© 2002-2017 David K. & Leona L. Gustafson |

Hart Cemetery
Norwich Township, Franklin County, Ohio
Additional Information
From a visitor who wished to remain anonymous:
“Please tell the Gustafsons that the person who put the stockade fence around the Cemetery, did so in order to protect it in case of further developement. He was somehow connected to one of the trucking companies whose property abutted the cemetery. . .”
From Sonya Davidson (email address withheld by request):
In regards to Unknown. from Hart Family Cemetery.
I am saddened to hear that the stone, of Lyman Sands, Jewish Civil War Veteran was unreadable and broken it was not last year. I have the particulars of Date of Death etc, at home. I was the person who worked at getting the Jewish War Veteran Marker there. Will try and e mail you the information tomorrow.
Mr. Sands used to reside at the Jewish Portion of the East Cemetery. The City of Columbus passed an ordnance around 1865 requiring the East cemetery to move. So the Jewish Community got together and asked first for someone who knew the 104 residents to move them. Lyman Sands was in the same regiment as Hart, so he was moved to the Hart Family cemetery.
The rest of the East Cemetery was moved to the Jewish Cemetery located on Mt. Calvary avenue, in a separate fenced in area called the Jewish Cemetery on maps of Franklin County, located behind Coopers stadium. I have additional information on that Jewish Cemetery.
Ms. Davidson also sent the following:
Ordinance No. 9, passed September 5, 1871
To provide for the removal of the dead and the monuments and tombstones in the East Graveyard, and the establishment in the place of such graveyard of the South Park in the City of Columbus , Ohio.
Whereas , The City of Columbus, Ohio is settled in fee simple of a track of land eleven scores and forty one poles of land,. more or less, by purchase from Mathew King and wife, by deed dated February 13, 1839, situated on East Livingston avenue in said city, former used as a public burying ground, and known as the East Graveyard is said city of Columbus; and
Whereas on May 15, 1876, the City Council of said City of Columbus, by an ordinance passed on that date, prohibited the further interments in said burying ground under certain penalties; and whereas the tract of land is non longer, and for many years passed has not been a suitable place for a burying grown on the account of said city, in that vicinity, so that it has long .... etc.
Lyman Sands, In the courthouse there was a map book, large book, of Cemeteries, tied to Veterans of Wars, where their final resting place was placed on various cemetery maps, Jewish Cemetery, Franklin Co, Montgomery Tp.
Sands, Lyman -- with line marked through the name saying out.
From the Grave registration card, on Microfilm at Ohio Historical Society, shows,
Name Sands, Lyman,
Address blank
Date of Death Blank Place Blank
Cause Blank Date of Burial Blank
Date of Birth: Roster 1845 Place Blank
Name of Cemetery: Hart's Location Norwich Twp. Franklin Co.
Lot no. Row 3 Section no. blank Block No blank, Grave no. 1
Marker: flat blank Upright: Headstone
Next of kin Blank
Service Record: Headstone verifies service
War served in civil
Date Enlisted 8-24-1863 Date Discharged 2-15-1864
Serial no. Blank
Branch of Service: Army Rank Private
Company, outfit or ship: Co. D, 5th Regt. OVC.
From History of War, From Ohio Historical Society, 18 volume set
Fifth Independent Battalion Ohio Volunteer Calvary, Six months service.
This Battalion, composed of four companies, was organized at Columbus, Ohio, from July 9 to September 2, 1863, to serve six months. Company A; of this Battalion, participated in checking the advance of Morgan in Southern Ohio. After his capture it returned to Camp Chase, when the Battalion was completed it was sent into Eastern Kentucky to protect the citizens from the raids of guerrillas that infested that part of the State. It captured a number of the most noted and broke up their bands which brought peace and security to the inhabitants. It did not participate in any regular battle because there was no organized force pitted against it. It was mustered out February 15, 1864, at Cincinnati, Ohio, on expiration of term of Service. pg 683
Pg 693 Fifth Independent Battalion Ohio Volunteer Calvary.
Sands, Lyman Rank; Private, Age 18, Date of entering service Aug. 24, 1863 Period of Service 6 mos. Remarks: Mustered out with company Feb, 14, 1864.
In 1870 Columbus Directory, State Library of Ohio, pg 240
Sands, Lyman, Painter, bds 96 N 7th.
Sands, Mrs Catharine, res 96 N 7th.
From Volume VII
Franklin County Ohio Cemetery, Norwich Township
© 1984 Fr Co Genealogical Society
Sands, Lyman Co B 5 Oh Cav
I remember trying but never finding his date of death, which is valuable to know, both for genealogy records but also important part of the Jewish tradition of saying a memorial prayer on his date of death.

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