 Graves 3 & 4] (sh)
- Floyd, PFC US ARMY, World War I, Dec 5, 1895-Sep 13, 1977 (sh)
- According to records, after Floyd's death Ruth married a man named WETZEL
- Shannon
- Shull Plot
- Julia, wife of David, died Nov 19, 1869, aged 57 Yrs 11 Mo 4 Ds
- Sherman, died July 14, 1873, aged 21 Y 3 M & 5 D
- Stager, Lucinda, wife of Brice, died Mar 25, 1853, aged 21 ys 2 ms & 12 ds
- Stagers, John, died Sept 21, 1849, aged 31 yrs 10 mo 20 ds
- Townsend, Clemuel, May 5, 1850-Jan 9, 1915
- Turney
- Bernice Mowbray, 1901-1924 (vs)
- Father, Charles F., M.D., 1856-1942 (vs)
- Geo. R., died Aug 18, 1870, aged 49 yrs 5 mo, and Cynthia Pinney, wife of Geo. R., Jun 17, 1833-July 6, 1899 (vs)
- John, PVT, Kanapingbergers Co, 2 PA MIL, Rev War, March 6, 1823 (vs)
- Libbie M. Conrad, wife of Lee M., [died July 1885], aged 31 yrs 5 ms 9ds (vs)
- Walberry, Robert D., Jan 1, 1920-[blank] and Laura B., Jan 9, 1920-Jan 20, 2001 Section F] (sh)
- Washburn Family Group (Contact Dorothy Napoli at )
- Winsor
- Jasper, July 3, 1848-Apr 5, 1905, IOOF; Catherine, died May 20, 1873, aged 80ys; William, Oct 1, 1821-Apr 20, 1895 and Sophia, Mar 14, 1827-Sep 2, 1849
- Sophia, wife of Wm., died Sep 2, 1849, aged 22 ys 5 mos 18 ds
- Wortman
- David, died July 17, 1883, aged 36 Y 6 M
- [??]ttie, died May 5, 1884, aged 1 Y 6 M 11 D

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