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The father of Samuel O. Hendren was William D. Hendren, born March 21, 1776, in Shenandoah county (now Warren county), Virginia.  He was of Irish descent, his father having been a native of the north of Ireland, who emigrated to the United States, and during the Revolutionary war, espoused the cause of American independence, and served as an officer in the Continental army.  William D. Hendren passed his early life in Virginia, where he married.  His first wife died, as did the only child they had, and on January 12, 1805, he married Mrs. Nancy Booker, a widow with one daughter.  The maiden name of his second wife was Nancy Cloud, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, who owned several plantations on the Shenandoah river, in Shenandoah county.  She was born January 15, 1787.  A short time after her marriage with Mr. Hendren, the removed to Ohio, arriving in 1806, and here they settled on land given her by her father, in Madison township, Franklin county.  They located on section thirty-five, where they built a log cabin, and entered upon pioneer life in the woods.  Both were hard workers, and in time they had a good farm cleared and under cultivation.  As they prospered, other purchases of land were made, until they were possessed of some five hundred acres.  In this home in the woods, were born ten children, eight of whom grew to manhood and womanhood, while two died in infancy.  Those who lived were:  Thomas, Daniel, Samuel O., William, Robert, Louisa, Sarah Ann, and Rebecca.

William D. Hendren died February 3, 1826.  His wife survived him, and died in January, 1849.

Samuel O. Hendren, the third son of William D. and Nancy Hendren, was born in Madison township Franklin county, September 29, 1812.  The early part of his life was spent with his father and brothers in cultivating the farm and clearing the land.  During his boyhood he obtained an ordinary education in the common schools of the day, and when he arrived at manhood's estate, having a thirst for more knowledge than could be obtained in his immediate vicinity, he attended Granville college for some time, but did not pursue a collegiate course.  He afterwards studied at Blendon academy, and in Columbus.  Though not a graduate from any collegiate institution, by close application and a lifetime spent in acquiring information on various subjects, he is possessed of a more than ordinary education and is conversant with most subjects of general interest.  He has never been a politician or place-seeker, but has enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his friends and neighbors, who have elected him to a place on the township school board, on which he has served many years.  When quite a young man and during the time when teachers were examined by a local school board, he was appointed one of the examiners, as one well qualified for the position.  He became one of the original stockholders in the Groveport and Lancaster turnpike, and held the office of director many years, and also for a considerable length of time served as president of the company.

His brother, William Hendren, studied medicine, and became a very skilful and distinguished physician.  He practiced his profession in Delaware many years, and was elected to the State legislature from that county, in which he served during the years 1853 and 1854.  He afterwards moved to Arkansas, where he built up an extensive practice.  He was a graduate of one of the Cincinnati medical colleges.

After the death of William D. Hendren, sr., in 1826, his estate was placed in the hands of an administrator, who managed it until the death of his widow, in 1849, when a deed of partition was granted, and the property was divided among the heirs.  Soon after the division, Samuel O. Hendren purchased the rights of the other heirs, and became sole owner of the homestead.

He was married, July 9, 1846, to Helen Morris, who was born in Hamilton county, New York, May 8, 1816.  To them were born five children, but one of whom--W. A. Hendren--grew to manhood.  He remains at the old home with his father.

Mrs. Hendren died February 23, 1876, aged nearly sixty years.  A portrait of Samuel O. Hendren, now in the sixty-eighth year of his age, appears in connection with this sketch of his life.

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