Peace Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (aka Kramer-Kring Cemetery)
Gahanna, Mifflin Township,
Franklin County, Ohio
Gravestone Photographs
A complete photographic inventory of this cemetery was taken July 3, 2004. Information enclosed in brackets ( [] ) was found in Franklin County Ohio Cemeteries, vol. 1 of 11, Mifflin & Marion Townships, compiled by the Franklin County Chapter The Ohio Genealogical Society (Columbus, 1980), pages 1-10 and in vol. 11 Corrections & Addenda (1997), pages 1-8. This page contains only those names for whom there were gravestones; for additional information see the book cited or contact the Webmaster. A few photos didn't turn out well and do not appear on this page as they must be retaken. This will be done as soon as possible.
Skip to photo index.
According to History of Franklin & Pickaway Counties, Ohio (Williams Bros. publishers, 1880), "Mifflin Township," p. 487:
. . . In the same year [1819] the Rev. Charles Henkle founded a Lutheran church. . . .
THE LUTHERAN CHURCH was the first one organized, though, as stated above, the Presbyterians were as early in holding religious services, and, it is also probable, that the Methodists were equally early, but this denomination, usually the pioneers of Christianity, were later in Mifflin than any other township in the county. The first preaching by the Lutherans was in George Ridenour's house, at Daniel Forney's and at _____ Neiswender's, in Jefferson township; afterwards, services were held at a school-house, in the same township, which was built by Michael Neiswender. The meetings were held in various localities, for the accommodation, in turn, of the different settlements. The early members of the church (organized as above stated, in 1819) were: George and John Ridenour, Michael Neiswender, George Baughman, Jesse Baughman, David Ridenour, John Saul, Daniel Turney, Jonas Souder, and perhaps a few others. The house of worship was built in 1838, just north of the present site of Gahanna, and upon a lot donated, for the purpose, by Zachariah Kramer. An addition was found necessary, and was accordingly built, in 1843. The Church has now a total membership of one hundred and sixty persons, and is under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Lewis T. Meyer. The elders are Isaac Souder and G. Neiswender; Serenus Souder and Nicholas Heischman, deacons, Samuel Neiswender, John Kramer, and John Souder, trustees.
The cemetery was established in 1838; and is still cared for by Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church, now located at 455 Clark State Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230-2202. When requesting record lookups, please, keep in mind that this is a very active, busy church. The best idea is to send a letter briefly stating what you are hoping to find; be sure to enclose a business sized (#10) self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). Don't expect an immediate reply, and don't forget to send a thank you note when you do receive a reply. Most churches do not charge for record lookups, but it's always a good idea to enclose a reasonable "good-will offering" to be used as the church officers see fit.
Aerial Photo of Cemetery,
Spring 2004
Headstones: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown
(Click on the underlined name to view the photograph)
- Abel
- Henry L., son of David & Martha, died Dec 21, 1844, aged 1 yr & 13 d
- Rufus, son of David & Martha, died Aug 29, 1847, aged 1 yr 3 mo & 13 d
- Achey
- Catherine, wife of Henry, died [Feb 28, 1874, aged 88y 4m 6d]
- Catherine, 1816-1876
- Eliza, 1854-1877
- Geo. A. Sen, 1813-1892
- Henry, died Dec 30, 1860, aged 76 yrs 1 mo 1 day
- Isaac J., son of G. & C., died Apr 11, 1869, aged 21 yrs 4 mo 10 ds
- Jacob, son of G. & C., died Nov 13, 1862, aged 1 y 1 m & 10 d
- John H., son of George & Catherine, died May 7, 1850, aged 6ys 2 mo 11 D
- Apple, Isabell, dau of Thomas & [Margaret], died Aug 18, 1850, aged 12 yrs 9 m 1 d
- Arnold
- Freddie W., son of A.(?) & M., died June 8, 1880 [aged 1 yr 4 m 7 d]
- Martha, dau of I. & M., Mar 10, 1873, aged 2 yrs 9 mo 19 ds
- Baltz
- Agatha, 1867-1942 and John D., 1861-1940
- Elizabeth, 19832-1916
- Emma E., [dau of J.D. & Agatha], died Apr 7, 1890, aged 6 d
- John, born May 17, 1821 in Germany, died Feb 12, 1924, aged 82 y 8 m 25 d
- Mary Elizabeth, September 8, 1863-April 26, 1948 and Emma, October 29, 1871-November 19, 1951
- Bauer
- Baughman
- Isaac, died Apr 7, 1847, aged 56 yrs 3 mo 5 d, and on same stone Mary Kramer, former wife of Isaac, died Sept 4, 1877 aged 71 yrs 11 mo 21 ds
- Infant daughter of Jesse & M., died July 17, 1849
- Phebe Alma, daughter of Jesse & Mary, died July 7, 1848, aged [8m 4d]
- Bechtoldt
- Beecher
- Adaline, dau of Wm. & Susannah, died [16 Feb 1852, aged 1y 8m] & 16 ds
- Catharine, wife of Henry, of Lebanon Co., Pa., died Jan 26, 1878, aged 58 yrs 10 mo 6 ds
- Beem, Minnie C., dau of M.A. &. M., died July 19, 1876, aged 5 [weeks]
- Bender
- Christina S., 1849-1887 and Franklin, 1849-1883
- [Ira Darius], son of [J. H.] & C., June 3, 1884-Oct 3, 1885 (Whole stone)
- John H., Mar 5, 1818-Jan 10, 1902, and on same stone, Mary, Aug 1, 1821-Feb 27, 1882 (Whole stone)
- Jonathan, died Apr 12, 1886, aged 73 y 5 m 11 d, and on same stone, Leah, wife of J., died 6 Mar 1879, aged 59 y 3 m 28 d (Whole stone)
- William, died Jan 12, 1851, aged 70 ys 10 mo [5d] and Elizabeth, wife of Wm., died June 26, 1870, aged 88 yrs & 8 mo
- Bevilhimer, George S., died May 7, 1849, aged 49 yrs, 7 ms [& 7 d]
- Bieher
- Rebecca, wife of Wm., died Jan 24, 1856 [aged 20y 1m 23d]
- Probably, [William, died Mar 3, 1871] aged 57 y 6 m 20 ds
- Blecher
- Bobb
- Catharine, wife of H., [died Feb 23, 1865, aged 63y 11m 26d]
- Henry, [born in Lebanon Co. Shefferstown, Pa., died] Jan 16, 1865, aged 63 y 8 m & 29 d
- Henry, died Dec 3, 1865, aged 41 yrs 1 mo 3 ds
- Levi, son of H. & C., died July 18, 1864, aged [11y 1m 13d]
- Bower, Mary C., dau of John F. & E., died Nov 18, 1877, aged 15 yrs 8 mo 21 ds, and on same stone, J. David, son of John F. & E., died Dec 5, 1877, aged 7 yrs 5 mo 26 ds
- Carpenter
- Henrietta, wife of Henry, died July 13, 1861, aged 98 ys
- Henry, died Jan 14, 1862, aged 102 years
- Isaac, son of Theodore & [Sarah, died Apr 4, 1844, aged 7m 19d]
- Rodney, son of T. & S., died July 7, 1851, aged 2 y 1 m 12 d
- Chaney, Abigail, died March 21, 1840, aged 94 y 21 d
- Clots
- Barbara, wife of Jos., died May 11, 1863, aged 73 ys 3 m 1 d
- Joseph, died June 21, 1900, aged 96 yr 4 mo 11 d, and on same stone, Sallie, wife of Joseph, died May 7, 1883, aged 53 yrs 11 mo 12 ds (Whole stone)
- [Jos]eph, died Nov 30, 184[8], aged 55 ys 9 mo 15 ds
- Cloud, Milton N., son of R.W. & C., died July 31, 1860, aged 1 m
- Clouse
- Adam, died July 18, 1842, aged [76y 11m 6d]
- Sarah, wife of A., died May 30, 1852, aged 81 y [4m 5d]
- Cook, Samuel, son of C. & C., died Aug 26, 18[51, aged 11 days]
- Dague, Josephine, dau of J. & R., died [11 Jul 1857, aged 9 mo 28 ds]
- Davidson, Francis Allen, son of J. & M., died Oct 10, 1861, aged 2 y 1 m
- Delashmutt, Mary Virginia, wife of [V.H.], died Feb 3, 1873, aged 44 yrs 3 mo (Whole stone)
- Duerr, Caroline D., dau of J. & C. [died Apr 26, 1879, aged 3y 3m 13d] (Close-up)
- Ealy
- Emic
- Probably [Harry, son of A & C Emic] Mar 27, 1883-Apr 14, 1883 (Located next to Katie A. Emic stone)
- Katie A., dau of A. & C., died Dec 2, 1878, aged [3y 2m] 7d
- Erlenbach, George, son of C. & K., died Jan 7, 1866, aged 3 y 3 m 20 d
- Fisher
- Hannah C., daughter of Jacob & Ruth, died Sept 1, 1841, aged 9 months & 10 days
- William, son of Jacob & Ruth, died August 17, 1841, aged 1 year & 11 mo
- Frahm, John D., son of Charles & Magdalena, died Apr 18, 1865, aged 9 yrs 10 mo & 9 ds ( Whole stone)
- Fravel
- Funk, Elizabeth, died May 16, 1867, aged 86 y 8 m
- Geiger, Sarah, wife of A.H., died July 20, 1875, aged 31 y 21 d
- Gingrich
- Haak, Elizabeth E., wife of Henry, died Dec (?) ?? 1855, aged 28 ys 8 mo 17 ds
- Hamaker
- Christina, wife of H., died May 7, 1904, aged 64 y 10 m 24 d, and Henry, died Apr 12, 1878, aged 41 y 4 m 20 d
- Rosanna, wife of Daniel, died July 24, 1845, aged 31 years & 1 month
- Harman
- Barbara, wife of Louis, born in Bishpshein, Baden, July 18, 1804, died July 14, 1880, and on same stone, Louis, born in Lichtenau, Baden, Feb 12, 1802, died Apr 12, 1868 (Whole stone)
- Mary E., dau of [W. & O.L.], died Sept 2, 1868, aged 9 m & 2 d
- Heischman
- Katterman
- Cyrus, son of Michael & Susana, died May 11, 1843, aged 5 months & 11 days
- Ella A., June 3, 1860-Nov 11, 1863, aged 3 ys 4 mo & 18 days
- Henrietta, daughter of Isaac & Mary A., died July 3, 1848, aged 7 m & 6 d
- Jonathan Franklin, son of Isaac & Mary, died Aug 11, 1852, aged 6 yrs & 9 d
- Pasawell L., May 29, 1858- July 4, 1860, aged 2 ys 1 mo & 3 ds
- Keener, Jacob, son of N. & C., died Aug 16 [1858], aged 4 mo & 14 ds
- Kitsmiller, Father and Mother, Jacob, died May 17, 1869, aged 60 y 5 m 9d, and on same stone, Catherine, died Feb 7, 1900, aged 84 y & 6 m
- Kramer
- David L., died September 21, 1853, aged 60 y 10 m & 9 d (Whole stone)
- Elizabeth, wife of Zachariah, died Sep 24, 1845, aged 36 y 8 m & 16 d
- Elizabeth, died Feb 16, 1872, aged 84 yrs 4 mo 5ds
- Mary, former wife of Isaac Baughman, died Sept 4, 1877, aged 71 yrs 11 mos 21 ds (see Baughman)
- Samuel, died Nov 11, 1859, aged 35 ys 6 mo 21 ds
- Susanna, 1819-1901
- William, son of John & Pregilla, died Dec 9, 1846, aged 1 mo & 21 ds
- Zachariah, born in Lebanon Co., Penna, Nov 7, 1795, died Aug 8, 1865, aged 69 ys 9 mo 1 d
- Kuryholes, [Henry A.], son of E. (or F.) A. & M., died Sept [15], 1888, aged 1 y 4 m 2 d
- Laser, Amos, died June 30, 1840, aged [16y] 5 mo [9] days
- Long, J. K., Jan 12, 1816-Apr 28, 1899
- Mahr
- Anna M., Frau von P. L. (rest broken)
- Translation: Anna M., wife of P. L. Mahr
- P. E. Ludwig, Geboren 23 Mar 1792 und Srab 8 July 1851 altern 59 Jahre 3 Monat und 15 Tage
- Translation: P. E. Ludwig Mahr, born 13 Mar 1792 and died 8 July 1851, age 59 years 3 months and 15 days
- Anna M., dau of L. & M.J., died May 24, 1873, aged 3 y 1 m 3 d
- Hermann, son of C.l. & J.B. [Jan 10, 1855-Oct 30, 1862 (Whole stone)
- Mechwart, Casper, died Dec 25, 1875, aged 77 y 6 m 1 d, and on same stone, Elizabeth, wife of C., died Mar 26, 1887, aged 85 y 17 d (Whole stone)
- Miller, Raymond J., son of C.P. & M., died Jan 14, 1888, aged 2 m 22 d
- Moeller,
- J. Jost, died Aug 3, 1857, aged 69 y 7 m (Turned 90º), and on same stone, Catharine, wife of J. J., died Sept 21, 1878, aged 76 y 9 m 7 d (Turned 90º)
- Morse, Mitzi, 1924-1933
- Mulford, Anna, wife of N., died Jan 29, 1847, aged 31 yrs
- Neiswender
- Barbara, wife of M., Mar 10, 1794-Oct 1, 1879, aged 85 yrs 6 mo & 21 ds (Located next to Micheal Neiswender stone)
- Barbara, wife of Godfrey, July 21, 1834-Dec 19, 1910 (Whole stone; located next to large monument)
- Christina, wife of Jacob, died Nov 26, 1847, aged 67 y 7 m & 10 d
- Godfrey, died June 1, 1888, aged 58 yrs 1 mo 16 ds; Caroline, first wife of G., died May 3, 1869, aged 46 yrs 1 mo 21 ds; and Barbara, second wife of G. (Whole stone)
- Infant son, of D. & J, Dec 16, 1882-Feb 11, 1883
- Father and Mother, John, died Aug 30, 1871, aged 61 ys 10 mo 10 d and Mary, Aug 12, 1812-Nov 30, 1880
- Michael, June 19, 1791-Dec 2, 1858, aged 67 yrs 5 m 13 d (Whole stone)
- Peter, died Jan 1, 1888, aged 71 yrs 5 mo & 9 ds, and on same stone, Mary, wife of Peter, died Nov 20, 1849, aged 35 yrs 20 ds (Whole stone)
- S. J., died Dec 11, 1899, aged 53 y 3 m 18 d
- Father and Mother, Samuel, died Nov 22, 1895, aged 82 y 1 m 6 d and Elizabeth, wife of S., died Jan 5, 1892, aged 79 u 4 m 23 d
- Niswender
- Catherine, wife of Christian, died May 17, 1860, aged 78 yrs 3 mo
- Laura, dau of [T. & L.], died Jan 7, 1861, [aged 1y 8m 12d]
- Rebecca, wife of Thomas, died Aug 9, 1845, aged 37 yrs 6 mo & 19 ds
- Sarah, died Jan 27, 1840, aged 20 yrs 3 mo & 11 ds
- Ochs
- Anna M., wife of John, died May 13, 1885, aged [77y 9m 8d]
- Elmirah, wife of John, died Sept 12, 1867, aged 24 ys 1 mo 19 ds
- John, Apr 20, 1837-Feb 18, 1911 and Pheby J., his wife, July 31, 1845-Feb 26, 1921 (Whole stone)
- Ogden
- Abraham, son of J.A. & R., died May 6, 1873, aged 27 ys 6 mos 3 ds
- Mary A., 1825-1895
- Mary Ann, dau of Joseph & Rebecca, died May 22, 1862, aged 12 yrs 3 m & 11 d
- Simeon, son of J.A. & R., died Sept 5, 1870, aged 23 ys & 1 mo
- Simeon, [son of A. & C.L., died Feb 28, 1885] aged 7 ds
- Peter
- Our Father and Mother, John, June 25, 1813-April 17, 1882 and Mary, wife of John, Sept 12, 1817-Aug 20, 1859 (Whole stone)
- Louisa, dau of J. & M. [died June 18, 1867, aged 13 y 8 m] 7 d
- Poth,
- Our darling little Lina, Caroline E., dau of M. & M. A., July 4, 1875-June 27, 1881 (Whole stone)
- George, son of M. & M. A., May 1, [1871]-Dece 21, 1894 (Whole stone)
- Michael, died Mar 25, 1904, aged 79 y 11 m 21 d, and on same stone Mary, wife of Michael, died Dec 22, 1891, aged 59 y 7 m 25 d (Whole stone)
- Reiselt
- Juliann E., dau of [F. & M., died Nov 19, 1868, aged 1y 1m]
- Lewis V., son of F. & M., died [Dec 13, 1868, aged 7y 11m 29d] and Adam P., son of F. & M., died [29 Dec 1868, aged 8y 15d] (Whole stone)
- Rhoads, John, died Apr 7, 1869, aged 35 ys 10 ds
- Rhodes, John, son of J. & E., died Sept 13, 1868, aged [7] weeks
- Rickenbacher
- Elizabeth, wife of Adam, died [17 Mar 1869, aged 43y 3m 15d]
- Louise, dau of A. & E. [died 20 Aug 1869, aged 20y 2m 12d]
- Ridenhour
- David, settled in this, County in 1810, and died Oct 13, 1854, aged 65 yrs 5 mo & 28 ds; and on same stone, Elizabeth, wife of David, settled in this, County in 1805, and died Dec 25, 1866, aged 77 yrs 5 mo 28 d (Whole stone)
- Henry, Jun 30, 1814-June 16, 1886 (Whole stone)
- Ross
- Charles, son of A. & M. L., died July 30, 1872, aged [10m 26d]
- Henry, son of W.H. & S., died July [31], 1873, aged 17 m [16 d]
- Mariah L., wife of Alexander, died Oct 1, 1871, aged 25 yrs 7 mo 8 ds
- Rebecca, wife of William, died July 15, 1867, aged 67 ys 7 m 18 d
- William, died Mar 6, 1873, aged 78 yrs 9 mo 24 ds
- Saul, Our Father and Mother, John, died May 18, 1874, aged 84 y 4 m 3 d, and Mary C., wife of John, died Sep 28, 1850, aged 62 y 6 m 11 d
- Scheireich, Infant son, of P. & E. died Aug 7, 1848, aged 1; and Infant son, of P. & E. died Aug 6, 1848
- Schneider (all on same stone)
- George, died May 15, 1884, aged 59 y 4 m 17 d
- Elnora B., died Nov 20, 1902, aged 78 y 10 m 14 d
- Franklin, son of G. & E.B., died May 9, 1884, aged 19 y 10 m 24 d
- Segner
- Benjamin, died Nov 29, 1878, aged 71 y 7 m 22 d
- Margaret, wife of B., died Feb 17, 1883, aged 74 y 5 m 7 d
- Shafer, George, He was born in Lebanon County, pennsylvania, November the 8, 1801 & died Nov. 22, 1847 aged 46 years 21 days
- Shaffer, Melinda, died Sept 13, 1844, aged 2 ys 5 mo & 27 ds
- Sheurich
- Caroline, died Mar 19, 1870, aged 19 yrs 7 mo 28 ds (Whole stone)
- Peter, died Mar 22, 1860, aged 49 yrs 1 mo & 3 ds, and on same stone, Elizabeth, wife of Peter, died Apr 20, 1870, aged 49 yrs 3 mo & 3 ds
- Shiffler
- Louis F., died Aug 6, 1877, aged 24 ys 7 mos 15 ds
- Shifler, John, son of George & Margaret, died Sept 3, 1849, aged 11 years & 26 days (Larger view)
- Shirk, Johanna, wife of John, died July 17, 1871, aged 75 yrs 5 mo 27 ds
- Short
- Anna B., wife of John P., died (broken)
- John P., died Oct 27, 1856, aged 44 ys 8 ds
- Shrum
- Joseph, died Aug 4, 1863, aged 38 yrs 11 months 7 days
- Rosanna, wife of Joseph, died Nov 5, 1865, aged 42 ys 6 m 23 d
- Sarah, dau of, J. & R., died Feb 13, 1874, aged 11 y 6 m 14 d
- Shull
- Eliza D., dau of A. & R., died Mar 14, 1869, aged [1 y 3 mo 2 d]
- Our Parents, Solomon, died Sept 7, 1876, aged 9r y 6 m 27 d and Isabel, wife of S., died March 12, 1847, aged 46 y 6 m
- Sarah Bobb, Dec 25, 1828-Apr 3, 1912
- Souder
- Abraham, born Aug 9, 1807, died Mar 1, 1885, in the 78th y of his age, and on same stone, Catherine, Oct 29, 1816-Apr 22, 1899, aged 83 yrs (Whole stone)
- Barbary, died Oct 8, 1865, aged 77 yrs 10 mo 8 ds
- Carl W., son of J.H. & M., died Oct 28, 1884, aged 1 y & 27 d
- Father and Mother, Jacob, died Dec 19, 1884, aged 74 yrs 9ds; and Melinda, died Feb 17, 1896, aged 77 y 1 m 13 d
- Isaac, died May 10, 1889, aged 80 yrs 21 ds; Anna Maria E., wife of Isaac, died Nov 22, 1878, aged 53 yrs 6 mos & 14 ds; and Simon P., son of Isaac & Anne Maria E., died May 13, 1877, aged 22 yrs 11 mos 7 ds (Whole stone)
- Our Father and Mother, John, died Nov 3, 1885, aged 73 y & 3 m and Sarah, wife of John, died Feb 10, 1895, aged 75 y 2 m 20 d
- Jones, died May 19, 1858, aged 79 ys 1 mo 10 ds
- Serenus, 1851-1914
- Solomon, died Apr 13, 1887, aged 73 y & 1 d, and on same stone, Susannah, died Mar 27, 1909, aged 77 y 4 m 11 d (Whole stone)
- Sowder
- Henry L., son of Jonh & Sarah, died April 6, 1850, aged 1 yr 6 mo & 7 ds
- Hulda, dau of S. & S., died Oct 13, 1870, aged 15 yrs 10 mo & 15 ds
- Levina, daughter of Jacob & Melinda, died March 18, 1850, aged 1 yr 4 mo & 4 ds
- Staley, Sarah, wife of [Jas.], died ?? ??? 1867, aged 73(?) yrs (rest illegible)
- Strigwolt, Margaret, wife of Peter, died Jan 12, 1867, aged 76 yrs 3 mo 12 ds
- Swickard, Jacob R., 1844-1932
- Tedrow, Joseph, May 16, 1815-May 2, 1892, and on same stone, Rachel, wife of Joseph, died Mar 15, 1881, in the 67 yr of her aged (Whole stone)
- Ward, Mary, wife of A., died Aug 11, 1858, aged 20 ys 5 ms 25 ds
- Warner, Orville H., son of J.E. & Barbara, Aug 28, 1888-Feb 8, 1895
- Wengert
- __?__, wife of Jos., died July 4, 1860, aged 50 yrs 8 mo 27 ds
- Abraham, [born in Lebanon Co., Pa], Mar 19, 1819, died Apr 8, 1864
- Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac & Catharine, Aug 24, 1827-Jan 18, 1847, aged 19 y 4 mo & 24 d
- Isaac, born Lebanon Co., Pennsylvania, June 6, 1770, died June 12, 1842, aged 73 years & 6 days
- Father and Mother, Isaac, Sep 7, 1810-Oct 8, 1847, and on same stone, Mary, Jan 4, 1807-Apr 3, 1881
- Joseph, 16 Feb 1813-5 Juni 1879, and on same stone, Our Mother, Magdalena, wife of Joseph, died Apr 6, 1897, aged 67 y 11 m 23 d (Whole stone)
- Martin, [died Mar 26, 1888(?)], aged ?? ?? & 22 ds
- Katharine, wife of Isaac, died April 8, 1838, aged 54 yrs 2 ms & 19 ds (Whole stone)
- Williams, George H., son of E.C.K. & M., died Oct 16, 1877, aged [4y 4m 1d]
- Winkler, Paul, son of S.J. & E.A., died June 15, 1891, aged 6 days
- Wittenmeyer
- George, Jan 27, 1784- Oct 2, 1869
- Katharine, daughter of Dan Kramer, Consort of Geo. Wittenmeyer, born Sept 17th, 1785, in Lancaster Co. penn: departed this life July 12th, 1841, aged 55 ys 9 mo 23 dys (Whole stone)
- Yoakam, _?_, died Sep 18, 1863, aged 12 mo's &p; 27 d's
- Unknown
- Broken, too heavy to turn
- Our Mother, rest illegible (Located next to Louise Rickenbacher stone)
- Illegible & partially buried
- Illegible
- Looks like Margaret, wife of ____n C. Sch__er (next to Louis F. Shiffler stone)
- Broken--no name, CO F, 133 REG (broken), died a Soldier, Aug 3, 1864, aged 23 y's, rest illegible
- Illegible, could be part of Anna M. Mahr stone.
- Illegible (Located next to Johanna Shirk stone)
- Illegible (Located next to Catharine Beecher stone)
- Illegible, (possibly) [Lucean, son of S. & S. Sower], died Jan [25], 1855, aged 2 y 3 mo 2 d
- Angeline, wife of, [(possibly), H. Heischman, died 21 Jan 1886, aged 39y 3m 11d]
- Broken & illegible (possibly) [Sarah Ogden, died Apr 15, 1852, aged 11y 8m 21d]; buried next to Mary Ann Ogden
- (Probably) [Samuel Shrum, died May 28, 1873, aged] 20 ys 9 m 16 ds
- (Probably) [Harrie E. Ogden, son of J. & A.A., died] June 8, 1873, aged 5 m [20] d
- (Probably) [Sebila Shafer, wife of Frederick, died 24 Aug 1842, aged 26y 8m]
- Illegible -- died -- 1852 aged 6(?) yrs 4 mo
- Illegible
- In memory of Elizabeth M., (probably) [dau of John & Harriett Getz, died Jan 8, 1840, aged 10y 6m 1d]
- Illegible
- Broken -- Died Aug 11, 1858, aged 76 ys 10 mo 21 ds
- (Possibly) [Isaac N. Rhodes], died July 16, 1872, aged 28 y 6 m 14 d
- Broken & illegible
- Broken -- Aged 76 yr 2 ms & 25 ds
- Illegible
- (Probably), [Willie Ochs, son of John & Phebe], Sept 26, 1878-Apr 23, 1885
- (Probably), [Anna M. Mahr], dau of P.H. & A.M., died [Nov] 28, 1858, aged 24 ys 1 mo 24 ds
- Illegible
- (Probably) [Christ]ena, dau of J. & A.M. Ochs died [Oct 18, 1861, aged 16y 6m 27d]
- Illegible child's stone
- Illegible, (possibly) Effie May Sager, dau of J. & S.E., died Jan 28, 1867, aged 3 m 21 d
- Illegible
